lucilleisms · 7 years
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lucilleisms · 7 years
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lucilleisms · 7 years
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                          ι'м ѕᴏʀʀʏ ι ɴᴀмᴇᴅ ᴀ ѕтυᴘιᴅ ғυᴄĸιɴɢ ʙᴀт ᴀғтᴇʀ ʏᴏυ
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lucilleisms · 7 years
You can call me Susan if it makes you happy.
I’m taking the dog for a walk.
What are you doin’ here?
What’s the problem?
What’s in the car?
Do you know what ‘nemesis’ means? A righteous infliction of retribution manifested by an appropriate agent. Personified in this case by an ‘orrible cunt: me.
You take sugar?
I’m sweet enough.
It was two minutes five minutes ago.
Speak English to me.
You are obviously the big dick.
There are two types of balls. There are big, brave balls and there are little, mincey balls.
These are your last words, so make them a prayer.
Dicks have drive and clarity of vision, but they are not clever.
They smell pussy and they want a piece of the action.
You got your parties muddled up. There’s no pussy here, just a dose that’ll make you wish you were born a woman.
Like a prick, you’re having second thoughts.
You are shrinking and your two little balls are shrinking with you.
The fact you’ve got ‘replica’ written down the side of your guns and the fact I’ve got ‘Desert Eagle point five 0’ written down the side of mine should precipitate your balls into shrinking, along with your presence.
Now, fuck off.
Why do they call him the bullet-dodger?
Your seats? This is a stolen car, mate.
In the quiet words of the Virgin Mary… come again?
It’s a four ton truck. It’s not as if it’s a packet of fucking peanuts, is it?
When you reverse, things come from behind you.
I thought you said he was a getaway driver. What the fuck can he get away from?
You should never underestimate the predictability of stupidity.
You’re always gonna have problems lifting a body in one piece.
Apparently, the best thing to do is cut up a corpse into six pieces and pile it together.
Would someone mind telling me, who the fuck are you?
I hear the best thing to do is feed corpses to pigs. They will go through bone like butter.
A single pig can consume two pounds of uncooked flesh every minute. Hence the expression: ‘as greedy as a pig’.  
Well, thank you for that. That is a great weight off my mind.
If you wouldn’t mind telling me who the fuck you are, apart from someone who feeds people to pigs of course?
Shut up and sit down, you big, bald fuck.
I hope you appreciate the concern I have for my friend.
I’m not sure about the colour.
You can’t change fighters.
Why are we stopped here?
It’s too tight.
Too tight? You could land a jumbo fucking jet in that.
He tells people he was named after a gun, but I know he was really named after a famous 19th century ballet dancer.
There’s a gun in your trousers. What’s a gun doing in your trousers?
It’s for protection.
It’s a free country, ain’t it?
It ain’t a free shop, is it? So fuck off!
Anything to declare?
Don’t go to England.
You stop me again whilst I’m walking and I’ll cut your fucking Jacobs off.
What the fuck do you mean?
They look like shit, don’t they?
I’m not in here to make a fucking bet.
I’m not fucking buying that.
Fuckface, who’s speaking to you?
He asked him, didn’t he?
Fuckface? I like that one. I’ll have to remember that one next time I’m climbing off your mum.
It’s not as if it’s a tin of baked beans1 What do you mean ‘open him up’?
It was a rhetorical question.
What have I told you about thinking?
Get back down or you will not be coming up next time.
You’re not going anywhere, you thick lump.
You stay until the job’s done.
He’s harder than a coffin nail.
Have you ever crossed the road and looked the wrong way? A car’s nearly on you. So, what do you do? Something very silly. You freeze. Your life doesn’t flash before you, ‘cause you’re too fuckin’ scared to think. You just freeze and pull a stupid face.
Who took the jam outta your doughnut?
You took the fucking jam outta my doughnut. You did.
I can’t make him fight, can I?
You’re not much good to me alive, are you?
We’ve lost Gorgeous George.
You’re going to have to repeat that.
Where’d you lose him? He ain’t a set of fucking car keys, is he?
It ain’t as if he’s incon-fucking-spicuous now, is it?
You’re on thin fucking ice, my pedigree chums, and I shall be under it when it breaks. Now, fuck off.
Do you want to do it?
It’s not the same fight.
I wasn’t calling your mum a tart.
Ah, save your breath for cooling your porridge.
Have I made myself clear?
Did you understand a single word of what he just said?
I’ve helped you as much as I’m going to help you.
You should fuck off now while you still got the legs to carry you.
Why the fuck do I want a caravan that’s got no fucking wheels?
You want to settle this with a fight?
Over my dead body!
I’ll not have you fighting! You know what happens when you fight.
Get her to sit down. For fuck’s sake!
I ain’t fucked you.
I’ll fight you for it. You and me.
Fuck you!
Don’t take the piss.
I need to have a shite.
I fail to recognise the correlation between losing ten grand and a good deal.
What the fuck is that?
This is a shot gun.
It’s a fucking anti-aircraft gun.
You’ll raise Hell. Nevermind pulses.
He’s been a busy, little bastard.
I think you’ve let him get away with enough.
It can get you into a lot of trouble, thinking, I shouldn’t do so much of it.
You gotta get me to a doctor! Shoot that fuck and then get me to a doctor.
For every action, there is a reaction.
Pull your tongue out of my arsehole.
You have all the characteristics of a dog. Except loyalty.
You’re a ruthless, little cunt. I’ll give you that.
What the fuck are you two looking at?
You are not bringing that thing in here.
I will do you a favour. I’ll not get out this car and bash the living fuck out of you in front of all your girlfriends.
What the fuck are you doing?
I’m driving down the street with your head stuck in my window. What do you thinking I’m doing, you penis?
I don’t think I’ll slow down. I think I’ll speed up.
You better not be telling me porky pies.
Follow me and I’ll fucking shoot you.
These lads are out to hurt each other.
Calm down, son. Behave yourself.
I’ve got the gun, son. I think it’s you who should behave.
I’m not telepathic.
You’re plenty fucking stupid.
Fuck me. Have you been reading?
He’s a liability.
You are gonna die.
He got shot six times.
Why don’t you fucking die?
Are you sayin’ I can’t shoot?
I’m not saying you can’t shoot. I know you can’t shoot.
The dog must have ate it.
I create the bodies. I don’t erase the bodies.
This will get messy.
He’s been shot in the face. I would’ve thought that was obvious.
It’s just impossible to kill the bastard.
I don’t want to put a bullet in your face, but if you don’t give us exactly what we want, there will be fucking murder.
Shoot him.
Goody gumdrops. Get us a cup of tea.
You’re a dead man! You hear me? A fucking dead man.
He’s a dangerous bastard.
Do you want to shoot him?
Do you want to stab him?
Do you want to kill him or not?
I wasn’t asking. I was telling.
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lucilleisms · 7 years
“You think you’re the only superhero in the world?”
“I still believe in heroes.”
“I recognise that a decision has been made, but given that it’s a stupid-ass decision, I’ve elected to ignore it.”
“I’m asking, what are you prepared to do?”  
“I did what I did to protect people.”
“You’re wrong about me. I do share. I’m nice like that.”
“I cancelled the gala because of you. Anybody willing to donate that much deserves a private dinner. Come in.”
“Gotta admit, I was really intrigued to meet you. There aren’t many billionaires I don’t know.”
“Do I look like I give a fuck?”
“I hate to shatter your ego, but this is not the first time I’ve had a gun pointed at me.”
“You think it could go on like this forever? Living like this with no consequences?”
“Enough is enough! I have had it with these motherfucking snakes on this motherfucking plane!”
“Do as I say, and you live.”
“Because if you die, then all of this was for nothing.”
“What’s the first thing I ever said to you?”
“ I thought you said you were gonna be cool. Now when you yell at me, it makes me nervous. And when I get nervous, I get scared. And when motherfuckers get scared, that’s when motherfuckers accidentally get shot.”
“What’s your deepest fear?”
“Goddamn girl, you gettin’ high already?”
“How’d you find me?”
“Is she dead, yes or no?”
“What the fuck you doin’ knockin on the door like the goddamn police? You wanna die?”
“You keep fuckin’ with me, you’re gonna be asleep forever.”
“I’m serious as a heart attack.”
“This you and me talking, is this like a lawyer-client thing, and you can’t repeat nothing I tell you?”
“There ain’t nothing you want to tell me before we get out of this car, is there?”
“Motherfucker hung up on me. You believe this shit?”
“English, motherfucker, do you speak it?”
“Oh, man, I will never forgive your ass for this shit. This is some fucked-up repugnant shit.”
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lucilleisms · 7 years
“What should we drink to, sir?”
“So, who are your three handsome escorts?”
“I’m a little surprised how tall you were in real life. I mean, you’re a little fellow, but not circus-midget little, as your reputation would suggest.”
“I love rumours! Facts can be so misleading, where rumours, true or false, are often revealing.”
“Just keep your fuckin’ mouth shut. In fact, why don’t you start practising, right now!”
“There’s a special rung in hell reserved for people who waste good scotch.”
“I’ve had a gun pointed at your balls since you sat down.”
“But you fucked her anyway?”
“There ain’t nothing you want to tell me before we get out of this car, is there?” 
“This you and me talking, is this like a lawyer-client thing, and you can’t repeat nothing I tell you?”
“Hey, keep your fucking mouth shut, all right? I mean it, not one fucking word!”
“You keep fuckin’ with me, you’re gonna be asleep forever.”
“What the fuck you doin’ knockin on the door like the god damn police? You wanna die?”
“Is she dead, yes or no?”
“God damn girl, you gettin’ high already?”
“Shut your raggedy-ass up, and sit the fuck down!”
“My ass may be dumb, but I ain’t no dumbass.”
“So, what does it feel like to kill a man with your bare hands? It’s a topic I’m very interested in.”
“That’s a pretty fucking good milkshake. I don’t know if it’s worth five dollars but it’s pretty fucking good.” 
“Nobody kills anyone in my store except me.”
“Any time of the day is a good time for pie.”
“It’s none of your business, mister!” 
“Normally, both your asses would be dead as fucking fried chicken, but you happen to pull this shit while I’m in a transitional period so I don’t wanna kill you, I wanna help you.” 
“You lookin at something, friend?” 
“Tell that fuckin’ bitch to chill!”
“What’s more chickenshit than fucking with a man’s automobile? I mean, don’t fuck with another man’s vehicle.”
“This is not my fuckin’ problem, man!”
“I think I cracked a rib.” 
“I hate to shatter your ego, but this is not the first time I’ve had a gun pointed at me.” 
“I thought you said you were gonna be cool. Now when you yell at me, it makes me nervous. And when I get nervous, I get scared. And when motherfuckers get scared, that’s when motherfuckers accidentally get shot.”
“Did you ever hear the philosophy that once a man admits that he’s wrong that he is immediately forgiven for all wrongdoings?”
“Oh, man, I will never forgive your ass for this shit. This is some fucked-up repugnant shit.” 
“If my answers frighten you then you should cease asking scary questions.” 
“Well, let’s not start sucking each other’s dicks quite yet.”
“I’m pretty fuckin’ far from okay.” 
“Say ‘what’ again. Say ‘what’ again, I dare you, I double dare you motherfucker, say what one more God damn time!” 
“English, motherfucker, do you speak it?”
“I’m gonna fuckin’ die! I’m gonna fuckin’ die!”
“Hey, I’ve changed my mind. Shoot this piece of shit, will ya?”
“Motherfucker, I’m trying to watch ‘The Lost Boys’!”
“Was that as good for you as it was for me?”
“You wanna fuck with me? I’ll show ya who you’re fuckin’ with!”
“If I was a butt cowboy, I wouldn’t even throw you to the posse.”
“Excuse me for not being the world’s biggest Madonna fan.”
“Let me tell you what 'Like a Virgin’ is about. It’s all about a girl who digs a guy with a big dick. The entire song. It’s a metaphor for big dicks.”
“Are you gonna bark all day little doggie? Or are you gonna bite?”
“You almost killed me! Asshole! If I knew what kind of a guy you were, I never would’ve agreed to work with you!”
“What the fuck are you talking about?”
“I don’t wanna kill anybody. But if I gotta get out that door, and you’re standing in my way, one way or the other, you’re gettin’ outta my way.”
“You keep talking like a bitch, I’m gonna slap you like a bitch.”
“Listen kid, I’m not gonna bullshit you, all right? I don’t give a good fuck what you know, or don’t know, but I’m gonna torture you anyway, regardless.”
“Let me get this straight: you don’t ever tip?”
“You kill anybody?”
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lucilleisms · 7 years
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                                              ɪ'ᴍ ᴛᴏᴏ ᴏʟᴅ ғᴏʀ ᴛʜɪs sʜɪᴛ                                ɪɴᴅ. / sᴇʟ. ɢᴀᴠɪɴ ғʀᴏᴍ ᴛʜᴇ ᴡᴀʟᴋɪɴɢ ᴅᴇᴀᴅ
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lucilleisms · 7 years
LINKIN PARK MEME.  Rest in peace, Chester Bennington. Your talent and wonderful personality gave so many people so much hope during their darkest of times, and you will be forever missed.
Why does it feel like night today?
Why am I so uptight today?
Paranoia is all I got left.
I know what it feels like to have a voice in the back of my head.
It’s like I’m paranoid lookin’ over my back.
It’s like a whirlwind inside of my head.
It’s like I can’t stop what I’m hearing within.
Your paranoia’s probably worse.
I don’t know what set me off first.
I cannot take this anymore.
I find bliss in ignorance.
I’m about to break.
I need a little room to breathe.
I’m one step closer to the edge.
I wish I could find a way to disappear.
Shut up when I’m talking to you.
Forfeit the game.
You can’t run the race.
You just won’t last.
You love the way I look at you.
My pride is broken.
You like to think you’re never wrong.
You live with what you’ve learned.
You have to act like you’re someone.
You want someone to hurt like you.
These wounds they will not heal.
There’s something inside me that pulls beneath the surface.
This lack of self-control I fear is never-ending.
My walls are closing in.
I’ve felt this way before.
It doesn’t even matter how hard you try.
Time is a valuable thing.
I wasted it all just to watch you go.
I kept everything inside.
Even though I tried, it all fell apart.
I tried so hard and got so far.
In the end? It doesn’t even matter.
I had to fall to lose it all.
You’re acting like I was part of your property.
You fought with me.
Things aren’t the way they were before.
You wouldn’t even recognise me anymore.
I’ve put my trust in you.
I just wish I didn’t feel.
I take back all the things I said.
I’d give it all away just to have somewhere to go.
I’d give it all away just to have someone to come home to.
This is all I need.
Memories consume like an opening wound.
You all assume I’m safe here.
I don’t want to be the one.
I’m the one confused.
I don’t know what’s worth fighting for.
I don’t know why I instigate and say what I don’t mean.
I don’t know how I got this way.
I know it’s not alright.
I had no options left.
I’m the one at fault.
I’ll never fight again.
This is how it ends.
I’m tired of being what you want me to be.
I don’t know what you’re expecting of me.
I’m under the pressure of walking in your shoes.
Every step that I take is another mistake to you.
I’ve become so numb.
I can’t feel you there.
All I want is to be more like me and be less like you.
Can’t you see that you’re smothering me?
Everything that you thought I would be has fallen apart right in front of you.
I may end up failing.
You were just like me with someone disappointed in you.
I dreamed I was missing.
You were so scared.
No one would listen because no one else cared.
What am I leaving when I’m done here?
Forget the wrong that I’ve done.
Help me leave behind some reasons to be missed.
Don’t resent me.
Keep me in your memory.
Don’t be afraid.
I’ve taken my beating.
I’m strong on the surface.
I’ve never been perfect.
I’ve never been perfect, but neither have you.
Save me from myself.
Sometimes solutions aren’t so simple.
Sometimes goodbye’s the only way.
The sun will set for you.
Your friends all plead for you to stay.
Sometimes beginnings aren’t so simple.
There’s no need.
I’ve drawn regret from the truth.
Let mercy come and wash away what I’ve done.
Let go of what I’ve done.
I’m forgiving what I’ve done.
I said goodbye.
All I could think was I need a way to dig through the damage.
I see you takin’ advantage.
I found another reason to do this.
I wanna find a way to rattle you.
I’m not done.
There’s nothing left.
Darkness turned to light.
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lucilleisms · 7 years
nsfw / smut starters
“i want you to fuck me.”
“you’d look better with those clothes on the floor.”
“you feel so good.”
“i’ve been thinking about you all night.”
“i need you so bad.”
“take your clothes off.”
“fuck me like you hate me.”
“i need to feel you inside of me.”
“i need to be inside of you.”
“beg for it.”
“bend over.”
“get on your knees.”
“i love the way you touch me.”
“i love the way you kiss me.”
“how bad do you want me?”
“do you know how bad i want you?”
“you’re so sexy when you’re hot and bothered.”
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lucilleisms · 7 years
❛ How could you ever love a monster like me? ❜ ❛ How can you love a monster? ❜ ❛ I love you, even if you’re a monster. ❜ ❛ You’re aren’t a monster on the inside. ❜ ❛ I’m a monster who doesn’t deserve your love. ❜ ❛ You are a monster very deserving of love. ❜ ❛ Monster or not, I love you. That’s never going to change. ❜ ❛ I dont care if youre a monster, I love you. ❜ ❛ You aren’t a monster! Don’t say that! ❜ ❛ Shhh, I will always love you, monster or not. ❜ ❛ You being a monster doesn’t change my feelings for you. ❜ ❛ For who could ever love a monster? ❜ ❛ You are a monster who I love dearly. ❜ ❛ I love you, monster and all. ❜ ❛ I don’t see a monster when we’re together. ❜ ❛ I am blinded with love for I don’t see a monster at all. ❜ ❛ I will love you even if you are a monster. ❜ ❛ I told you I am a monster, to stay away.. ❜ ❛ I’m a monster who cant guarantee you’re safety. ❜ ❛ I will die before I let you being a monster separate us. ❜ ❛ Are you saying you’re a monster because you dont love me? ❜ ❛ I don’t feel any less for you, if anything I feel even more for you. ❜ ❛ I’m just a woman/man standing here confessing my love for this monster. ❜ ❛ So what if you are a monster? I still love you. ❜ ❛ Its a good thing I love for who you are, even if that’s a monster. ❜ ❛ I’m glad I was never afraid of monsters then since I’m in love with one.. ❜ ❛ I love you even if you are a monster. ❜ ❛ I’m not opposed to being in love with a monster..  ❜ ❛ So what if you are a monster? Everyone has a little monster in them..  ❜ ❛ I’m going to love you at the end of the day, even if you’re a monster.  ❜ ❛ Nothing could ever stop me from loving you, even you being a monster. ❜ ❛ I’ll love you anyway, monster or not, I love you and that is real.  ❜ ❛ You think being a monster is going to make me not love you? ❜  ❛ You are a monster who has someone deeply in love. ❜ ❛ Monster or not, I will always have these feelings for you. ❜ ❛ I love you for who you are and if that’s a monster, then I’m glad to say so. ❜ ❛ If it’s a monster I love, I’m not ashamed. ❜ ❛ I’m not ashamed to be in love with a monster, especially a monster like you. ❜ ❛ Even monsters need love. ❜ ❛ I love you even more now, because you are a monster. ❜ ❛ Love is blind, which I’m thankful for, even if you are a monster. ❜  ❛ And I still love you at the end of the day. ❜ ❛ It’s okay to love a monster. ❜ ❛ If it’s a monster I’m in love with then I’m glad to say so.  ❜ ❛ You are a monster whom I love very much, nothing could change that. ❜ ❛ You are not such a monster when I look at you. ❜ ❛ I love you for the monster that you are. ❜ ❛ Nothing could keep me from you, especially you being a monster. ❜ ❛ I’m happy be in love with a beautiful monster like you. ❜
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lucilleisms · 7 years
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* VIOLENT ACTION STARTERS Send me a NUMBER for your muse to : 
001. — Backhand my muse. 002. — Stab my muse.  003. — Put out a cigarette on my muse’s skin. 004. — Hit my muse with a blunt object.  005. — Throw something large at my muse.  006. — Kick my muse. 007. — Punch my muse. 008. — Break one of my muse’s bones. 009. — Scratch my muse. 010. — Headbutt my muse. 011. — Shoot my muse. 012. — Knock my muse out. 013. — Strangle my muse. 014. — Push my muse roughly. 015. — Grab my muse by the hair. 016. — Bruise my muse. 017. — Threathen my muse with an object of harm.  018. — Go to harm my muse’s eyes. 019. — Bite my muse. 020. — Tear away parts of my muse’s skin. 021. — Force my muse’s head under water. 022. — Throw something scalding at my muse. 023. — Burn my muse. 024. — Step on my muse’s fingers. 025. — Rip one of my muse’s teeth out. 026. — Slash my muse’s achilles tendon ( s ). 027. — Clothesline my muse. 028. — Harm my muse enough for them to cough up blood.  029. — Drive into my muse with a vehicle. 030. — Electrocute my muse. 031. — Slam my muse against a wall. 032. — Force my muse’s arm behind their back. 033. — Kick my muse’s crotch. 034. — Trip my muse. 035. — Put my muse in a headlock. 036. — Break my muse’s nose. 037. — Force their fingers down my muse’s throat. 038. — Crack my muse’s head against a wall. 039. — Attempt to kill my muse. 040. — Attempt to kill my muse creatively.
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lucilleisms · 7 years
GRIMES  //  @onestrikegrimes​
“Good news is, the world is at peace again. Bad news is..you’re stuck on a remote island..with no way out.” A tilt of the head, followed by one signature cocky smirk. “Maybe that won’t be so bad. Kind of like a vacation.”
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BROW LIFTED IN DISAPPROVAL WHEN HE SMIRKED. His cockiness remidned her so much of her husband. How ironic that both Rick and Negan shared such similarities but tried so hard to pretend otherwise. Lucille often wondered if that was the real reason behind their war. If their egos just couldn’t bare to co-exist together in one world. AND NOW, HERE THEY WERE. Negan unconscious behind them, both set to be abandoned on an island that would no doubt become their prison and burial site. The war was over. The Saviors had lost.     ❛ You’re right, it won’t be that bad. I WAS DYING LONG BEFORE THE OUTBREAK EVEN BEGUN, RICK. ‘Least here I’ll die without an audience. ❜    If he wanted her to scream or shout, or beg, he would have to wait a long time. Lu might not have agreed with some most of his actions but he was still her husband and she remained true to those wedding vows. TILL DEATH DO US PART. That was supposed to be their dream and she’d see it through ‘till the end.    ❛ Who gave you the right to be our JUDGE, JURY AND EXECUTIONER? The world will never be at peace again. Y’think Negan is the villain but he isn’t. He’s just another man fighting for survival like the rest of us. ❜
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lucilleisms · 7 years
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‘ And even though we live inside,  a dangerously empty life,  you always seem to bring the light. ‘
❛ DAMN                        Is that I compliment I just heard? Colour me flattered. ❜    Her words were gentle and teasing rather than mocking. Hint of a smile tugging at those red-coated lips as she turned to face the other woman. Lucille appreciated each kind word. Such things had become a rare find among her husband’s people and to receive that praise from one of NEGAN’S MOST VALUED TOO? That somehow made the notion even sweeter. Arat was an important member of their group and that meant something to a girl like Lu.     ❛ Besides, it’s not that bad. I made pancakes. Pancakes that Negan has decided to abandon in favour of spending time with Simon which means I got ‘em going spare. Sit. Eat. Y’want two servings or three? ❜
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lucilleisms · 7 years
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          “perhaps you shouldn’t allow yourself to love, darling. it all becomes a waste after they perish.”
Laughter flowed from wine-stained lips and Lucille reached for what must’ve been her THIRD OR FOURTH GLASS. The woman didn’t drink often. It went straight to her head thanks to medication but sometimes needs must. THERE WERE SOME PROBLEMS ONLY A CHILLED GLASS OF WHITE COULD CURE.     ❛ I’ve considered that option several times. ❜    Life would’ve been much easier without love or romance. Lucille had the habit of falling hard and fast when she fell, and it often blurred her otherwise strong-willed morals. Negan was a prime example of this. BUT LOVE WAS ALSO AN ADDICTION. One she found impossible to quit even when other people told her to. Even when her own voice told her to.     ❛ But what do we have if we do not have love? Our world has gone to shit. The dead walking among the living and we steal from our own kind to save ourselves. LOVE IS THE ONLY REAL THING WE HAVE LEFT HERE. LOVE AND WINE. And even that’s runnin’ short on supplies. ❜
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lucilleisms · 7 years
'Will you love me? Until the day I die?'          'No, much longer than that. Much longer.'
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lucilleisms · 7 years
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lucilleisms · 7 years
‘ ––––—- Then we FIGHT. ’
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❛ I don’t know if I can. I ain’t got the strength. ❜     Hushed confession escaped her in a low murmur and hand gripped tighter to gun for reassurance it was still there. It wasn’t that Lucille COULDN’T FIGHT or DIDN’T WANT TO. Girl used to be more than capable of throwing a decent punch or shooting down a target standing right front of her. But one of those damn bastards knocked her down no more than fifteen seconds ago and fuck it hasn’t left her feeling a little vulnerable. BRITTLE BONES AND BRUISED SKIN reminding her of the weakness that had started to overtake from within. Her condition affected her abilities and it was putting them both in danger.     ❛ Y’gotta go on without me. Get out of here and run like hell. I’ll keep these assholes distracted for as long as possible then I’ll catch up later. ❜
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