skullbrand · 4 years
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        ❛          trust  me  ,  the  road’s  only  gonna  get  longer  from  here             ❜
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@wclfgirl​  ❤ ‘d for a one liner !
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darkesthowl · 4 years
@wclfgirl​ ♥’d for a starter
               And he’d thought he’d been to hell on earth but apparently he was wrong. There was so much noise around him it was impossible to make out who exactly caused it. So many voices that Callum could barely tell how many people were here. His gaze darted around, frantically looking for the two familiar faces he lost a few minutes ago. How could someone on two tiny legs be so fast? And how could someone so tall and stunning simply disappear? He was lost. Callum wrung his hands and craned his neck to get a better look over the playground.
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               ❛ Hayls? ❜, he asked weakly. Who was he kidding? No one would hear him over this incredible noise, the screams, the laughter, the gibberish. But before he could take a step forward and duck under the slide to get to the other side of the playground, something — or rather someone — slammed against his legs. ❛ Daddy! ❜, the little one exclaimed but when Callum looked down, he raised a brow. ❛ You got the wrong dude, shorty. Try another one. ❜  
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@wclfgirl​ ​ ​ ~ punched my 💖 for a starter
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she’s all warmth there beside him and the scent lingering in the air rises about with her perfume. he likes this quiet without the hustle of work, without wondering what to do next to take her mind off the next stressful situation. instead he likes to look down at her features, see the shadows of the night whisper across her face. his fingertips create a caress down her back and he savors the way that she presses herself closer to him. “ what do you think of when you think of the future? “ he asks, not looking down at her, gaze upward at the ceiling above him. “ not just work. “ because he’s sure that she sees herself spinning the world or some sort of thing. “ but family... “ a lull between words caused by some kind of nerves. “ ...marriage...kids. “ he clears his throat and holds his breath for her response.
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enduringlystoic · 5 years
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      One hand rises to pinch the bridge of his nose as he hears her stop behind him, the scent of her filling his nostrils. Doesn’t matter how many years pass between them, he’ll ALWAYS recognize her scent. Dropping his hand away, he turns on his heel to face her, gaze drifting across her features.
     “Do you find yourself bored again, Hayley? Come to dredge up memories for entertainment?” 
@wclfgirl​ liked for a thing
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enduringsurgeon · 5 years
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share a bed meme || accepting || @wclfgirl​
“ i could’ve sworn i booked a twin room… “
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      he drops their bags with a soft thunk, and feels his lips curl upwards for a moment at the sight of the one double bed occupying the room. “is this a ploy to get me into bed?” he pulls on his best ‘shocked’ expression, one hand over his heart as he gasps theatrically. “Andrea... You are wicked.” He shoots her a grin, then, before he kicks off his shoes. “It’s not all bad, though-- I’m an excellent big spoon.” 
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unseencne · 5 years
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wclfgirl  asked : ❛ i fucked it up . ❜
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                𝓎𝑜𝓊  𝓂𝑜𝓋𝑒  𝒸𝒶𝓇𝑒𝒻𝓊𝓁  𝓉𝑜  𝒽𝑒𝓇  𝓈𝒾𝒹𝑒,  𝒶𝓈  𝒷𝑒𝑒𝓃  𝒶𝓌𝒽𝒾𝓁𝑒  𝓈𝒾𝓃𝒸𝑒  𝓎𝑜𝓊  𝒽𝒶𝒹  𝓈𝒾𝓉  𝓌𝒾𝓉𝒽  𝒽𝒶𝓎𝓁𝑒𝓎  𝓉𝑜  𝓉𝒶𝓁𝓀.  missions  had  come  none  stop  and  you  had  yet  again  lost  yourself  to  everything  that  meant  war  and  defending  those  that  fought  next  to  you.  yet  this  time  around  you  did  not  came  to  her  because  of  any  injury.  you  had  heard  about  this  other  captain  whom  had  failed  to  protect  all  the  soldiers  and  many  had  come  back  bloody  in  the  end.  even  worst  was  the  fact  that  many  where  now  living  this  place  to  be  given  to  their  families                the  job  she  carried  was  never  easy  and  perhaps  this  time  she  would  be  the  one  in  need  of  a  friend  shoulder.            ❝   come  on  hayley  it’s  not  your  fault              ❞            there  is  a  pause  to  his  words.  you  know  there  is  nothing  you  can  say  that  will  make  her  feel  better,  after  all  you  have  been  there,  you  have  felt  that  same  feeling.  but  still  you  wanted  to  try.  you  wanted  to  do  something  for  her.             ❝   we  cannot  save  everyone.   ❞
          aggressive   ‘ fuck ’   prompts   .   ↷  @wclfgirl​  /  not accepting.  
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brokenbrxther · 5 years
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shit .   shit ,   shit  ,  shit .   he’d  been  running  for  over  a  week ,   hiding  out  with  whoever  of  his  dirtbag  friends  would  let  him  crash  ,    in  his  car ,  stolen  cars  ,   wherever  he  needed  to  keep  a  low  profile  until  things  settled .   he  didn’t  throw  the  first  punch  .   the  goddamn  justice  system  must  recognize  that  in  a  fight  between  him  and  a  nearly  convicted  abuser  ,   he  wouldn’t  have  been  the  first  one  to  throw  a  punch  right ?  and  hayley  would  have  his  back  .  she  should .   he  didn’t  know  anything  about  what  she  would  or  should  do  anymore  ,   not  after  finding  out  she’d  been  lying  about  being  in  contact  with  her  father  after  stefan  put  everything  on  the  line  to  get  him  away  from  her .   he  could  save  her  from  the  rest  of  the  world ,   but  how  was  he  supposed  to  save  her  from  herself  ?    they  were  supposed  to  get  out ,    to  move  on  together  and  start  somewhere  new .   instead ,   he  was  running  for  his  life  from  a  man  who  would  either  kill  him  or  see  he  be  put  in  jail  for  the  next  ten  years  and  she  ?  well ,  she  got  her  father  back .     “  what the hell----  ”   he  mumbled  as  she  cleared  her  throat  to  make  her  presence  known .  of  course  she’d  find  him .  of  course  she’d  drag  herself  to  one  of  the  most  dangerous  parts  of  town  in  the  middle  of  the  night  to  see  him .  “  is  daddy  right  behind  you ?   should  i  be  getting  a  head  start  or  are  you  not  going  to  tell  me  about  that  either ?  ”   he  stepped  back  from  her ,  clearly  upset  and  hurt  after  all  they’d  been  through .        @wclfgirl​     |    starter  call 
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fcmilybonded · 4 years
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@wclfgirl​ said:  your tie's crooked.
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        ALRIGHT; she got him. he looks down at her words - and his tie is impeccable as always, thank you very much. Still, just in case, he starts fixing it up as he throws an amused look in her direction. “Proud of yourself?”
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dutycovet · 4 years
@wclfgirl​ liked for a lyric starter.
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     it’s not wise of them, the two of them talking like this. though he has not known her long, already the original finds himself drawn to this girl, this pregnant werewolf who has come out of nowhere to shake the lives of those more than forty times her age. like a firebrand burning brightly in a cold wasteland, he cannot help but draw closer, despite the threat of the burn.
    she asks questions she should not, demands honest answers. even as he works to cook her a suitable dinner for her appetite that seems to grow proportionally to her waistline, she continues to pry, to dig her fingers into every chink in the armor that elijah has worn for a thousand years and more.
     he does not look up from his work, from the delicate seasoning of her meal, almost complete, as he finally, gives her one honest declaration, words he has spoken to no other, hoping this alone will placate her, at least until she is too busy eating to continuing interrogating him. 
      “ i don’t even know me. ”
can you hold me     /    nf.
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skullbrand · 4 years
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𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐄’𝐒  𝐀𝐍  𝐔𝐍𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐘  𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐄  𝐎𝐅  𝐕𝐈𝐒𝐈𝐎𝐍  𝐓𝐇𝐑𝐎𝐔𝐆𝐇  𝐓𝐇𝐄  𝐓𝐑𝐄𝐄𝐒  ,  yet  still  ,  he  marches  forward  .  louisiana  was  never  one  of  his  personal  stomping  grounds  ,  a  means  to  pass  through  ----  but  he’d  given  chase  through  the  brush  ,  lost  the  police  a  mile  down  the  road  .  to  wait  out  the  night  ,  to  hunker  down  and  stay  warm  was  found  promising  ,  if  only  for  a  moment  ,  just  for  a  little  while  .  back  resting  against  a  tree  ,  he  sits  ,  ever  attentive  as  the  heavy  breaths  escaping  his  lungs  remain  the  only  sound  through  the  woods  .  a  BAYOU  is  hardly  a  good  place  to  rest  ,  but  he’s  survived  worse  .  what  he  hears  behind  him  though  ,  the  crackling  sound  of  leaves  beneath  feet  too  heavy  to  be  an  animal  ,  may  not  survive  him  as  his  body  shifts  ,  knife  out  (  a    gunfire  would  alert  the  world  of  his  location  )  before  he  speaks  ❛  if  you  think  hidin’  out  is  your  best  bet  ,  i’m  gonna  tell  you  right  now  that  you’re  wrong      ❜ @wclfgirl​ --  starter call !
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murdcck · 5 years
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PROMPT:                                          ❛ i don’t want to be saved. ❜
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          IT WASN’T EVERY DAY he caught the scent of pine trees and river water ( if he did, it was likely artificial ) from a passing person on the street. Admist all the dirt and grime of Hell’s Kitchen, it was a welcome change, even if there was something veiled beneath it that was reminiscent of a feral animal. Matthew might have even enjoyed the diversity if not for the pounding of the heart that accompanied it, a sign of apprehension. Discomfort. Foggy would’ve told him to let it go, just for this one night. You’re tired, Matt; you can’t help everyone. But it is in his nature to stubbornly ignore any healthy advice.
          TURNING ON HIS HEEL, Matt followed the stranger with the tapping of his cane. He noticed another following her, the pounding of the fellow’s heart expressing a frenzied excitement. Matt’s pace sped up. A turn in a dark alley ( how cliche ), a pause, and Matt strikes; a viper in suit and tie, a Devil in disguise. An ending to a familiar story, or so he thinks, because the woman he thought was in distressed turned and snapped the man’s neck as though it were nothing and Matt was left in a stunned silence from her words. 
          ❝ Seems you have no trouble saving yourself, ❞ he remarked, a hint of admiration in his tone. His gaze remains fixed over head, aimless and unfocused, but his expression doesn’t hide his curiosity. That hadn’t been a normal man, and she was no normal woman. ❝ Are you... uh, are you all right? ❞
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@wclfgirl​ ~ WANTED A HOLIDAY STARTER - no longer accepting !
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" please tell me that you don't h ave plans. I've ordered the office to not allow you inside Christmas week. what have you always wanted to do for the holiday season? anything. we'll do it. "
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enduringlystoic · 4 years
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     “--You look magnificent, Hayley.” 
@wclfgirl​  ♥’d for a one-liner
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enduringsurgeon · 5 years
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      He grabs the key that she drops and quickens his step to catch up with her, reaching out to tap her shoulder. “Hey, sorry-- You dropped your...” She turns, and he blinks, his brows arching upwards slightly. “Holy crap you’re beautiful-- Sorry. Rude. You dropped your key.” 
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unseencne · 5 years
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wclfgirl  asked : “please, talk to me.”
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                𝓌𝒽𝒶𝓉  𝓈𝒽𝑜𝓊𝓁𝒹  𝓎𝑜𝓊  𝓈𝒶𝓎 ?  𝓌𝒶𝓃𝓉  𝒸𝒶𝓃  𝓎𝑜𝓊  𝓈𝒶𝓎 ?  oh how  much  did  you  wanted  to  share  every  single  true  with  her                 how  you  wish  you  could  just  tell  her  the  truth  and  be  done  with  this.  and  yet  you  knew  that  to  tell  her  the  truth  was  to  lose  her.  why  would  she  ran  from  someone  that  hurt  her  just  to  fall  into  the  arms  of  another  that  would  be  the  end  of  her ?  because  what  you  do,  yes  what  you  choose  to  do,  will  always  put  her  life  in  danger.  your  red  ruby  eyes  do  no  raise  from  the  bottle  of  bourbon  that  stand  before  you.  it’s  half  empty  by  now                 as  if  it  could  make  you  forget  anything.  how  did  alchool  worked  so  well  for  humans  and  yet  to  you  it  was  just  a  matter  of  keeping  your  own  mind  bussy.              ❝   i  can’t  hayley               ❞            there  is  a  difference  from  you  can’t  to  you  won’t                and  you  can,  you  can  tell  her  everything.  you  just  won’t  because  you’re  selfish  and  you  don’t  want  to  lose  her.             ❝   my  life  is  not  easy,  i  can  protect  you  but  i  can’t  give  you  more.   ❞
          DON’T LET ME GO//LET ME GO  . ​   ↷    @wclfgirl​​​​  /  accepting.
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devilfated · 5 years
@wclfgirl​ gets a small starter
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       “ BELIEVE IT OR NOT, I’M TRYING TO HELP YOU. ” He exclaimed, hand pressed against her shoulder. “ You can trust me. ” Feeling her relax in his hand, he wrapped his arms around her now, fully, as he attempted to level her breathing & panic. “ Being a hybrid is different from a vampire - HARDER, I must admit. ADAPTATION is not easy. “ Finally, he let go, testing the waters of her temperament. Deciding she looked calm enough, he continued, “ But, to give you the credit, you’re doing a better job than any of the hybrids I’ve attempted to sire. ” They were standing in the crowded streets of New Orleans, passersby glancing at them occasionally. This was how she was to learn & control the hyper-stimulation of her senses. 
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