lucilleweasleys · 10 days
"I can't say I've ever heard somebody suggest that before. Are those the big inflatable balls you can run around inside?" Lucy wondered, having laughed at the initial amusement of the situation. "Usually I've heard of like escape rooms or yoga workshops but... this is something else. Do you think your coworkers would be on board for something like that?"
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"So, I've been put in charge of employee wellbeing in the workplace. Might not have been their best choice because I am significantly more attuned with creatures but thems the breaks I suppose. Either it will have been their best move ever or they will find they were seriously mistaken in their decisions. Anyway, I'm making a list of social activities we could do but these are definitely heavily biased towards my preferences but really, zorbing is a great way to lift your mood. That or you could potentially give your bosses a little bit too much of a push 'accidentally'." Alfie stated as he leaned back in his seat, rolling his shoulders lightly where there was a slight ache.
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lucilleweasleys · 10 days
"I'd say it's normal that they want to be like their mother," Lucy complimented easily, smiling at the blonde. "Ooh, maybe cherry! Or you could ask for a swirl? Those two might be a little sour together but that kind of sounds delicious," she admitted with enthusiasm.
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Kenzie shook her head, "Not really, I kind of like everything, though maybe Pineapple is a good choice, or maybe Cheery. It's even harder to choose because usually everything that I eat, the babies are asking me for it. I really will be fine with anything."
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lucilleweasleys · 10 days
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CAMILA MENDES getting ready for "The Duel" Premiere, july 2024
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lucilleweasleys · 17 days
"Yeah of course," Lucy nodded in agreement at the suggestion. They often baked up a storm together so what was adding a few more? "That's a great idea, Harp," she acknowledged. "I can't say I know her very well. But I'm glad you like her. And I'm sure Gabe does too. I know how much he values your opinion," she mentioned. "That's true. I guess he doesn't have a single type to boil it down to."
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closed starter - harper & lucy ( @lucilleweasleys )
"We should bring some brownies to Gabe and the other bartenders when they're done," Harper suggested. "Maybe put a few in there for Natalya. I gotta admit she's pretty cool. Plus, she seems pretty edgy, which is funny because she feels like the complete opposite to Gabe's ex."
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lucilleweasleys · 17 days
"Part of your charm," she insisted warmly. Lucas always had a wonderful and infectious energy about him. Even if she wasn't able to keep up with him most of the time, she enjoyed the positivity he radiated all the same. "But I suppose you also know your limits better than anyone else, whether or not you choose to respect them is of course a whole other thing entirely," Lucy added with a soft laugh.
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"Nope, not at all." Lucas responded cheerfully, a grin on his features. "It's better to learn that about me sooner rather than later really." He offered up with a laugh. "I think I would have to, otherwise things would get pretty uncomfortable for me. I'm not known for my restraint on things like that."
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lucilleweasleys · 21 days
"It's just... difficult. I know it's all part of the job but there's a lot I wish wasn't," Lucy confessed with a sigh. Sometimes it was a really challenge to face work with everything that went on her head, but when she thought about all the people she was helping it made it all worth it.
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"Definitely," Jace nodded too. "I hate when we get a patient who we don't know what to do. It's really frustrating, and I can't imagine how they feel about it too."
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lucilleweasleys · 21 days
"Way too many to count," she agreed with a light click of her tongue. "I suppose either works, I wouldn't want to take up too much of your time," Lucy said at first. "My last shift ends around six-thirty if all goes well, hopefully it won't run off. Let me know if that works for you."
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"Ah well how else do you explain it to the masses. We couldn't very well give our jobs in real detail. Can you imagine all the fainters we would have? That would be so much more work for us." He teased lightly. "Is this you asking me for a debrief on my last break of the day or to go out for drinks after work? Either way I'm down, the latter really depends on your finishing time though."
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lucilleweasleys · 1 month
"I honestly think my brain would explode if someone ever told me they've got every flavor imaginable," Lucy admitted. "I would not be able to choose and I'd have a total meltdown about it."
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"I definitely feel that," Harper replied with a laugh. "I wish I could have every flavor in the house, but I feel like it would be overflowing with tea boxes."
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lucilleweasleys · 1 month
"Really? I suppose there is such thing has having something too much and things like that," Lucy considered with a soft laugh. "And like you said, you ended up trying new things because of it. Any other favorites come out of that?" she wondered. "I've ended up on guava. Decided maybe I should try something totally new."
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"I am sure I will. Peach has always been my preferred flavour in the past but I got put off it for a while. At least it allowed me to expand my tastes." Lucie admitted with a smile as they ordered, gratefully taking the drink when it was place down on the side. "What did you opt for this time?"
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lucilleweasleys · 1 month
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"Exactly. And honestly I wouldn't want to do that to myself," she admitted with a laugh. "Great minds and all that."
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"Sounds smart. Otherwise you'd get sick of a flavour," James replied, "In the spirit of branching out, I'll do the same I think."
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lucilleweasleys · 1 month
"I certainly would not want to test you," Lucy confirmed with a soft laugh when he'd said that. "And it'll be just as nice to me to have yours, Orion," she returned warmly. "I know you're a very social guy. I feel lucky to have some of your time right now."
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"I mean, you could, but it's rare." He responded with a playful grin. "Be glad it's over something harmless like this. Imagine what a force I would be if it was over something serious." Because Orion would not back down on things he truly believed in, this was all just fun and games. "Thank you. It'll be nice to have your company anyway."
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lucilleweasleys · 1 month
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♡ CAMILA MENDES via instagram ( camimendes )
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lucilleweasleys · 2 months
"You're not budging on this, are you?" Lucy replied with a fond laugh when he tried again to pay for her treat. "That sounds like it'd be pretty miserable. I've admittedly never looked into it but surely there should be some magical medicine or potions that help with those symptoms. Thankfully you don't have to worry about any of that though– I'm glad you can eat whatever you want without having to face any side effects."
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"Sweet enough to take me up on my offer?" Lucas asked with a grin as he motioned to the counter once more. "But yeah, I couldn't imagine being allergic to any food. If anything I feel like I'd be that idiot getting reactions all the time because I wouldn't be able to help myself."
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lucilleweasleys · 2 months
"Yeah of course," Lucy nodded. "Weird and wonderful maladies– you make it sound so whimsical," she replied with a light snort. Thankfully not everything they saw during their shifts at St. Mungo's was heartbreaking, but she'd certainly never heard it described in that way. "You'll have to tell me what your more weird and wonderful patient case was after the day's done."
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"I know, and it means a lot to me." Colm assured Lucy when she tried to make sure that he understood her intentions with her words. Not that he could ever hold any doubts where Lucy was concerned. She was such a genuine young person that just seemed to want to do the best in all situations. "Shall we get started? I'm sure there are plenty of weird and wonderful maladies that have come in today."
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lucilleweasleys · 2 months
"I'm not going to win with you, am I?" Lucy realized with a soft laugh when he politely reintroduced his offer. "Alright, when you say it like that I guess I can't turn a gift down. It would typically be considered rude to after all."
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"Oh, I am under no illusions as to your ability to be able to take care of yourself but I still want to do this for you. Are you really going to deny me this?" He asked, giving her his best puppy dog look before he grinned at Lucy. "Come on. It wouldn't hurt you to accept a gift."
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lucilleweasleys · 3 months
"Absolutely I'd give you the choice between as many different teas as you'd like," Lucy assured. "I have my favorites but sometimes I can spend hours in the tea and coffee aisle at the shops trying to decide which flavors to buy," she confessed with a laugh.
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"Me too," she replied. "Especially if you promise to give me the choice between different teas. I love options."
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lucilleweasleys · 3 months
"Yup. Not for me," she shook her head with a laugh of her own. "I watch movies and shows to feel better... not terrifying myself. I don't understand chasing the high of wanting to feel scared but some people love it," Lucy shrugged. "Sure, of course," she laughed again. "Nothing too crazy. Aunt Fleur said we could use Shell Cottage as a getaway if we let them know beforehand so I was thinking I might take them up on that offer. Just go for a long weekend to do some reading and relaxing," she considered with a smile. "How about you, Nate?"
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"It really does," he nodded in agreement. "You're also a horror avoider too, huh? I hate the stuff. Gives me nightmares for weeks," Nate confessed with a short laugh. "You came to me with some great ideas for a drink and now you're traumatised by something I've said– let's talk about something else, shall we?" he chuckled. "Have you got plans to go anywhere during summer?"
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