luckbamboo · 3 years
Headcanon time, here we go:
So Dan pretty much neglected Magical John for the last couple of miitopia streams. And I've been trying to figure out an excuse that would make sense lorewise.
What if the reason for John's absence is him entering hibernation because it's closer to winter now. And he's been doing it for the whole autumn, that's why he's stretching out the words when he talks and says weird stuff all the time. The only other person who understands that is Dread (because they are a plant too) but they just don't say anything about it till the last moment. So when John doesn't wake up after one night everybody is panicking and Dread have to explain nervously that it is a normal plant behavior and he will wake up in spring (btw Dread themselves do not hybernate because they are too anxious to sleep for a prolonged period of time). And then the team decides to put him in a spare room in the villa to be safe. For everyone else Magical John is just on a vacation.
Also, Chat definitely tried to wake up John with a true love's kiss.
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luckbamboo · 3 years
After the last miitopia stream I keep thinking about the moment when I Want Die got sick and Chat had to take the role of the leader. It shows how much Chat have grown as a character from a little gremlin that was only interested in food, robes and arson and didn't get along with other people aside from I Want Die (was even threatened to be kicked out of the team at some point) into a reliable team member who supports others and can take a responsibility of leadership when needed. That, and the fact that Chat learned Tower of Flames (the great sage Khadgar's spell) and accepted Magical John just wraps up their character arc perfectly.
Also Goofy got arrested for murdering Mickey Mouse in cold blood. Apparently "... and I'll hyucking do it again!" was not the best thing to say in court.
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luckbamboo · 3 years
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luckbamboo · 3 years
This is amazing and deserves all the love!
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luckbamboo · 3 years
Ah yes, an anthropomorphic personification of existential dread, my beloved.
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luckbamboo · 3 years
Btw I did just make a Minecraft skin of John for a meme, but if anyone wants to use it for whatever reason you can :)
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luckbamboo · 3 years
Therapist: Magical John in video games other than Miitopia and Scribblenauts doesn’t exist, he can’t hurt you
Magical John in other video games:
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luckbamboo · 3 years
He kinda looks like a maid in this one, oh god oh no. That is all I’m gonna be thinking about now...
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The Dried Flower outfit is my second favourite to draw, after the Hero Flower. I think it makes Magical John look like a friendly, albeit slightly unhinged, gardener.
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luckbamboo · 3 years
RTGame Miitopia hc
So I have this headcanon that miitopia god had to convince each character to join the team. In order to do so he asked what did their hearts desire and had to either promise a reward or explain that they can achieve their goals through this journey.
Each team member's specific reasons:
I Want Die - money to pay for his medical bills. He lives in eternal pain, but because he is just an old man he cannot afford treatment. All he can feel is agony, so he is very cynical and straight up asked for a fortune.
Mr. Bean - when god asked him what he desires, the answer was "Bean." So that is what he gonna get in reward. Now will he be pleased or disappointed with it is hard to tell. He's an enigma for sure.
Chat - to merge into one being and become fully human. Their body is artificial and doesn't look quite right or work properly. That's why they hide behind the mask and obsess over robes.
Goofy - to start the revolution and overthrow Mikey Mouse. He lived in his shadow for far too long! But for that he needs to get real battle experience and right connections and to become stronger, much stronger. So this adventure is a great opportunity for him.
Cupcake - to be able to murder things and not get arrested for it. She was on a verge of becoming a hitman when god met her. Miitopia is full of monsters, and hero is a better profession choice  in god's opinion.
Gilbert - to become favorite child. It's kinda obvious it's not going to happen, but god gave him a chance anyway.
Dread - to do something right at least once in their life and never have any regrets about it. Also they are like the only one actually concerned about saving the world from dark lord.
Obama - to be eternal president (he doesn't know he already is in our hearts) /j
Jefferson - to have family again. He doesn't remember that well his original family of penglings because he was kidnapped by Robin in such a young age. But then Robin became his new family. He's even gotten a mechanical brother at some point. He was so happy until Robo-Jeff died in an 'accident' and Robin went away with an alien centaur guy. He was left alone and didn't know what to do because he was only a child. So he just sat there and cried.
John - to get friends. All his life he was rejected by people around him because of his weird look, social awkwardness and connection to the magic. However despite the fact that he was literally thrown in a volcano as a sacrifice John didn't become resentful and his heart is still open and longs for a companionship.
Sorry if there are any mistakes, English is not my first language.
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luckbamboo · 3 years
Was reading miitopia wiki and just found out that chat can apparently become a fcking volcano. I wonder what is John's reaction gonna be like
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luckbamboo · 3 years
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Roses are such a pain to draw but it’s my favourite outfit of John so I had to do it
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luckbamboo · 3 years
Created tumblr account just to post this
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Let there be more Magical John :D
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