luckndreams · 4 years
And men said that the blood of the stars flowed in her veins.
C.S. Lewis (via quotemadness)
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luckndreams · 4 years
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luckndreams · 4 years
1ST  RULE:  tag  9  muses  you  would  like  to  know  better. 2ND  RULE:  BOLD  the  statements  that  are  true  for  your  muse. 3RD  RULE:  repost,  DON’T  reblog  ! !
♡ tagged by: @mxsicaldreams​  ♥ ♡ tagging: Anyone who sees this? Not sure who has done it or not >_<
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NAME: Tateyama Yui  OCCUPATION: Guitarist / Composer / Producer AGE: 33 SEXUALITY:  Bi  PRONOUNS:  She/Her 
APPEARANCE: I  am  5 ’ 7 “  or  taller.   I  have  at  least  one  tattoo.   I  have  at  least  one  piercing.   I  have  blonde  hair.   I  have  brown  eyes.   I  have  short  hair.   My  abs  are  at  least  somewhat  defined.   I  have  or  have  had  braces.
PERSONALITY: I  love  meeting  new  people.  People  tell  me  that  I’m  funny.   Helping  others  with  their  problems  is  a  big  priority  for  me.   I  enjoy  physical  challenges.   I  enjoy  mental  challenges.   I’m  playfully  rude  with  people  I  know  well.  I  started  saying  something  ironically  and  now  I  can’t  stop  saying  it.  There  is  something  I  would  change  about  my  personality.
ABILITY: I  can  sing  well.   I  can  play  an  instrument.  I  can  do  over  30  push  ups  without  stopping.   I’m  a  fast  runner.  I  can  draw  well.   I  have  a  good  memory.   I’m  good  at  doing  math  in  my  head.  I  can  hold  my  breath  underwater  for  over  a  minute.   I  have  beaten  at  least  2  people  in  arm  wrestling.   I  know  how  to  cook  at  least  3  meals  from  scratch.   I  know  how  to  throw  a  proper  punch.
HOBBIES: I  enjoy  playing  sports.   I’m  on  a  sports  team  at  my  school  or  somewhere  else.   I’m  in  an  orchestra  or  choir  at  my  school  or  somewhere  else.   I  have  learned  a  new  song  in  the  past  week.  I  work  out  at  least  once  a  week.   I’ve  gone  for  runs  at  least  once  a  week  in  the  warmer  months.   I  have  drawn  something  in  the  past  month. I  enjoy  writing.   I  do  or  have  done  martial  arts.
EXPERIENCES: I  have  had  my  first  kiss.  I  have  had  alcohol.    I  have  scored  the  winning  goal  in  a  sports  game.   I  have  watched  an  entire  season  of  a  TV  show  in  one  sitting.    I  have  been  at  an  overnight  event.   I  have  been  in  a  taxi.   I  have  been  in  the  hospital  or  ER  in  the  past  year.   I  have  beaten  a  video  game  in  one  day.  I  have  visited  another  country.   I  have  been  to  one  of  my  favorite  band’s  concerts.
RELATIONSHIPS: I’m  in  a  relationship.  I  have  a  crush  on  a  celebrity.   I  have  a  crush  on  someone  I  know.   I  have  been  in  at  least  3  relationships.   I  have  never  been  in  a  relationship.   I  have  asked  someone  out  or  admitted  my  feelings  to  them.   I  get  crushes  easily.  I  have  had  a  crush  on  someone  for  over  a  year.   I  have  been  in  a  relationship  for  at  least  a  year.  I  have feelings  for  a  friend.
MY LIFE: I  have  at  least  one  person  I  consider  a  “ best  friend ”.   I  live  close  to  my  school.   My  parents  are  still  together.   I  have  at  least  one  sibling.   I  live  in  the  United  States.   There  is  snow  right  now  where  I  live.   I  have  hung  out  with  a  friend  in  the  past  month.  I  have  a  smartphone.   I  have  at  least  15  CDs.  I  share  my  room  with  someone.
RANDOM SHIT: I  have  break-danced.   I  know  a  person  named  Jamie.   I have  had  a  teacher  with  a  last  name  that’s  hard  to  pronounce.   I  have  dyed  my  hair.   I’m  listening  to  one  song  on  repeat  right  now.   I  have  punched  someone  in  the  past  week.  I  know  someone  who  has  gone  to  jail.  I  have  broken  a  bone.  I  have  eaten  a  waffle  today.   I  know  what  I  want  to  do  with  my life.   I  speak  at  least  2  languages.
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luckndreams · 5 years
Send a 👫and I’ll write four headcanons I have about our muse’s relationship
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luckndreams · 5 years
I tell myself I am searching for something. But more and more, it feels like I am wandering, waiting for something to happen to me, something that will change everything, something that my whole life has been leading up to.
Khaled Hosseini (via quotemadness)
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luckndreams · 5 years
“You look so fucking hot right now.”
Title: “Fuck” Sentence Starters I  @1xmiStatus: OpenStaring into the full-length mirror, Marigold took in the image before her. The jumpsuit did wonders for her curves, and the navy blue made her red hair stand out. With a cocky smile, she gave a sultry pose as her left hand glided over her hip. “Fuck yeah, I do. “ Marigold purred before giggling and shaking her head over her antics. “I’m getting this!” 
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luckndreams · 5 years
Albi ▷ Amar ( 19.27 ) “It’s not a party until someone almost fucking dies.”
Title: “Fuck” Sentence Starters I  @greetingsfr0mStatus: Open“Any other kind of party would be positively boring, darling,” Tsubaki replied in her haughtiest voice with a smile. Perched on his lap, she surveyed the crowd of dancing bodies and others. Everyone seemed to be having a rowdy good time. Just what Tusbaki was hoping for. “I do think I need to keep Miki away from the drinks, though. That last round of was pretty strong.” She laughed before leaning over a press a kiss to her lover’s cheek. 
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luckndreams · 5 years
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luckndreams · 5 years
OOC: Under the hood
A [beep] is tired. SO TIRED! But excited to be coming back and getting the creativity flowing again. I will be editing my muse page and adding some muses to my list. Hopefully, I can get some things going there. I haven’t forgotten my prompts!  I’ll be answering them soon! Feel free to throw some more things my way. Including anon questions, if you feel moved~ THANK YOU! ♥
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luckndreams · 5 years
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luckndreams · 5 years
Punk Vampires: red and black wardrobe, messy apartments, knows everyone in the city, tons of piercings, goofy nicknames, fishnets and vodka, massive collections of vinyl, always namedropping dead rockstars, doesn’t try to hide their fangs and just tells people they’re accessories, bloodstains on club bathroom floors, spiked chokers, scaring/drinking people who assault girls at venues.
High Achieving Vampires: dark bespoke suits in high quality fabric, gold watches, short no nonsense haircuts held in place with lots of hairspray and bobby pins, stone spiral staircases in ancient universities, wine snobbery, knows all the dead languages, plays the violin and haggles at antique stores, well-traveled, has been dating the same person since like the 18th century, can be arrogant.
Theater Vampires: so much velvet, deep burgundies and plums, really into Les Mis, falls in unrequited love with humans, hangs out with the punk vampires, intensely gay, gets into heated debates about interpretations of Shakespeare because they were there for the original production, French tips, dramatic hair flips, cheap merlot and masqurade balls, will never give up wearing capes.
Soft Vampires: oversized sweaters and skinny jeans, only ever wears black or grey, sad lo-fi playlists and crumpled up poetry, dark under-eye circles and black and white family portraits, sleeps in a lot even by vampire standards, baristas at an all-night coffee shop, nearly as gay as the theater vampires, wishes they were human again, has a lot of trouble being honest with their therapist.
Hermit Vampires: lives in a rural area and is the topic of a lot of local gossip, likes painting landscapes and eastern european folklore, very few friends, bisexual, was a medieval peasant in their human life, grows roses, wild unkempt hair, shirtless whenever possible, lots of black and white tattoos, layers of crystal necklaces, black and purple wardrobe, wishes they could be vegan but… well, you know.
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luckndreams · 5 years
The girl in the woods will be with you always. (Whichevers)
Title: The Witcher - Starters   I  @disgracefuldarknessStatus: Open  “I fucking hope not!” Maddy spat, his distaste and fear written all over his face.  “That would mean it wasn’t a figment of my overactive imagination or a drug-fueled hallucination! I don’t need those kinds of problems. I really don’t,”  Shaking his head, he leaned forward to top off his drink with more vodka. His glass was getting too low for his liking. “It was creepy as fuck. But whatever it was, the girl? She didn’t feel evil. I guess that’s the trick, though--Right? Pretend to be all innocent before they snatch your soul right out of your throat!” Shuddering, Maddy took a healthy gulp from his glass and grimaced at the taste. “I gotta stop buying cheap vodka, too.” 
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luckndreams · 5 years
“I’d fuck you all night long.” (From Kei 👀)
Title: “Fuck” Sentence Starters I  @mxsicaldreamsStatus: Open
“Do you want an egg for your ramen or no?” Yui asked as she pulled out the rest of the ingredients for that evening’s dinner. It was ramen night! A meal that the petite guitarist had been looking forward to for days. With all the time she had on her hands as of late, she had begun perfecting her housewife skills. Much to the delight of her former bandmate. Her favorite test subject. “Saki-chan.” She called out, unsure of whether the younger had heard her. Not one to be ignored, she gave it another minute or so before she tried it again.
 “Saki-chan!” It was very possible that the other had gotten sucked into a game. Those damn game apps had been the source of many accidental silent treatments. And a number of accidental scares, as well. Gamers were skittish creatures, the guitarist had come to learn very quickly. 
“Natsumi!” Pulling out the big guns, Yui finally now closer to the couch gave her friend a playful glare. And it was then that a very pink-cheeked Saki looked up with wide eyes and quickly tossed the older’s cell phone into her hands. 
“ImsorryIlookedatyourphoneandsawsomethingIshoudlnthave.” Confused, Yui looked down at her screen only to blush and yelp in surprise.  Nearly dropping her phone, she turned on her heels and scuttled back to the safety of her kitchen. This was the last thing she needed Saki to read! “Fuck.” [SMS: my kitten] Baby are you drunk?! 
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luckndreams · 5 years
OOC: Under the hood
Short visit today, but this sorta-cold or whatever it is I’ve caught is starting to kick my ass. I also need real food. I’ll be back tomorrow to finish my replies/starters. I think by then I’ll have a good handle on who to keep and who to bring over. It should be fun! ♥
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luckndreams · 5 years
“Fuck” Sentence Starters
“What the fuck do you think you’re doing?”
“Fuck this.”
“Get the fuck out of here.”
“Who the fuck are you?”
“Fuck that!”
“I fucking hate him/her/them/you.”
“Shut the fuck up.“
“Get your fucking act together.”
“Keep your shitty nose out of my fucking business.”
“Leave me alone, or I’ll fuck you up.”
“Get your fucking hands off of me!”
“Stay the fuck away from me.”
“Who stole my fucking shit?!”
“Who the fuck do you think you’re talking to?”
“You wanna fucking go, punk?”
“Get the fuck over it.”
“Where the fuck have you been?”
“What the fuck do you want from me?”
“Fuck life.” 
“No, I’m not fucking over it.”
“Why the fuck did he/she/they have to go and die?”
“What the fuck am I supposed to do now?”
“Why did things have to go so fucking wrong?”
“I’m gonna eat fifty fucking cartons of ice cream and then pass out and die like a warrior.”
“Try to fucking stop me from leaving my room. It’s not gonna happen.”
“The love of my life just decided that I was worth fucking nothing.”
“I fucking miss him/her/them.”
“Who the fuck cares?”
“All of this fucking shit was for nothing.”
“I fucked up my own life.”
“I can’t believe I did this fucking shit all over again.”
“Fuck you!”
“I fucked your mom last night.” 
“You’re a fucking asshole.”
“You just think you’re fucking hilarious, don’t you?” 
“Who the fuck died and made you king/queen/ruler?” 
“Go to fucking hell, you piece of shit!”
“Go fuck yourself.”
“Wow, that’s fucking small.”
“Get the fuck over yourself.”
“Fuck me.”
“I don’t ‘make love’, I fuck.”
“I’d fuck you all night long.”
“You look like a fucking dog in heat.”
“You look so fucking hot right now.”
“FUCK, I’m gonna come!”
“I’ll fuck you right here, right now.”
“Babe, fuck–not here.”
“You’re one cocky motherfucker. Let’s go back to my place.”
“I want to bend you over and fuck you until you can’t walk.”
“I want you to fuck me until I can’t walk.”
“I’d let you fuck me any day.”
“You better use a fucking condom.”
“Tell me what you want me to fucking do to you.”
“Do you want me to fuck you while everyone’s watching?”
“Fuck, it’s big.”
“Let’s make a fucking baby.”
“Give me a break. I’m in the fucking hospital.”
“How are YOU mad at ME when I’m the one who’s in FUCKING JAIL?”
“Help me set this fucking thing on fire.”
“I’m gonna need a fucking lawyer.”
“This is all YOUR fault, you dumb fuck.”
“It’s not MY fault we’re in fucking handcuffs.”
“Fuck, I’m so wasted.”
“What the fuck did we do last night?”
“Where the fuck am I?”
“Fuck. SHIT. There goes my car.”
“Wait–fuck. Isn’t that my house?”
“Fuck it. Might as well have fun, if we’re going to get caught.”
“Why the fuck do you have gasoline?”
“Where the fuck did that baby come from?!”
“It’s not a party until someone almost fucking dies.”
“FUCK, you scared the shit out of me!”
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luckndreams · 5 years
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gods & goddesses  -  the morrígan
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luckndreams · 5 years
disgracefuldarkness replied to your post: Under the hood: OOC
Big Mood
THE BIGGEST! But here we go. 
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