luckvlt · 2 years
so I got into grad school today with my shitty 2.8 gpa and the moral of the story is reblog those good luck posts for the love of god
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luckvlt · 3 years
i will be posting more on @notosgirl !!
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luckvlt · 3 years
i will be posting more on @unswrth !!
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luckvlt · 3 years
hi!! the takeru noto cuddles were so cute i absolutely love them🥺💜 maybe you can do some kissing hcs for him too? thank you so much 😭😭
Kissing hc's with Juggernaut
Gender neutral reader
Warnings: none
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It will take so long for him to be ready to kiss you
Poor boy's heart beats so fast just at the thought of kissing you like he's afraid he might get a heart attack during the kiss
Blushes so hard whenever you or someone else brings it up
You don't wanna push him though which is something he's extremely grateful for
Just give him some time, one day he'll eventually do it
You don't even have to initiate it, because this is something where he really wants to do the first step
Juggernaut has dreamt about kissing you since the first day
Definitely asks Shinra, Arthur and Ogun for help which are the worst possible advisors for this kind of stuff since all three of them have zero experience with relationships, but he trusts them and doesn't know who else to ask
Shinra tells him to practice with a mirror or his pillow, but whenever Juggernaut tries to do it he can't from all the blushing and anxiety. Even the mirror/pillow make him nervous
Arthur isn't helpful at all. He just talks about how Juggernaut should defete some dragon to win your heart
Ogun is the most helpful of them all! Which is no surprise honestly, he tells him to relax and just go for it, because there's nothing much he could do wrong and even so you'd be more than understanding of it considering it's Juggernaut's first kiss ever
He decides to go with Ogun's advice and literally just goes for it
You guys are hanging out like always and then suddenly he takes your hand
You turn your head in his direction to smile at him and boom! His lips are on yours!
I won't lie, it's a bit sloppy and awkward at first, but at the same time so so sweet
It's surprising how calm he is during it, because everything inside him is literally going into panic mode
Afraid that he might do something wrong and that you end up not liking it
Gets super relieved when you pull him in for a second kiss
All of his kisses are soft and tender, because he's such a big adorable softie
I simply can't see him being rough with anything especially when it has something to do with his partner
After every kiss his face becomes as read as a potato, but it's impossible to miss the happy smile on his face
Becomes an extremely skilled kisser after a while
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luckvlt · 3 years
may you do takeru noto cuddle hcs? i love him so much and your work too 💜 thanks!
Cuddling with Juggernaut
As you can see, I absolutely love writing for him. The headcanons turned out way longer than intended
Gender neutral reader
Warnings: none
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Listen, listen, listen if anyone's good at cuddling then it's my boy Juggernaut over here
He's so full of love and affection and wants to give it all to you
Has had a crush on you since the first moment he saw you if I'm being honest and since then he has been a blushing and stuttering mess
Still is all of that, but it has gotten better since you two became a couple
You might have to initiate a lot of things though, because he's so very nervous around you
For example cuddling
At the beginning of your relationship you had to take the first step with taking his hand and leading him to the bed or the couch or just straight up attack him with hugs
Don't worry though, Juggernaut is used to it by now and initiates the cuddling most of the time
Becomes extremely clingy over time. I mean he also was that before, but he was too anxious and nervous to do anything about it
He is SO BIG
So feel free to lay on top of him and he will wrap his huge arms around you
You hear his heart beat so fast that you could swear it's imitating a dubstep remix, but it calms down after a while
As I've already mentioned our precious boy gets all iwiduwbjsnw on the inside when you give him 100% of your attention. No, scratch that even 1% attention is enough for him to lose it
Okay, so he's very tall, yes? Perfect for being the big spoon
He absolutely loves being the big spoon, because it feels like he's protecting you from the whole world
Not the fighting type as we all know, but he'd tear the surface of the earth apart for you
When he hugs you, you kinda vanish
Like the second he wraps his arms around you people don't see you anymore, because this boy is so huge. Especially when he wears his special force uniform
Also loves being the little spoon sometimes, because your hugs give him life
He always feels so loved and appreciated when you put your arms around him and nuzzle into him ugh
Give him all your affection
He deserves it
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luckvlt · 3 years
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gustav honda profile
fire force volume 19
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luckvlt · 3 years
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takeru noto (aka juggernaut) profile
fire force volume19
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luckvlt · 3 years
Joker Music Hc’s
tw: mmmmm fluff
Pairings: Joker x Fem!reader
Ratings: PG
A/n: Yay!! My second request. I don’t think y’all understand how excited i get when someone request something lmfaoo. Moving forward, this was requested by @astroavis . I hope you don't mind but i wrote in the perspective of you guys being a couple. Anyways, anyone who comes across this, I hope you enjoy.
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Although he’s always talking about how he would forever be alone, music was there for him when no one was.
It comforted it and helped him become part of who he was today.
So saying that he has a deep connection to music is an understatement.
Sometimes you ‘ll catch him humming while doing activities or maybe you’ll even catch him lightly singing a song or two while he’s in the shower
But that’s as far as it goes
Till you guys were in a huge fight, the two of you being ganged up by the 5 of them and before you could even fight them with your super badass moves.
He starts singing and immediately your shocked in place because why would he hide vocals like that??? No why would he hide his voice from you??
(we already know what happened to them people, i do not need to spell it out)
After the fight, if you ask him to sing to you, he'll chuckle a bit while rubbing his neck, his signature smirk growing with each passing second.
"If that's really what ya want Angel."
His voice is so deep and husky and it soothes an itch in your soul that you didn't even realize you had.
Praise him for it and instantly he's letting you on everything.
He's showing you the different type of records he has hiding in his closet, most of them being the blues. (If he shows you that, you're never leaving his side I hope you know that😭, that's an emotional pact)
He's going to explain to you who the artist is, what they're known for, and why they're his favorite.
"You don't know who B.B King? Are your sure babe? He's know for setting a principal figure in the development of blues?? Still no?"
Don't worry, he'll gladly fill you in on the best of the best blues musicians.
He can play the guitar...that's it, that's the tweet.
He'll sit you down in front of him, start playing the instrumentals of a song in the background quietly while he plays his guitar loudly to cover it.
It times like this where he's in super concentrated so you wont seen his usual playful demeanor, only furrowed eyebrows and closed eyes.
This is a chance for you take a deeper look at his face and him as a person because through this music, he is opening himself open to you.
Ya know how i said he likes when you lay on his chest before? It is now your favorite time of the day because he's rubbing your back while he sings some cute sappy song against your forehead.
If you fall asleep, he's overjoyed that you fell asleep to his voice.
"Ya really like my voice that much, Angel?"
One day, he'll just get you all dressed up (we all know he's got some type of style), stick a blindfold on your face and take you to an empty resturant
And when you're allowed to take it off, you're in the middle of a dance floor, a light singling you and joker out.
And behind him is three other guys with instruments. They're also blindfolded but ready none the less.
And then they start
It's the most beautiful song you've ever heard, the point you're on the verge of tears and you're wishing that he could've had the chance to become some kind of great singer. (wait that's really angsty, lemme bring it back a notch lol)
One of your most memorable moments with Joker is singing and dancing with him in the kitchen.
It started off with you doing dishes quietly and so he looks at you with a smirk before turning on music.
Even if you couldn't sing, he was encouraging you too and when you finally let go, he grabs you and just starts twirling you guys around the apartment.
And last but not least, he can whistle. Really freaking well
So on lazy days when he still wants some musical release, he’ll start whistling.
And his smoke from his cigarette will match whatever genre he’s feeling. For example, if he’s singing a sad song, the smoke will portray tears and broken hearts.
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Reblogs are appreciated
A/n: I hope you were satisfy with these Hc’s!
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luckvlt · 3 years
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★ 【あすにゃ】 「 ~ 」 ☆ ⊳ rika / ai (wonder egg priority) ✔ republished w/permission ⊳ ⊳ follow me on twitter
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luckvlt · 3 years
TFW you have been so into the fndm and the manga that you recognize ALL the covers of the manga volumes that appears in the tenkuu shinpan opening:
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luckvlt · 3 years
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How Rika sees himself VS how everyone else sees Rika
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luckvlt · 3 years
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what do ya’ll know powerful knife-wielding, nearly omnipotent, godly lesbians on top of high rise buildings.
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luckvlt · 3 years
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why has no one read this series im upset
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luckvlt · 3 years
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Fire Force ch 158.
o7 for Juggernaut
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luckvlt · 3 years
I saw the post about hinawa and saw that in the tags you said you had thoughts 👀👀👀
Speak your truth, lets hear these thoughts~!!
Ah! Nothing so concise and intelligent as honeypirate’s post, just some general Vibes I get from him that makes him my fave!
It’s obvious he cares and feels a whole dang lot, and he’s strict at times because of it, but is by no means beholden to the rules set before him. (ex: breaching Special Fire Force jurisdiction despite threat of punishment). You gotta know the rules to break them, right? That said:
I, personally, love Hinawa’s potential for being a little shit.
I think his being in a position of authority is the only thing that makes him assume enough responsibility to enforce the rules, tbh. And that’s only in regards to keeping the people under him safe; like always putting out Sputter and Flare while using his own pyrokinesis to nonlethally shoot Shinra as corporal punishment. His lack of fashion sense (if that’s even real....although if it is and he wasn’t pranking everyone, it’s even more endearing imo) is absolutely not enough reason to believe he’d “accidentally” break dress code when LITERALLY EVERYONE (minus Iris and Licht) WEARS THE SAME JUMPSUIT.
Your honor, he’s a fucking dork!!!! Hinawa gives me the vibe of someone who can say the most hysterical, asinine shit with a straight face but doesn’t because that would be too powerful. He nerfs himself, for us
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luckvlt · 3 years
me: no fear
fire force: *does this*
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me: one fear
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luckvlt · 3 years
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