lucosborne-blog · 10 years
Stockholm syndrome? Now you're just over-exaggerating. She must've fallen for him at some point. She wouldn't have been with him otherwise.
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Okay I guess… but what if it’s one of those things… what is it called… where someone gets kidnapped and the kidnapper is brainwashed to be in love with her captor? Kind of like in the real life pocahontas.
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lucosborne-blog · 10 years
I just don't want to be impulsive. What if she still... you know, loves him? Doesn't that strip her of her ability to make her own choices?
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Not if we save her now.
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Mallory had always been like a sister to me. I’m not going to just ignore the fact that she’s hurting now.
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lucosborne-blog · 10 years
She says the guy's got anger issues and if we rat him out right now, he'll know Mallory said something about it. It'll only put her in harm's way than out.
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What the fuck? Of course you’re in the place to do something. Regardless, you guys are/were still friends at some point. If he really is hurting her, maybe we can get help. Haley is a cop, I hear that Collin is a lawyer. Then we got Lindsey— well she’s a wild card. I’m sure she can also help us out.
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lucosborne-blog · 10 years
Ha, not even close. I just asked her why she was staying with someone so fucking rude. Not only does he verbally make her feel like shit, but I get a notion he's doing it physically as well. It's frustrating that I can't do anything because I'm not in the place to.
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Wait… You tried asking her out again?
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How is he an ass?
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lucosborne-blog · 10 years
Nah, it's fine. You kind of brought up the same topic through asking about Mal. She's got this ass hat of a boyfriend who... it's not my place to say anything but yeah, long story short she won't break up with him which means I've gotten dumped twice by the same girl.
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Oh yeah? Sorry man. Let’s change the topic. I don’t want to be a downer. I saw you talking to Mal. How’s that?
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lucosborne-blog · 10 years
Well, you and I both. I feel like I just got dumped all over again.
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Yet, I’m still not happy.
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I don’t know what I should do.
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lucosborne-blog · 10 years
Oh, with Ap--Jane? I keep forgetting her name, sorry. But hey, that's fan-fucking-tastic, man. It's about time.
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I ended it with her. Officially.
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lucosborne-blog · 10 years
You don't say...
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Girls are cruel.
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lucosborne-blog · 10 years
Her words sunk into him so deeply, it felt like her leaving him all over again. There were times he could never tell with her, and he willed himself to believe they would see each other again. Maybe in a better light than now. "Yeah... catch you around."
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"Don’t be," she quickly added, seeming to lift the mood. "You’re… not the only one." It was tough, the whole matter of it all. Mallory didn’t want to continuously be this way. But there was so much more that meant so much, compared to what everyone chose to see. It didn’t feel right, leaving Daniel, when she still loved him. "I’ll… catch you around.. maybe," she managed to say, in effort to not leave him hanging. 
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lucosborne-blog · 10 years
Lucas wanted so badly to just ask her why she was being this way, but he knew there was already so much said and done, and she was tired. Taking one last, requisite breath, his grip fell limp and fell to his side. "I... I'm sorry."
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Mallory looked at him and heard his words. She gulped, licking her lips as her eyes trailed down to his hand on her wrist. “Please,” she said quietly. “Let go.” She didn’t want him to take her words metaphorically, but there was no will power to stop him from thinking so. Her eyes were tired, and fighting— talking with Lucas made her tired too.
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lucosborne-blog · 10 years
There was only silence as he waited for her to answer him. And to make things even worse, she simply turned around and began to walk away. That was all he needed to confirm his suspicions. Although he wasn't in the place to stop her, he went after her again, this time grasping her wrist. "You don't have to be afraid, you know. I... I can still be there for you. I can't let you live like this."
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She looked down, accepting that there wasn’t enough excuses in the world to cover up what seemed to be obvious to him. Mallory wanted to keep defending Daniel, because… it’s what she’s always done. She exhaled and turned around, not looking at Lucas before she started walking again. She couldn’t lie, but that didn’t mean she had to explain. Escaping wasn’t something Mallory normally did, but it was all she could do at that moment. It was too hard to explain.
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lucosborne-blog · 10 years
There was something in the way she spoke that Lucas knew too well. Never was she a great liar and at this moment, there was nothing but pure defense on her end. Why can't you just admit it, Mal? He wanted to asked her, finding himself stepping up a few steps. Stopping himself from getting too close for comfort, he furrowed his brows. "He does hurt you, doesn't he?"
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Her brow raised, eyes flickering towards the ground. There was a short pause before she answered him. “—No…why would he… do that?” It was hard lying to Lucas. She wasn’t the best liar, but.. when it came to questions like that, Mallory always took note to try her best and fib. “Daniel just… hasn’t got good control over his anger. I mean, you’ve just experienced what that was like.” The excuses are obvious, Mal. “We’ve been together for a long time,” she continued, completely defensive. “That…wouldn’t happen.”
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lucosborne-blog · 10 years
"Does he hurt you...?" The question was vague, but he knew she was aware of the context.
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She sighed, shaking her head, looking down as she ran her long fingers through her blonde hair. “It’s not that easy,” she told him. “I don’t know if you’ve met him, but…. let’s just say it’d be dangerous to do something like that.”
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lucosborne-blog · 10 years
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Lucas shrugged. "It wouldn't have to be that way if you decide to move away. Start over again. If you want, I could rent a room next door to me and Lindsey. You could stay with her, if that makes you comfortable-- just do what you need to to be content with your life because you deserve that much."
"All the way from Florida? That’s kind of a stretch, don’t you think?" It was nice. It was more than nice. But, who’s to say that they’d be there when I least expect it? They could be next door, and still be too late.
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lucosborne-blog · 10 years
"You do know you have people who care about you enough to defend you from whatever retaliation that as--guy decides to attempt, right?" His eyes never left her exhausted figure. "You... You could always call me too."
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She let out a quiet laugh, tucking a couple of hairs behind her ear. “I guess not,” she answered, a little baffled by his response. “I suppose it’s a little hard when it fights back,” she shrugged, looking down to kick pieces of gravel at her feet.
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lucosborne-blog · 10 years
Lucas simply stood in place, his eyes on her. "There's always a return policy for damaged goods, Mal. Have you ever thought about it?"
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At this point, it was hard to think about whether or not what Lucas said is true. She always loved Daniel, but… in comparison to Lucas, is a whole other story. “Well,” she started, taking a step forward. “Daniel doesn’t really come with a return policy, so…”
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lucosborne-blog · 10 years
He didn't expect her answer to sting as much as it did, earning something of an internal wince from the young man. "I'm sorry... I just--" He stopped to collect his thoughts and prevent his temper from dictating the conversation. "I just think you deserve so much better than him. He's... not any better than I was."
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She turned around, eyes blinking, anger building. “Why do you care?” she blurted. It was like an automatic answer, whenever someone asked her that. Her cousin asked her that, a million times. Mallory looked down, biting her lower lip. I didn’t mean that. 
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