#c: mallory
ofescapisms · 5 months
Mylene was so proud of Toni for taking part in the festival, and she was doing everything she could to help, although every now and then she needed to take a break and walk around a bit, the baby apparently did not like her sitting still for that long. So she walked around until she ran into the very person she was most afraid of, immediately her pulse raced but she tried so hard to finally face this woman on her own. “Mother,” she said simply, trying to keep her voice level. “You should know I’ve informed the police of you being in town, in case anything should happen.” She squeezed her hands into fists at her sides, trying to come off much more confident than she was.
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detectivegoldstein · 5 months
It was by pure coincidence that James saw 'Lori' amidst the crowded dancehall. Scrambling up from his chair, he pushed his way through the throng of people, not even bothering to apologize as his mind hyperfixated on the bitch. She was wearing brown; fitting for such a shitty excuse of a person.
Once close enough, he reached for her arm and pulled her towards him. "I want," he hissed out, "my fuckin' shit back." His medals were already a lost cause, but the keepsakes of his parents? No. He'd drag her ass to the police station right now if he had to.
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torxnn · 1 year
@bornoflegends liked for a starter
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Torunn had no idea what was happening, why she couldn't use her powers and wearing an ugly brown jumpsuit. Heck she was still unsure as to how she ended up in this place in the first place. All she knew is that these strange people wanted her dead and she wasn't about to let that happen.
So fat she has managed to escape her captors and moves to run around the corner only to smack into someone, causing her to lose her balance and fall to the ground. "Ow! Why did that hurt so much?"
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hazelnutnebula · 8 months
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forgot to mention.. i preordered the leon nendoroid. ... . 🧍
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ageofgeek · 2 years
Bond falls victim to what I am now calling "Steve Rogers Syndrome," where a main character throws away his found family (which the audience has become much more attached to) in favor of a bland, boring, nuclear/heterosexual life. Just because Bond doesn't get his "happy ending" doesn't mean that he doesn't fall into this trope.
I think a lot of people would agree with me when I say that Bond & Madeline have no chemistry. They had no chemistry in Spectre and they continue to have none in NTTD. And yet, we're supposed to care about their relationship because 1) the narrative (i.e. Bond) tells us, instead of shows us, that he loves her, and 2) there is a child (which the narrative also tells us that we should care about).
But the truth is that Bond doesn't trust Madeline. Not really. The second he's attacked by Spectre, he immediately blames her and doesn't even question if he's wrong (and she doesn't really try to convince him otherwise). Now, you may chalk this up to Bond not trusting anybody, but here's where we get to the found family: because he does trust his MI6 family, implicitly, immediately.
He trusts Eve enough to tell her about the scientist, Feliks, what happened in Cuba, etc., and to ask for her help. He trusts Q so much that he gives him the flashdrive he recovered in Cuba, he stays with Q in his apt while he's in London, he places his life in Q's hands multiple times throughout Skyfall, Spectre, and NTTD. He trusts Mallory - even after knowing his shadiness with Herakles, he still trusts him enough to go back under his command. He even trusts Nomi after only a few days of meeting her - enough to trust her to have his back on the island, enough to trust her with Madeline and his child.
So the fact that Bond doesn't trust Madeline is a huge, huge red flag. To me, the "trilogy" of Skyfall, Spectre, and NTTD were all about establishing Bond's support system and family within MI6. In Casino Royale and QoS, he really only had M, and no other connections to MI6 beyond her. But starting with Skyfall, he begins to build a support network of people he does trust in MI6, and the audience begins to trust them (and love them) along with Bond.
This simply doesn't apply to Madeline, because Bond doesn't trust her, and so the audience is never shown why we should trust her or love her.
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eurydia · 9 months
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The Outer Worlds: Spacer's Choice Edition is currently free on the Epic Games store today only!
it's one of my fave games 💜 it has a hot vicar, ace representation and amazing graphics. give it a try c:
here's some of my favorite fanart for it over the years 💜
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
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NEW EDIT!!! For my new comfort show... Freelancers!!
(Yes, as the font on the thumbnail may have given away, it's a Freelancers Friends Theme song edit!!)
I worked unreasonably long and hard on an edit that's only barely a minute long, but I'm actually really proud of it, so I hope y'all like it 🥹
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mallory keen with A! please <3
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Here's Mallory!!
Valentine's stories palette challenge
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daringsunflowers · 2 years
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since hooking up with the blonde jude had avoided the parties around town. for some weird feeling he couldnt fight his mind constantly thinking about her. he refused to allow himself to fall for someone like her. he couldnt fall for anyone. he didnt even believe in love, it was pointless and someone always got hurt. so the best thing for him to do was to avoid any chance of seeing her all together. not to mention he knew if he had seen her and she was in the arms of another guy it would have drove him wild. however jude knew he had no say in any of it. she was no one but a woman he had hooked up with at a party.. NOTHING MORE.. or at least he told himself.
however tonight was his best friends birthday and he knew he couldnt avoid this party. he decided to bring a date, no one serious just some arm candy. hopefully it would take his mind off of where it was going. the man was sitting in a chair with his date on his knee laughing with a few friends when he had saw her. eyes eyes moved to see the blonde walk in and he swore he felt like the breath was knocked out of his lungs.
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wastheheart · 5 months
40 Random Questions
@sheiismother (mallory) asked: "are you going to sit down?" (thank you!)
The woman's question pulls Esme from her unrelenting pacing by disrupting her rhythm. Instead, Esme leans against the windowsill, only briefly even glancing at Mallory. The waiting room inside ER seemed the best place to pace, right? There are always anxious patients; Esme isn't alone in that regard.
"Uh, yeah of course," she murmurs in reply, perching on the edge of a waiting room seat, but akin to a meerkat, unable to cease her observations. She doesn't come to hospital appointments alone, not usually without Charles, but he had managed to get her lip well and good. If she wants it to heal nicely—leave barely a mark—then she needs stitches.
"... Do you know what the waiting time is? I've got an appointment and I need to plan ahead is all."
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ofescapisms · 8 months
continued from x
Toni: Toni gently took a hold of Myles hand. And squeezed it. "what?!" He looked at the other woman. He should have known, Myles was the spitting image of her. He would never say that out loud. His eyes stayed on Mallory "You ever come near me or Myles again you can consider yourself dead!" He wasn't joking. He had a gun and he wasn't afraid to use it. "Myles stay behind me"
Mallory: Mallory scoffed at the man in front of her "oh please." She rolled her eyes "Of course you would go for someone so scrawny and weak. Clearly I have failed as a mother." She shook her head "And you….you Should be ashamed of yourself! Preying on my sweet and innocent Mylene!"
Mylene: Mylene nodded and stayed behind him as he asked, now more thankful than ever to have him by her side. She barely looked past Toni’s arm when she spoke, glaring at her mother for the comments she had made. “You failed as a mother, but for reasons you will clearly never admit. Toni is the best thing that ever happened to me, so you better do as he says now, mother.” She squeezed Toni’s hand from how nervous she was. “As far as I’m concerned, my life only truly began when I ran away from you,” she scowled.
Mallory: "Everything I ever did was to protect you!" She shouted "The worked jobs in top of jobs just to keep your little spoiled brat attitude at bay! Always wanting something to read and do" she rolled her eyes "would you have rather me bring my work home to you? Have those horrible men take advantage of you like they did me? Huh?" She crossed her arms "I'll leave, but know this Mylene." She walked towards them and put her pointer finger out to Myles, close to her face. "You will Always need me. And now that I'm here…you can kiss your story book life good bye" she scoffed "The world is a cruel and horrible place and you will learn that soon enough"
Toni: Once she had left Toni relaxed a little and turned to Myles. He brought his arms around her "Jesus Christ…." He whispered softly placing a kiss to the top of her head "Thank goodness you're alright." He said with a sigh. "you're okay?" He pulled away only a little to look at her face.
Mylene: There wasn’t much Myles could do until her mother left and she finally let out the breath she was holding, sinking into Toni’s arms as tears fell down her face. She was shaking from the anxiety of the whole ordeal, but still managed to look back up at him. “I…physically yes. I never thought I’d see her again, I’ve had nightmares about this but always told myself it would never be possible,” she let out a soft sob. “The things she said…she chose to con men for a living, but it feels like she blames me. And now our baby…I hate the thought that she is even in the same town as our child.”
Toni: he gently cupped her face wiping away her tears "ay, Baby" he whispered softly. "I am so so sorry this is happening. I'm going to make my way to Sharif's office tomorrow and report that she's here and that she's dangerous okay?" He said before pulling her close to him "I'll never let her hurt you again. As long as I am still breathing you'll be safe." He promised. Shaking his head as he held her "It's not your fault, none of this is your fault. You're a good person Myles. Even putting yourself first by getting out there doesn't make you any less of a good person. Don't ever let her tell you otherwise"
Mylene: Myles sniffed back her tears and nodded, finding comfort in his touch. “Ok, yeah if the cops know now it’s better if something comes up. She’s a good liar I think, I just hope the people here know me well enough not to believe her words,” she sighed. “Thank you, I don’t know what I would do without you. Even when I first arrived and met you at the commune, you were one of the first people to help me, I’d never had someone help me before then. You changed so much in my life for the better.”
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detectivegoldstein · 8 months
James stumbled his way up to the bar, ready to order his next drink when he noticed the woman standing next to him, waiting expectantly for the bartender. "Holy shit yer gorgeous. I'll get yer next drink...if that's okay of course."
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lunarruled · 4 months
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Well at least the weather is nice today, Kyleigh thought as she glanced once more out of the large front windows of the diner. She had taken the job just a week ago in order to support herself while in town, she just never imagined it would be this boring. Granted it wasn't the busiest city or anything like that but with it being so close to town she thought more people would be coming in. Letting out a sigh she told herself to be patient and just see what the day brought.
Her answer came a few minutes later when the little bell on the front door dinged as it opened. A heavily pregnant woman walked in, Kyleigh amazed that she could even stand with all that extra belly! Figuring that it was probably going to be easier for the woman to sit up at the counter rather than in a booth, Kyleigh signaled for her to step up and waited for her to sit down as comfortably as she could.
"You can use the stool next to you to put your feet up if you need. That…. does not look comfortable at all."
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GO WEST HYPE!!!!!!!!
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im literally so excited for this movie. i loved them so much as a kid and i love the stuff they make now
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tearueful · 2 months
VOUGHT RISING better give me rising star Stan Edgar, Grace Mallory, and OG Black Noir or I'm rioting.
(A show with a Nazi and a misogynistic racist as the main characters sure is a choice)
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brooklynislandgirl · 8 months
📸 (Gareth)
I see your face every time I dream || -
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