lucy-studies · 2 years
with everything that’s going on with bon apetit, i thought i’d just share some of my favorite recipe-based youtube channels run by people of color
just one cookbook - a super wide variety of japanese recipes. easy step-by-steps and all the recipes i’ve tried have been delicious
souped up recipes -  chinese recipes - very informative videos and tasty food - i love her personality too
maangchi - who doesn’t love maangchi. delicious korean recipes and a fabulous personality
get curried - a huge variety of recipes from various regions of india 
simply mama cooks - my fav for tejano food. i believe she’s a mexicana married into a korean family, and draws a lot from that
immaculate bites - mostly quick ‘tasty’ style video recipes focusing on southern us, african, and carribean foods. easy and delicious stuff!
stove top kisses - fun and delicious recipes and the videos are super fun to watch - mostly american food
j kenji lopez alt - author of the book ‘the food lab’ - he’s maybe my favorite recipe developer out there. all kinds of food and hes super knowledgeable
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lucy-studies · 3 years
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08/12/21 🪴
tasks for today:
sort windowsill out
sort bedside table out
sort makeup drawers out
sort desk
do some laundry
hoover and clean
goals! :
- to feel less cluttered
- to have things organised
- to feel happy with my space
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lucy-studies · 3 years
06/12/21 <3 💗
• 10:25-16:30 ( school )
to do today:
• get a birthday card
• tidy and clean my room ( organise desk, hoover )
• biology revision for test tomorrow ( cell structure and division )
• make dinner!
• take makeup off and do evening skincare
• do some more tidying/organising
• sleep 🛌 <3
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lucy-studies · 3 years
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goals for 05/12/21 🌞
make my bed
morning skincare!
sort out bio, chem and maths papers and organise them into folders
put some things away (coats, creams, makeup etc)
do some laundry
organise some makeup
do biology revision (cell structure and division)
put clothes and revision stuff away
have a shower and get ready
have dinner at my boyfriends <3
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lucy-studies · 3 years
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goals for today + weekend | 05-07/11/21 <3
• do bio revision this morning
• complete bio test
• do chemistry revision for test on monday
• do some more extra recommended tasks for bio and chem (flash cards, mind maps, key definitions)
• come home early, do an hour of tidying and more chem revision
• tidy more of my room (nearly finish it)
• do more chemistry revision
• finish my room!
• do chemistry revision for test on monday!
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lucy-studies · 3 years
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room tidying goals! || 27/10/21 - 29/10/21
• sort my bed out! - make bed and organise stuff that’s on it
• sort stuff on floor near my bed - put it all into boxes and drawers
• sort pile of clothes next to drawers and put them away
• sort other pile of clothes and put them away
• sort the boxes of stuff out - makeup and stationary
• put all the cups and dishes into the kitchen
• sort the top of my drawers out - display cute things
• move my desk and my hanger for my clothes
• sort out mini table next to radiator and move it next to my hanger for my accessories
• move my mini drawers for undergarments
• sort out drawers of makeup and clothes
• hoover and clean !
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lucy-studies · 3 years
bad bitches hang out with their mum coz they have no friends
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lucy-studies · 3 years
what i long for <3
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rory gilmore aesthetics
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lucy-studies · 3 years
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evening routine/goals ||18/10/21 <3
i’m currently at the library! so do some revision
get home before 7
have something to eat!
do a bit more revision & hw (biology and chemistry, journal too)
have a warm bath
skincare and body care (creams & oils)
make a hot drink ( hot chocolate maybe )
brush my teeth!
get into bed and relax (film or reading)
sleep before 10!
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lucy-studies · 3 years
you are loved <3
You may not want to exist right now, but someone is happy that you do.
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lucy-studies · 3 years
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today’s goals 17/10/21 <3 💒
• tidy my room
• put clothes in the wash that i’m wearing next week
• start maths & biology hw
• do some of the tasks on my to do list ( revision & organising )
• change my bed sheets
• have a warm bath
• sleep early ( 21:00 )
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lucy-studies · 3 years
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100 days of productivity challenge 🌞
i’m now starting the 100 days of productivity challenge because i am fed up of being lazy, i want to get the most out of my time and studies, so i’m starting this challenge to motivate myself.
however i’m going to do these goals only for the next two weeks to find which are suitable and which i need to change!
goals for each day:
before college:
wake up at 06:00
have a glass of water and cup of tea
eat breakfast and read!
clean teeth, do morning skincare and body care ( creams and oils )* put oil on eyelashes and face ( not wearing makeup for these two weeks unless it’s an occasion )
tidy and/or organise something in my room
get ready for college and leave an hour before lesson starts so i have enough time to get there on the bus!
during college:
complete some sort of homework or study
see more people during the day!* arrange one to one meetings with chem teacher to catch up on some topics i’m struggling with
after college:
sort out folders from the day ( papers and work )
hydrate !!
write out a to do list for the goals of that evening* complete hw or study for a little
eat dinner and drink more water !
study for a little more ( complete a few more flash cards or mind maps )
tidy or organise something in my room
read and have a cup of tea
get ready for bed! ( skincare, teeth brushing )
sleep between 22:00-23:00 every night
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lucy-studies · 3 years
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10/10/21 || night routine 🌙💐
• make dinner!
• maths revision for monday (5 questions for each topic)
•chemistry revision (complete a few past paper questions on weak topics)
• tidy for 20 mins
• change bed sheets and make it cosy! (candles)
• have a warm bath! (wash hair in morning)
• skincare and body care (creams and oils)
• have a late pudding and drinj! (warm caramel rice pudding and hot chocolate)
• oil my hair for tomorrow’s wash
• brush my teeth
• relax! (read, journal, watch a film!)
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lucy-studies · 3 years
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06/10/21 ~ online day!! <3
- today was an online day, so i didn’t have any real life classes
• complete biology risk assessment for enzyme practical & revise for biology test on carbs and lipids tomorrow
• complete maths questions & revise for maths test on monday
• complete chemistry powerpoints & revise for chemistry test on atomic structure on monday
• make a pasta bake for dinner
• night routine & sleep at 10! 🌙
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lucy-studies · 3 years
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Catching up on some statistics lectures for this week!
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lucy-studies · 3 years
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Tonight’s routine ~ // 05/10/21 <3
| please don’t compare you’re routine to mine, i promise mine is never this organised lol 💐
• eat!
• sort the mess on my desk from the past two days and organise my makeup
• complete my chemistry work
• revise for biology test on thursday
• revise for maths test on monday
• take my makeup off, have a shower, do my skincare and a face mask
• tidy for 30 mins
• have a hot drink and relax
• clean my teeth and sleep, ready for online lessons tomorrow <3
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lucy-studies · 3 years
“You don’t need another human being to make your life complete, but let’s be honest. Having your wounds kissed by someone who doesn’t see them as disasters in your soul, but cracks to put their love into, is the most calming thing in this world.”
— Emery Allen 
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