lucybafia · 2 years
I have the impression that Zefirelli, the aforementioned director of the film about Jesus, did not incredibly accurately convey the mystery of this situation. Perhaps the entire Annunciation took place inside Mary?
Maybe God is constantly trying to reach you, talk to you, but you close your eyes and cover your ears.
“A friend lent me a book, but I didn't really want to read it. But I opened it on a random page and read one sentence. It made me reflect…”
“My friend has been asking for something for a week now, she’s so annoying! Or perhaps it’s You Jesus through her...”
PRIEST PAWLUKIEWICZ - “Turn on the light. Don’t let the darkness get you”
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lucybafia · 2 years
Why am I talking about this? Recently I got a letter from a young, rebellious man. He describes his very difficult situation and, with such a noticeable regret, he finally announces:
“No angel has come to me. I am twenty-something years old and no angel has come to me! It would be so useful I have so many questions”
But could we be so sure no angel has come to him?
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lucybafia · 2 years
Jesus of Nazareth. Director Franco Zeffirelli. the Annunciation scene.
Mary is at her home in Nazareth. Suddenly there is the sound of a shutter clicking. There is a buzzing noise of wind outside, a gentle breeze moves the garment of the sleeping Mary. She wakes up and sees a shaft of light streaming through a window opening. Fearful, she breaks up from the bed, but after a while she approaches the light and starts talking to someone, saying the very words that we remember so well:
"How will it happen, since I do not know the husband?"
We hear only the words of Mary and see the light. Of course, this is just the director's fantasy. None of us know what the Annunciation was actually like. We don't even know how long it lasted. It could be a week, it could be a month. Perhaps Mary did see a luminous figure.
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lucybafia · 2 years
A lifeguard once told me that just as they get hit in the head by those drowning people who they pull out of the water, nobody gets. When the rescuer approaches the drowning person, they immediately punches him in the teeth. They hit his eyes with elbows. Of course, it's all because panic prevails, but I mention it because we do exactly the same with Jesus. We panic and therefore do not want to listen to Him.
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lucybafia · 2 years
Many people do not know or do not believe that God has a heart. Somehow, we never think of Him as the main character of this story, which has been talking place from the moment the world was created, especially from the sin of Adam and Eve. Think, if He has hearts, if He loves us, how much He had to suffer when the first couple ate the fruit of the forbidden tree? God immediately said:
"Adam, where are you?"
His voice resounds to this day. It is Him who draws us to the Church.
"Eve, Mark, Christopher, where are you? What have you done this time? What a mess…. Let me help you! You're just having fun, not watching what's going on around you”
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lucybafia · 2 years
We constantly look for our tea. We worry about some nonsenses and the ship is already sinking. If the world does not end soon, we have several dozen left, some of us probably only a dozen or few years of life. In eighty years, most of us will no longer be here. Our ship is sinking all the time. Fortunately, unlike the Titanic passengers, we have time, and there are lifeboats on board for everyone. The only question is will we want to wake up to enter them?
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lucybafia · 2 years
On the Titanic, when the ship began to drown, not everyone knew yet that something was wrong. One of the passengers was going up and down the corridor, making a drama
She said: "flight attendant , tea. Where is the flight attendant? What's going on on this ship? Where’s my tea, it’s tea time? It is already five o’clock”
Meanwhile, the sailors were running with life jackets, and the captain was fully aware that most of the passengers wouldn’t be saved
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lucybafia · 2 years
Imagine such a film dialogue:
- Let's get out of here! They will come here soon, they will kill you - the knight shouts.
- Leave me. I'm fine here. What are you talking about?
- Are you drugged?! They are coming to kill you!
- No, no, leave me alone.
Christ is that knight. You are drugged by the world and there are all kinds of delusions, but Jesus does not stop trying to save you. He is trying to convince you that what you call freedom is actually bondage. And finally, this fantastic moment comes when a man hears Christ and begins to wake up. When he begins to see that the story of his life is embedded in another, much larger story - the story of salvation
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lucybafia · 2 years
There is a passage in Ephesians 5:14 :
“Wake up, sleeper,
rise from the dead,
and Christ will shine on you.”
Don’t live in Matrix, in this peace that you cherish more than all sanctities. God wants to work in our lives, just like in those movies in which a knight wants to free a kidnapped princess. Jesus wants to do everything to give us freedom, even though we often even defend ourselves against it with our arms and legs.
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lucybafia · 2 years
Kiedy ktoś do ciebie zadzwoni i obcym głosem powie: „Cześć, kochanie!", bez zastanowienia odłożysz słuchawkę.
My nie znamy głosu Pana Boga, więc gdy dzwoni, zamiast wejść z Nim w rozmowę, rozłączamy się.
Mówimy:,,Kumpel, forsa, seks są ważniejsze, muzyki bym posłuchał". Ani muzyka, ani seks, ani kolega nie spra wią, że to poczucie tęsknoty zniknie. Próbujemy je zagłuszyć, zapisując się na dodatkowy kurs komputerowy czy na kurs języka angielskiego. Wydaje nam się, że musimy wziąć się w garść, żeby wyleczyć się z tych tęsknot.
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lucybafia · 2 years
My niejednokrotnie też czujemy w sobie taką tęsknotę. „O, wiem. Komputer sobie włączę” - myślimy pewnie często w takich chwilach, całkowicie zagłuszając Boży głos. Może czasami, gdy kładziemy się spać, Bóg daje nam ten wewnętrzny niepokój, jakby chciał powiedzieć:
„Chodź, chodź! Wołam cię". My się szarpiemy, bo nie znamy głosu Pana Boga.
Kiedy ktoś do ciebie zadzwoni i obcym głosem powie: „Cześć, kochanie!", bez zastanowienia odłożysz słuchawkę.
My nie znamy głosu Pana Boga, więc gdy dzwoni, zamiast wejść z Nim w rozmowę, rozłączamy się.
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lucybafia · 2 years
Bóg nas woła. Pamiętacie tę sytuację, kiedy Bóg wołał Samuela? (1 Sm 3: 1-14) Chłopiec budził się w nocy, słyszał głos i szedł do Helego:
-Po co mnie wołałeś? - pytał go.
- To nie ja - odpowiadał Heli.
Samuel pewnie się zdziwił, ale skoro nie był potrzebny, wrócił i położył się spać. Bóg znowu go zawołał, a on znów poszedł do Helego, myśląc, że to kapłan go wzywa. Dopiero Heli powiedział mu, że głos, który słyszy, może być głosem Boga.
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lucybafia · 2 years
Niby wszystko mamy, studia nam dobrze idą, niby jesteśmy przy stojni, mamy dziewczynę, ale jednak coś nam nie pasuje. Dlaczego? Co nam nie pasuje? Co nas uwiera?
To tęsknota, ten brak. To Bóg cię woła.
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lucybafia · 2 years
We say: "Friend, money, sex is more important, I would listen to music."
We try to drown it out by signing up for an additional computer course or an English language course. We believe that we must pull ourselves together to heal this feeling. Neither music, nor sex, nor a friend will make this sense of longing disappear.
Get to know God. Read His Word. Get rid of restlessness
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lucybafia · 2 years
We also often feel such a longing in ourselves. "Oh, I know. I’ll browse the media”- we all think in such moments, completely drowning out God's voice.
Really often when we go to bed, God gives us this inner restlessness, as if to say,
“Come on, come on! I am calling you."
We struggle because we do not know the voice of God.
When someone calls you and says in a strange voice: "Hello, sweetheart!", You will hang up without hesitation . We do not know the voice of God, so when He calls, instead of talking to Him, we hang up.
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lucybafia · 2 years
Remember the time when God called Samuel? The boy woke up in the night, heard a voice, and went to Eli:
-What did you call me for? he asked him.
- It's not me. replied Eli.
Samuel was probably surprised, but since he was not needed, he came back and went to sleep. God called him again, and he went back to Eli, thinking that the priest was calling him. Then Eli told him that the voice he hears can be the voice of God.
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lucybafia · 2 years
We have everything, we are doing well, we are dedicated to our craft, we have a girlfriend/boyfriend but something does not feel right. Why? What bothers us?
This is a longing, a lack of something. It is God who is calling you.
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