alexmercermolina ¡ 3 years
thinking about shawn and juliet’s hand touches in the roller rink 🥰
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alexmercermolina ¡ 3 years
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✨ social media au where the boys are alive in 2020 and the band is wildly successful ✨
willie stumbles upon a blast from alex’s past~!
Part 1 Part 1.5 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 11.5
please click on the images to see all the text and all the little details fdjkslfjskl
so this isn’t the official epilogue! this was just a fun little thing i felt like making. i made the magazine cover, article, and the quiz all from scratch and honestly it was SO MUCH FUN!!! they were inspired by all those really bright, busy j-14 magazine covers fdkjsfsl
there’s still one final epilogue coming up, i just thought this would be fun to post!! 
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alexmercermolina ¡ 3 years
hello everyone i just wanted to come on here and say that i haven’t stopped thinking about promising young woman (2020) since i watched it two weeks ago so if you’ve seen it please interact with me i need to discuss it more
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alexmercermolina ¡ 3 years
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@meangirlsx do you think it’s worth bringing back the jeanscourse for this jouch?
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alexmercermolina ¡ 3 years
Just a gentle reminder for tumblr users with anxiety, panic disorders or who get nervous quickly: 
- Chain mail, “reblog this or..” posts etc. don’t work. They’re not real. Nothing bad will happen if you don’t forward that mail or reblog that post. 
- “If you don’t reblog this, you’re a bad person” is a lie. You’re not a bad person for not clicking a button. 
- You are allowed to unfollow blogs that post triggering contents. 
- You’re not weak or a crybaby for avoiding things that are triggering. Far from it, you’re taking care of yourself. That’s amazing! 
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alexmercermolina ¡ 3 years
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✨ social media au where the boys are alive in 2020 and the band is wildly successful ✨
the band finds out what happened after the video shoot~!
Part 1 Part 1.5 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11
the willex story is coming to a close!! idk why i was so nervous about uploading this part. i was really worried it would be disappointing and the pay off wouldn’t work out??? idk. i’m still a bit iffy. i quite like the instagram stories tho i think they’re quite cute
one more final part of the willex storyline and then we’ll be closing the chapter!! <3 thank you for all the support ahh! it’s been completely unreal. next story we’re gonna be doing is probably gonna be how julie and luke got together! that might not come for a little while though because my winter semester just started and also i have to write poyp!
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alexmercermolina ¡ 3 years
five really didn’t have to wear his creepy hogwarts student outfit he and vanya are like the same size he could’ve borrowed one of her 50 button-downs
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alexmercermolina ¡ 3 years
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12 Stydia Gifsets for Stydia Day: 12/12
↳ Their Story
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alexmercermolina ¡ 3 years
hi all, sorry i’ve been so inactive lately - it’s been a rough beginning to the year mentally, and i’ve been lacking motivation. i’m going to try and get back into it though soon, so i’m still here! thanks for your continued love and support, i love you all!
to those who have tagged me in things - those will be my first prior when i get back! i have not forgotten 💜
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alexmercermolina ¡ 3 years
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#called out
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alexmercermolina ¡ 3 years
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TEEN WOLF  3.15 – “Galvanize”
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alexmercermolina ¡ 3 years
Piss Off Your Parents (Date Me To Scare Them) (4/?)
pairing: willex
summary: Alex Mercer doesn’t want to go home for Christmas; but if he has to, he’s certainly gonna raise a little hell. Enter: Willie, the cute guy in his history of English class who would be the perfect fake boyfriend candidate.
authors note: AHHHHHH 
trigger warning: homophobia/homophobic parents, discussing homophobic parents
The moment the door swung open, a gust of cold wind swept past Willie and Alex, rustling their hair and making Alex shiver. It was almost as if the weather knew just who they were about to encounter.
Standing at the door in all of her five-foot, three-inch glory… was Estelle Mercer.
She looked like the quintessential suburban Christian housewife with her powdered sugar covered apron and her pastel sweater. The smile on her face was lipstick-lined and sweet… syrupy, almost. Everything about her was just slightly too perfect, too careful.
Alex remembered thinking his mother slept like that when he was younger; with her make up done simply but perfectly and not a hair out of place. Even at 18-years-old, he’d never seen her break so much as a nail.
“Hey, mom,” he said breathlessly. He felt Willie’s grip around his hand tighten and he relaxed his shoulders just a tad; Willie’s touch soothed him, anchored him, almost.
The silence couldn’t have lasted longer than a second and a half, but to Alex it felt like an eternity. Estelle’s eyes flickered for a moment between Willie and Alex; the movement was barely noticeable, but Alex caught it. He wondered if Willie had too.
read the rest of chapter 4 on ao3!
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alexmercermolina ¡ 3 years
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🌟 wearing outfits inspired by the cast 🌟
kayla’s purple pants and jacket combo - flying solo
as soon as i took pictures i was half-happy with, i put my pyjamas back on and went on with lamenting about the lack of closet space in my new apartment
anyway quarantine is going…….well
jacket - H&M
pants - pull & bear
top - hollister
shoes - nike
belt - wego tokyo
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alexmercermolina ¡ 3 years
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✨ social media au where the boys are alive in 2020 and the band is wildly successful ✨
willie watches the band rehearse and music video plans get made~!
Part 1 Part 1.5 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9
SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG FJKDSLJSLK i just moved from hong kong to vancouver and i’m in the process of moving into my new apartment!! hopefully this is up to yalls expectations!!
thank you for all the love as well!! i super appreciate every single one of u :’) if u like this………reblog it perhaps? <3
taglist under the cut!:
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alexmercermolina ¡ 3 years
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Julie and the Phantoms 
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alexmercermolina ¡ 3 years
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Booboo Stewart for The Geometro Party
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alexmercermolina ¡ 3 years
alex: hey willie, why don’t you tuck your hair into your helmet anymore? i thought you said it’s more comfortable
willie: *thinking back to the time alex said he likes willie’s hair down* uh...
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