lucylesdreams · 1 year
Or when they say this is just individual cases, a couple of bad apples, nothing to worry about . When there are many many "individual cases", and we can predict the victim and perp, the nature of the assault and the motivation, it is a systemic issue.
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lucylesdreams · 1 year
or a "macho" man carrying stuff for his wife/daughter/mother. We know nothing other than him being man because his BONES
Lesbians: Hey uhh. I don’t owe you sex and i’m definitely not attracted to males!
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lucylesdreams · 1 year
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Now who would have predicted that
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lucylesdreams · 1 year
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Record store makes Tik Tok about their female only stock. Comments filled with people asking if they sell specific trans artists DESPITE them already confirming they have trans artists in their catalog.
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It’s not about inclusion they just don’t want women to have anything for themselves.
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lucylesdreams · 1 year
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I’ve heard that a day without them is like a day without sunshine 🌻
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lucylesdreams · 1 year
okay, fair enough. I can vibe with that❤️‍🔥BURN IT ALL ❤️‍🔥
worst foods that should be deleted from the earth are easily black licorice and celery
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lucylesdreams · 1 year
What has Scandinavia done to you?
worst foods that should be deleted from the earth are easily black licorice and celery
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lucylesdreams · 1 year
I have felt this so much.
I have for the past 6 months put myself on a mind detox, not doing anything just for looks, not thinking about it, stepped away from conversations about looks. Instead focusing more on what my body can do for me, the joy it can bring me. climbing, dancing, swimming, playing football, living actual experiences. no self imposed limitations that will break you from the inside.
I have never felt better 😊
"One student admitted she missed class one day simply because she felt “too ugly to be seen in public.” The other women in the class accepted this claim without surprise, secure in the knowledge that if you’re a woman worrying about how you look, you’ll always be in good company. After offering the obligatory reassurances that she wasn’t ugly, they patted her on the shoulder with gentle understanding.
A couple of weeks before one of these groups was set to leave for a tropical location, the teacher asked his students to write reflections on whether they were prepared for their trip. Out of the seven women in the group, five wrote that they weren’t ready because they had hoped to lose weight before leaving. They seemed more worried about how their bodies might appear than whether they had sufficiently reflected on the work they hoped to do during their trip. Not one man in the group wrote about his body “not being ready.”
How much more time do we spend getting ready for work every day compared to our male colleagues? When one of my most beloved mentors told a group that she wore a scarf every day because her aging neck was “too hideous to be seen,” why didn’t we question that type of talk?
A few years ago, I received an email from a Canadian woman who saw a TEDx talk I gave about beauty sickness. She confessed that she almost didn’t attend an important fundraising function for a children’s welfare organization because she felt she looked too fat in her clothes. After reframing her feelings in terms of beauty sickness, she decided she would “let her looks be a sideshow to who I really am.” This choice made a real difference in her life and in the lives of others. “If I hadn’t gone,” she wrote, “I wouldn’t have met some incredible people. I wouldn’t have bought raffle tickets to help children living in poverty be able to go to camp this summer. I wouldn’t have offered my time to help organize next year’s event.”
As a culture, we face a terrible loss when an entire group of promising citizens is spending so much time worrying about whether they are beautiful that they risk letting another generation go by without seeing the changes they hoped to see in the world. This obsession with appearance—this beauty sickness—turns women toward the mirror and away from a world that stands to benefit from a refocusing of their passions and efforts. How might women’s lives be different if they took the energy and concern aimed at their own appearance and aimed it out at the world instead?"
- Beauty Sick, Renee Engeln
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lucylesdreams · 1 year
Lesbian and bisexual women, or in writing SSA women. the rest is meaningless to me. And the straight bigots with glitter can fuck off with their slurs.
(if u add a + just vote for whichever one you add it to <3)
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lucylesdreams · 1 year
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When people tell you who they are, believe them.
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lucylesdreams · 1 year
or when it is a crime committed by "cis-person" to a trans identifying person: "TRANSPHOBIA! Transgenocide!"
When it is a crime committed by a trans identifying person to anyone else. "Him/her/they/cake being trans had nothing to do with it. It is a conspiracy to make transpeople look bad."
The media when a trans identifying male commits a violent crime: it's female crime
The media when a trans identifying female commits a violent crime: it's female crime
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lucylesdreams · 1 year
Male doctor caring more about her boyfriends’ pleasure who he never even met than her health as a woman? Shocker!! I am shocked!
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lucylesdreams · 1 year
hence why I don't use the word "sex work/sex worker", because I agree the word prostitution and prostitute has a stigma that is harmful.
there are other reason to why I don't say "sex worker",
but my number 1: It has no clear meaning. It includes everyone that ears money on the sexual exploitation. Including a bouncer on a strip show, the pimps, the brothel owners, the traffickers. It refers to everyone in the rape industry.
They get the representation, they get to control the narrative, they have the money and social status to lobby, instead of the victims.
Tinfoil hat moment but I swear this ‘omg evil SWERFs!!!” nonsense is a psy op bankrolled by the sex industry because in what world is “I think it’s okay for 60 year old men to buy sex from 18 year olds struggling to afford their next meal :)” something you can say with a goddamn straight face. 
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lucylesdreams · 1 year
even when men kill women after sexually exploiting them, it is the women telling men to stop killing and sexually exploiting women fault?
I can't with this.
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ya’ll i can’t anymore 
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lucylesdreams · 1 year
yeah, this is not AGP at all.
Changing himself to being attracted to himself, not at all.
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lucylesdreams · 1 year
But we are cervix-owners and fallopiantubes havers.
We don't want to reach as many at-risk individuals when it is women and girls. We don't care about women and girls.
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lucylesdreams · 1 year
child sexual exploitation, but TRAs want to have fun manipulating the past and the lives of dead people with zero respect.
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“Johann Scheff, trans lady SW arrested in 1932 for nicking women’s clothes from a department store in Berlin.” We’ve always been here. Not even book burnings can truly erase it.
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