lucyngtrandom-blog · 4 years
Video Game Randomness - GMTK (Output Randomness)
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lucyngtrandom-blog · 4 years
Video Game Randomness - GMTK (Input Randomness)
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lucyngtrandom-blog · 4 years
Retro Racing Games - Micro Machines Turbo Tournament ‘96
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lucyngtrandom-blog · 4 years
Retro Racing Games - Crash Team Racing (CTR)
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lucyngtrandom-blog · 4 years
Retro Racing Games - Super Mario Kart
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lucyngtrandom-blog · 4 years
Retro Racing Games - F-Zero
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lucyngtrandom-blog · 4 years
Loot Boxes - Star Wars Battlefront II
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Easily the biggest backlash against loot boxes and microtransactions in video game history. Even as early as a limited beta release of the game, players knew immediately that player progression was built entirely on luck, gambling, and grinding. When they also found out that the rarest and most powerful and useful items were obtainable from paid loot boxes, the fans cried out about the game being ‘pay-to-win’.
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lucyngtrandom-blog · 4 years
Loot Boxes - Paid
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[Overwatch - PC, PS4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch]
Loot boxes in Overwatch contain entirely random cosmetics for the player and the weapons. These give the player no tactical advantage and are just used to show off. For this reason, I find them to be acceptable. I still definitely consider buying these to be a form of gambling and it should absolutely be recognised as such. 
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lucyngtrandom-blog · 4 years
Loot Boxes - Free
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[Clash Royale - Mobile Devices]
A common type of random loot boxes can be found within ‘free-to-play’ mobile games. Each win in the game will result in receiving one of these loot boxes, usually chests, and real life time must be spent unlocking them. Better loot boxes with guaranteed rarer items will take considerably longer than simple common ones. And usually only one loot box can be opened at a time, encouraging the player to use a premium currency to open the loot box instantly or speed up the timer. And, of course, all the loot inside every box is entirely randomised which makes the entire process an absolute gamble.
Personally, I will never use this in any game I plan on making. It feels like such a money-grabbing scam as is how I feel with all loot boxes in general. 
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lucyngtrandom-blog · 4 years
Design Evaluation
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[Track: Desert 3 - Dune Dash]
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[Track: Space 2 - Lunar Landing]
When it came to actually begin designing the tracks, I wanted to design something which would be intense and a blast to race through alone and something which would be competitive and fun to battle through with a friend. To do this, the tracks were made just barely big enough for two karts to fit side by side. This was done to ensure plenty of room for error during single-player but too little room in two-player for chaos to ensue.
If I was to redo this project or continue working on it at a later date, I would try to create more complex tracks. 
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[Track: Space 1 - Starlight Station (UNUSED)]
This track had to be scrapped and redesigned because I couldn’t find a way to get the player to successfully weave over and under areas of track. If this game was in 3D, that would be easy. If, at a later date, I could figure out a way to get this done properly, I could have so much more creative freedom with track design. Tunnels, caves, and bridges instead of just a simple circuit.
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lucyngtrandom-blog · 4 years
Code Evaluation
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[Player Blueprint]
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[Roulette Wheel Blueprint]
As far as coding goes, this may very well be my neatest work yet. Most of the time, my code becomes really messy and spaghetti-like from all the randomly places nodes which I had never bothered to put into any sort of shape or order. Here, I’ve been able to tidy it all up and include comments on larger blueprints so I know exactly where to look if something isn’t behaving as intended. This allows me to fix bugs quicker and have more time for the actual making and testing.
If I was to redo this project or continue working on it at a later date, I would try to find simpler ways to do things and attempt to fix bugs as soon as I notice them. I can do this with experimentation in my own time. I can think of something I’d like to try to do (a simpler way of loading the game’s tracks, for example) and then throw a bunch of methods and ideas at the metaphorical wall to see what sticks.
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lucyngtrandom-blog · 4 years
Art Evaluation
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When creating the art and sprites of Minute Racers, I decided to go with pixel art again. By now, It’s what I’ve grown most accustomed to and I think it’s what I do best. Lineart and 3D modelling just aren’t my forte at all; especially 3D modelling.
When making a game, I’ll usually say that art should come last. Focus on making the game working and fun before making it look good. As far as my own abilities go as of now, I don’t believe I could have refined my artwork much more at all. At most, I could’ve added some particle effects to the collection of item boxes to really sell the idea of the box being shattered and the item inside being obtained.
If I was to redo this project or continue to work on it at a later date, I would entirely overhaul the visuals and give it a set colour scheme which I would then stick to. The main problem with all of my art is that I seem to never be able to stick to a colour scheme. If I can do that, what I make will then look neat and more visually tidy.
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lucyngtrandom-blog · 4 years
Bug #4 - Players Flying Away
Extraordinarily weird bug. No fix
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lucyngtrandom-blog · 4 years
Pixel Perfect Lighting
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Tonemapper cannot be deleted
Post process material with an infinite bound replaces it
Grants a proper pixel perfect view
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[Without correction]
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[With correction]
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lucyngtrandom-blog · 4 years
Level Blueprints
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Spawns the flipper object if in Mirror Mode
Destroys all remnants of Player 2 if in Single Player
Plays the stage intro cinematics
Sets all music
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lucyngtrandom-blog · 4 years
Building Out the Game
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Make sure to export to a zip folder to be uploaded properly to itch.io
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lucyngtrandom-blog · 4 years
Minute Racers itch.io Page
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Build version (Major.Minor.Patch)
Cover image
Download link
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