luisisaiass · 5 days
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Luis Isaias as a nutritionist specialized in athletic performance, guides you through an essential component of protein for athletes.
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luisisaiass · 19 days
Luis Isaias shares with you all the information about the celiac diet.
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luisisaiass · 1 month
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Luis Isaias, your trusted sports nutritionist, provides a quick guide to meal planning for athletes.
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luisisaiass · 2 months
La Importancia de los carbohidratos para deportistas
Luis Isaías te enseña cómo maximizar tu rendimiento atlético, gracias al papel clave de los carbohidratos para deportistas. 
En este artículo, exploraremos cómo estos macronutrientes fundamentales son la fuente de energía preferida para la nutrición y bienestar.
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luisisaiass · 2 months
Luis Isaias: Breakfast
Your day should always start with a healthy breakfast . In fact, upon awakening, our body needs energy to be efficient, at least until the lunch break.
Still too many people, out of haste, laziness or habit, limit themselves to having a coffee or a little more before starting the day.
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luisisaiass · 3 months
Luis Isaias: The Key Role Of Carbohydrates For Athletes
In this article, we will explore how these fundamental macronutrients are the preferred energy source for nutrition and wellness.
Providing key information from a sports nutrition perspective and focusing on strategies to maximize their effectiveness.
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luisisaiass · 3 months
Luis Isaias: Proteins
Protein powders, such as whey and casein, stand out as essential tools in muscle recovery.
These protein sources offer fast and sustained absorption, respectively.
Consuming them after exercise ensures an optimal supply of essential amino acids, facilitating protein synthesis and accelerating tissue repair.
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luisisaiass · 4 months
Luis Isaias: Optimizing Performance With Sports Supplements
In this article, we will explore the function and proper use of supplements from a health and performance perspective.
Providing valuable information to maximize the benefits without compromising long-term health and have a balanced nutrition.
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luisisaiass · 5 months
Luis Isaias: Benefits Of Vegetables
Low in calories, but rich in nutrients and antioxidants, the benefits of vegetables are indispensable in a healthy diet. 
Below, we will analyze their nutritional characteristics and discover what properties make them so important for a balanced nutrition.
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luisisaiass · 5 months
Luis Isaias: Sports Nutrition for the Holidays
Celebrations are often associated with excessive eating and less healthy habits, but that doesn’t mean you should deprive yourself completely. 
In this article, we’ll explore sports nutrition strategies during the holidays. Making sure you enjoy the holiday season without forgetting the importance of your nutritional plan.
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luisisaiass · 6 months
Luis Isaias: Nutrition and Recovery
Dairy products, such as milk and yogurt, are rich in calcium and high-quality protein.
Calcium is essential for muscle contraction and bone health, while dairy proteins preserve amino acids important for muscle repair and growth.
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luisisaiass · 6 months
Luis Isaias: Healthy Fats for Athletes
It is essential to understand the importance of balanced nutrition, including healthy fats. 
As they are an essential source of energy for athletes, and choosing the right ones can make a difference in performance and health. 
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luisisaiass · 7 months
Luis Isaias: Dangers Of Restrictive Diets
In this article, we will explore the dangers of restrictive diets and why it is important to adopt a more balanced and sustainable approach to nutrition.
Often people seek quick fixes through restrictive diets, rather than balanced nutrition, which can lead to long-term health problems.
Read more about this here!
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luisisaiass · 7 months
Luis Isaias: Importance of Sports Hydration
Discover with sports nutritionist Luis Isaías the importance of sports hydration in performance and function.
Dehydration can have a significant impact on the body’s ability to function effectively during exercise. 
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luisisaiass · 7 months
Luis Isaias: Avitaminosis
The medical term is "avitaminosis" or "vitamin deficiency", and is a condition related to vitamin intake. 
It is characterized by various symptoms, including intense weakness and different and variable ailments depending on the deficiency. 
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luisisaiass · 8 months
The Best Healthy Snacks for Athletes
As we understand the importance of proper nutrition, we will show you the best healthy snacks for athletes.
Balanced nutrition is essential to optimize performance and recovery in any sporting discipline.
An essential part of this diet are the snacks consumed between main meals. 
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Fresh fruits
Fruits are a natural source of sugars, vitamins and antioxidants. 
Ideal choices for athletes include bananas, apples, oranges and grapes. 
They are easy to carry and provide fast-digesting carbohydrates for a quick energy boost. 
Plus, they’re loaded with potassium, which is essential for preventing muscle cramps.
Greek Yogurt
Greek yogurt is rich in protein and probiotics, which are great for gut health. 
You can combine it with fresh fruits or nuts for a delicious and nutritious snack. 
Protein aids in muscle recovery and keeps you energized for longer.
Protein Shakes
For athletes who need to increase their protein intake, protein shakes are a convenient option
Opt for high-quality protein powders and mix with water or low-fat milk. 
You can also add fruit or spinach for an extra boost of nutrients.
Nut snacks
Nuts such as almonds, walnuts and pistachios are rich in healthy fats and protein. 
They are perfect for providing long-term energy and keeping blood sugar levels stable. 
However, due to their calorie density, it is important to control portions.
Homemade Granola Bars
Homemade granola bars allow you to control the ingredients and make sure they are healthy. 
Combine oats, nuts, honey, dried fruits and seeds to create an energy and fiber-packed option. 
Avoid commercial versions loaded with added sugars.
Carrot sticks with hummus
Carrots are an excellent source of beta-carotene and fiber, while hummus is rich in protein and healthy fats. 
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Avocado Rice Pancakes Snacks
Rice pancakes are light and easy to carry. Spread avocado on them for healthy fats and fiber. 
Add a little salt and pepper for flavor. This combination is great for keeping your energy levels steady.
Boiled Egg
Eggs are a source of high-quality protein and essential amino acids. 
Cook some hard-boiled eggs and take them with you as a snack. 
They are easy to prepare and are an excellent choice for muscle recovery.
Cottage Cheese with Fruit
Cottage cheese is high in protein and low in fat. 
Combine it with fruits such as pineapple, peaches or strawberries for a delicious and balanced snack. 
The protein in cottage cheese aids in muscle repair and recovery.
Seaweed Rolls with Smoked Salmon
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Finally, Luis Isaías‘ recommended seaweed rolls with smoked salmon are an excellent choice for those who want a combination of high quality protein and healthy fats.
Learn more here https://luisisaias.com/en/healthy-snacks-for-athletes/
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luisisaiass · 9 months
Sports Nutrition for Vegetarian/Vegan Athletes
In this article, we will explore sports nutrition for vegetarian/vegan athletes to achieve their goals without compromising their health.
As a sports nutritionist, I understand the importance of balanced nutrition to maximize athletic performance. 
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Comprehensive Nutritional Planning
The solid foundation for a vegetarian/vegan athlete’s nutritional success lies in comprehensive planning. 
This means creating a balanced meal plan that meets protein, carbohydrate, fat, vitamin and mineral needs. 
Incorporating a wide range of foods, from legumes and tofu to fresh fruit, ensures that you’re getting all the nutrients essential for athletic performance. 
In addition, it’s important to consider the timing of meals in relation to your workouts to maximize energy and recovery. 
Working with a sports nutritionist will allow you to customize your plan to your goals and preferences, ensuring you reach your maximum potential.
Quality Vegetable Protein
Protein is essential for muscle building and repair, and vegetarian/vegan athletes can get it from a variety of quality plant sources. 
Incorporate foods rich in essential amino acids, such as quinoa, which not only provides complete proteins, but also complex carbohydrates to sustain energy during exercise. 
Tempeh, derived from soybeans, is another valuable option that not only contains protein, but also probiotics beneficial to digestive health. 
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By combining various plant-based protein sources throughout the day, athletes can ensure that their nutritional needs are met and their athletic performance is optimally supported.
Control Critical Nutrients
Nutritionist Luis Isaías recommends for vegetarian/vegan athletes to control certain critical nutrients to avoid deficiencies. 
Iron, which is vital for oxygen transport in the body, can be obtained from foods such as legumes, spinach and fortified cereals. 
Calcium, crucial for bone and muscle health, can be obtained from fortified products such as plant-based milks and tofu. 
Zinc, necessary for immune function and muscle recovery, is found in nuts, seeds and whole grains. 
Vitamin B12, found primarily in animal products, is vital for the nervous system and may require supplementation or fortified foods. 
Meticulous attention to these nutrients ensures that vegetarian/vegan athletes maintain optimal performance and long-term wellness.
Complex Carbohydrates
Carbohydrates are the primary source of energy for athletes, and complex carbohydrates are especially beneficial. 
These carbohydrates break down slowly into glucose, providing sustained energy during prolonged physical activities. 
Whole grains such as brown rice and oatmeal are excellent examples of complex carbohydrates, as they contain additional fiber, vitamins and minerals that contribute to performance and recovery. 
Fruits and vegetables also provide natural carbohydrates along with antioxidants that fight oxidative stress and inflammation, thus supporting overall health and athletic performance.
Omega-3 Fatty Acids
Omega-3 fatty acids are key allies for vegetarian/vegan athletes in the quest for optimal nutrition. 
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These nutrients are known for their anti-inflammatory properties and their ability to improve cardiovascular health. 
For athletes, omega-3s play a vital role in reducing muscle inflammation and improving post-workout recovery.
Which can result in more consistent and sustained performance over time.
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