lulurionu · 6 years
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“You’re safe…oh thank god. You’re safe, Burn–no, Nagumo…!”
My Secret Sakka 2018 gift for @therealruney! I decided to draw some NaguTou for you ;3 it was fun drawing these two!! Merry Christmas and I hope you like it!!!! 
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lulurionu · 6 years
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Inazuma Showcase Spotlight: @yuumanosaka / @lulurionu
[tumblr] [art tumblr] [twitter] It shows two girls holding plushies of the person they love the most! obviously, the right is Nae holding Norika, which represents my current Inazuma OTP! and then there’s the girl on the left, which actually shows my OC holding Gouenji. she just represents as myself holding Gouenji, who is my favorite character in inazuma hhgjkd
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lulurionu · 6 years
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late post here, but here are my last 10 entries for inavember!!!!!! it was such a fun event, thank you to the people who hosted it for it!!! idk if i’ll be able to do this again next year, hopefully i do!
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lulurionu · 6 years
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lulurionu · 6 years
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inavember day 11-15!!!!! 
also um. shameless bump. but if you want more frequent (individual) posts of my inavember pieces, do follow my twitter!!
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lulurionu · 6 years
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inavembers day 6-10!!!!!!!
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lulurionu · 6 years
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inavember days 1-5!!!!!! 
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lulurionu · 6 years
You got any kaesetsu headcannons?
AAA AA IM SORRY THIS IS SO LATE I WAS BUSY FOR THE PAST MONTH but YES i definitely do have some kaesetsu headcanons! i’ll list five and put them under a read more!!!!!!!!!
1) not exactly a headcanon or kaesetsu-centric, (focuses more on setsu, actually, but it connects to kaesetsu as well) but i like to think that setsu is introverted and (possibly?) socially awkward. 
he isn’t fond of social interaction, with how we see since the beginning of the anime, he mostly keeps to himself and actually doesn’t interact with anyone! he’s probably the type who gains friends by having people go to him first (which is how i think he met haruka, bc unlike him, haruka shows to be more open). 
he probably has a hard time getting along with others because of his interests, as well, since i’m sure many boys his age would like to watch TV shows or play outside. meanwhile, setsu prefers to read books. he probably does play games with haruka or whatever, but i think if he had to choose between playing or reading, he would read.
i’ve seen a lot of people mischaracterize him as the cool, suave kid who should have confessed to kaede in s1, but no, he really isn’t like that at all and i don’t think he should have confessed to her right then and there! there’s lots of moments in the anime where he gets flustered easily and he becomes soft-hearted. sure, he initially didn’t appreciate kaede and azumi’s character when he first met them, but over time, through the first 3 seasons of mirumo, he grew to find the good things about them, especially with kaede!!!
we’re straying now a bit SO THE MAIN THING I WANT TO EXPLAIN IS: throughout the series, i think kaede is the force that helps setsu grow and learn to become more open to others! from someone who is unwilling to interact with others, we see him grow to love and appreciate his friends! he gets overlooked a lot, i swear, but i think his growth throughout the anime is one of my favorites! ITS JUST SO CUTE AND IT MAKES ME REALLY HAPPY PLS APPRECIATE SETSU YUUKI MORE 2K18,,,,
2) when kaesetsu starts dating, i like to think that they probably took things really slow. they probably won’t kiss until…they reach the near end of high school hjkdsfsdkj (though one of the mirumo games defy this but its also not compliant with the anime so-). they probably only got as far as hugging from their junior high graduation (which is at the end of the anime lol).
BUT they probably had a lot of indirect kisses before they actually kissed! there’s a segment at the finale ending where kaede fed setsu ice cream. they probably ate from the same spoon so :’))))
3) there’s two places that kaesetsu love to have dates in. first, inspired by the anime, is going to the cafe! i headcanon that kaede loves to eat parfaits, and there’s a cafe in the town that monthly have new parfait recipes introduced. they spend time their dates in the cafe, at most, once a month. setsu doesn’t have a big sweet tooth as kaede, but he loves to go there with her because that’s also where they had their first date.
the other place where they love having dates in is probably when they’re camping or mountain hiking! i remember an episode where setsu went out of town with his family to the mountains and rented a cottage, so i can imagine kaesetsu doing something similar to that? though they probably can’t rent a cottage, so they go camping instead.
why i thought of camping and mountain hiking is because it’s…well, they probably feel more at peace when they’re alone together. while beach is an option as well, it doesn’t feel like…something they would do all the time. my perception is kaesetsu is that they prefer to having dates in more secluded places, where they can be with each other and only with each other. the cafe is an exception, because they see it as a special place (and come on, dates in cafes are always cute :3). hence why i thought of camping and mountain hiking, because it’s a date where they probably won’t have a lot of interaction with others!
another plus for dates in camping and mountain hiking, sunrises and sunsets are beautiful on the mountain, and i think they would love that!
other places where they enjoy having dates in: karaokes, probably their own houses, the school rooftop, and the library because of setsu!
4) KAESETSU KISSES………..it starts with the hand. one day, setsu takes kaede’s hand and kisses it as a thank you for being with him today. he realizes what he did and they’re both embarrassed. especially setsu, because he’s a big dork and he is super new to all this romance stuff despite dating kaede for two years now.
then he keeps kissing her since that date. on the hand, cheek, neck when he’s feeling bold, but inevitably, he lean close to her and asks if he can kiss on the lips, and she complies. they kiss with the sunset behind them, and after one kiss, setsu leans in again for another. and another. AND ANOTH
basically, they learn that they really like to kiss each other. as i said, they take it slow, but once they’re used to it, it becomes a habit.
5) LAST ONE kaede likes to hug setsu a lot,,,well, after they get used to the fact they’re actually dating each other, kaede tries to be more forward and hugs him a lot!! ESPECIALLY FROM BEHIND, kaede likes to hug setsu from behind and he always gets flustered everytime it happens!!!!! SO CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!
i guess thats all my headcanons?? i have more but they’ll be really really long if i keep on writing. 
i have some more mirumo content, to the point i wrote some fics for it quite recently! it’s a five part series, with two of the five completed so far! this is the first fic and then here’s the second fic!
welp i guess that’s all?? im thankful youre supportive and willing to hear me ramble abt this ship, bc i dont get a lot of opportunities too ;u;
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lulurionu · 6 years
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inazuma sketch dump bc i havent posted my art here in forever _:(´ཀ`」 ∠):_ sorry;;;; uni has taken over me rn and finals are coming up soon bUT I’LL BE ACTIVE AGAIN AFTERWARDS I SWEAR
also YES the art is arranged like that so you can see that midorikawa and tatsuya’s bday pieces are meant to be connected like that
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lulurionu · 6 years
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i finally finished making the eleven license of 1/2 of my ina11 ocs!!
meet hanasaki aika, who’s face is always very :3 
more under the read more ashjksfkjsdfk
Hanasaki Aika (花咲 愛花) Nickname: Aika (majority of the cast, esp Gouenji, Sun Garden kids, etc.), Aika-senpai (Haruna, Toramaru), Aika-san (people younger than her), Onee-chan (Hideki), Hanasaki (anyone much older than her [i.e. Coaches, teachers, etc]) English Dub Name: Mary Blossoms VA: Noriko Shitaya Age: 14, 24 (GO) Birthday: February 14 Year: 2nd Year Position: Forward, Midfielder Jersey Number: 19 Personality: During the first few times she meets Endou and co., she's initially portrayed to be reserved and quiet during social interactions, due to the trust issues formed from bullying when she was young. She holds a passion for soccer however, but refuses to play it. Though because of watching Endou’s determination and Gouenji giving her the push to be more open, she joins the Raimon soccer club and starts to play soccer once more. When she starts trusting the team a bit more, she also begins to show more of her real side. She is actually much more loud and mischievous than how she initially presents herself, often overreacting to trivial situations and also loves to tease the characters, especially Gouenji. She finds it hard to directly express her feelings to someone (but she can at the spur of the moment), so she does it through teasing and just bring mischievous that it's hard for others to really know what she thinks. When her teasing backfires however, she turns into a flushed mess and loses her cool easily. Aika also likes to dote on her kouhais, especially Haruna and Toramaru. Likes: Listening to music, cooking, playing soccer, travelling, collecting album CDs, cats, the sound of cicadas, tranquil sceneries Dislikes: Spicy food, people who hog her for attention, the supernatural, waking up early Background: Aika is the older sister of Kobayashi Hideki (another OC that will introduced later on). She lost her parents at a very young age and was raised along with Hideki in the orphanage (Sun Garden) for a short time before being adopted to another family and renamed as Hanasaki Aika. She doesn't remember much about her brother except a worn photograph of her and Hideki. From there, she grew up and raised happily. She attended grade school and became friends with Gouenji Shuuya, who was known in the school for his stellar soccer skills. She watches him when he was alone playing soccer after class one day and she kept on watching him, until he approached her, asking if she wanted to play too. Gouenji was the one who had taught her about soccer and inspired her to start playing it. She joined the grade school's soccer team and they were known to be a great forward duo on the field. Before her final year in grade school, she had to move out of the city with her family because of her father's job. She bid farewell to Gouenji, while making promises that they will meet each other again soon. She spent the next two years in the Nagoya region, but her treatment there had been different compared to her last school, wherein she was mocked and ridiculed for being a girl who plays soccer, portrayed as being weak and is told that soccer is a sport only guys can play. This made her uneasy about her skills and only play soccer by herself at home. Two years later, she moved to Inazuma Town and transferred to Raimon, because of news that her childhood friend was there. It was around the time Gouenji had already joined Raimon and the team was preparing for their second match in the Football Frontier. Too shy to interact with him once again, she ends up watching the Raimon Eleven practice from afar. But she eventually gets find out by Haruna, Aki, and the rest of Raimon. Aika inevitably introduces herself and Gouenji tells the team that she plays soccer. Endou wants to ask her to join the team because she seemed so interested, but before he can, she runs away from them. Gouenji finds her for three days and manages to confront her. Aika tells him about how she had been bullied for playing soccer, which makes Gouenji understand why she stopped, but he tells her that shouldn't hinder her from playing. Then he shows her to the Steel Tower Plaza, where she sees Endou practicing with the tire. Aika sees how tired and worn out he looks, but he doesn't give up. Gouenji tells her how Endou had started out from a rough patch, with only seven members in his soccer club. People mocked him for trying to play a sport no one in the school wanted to play. But he never gave up, and his spirit had inspired others to join his team and play soccer, including Gouenji. This inspired Aika to want to play soccer again, and to start, she wants to join the Raimon soccer club. It was thanks to Endou and Gouenji that she started to play soccer again. In the Aliea arc, she is still part of the Raimon Eleven that travels around Japan with the Inazuma Caravan. She confronts her brother, Hideki, who is a member of Aliea's The Genesis. In the FFI arc, she is a member of Inazuma Japan. In GO, she is part of Fifth Sector and works alongside Toramaru, serving the Holy Emperor, Ishido Shuuji. In Ares, she transfers to Eisei Gakuen as a representative of the Reinforcement Committee. Much to her surprise, she reunites with her brother, Tatsuya, and all the Sun Garden kids.
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lulurionu · 6 years
Kaesetsu fucking valid. You can’t change my mind.
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lulurionu · 6 years
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don’t have a lot of art to post atm because im busy with uni, so have a sketch dump of kaede/setsu that i drew around may!
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lulurionu · 6 years
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hello! to celebrate the opening of my ko-fi, i'm accepting ko-fi commissions. i would really appreciate if you buy me coffees! :3c 
btw do state your username and if you're from twitter or tumblr so i can tag you w/ your comm!
ko-fi: ko-fi.com/lulurionu
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lulurionu · 6 years
I really love your art! Would you mind drawing a Hiroto x Sakuma kiss? Of course you don't have to. It's just a question ^^'
aaahh thank you so much!!!!!!! i’m glad you like my art ;___; as for your request, i just did a quick sketch of them haha, hope you like it!!
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lulurionu · 6 years
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I LOVE NAE!!!!!!!!!
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lulurionu · 6 years
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eisei’s captain and ace striker.
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lulurionu · 6 years
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happy birthday kozoumaru!!!!! he’s such a cutie, protect him!!!
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