lulzyfarms · 5 years
That’s all, folks.
So that’s all the posts from lulzyfarms. From Kolink (Niet) sending NSFW artwork to underaged users to him botting on GPX multiple times and him all around being a baby about everything the entire time.
I encourage anyone interested to go to the posts and read the comments because Kolink posted a lot in the comments responding to people. It’s very telling of where he was to where he is now as far as attitude and the general kind of person that he is.
Please note that I’ve also archived images that were posted in the comments under the cut in many of the posts. They are notated if they come from the comments, just in case these ever get deleted in the future. Unfortunately tinypic was very popular back then and even before tinypic’s shut down, a lot of these images didn’t work when I checked up on the blog a year or two ago.
The asks/submissions on this blog are open for questions or if anyone has additional information they’d like to provide for anything here.
Any blogs that follow the current drama on Pokefarm are more than welcome to reblog these posts or use them how they see fit, although I just encourage you to use archive links whenever possible lest things be lost to time.
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lulzyfarms · 5 years
Kinchiona leaves with a bang
I honestly don’t know the whole story since all this only just happened recently and I haven’t read anything about the actual cause/background. Only basic thing I know is Pokéfarm was having some sort of contest and some users were apparently being rude/trolls and, in the administration’s words, being stupid users which caused Kinchiona (previously known as Wolfin) to explode. She is now banned from the site (which I would assume is by her own hand as a means of escaping).
Side-note: it was apparently discovered that SpiritDragon was another account by Kinchiona. Don’t really care about that issue unless she was using it to cheat between it and her main account since there’s a couple of understandable reasons for an admin to have an extra account (either for testing or just wanting to play the game as a normal member on the side). So the first picture in the album I’m about to link is of that account’s profile, so you can see her latest Mini-Log (check out the Mini-Log of her main account too, also provided).
I’ll just leave this here now then: http://imgur.com/a/niDft [1-4][A]
So Kinchiona, now 19 years old, got mad at how members were acting and wound up having some kind of stress-induced explosion. No one likes being stressed out but one should NEVER react the way that she did. Honestly, because of this incredibly childish moment (comparable, if not worse than, most of Kolink’s past actions), I hope she never comes back. She has proven that, despite her age, she is not yet an adult and deserves no position of power. Kolink will need to watch his footing to make sure this most likely emotional and personal moment doesn’t negatively affect his own handling of the situation (the update header itself already says he will continue the contest if he can deal with ‘the stupid users’).
Kolink’s posts state that she will not return and that he will continue to run the site alone. What this means for their apparent engagement that I heard about (if this is even true), I’m not sure. You’ll have to tune in to Pokéfarm itself to watch as this story develops, as I may or may not post anything else relating to it here.
P.S. I heard it through the grapevines that a month or so ago she was banned from both VDex and GPX+ for cheating.
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1, 2, 3, 4, 5[B], 6[C], 7[D]
A: This album actually works but just in case I’ve uploaded all the images separately above.
B: Posted in the comments.  SpiritDragon was an account of Kinchiona, and had entered her own spriting contest under this secondary account.
C: Posted in the comments. Quote: “ since apparently none of Kinchiona’s comments are being allowed in so she can’t explain herself “
D: Posted in the comments. PMs between Kolink and another user inquiring about the Kinchiona situation.
Archive of the general post
There are almost 800 comments on this post. I tried my best to scroll through and archive any important images. If you’re interested, there are posts from Kinchiona and Kolink in there, have fun.
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lulzyfarms · 5 years
Signing off… for now
After the last two incidents (both involving botting GPX), Kolink has posted a rather sincere and hopefully honest comment that I feel should be read. I hope this is the last post this blog has to see for awhile, as I feel a stronger sense of closure now. He’s admitted he has a problem and what it stems from as well as stating he wants to improve. However, we have to acknowledge that he is human, so I’m sure he’ll still mess up at times. As much as I’d like to see this blog retire, there will be another post if he does anything that’s as bad as his past actions.
I should mention his other comment where he believes himself to have mild Asperger’s. Though, he stated in a reply that he has never been officially diagnosed, other than by his family and friends. However, going by his past actions and personality, I don’t think it’s that hard to believe he has this, or a similar, condition. Either way, take it as you will.
Zerxer has also informed me that Kolink has personally apologized to him via emails both for what he did on GPX and for his past actions. So for now, we will try to meet him half way and honor his request to “stop poking [him] in the eye with a stick.”
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lulzyfarms · 5 years
A Week at GPX, the Sequel
This is some pretty interesting news. I came on this morning to another contact from Zerxer.
Turns out Kolink made another account on GPX, to continue his bot-building. It’s quite strange that the head admin of a similar site (which also bans people for using bots) is trying so hard to build a bot for GPX. Well, they’re competition, so maybe not that strange. But it is incredibly pathetic to think about. We know he has the ability to make a bot, but that doesn’t mean he actually has to. I’m sure Zerxer isn’t out making a bot for Pokéfarm.
Not only did he create another account (ban-evading), but it’s possible that he’s building the bot so that he can distribute it (either publicly for anyone or privately amongst certain people). An anonymous person contacted Zerxer, apparently yesterday before the new ban went down, with some chat logs of Kolink talking about it. Please note that it’s POSSIBLE these aren’t real, but judging by the way he’s talking about it, I have no doubt that it’s real. Zerxer also pointed out that what was said here is actually how his bots are running on the site.
Kolink: I’ve got two little bots here, happily running along Kolink: Currently the army is: PARTYD: Monitors the Party. If Eggs can hatch, they are hatched and boxed, and replacements are sought from (in order) the DayCare, the Shelter and the Lab. INTERACTD: Makes interactions with users who are online. Builds a queue, deals with 100 users, then adds Kolink: A bit more control over PARTYD – if you need a party space (for an Exploration, for instance) then you have to snag it quickly before PARTYD gets to it (or kill the bot first). Also I want to make PARTYD inform you of Exploration progress, as well as Underground missions and Walker status, using the convenient notification bar. Kolink: After that, it’s just User Interface that needs touching up, and it’ll be done.Maybe I can have CONFIGBOT that asks you for the username and password so it can log in for you, instead of having to provide a long explanation on how to get the correct cookie information.
How do we know he’s planning on releasing them? The last message. He’s touching up the User Interface, and adding a CONFIGBOT that asks “YOU” for your login information.
Now, some of you (most likely Kolink) are going to ask “How do you know Kolink actually had a second account?” Here’s a quote directly from the contact I got from Zerxer that explains how he found him right away after being contacted anonymously:
It wasn’t very hard to find him. I mean, his second account was using his regular IP, which sounds incredibly stupid. It was “distinct” from his original account’s IP in that the very last number was different, but dynamic IPs change like that frequently. It was obviously in the same IP range. Of course, once I found the account, it was a done deal. His status message was that he’s giving proper berry interactions to everyone (something his bot does) while his journal literally logged all of the account status (egg dex/poké dex completion, achievements unlocked, all the explorations that were completed). He even put very precise percentages for each of the completions, rather than rounding down to 2 decimal places, since we all know Kolink just loves to show off his smarts. That part there makes me think it was his bot that put that information into the journal. He even complained, in the journal, that there’s no BBCode for Overline to represent recursion, again another typical sign of him trying to point out that he knows things. All of that made it so incredibly obvious who it was. But, for good measure, I did apply some admin power and poke around the account and it was just as easy to see it was running a bot as Kolink’s original account was. Noticeably the same type of bot, too.
To back up what he said about the IPs, I took a look at all of the recent comments Kolink posted here, and while some of them (ones posted around the same time, for example) had the same exact IP, ones from different days had the same IP with the last digit being different. Just for those who don’t understand how IPs actually work. Zerxer also gave me the IP of the original account and the second account and both were identical to the IPs for his comments here.
Well, there you have it. Kolink made an account on GPX about a month ago, apparently got bored of it right away and started building two bots to cheat on the site, then got banned for it. Later, May 4th to be exact, he creates another account so that he can continue with creating his bots, which he plans on releasing for other people to use. He got banned again very early this morning.  That’s the short version.
Now, there’s one more thing. In recent comments, both Kolink and Wolfin have been stating that they have no problem with someone posting a thread on Pokéfarm about things that get posted here, so long as they do it maturely and not troll-like (don’t post it in the wrong or multiple sections, and keep the flaming out). I call upon one of you readers (please, not multiple of you) to take this opportunity to let the users of Pokéfarm know that the admin that bans users on his own site for using bots is up to all of this on GPX, almost like he’s again trying to start a war between the two sites, while GPX administration still does not do anything against him or his site. If I hear that someone has done this, and the thread was deleted right away and/or the user banned, expect another post here. I might even have to get my hands dirty, so to speak, myself. Note that I do not condone trolling, however, and that is NOT what I’m asking for here. Zerxer does not know I’m calling for this, either, as his staff does not wish for members to post on Pokéfarm for negative reasons.
Update: This has already been done by someone and the thread was since closed, though it did wear out its welcome and I feel satisfied enough to cross out the request so no new readers try to post a thread about this.
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lulzyfarms · 5 years
“What is this, I don’t even...”
I got an interesting feedback, through the contact form in the previous post, and I felt like publicly replying to it. I decided to, for the most part, reply to submitted comments directly on the contact form post (via comments) and hope the submitter happens to check that. This one, however, I felt was something that all the readers should be able to easily see.
Subject: What is this, I don’t even…
Please, don’t be stupid. By trying to ‘stop people from pouring money straight into Kolink’s pockets’, you’re just making a fool of yourself and causing people to ‘Lulz’ at you. No one takes you seriously, and your posts make me and other normal users ‘Lulz’, a lot. @ w@
My response:
If I am a fool in your eyes for shedding light on foul situations, then so be it. You cannot claim that no one takes me seriously, though, as comments here already prove otherwise. There are those who frequent my posts regularly, and those who come for the first time and read over all of the posts. In both situations, users thank me for informing them of the side that’s not allowed to be discussed on PokéFarm itself. There are also those who will simply disregard what I say and claim I am naught but a lying troll. That is perfectly fine.
You and the other users that ‘lulz’ at me are free to do so. Nowhere do I say that you have to use the information I supply to fuel a hatred for Kolink and his website; it’s simply here for you to read and do what you want with. Or, in this case, to laugh at. “Lulzy” is an anonymous persona on the internet and users laughing at it doesn’t bother me in the slightest. I will continue to report things, as I learn them, as factual as I can. If anything is too hard to determine the validity of, it will simply be discarded. Most people don’t realize that, though. They assume I post everything that I learn about, using whatever rumors I initially hear. I’ve actually gotten quite a few submissions through the contact form already but none of them really contain anything I’m willing to use because it’s all hearsay or issues that aren’t really that important on their own.
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lulzyfarms · 5 years
A weekend at GPX
Hello all. I was mostly considering letting this place just die off from inactivity, but I had gotten some information yesterday that I really thought would make for an interesting post here.
So, on Friday, April 8th, Kolink joined GPX. Not going to speculate on why he did so, as I don’t make speculations. The main point of this post is how his membership did not last long at all. Sometime early Monday AM (yesterday, the 11th), his account was banned.
I didn’t want to go off of a bunch of hearsay, so I tried to go straight to the top and inquired with Zerxer. Turns out he was botting (which is one of the worst ways you can cheat on a web game like this). He openly admitted it in their email messages that followed the banning, but that’s as much information as I could get.
There’s still more to add to the story, though. Kolink updated his status message on PokéFarm about being banned, but he certainly made sure to leave out the core reasoning, leaving it up to his users to speculate that GPX may have unfairly done it just because of who he is or simply because of suspicious activity without actual cause. At least, we can certainly assume a large portion of his fanbase would think that way.
Here’s what his status message said (and a screenshot[1]):
Registered on GPX, hatched 600 Eggs in two days, got banned. Whoopee.
Just thought people would enjoy knowing what really happened; I sure did.
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Archive of the general post
Comments are mostly Kolink being Kolink but one is particularly funny because he says he joined GPX to play casually and “avoid accidentally copying them“. Previously he had been extremely insistent that he had never made an account but I guess he randomly decided he needed to try and not copy them? Ok.
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lulzyfarms · 5 years
Last week’s adventure: Kolink hits a new low
This post is at least a week late by now, sorry about that. We’ll just jump right into it then.
Kolink had made a thread in his Mature section (if you have a funny taste in your mouth later, it’s the irony) about how he was in a really bad mood and that GPXPlus was the cause of it. Here is a screenshot of the thread: http://i.imgur.com/TKB3K.png [1][A]
Go ahead and read the entire thing if you haven’t seen this yet, I’ll wait. Okay, done now? Great. Kolink is blaming this blog and the fans’ responses on GPXPlus itself, which neither the website nor the staff actually endorse any of the actions held here, so it’s a little messed up to use that as one excuse. Another thing that made him mad was a little trick played on him by the admins there, after we found out in the comments section of the last article that he had a script in place to show how many active users were currently on GPXPlus next to his site’s count (this only showed for site staff). The GPXPlus admins made it inflate this count, probably to screw with him, which isn’t really that big of a deal in my opinion. If you’re going to try and boost your ego by constantly monitoring to see times when you have more members on than them, you could use a bit of humbling.
So Kolink got fed up with GPXPlus, the site he copied off of when making PokéFarm (really the main reason why PF even exists in the first place), because of actions held on a 3rd-party site by members of the site itself. He then declares that he wants GPXPlus destroyed and posts about an idea he came up with and how he came up with it. His idea: make GPXPlus lose their ad revenue and hope that they cannot cover their monthly costs anymore and are forced to shut down. This is quite pathetic, considering GPXPlus only tries to make money off of ads, while seeming to take in more donations lately to help cover server costs too (note: they run 2 dedicated servers of their own to keep the site running, and they’re fairly good servers considering they endorse mass-clicking while it’s against PF’s rules due to the lag it can cause them). Kolink, on the other hand, has his members buy special items and privileges on the site, instead of simply relying on advertisements. I’ve heard you can’t even unlock all the forms for certain Pokémon, thus not completing that part of your dex, unless you donate. Hearsay, of course, as I do not actually have an account there to see for myself.
Kolink, getting upset is one thing, but posting on your forum like that is very pathetic. Attempting to attack a rival site that does not attack you, a rival site that is the sole reason your site even exists. Not to mention how pathetic it is that you actually told your members they should do what you requested if they support your site. Your members are not your own personal little army you can send out to attack other websites. Fight your own battles, by actually making your site better and better, and by changing your ways. And of course, the most important thing, just learn to swallow your pride. You also really need some more close friends, I think, if there’s seriously no one you can vent to when you’re in such a bad mood.
And finally, I really do want to say am just shocked that you made that thread, Kolink. What’s even more shocking is I bet all the members that posted in that thread (before it was deleted) actually supported your idea instead of telling you that you are being immature. Users need to learn not to follow admins as if they are saints, they are far more human and untrustworthy than you think. I believe that movie, The Social Network, about Facebook’s CEO and background would really help to prove that point.
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A: Someone in the comments posted a larger screenshot that showed additional comments made on the thread, low quality is due to their upload.
Archive of the general post
Comments are filled with Kolink (Niet) saying he won’t bother with the comments on the post, and then immediately bothering with responding to just about everyone.
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lulzyfarms · 5 years
Security 101
Security: something Kolink has never really cared to learn about. Why? Because, as we’ve already discovered here, the site is just a way for Kolink to make money. It doesn’t matter if his users or site are unsafe, until the moment when the security hole is pointed out and/or used against him. We’ve already gone over examples of how he fails at security, but here’s yet another good one.
Let’s take a quick look at a topic that is related to this entry that I’ve wanted to talk about for awhile now: Account Security[A] (screenshot)
In this thread, he posts how he only has the md5-encrypted hashes of the users’ passwords, and states that he went to some md5 decryption website to see how many people had passwords that were too easy. He’s right, you should never have a password that simple, but the irony in this thread is how it shows just how much he fails at account security too. Any good developer would tell you that when it comes to user security, you should 1) never store a plaintext version of a password (always encrypt it) and 2) salt those encryptions. #2 is where Kolink completely failed. If someone ever got access to his database and exported the users table data, they could also run an md5 decryptor across all of the accounts and compromise the ones that were able to be decrypted. If he salted them with some random hash, they would be virtually impossible to decrypt like this. Salting means that you combine the text (the password, in this case) with some other text, so that the md5 isn’t simply an encryption of the password itself.
As Kolink reads this for the first time, he’s most likely chuckling that none of this matters because no one is going to gain access to his database and therefore this security flaw is nothing to worry about. However, that’s where the rest of this post comes into play. You see, his site is littered with another type of vulnerability: SQL injection. What this means is when someone is able to change what an SQL query does by altering user input that’s sent to the site. You know, a user’s page would be “/_ext/user/Name”; Name would be a value you give to the site and then it uses that in an SQL query to find the matching user. Nearly every section of his site has been vulnerable to SQL injection, and every time they’re targeted, he patches them. However, he’s never really cared enough to go through all his code and make sure they’re all taken care of, he just deals with them one by one as they’re hit.
I present to you the image that combines all that I’ve talked about tonight: http://i.imgur.com/rE9fl.png (screenshot supplied by someone else who reported this vulnerability to me, name and user info masked by myself)
What does this mean? Look at the URL at the top of the browser; notice how the user’s “name” that you wish to report gets all funky after the ‘lolol’ part. This is where the SQL injection comes in. He’s taking the value of ‘user’ and putting it directly into an SQL query without cleaning it first or checking that it’s safe. This allows you to send text that can literally alter how the query works. What this does is tells it to ignore what the user’s name is and pull the first user whose password is stored as the md5 hash of ‘pokemon’. Now, this is why not salting your encryptions is incredibly bad. Had he done that, this would completely fail and there wouldn’t be a way around it unless you knew how he was salting them.
So basically, on this page you would see the name of a user whose password is ‘pokemon’ (or whatever text you put in the md5(‘ ‘)). If you wanted to find the next user with the same password, all you have to do is go to this user’s page (again, /_ext/user/Name), view the page source, and search for anything in the code that shows you what the user’s ID is (as of right now, you could Ctrl+F and find ‘userfields?userid=’ and the number right after that is the user’s ID). Then, it’s just a matter of tweaking this SQL query more and adding ‘ and id>theirID ‘ before the ‘1=”1’ part (replacing theirID with the ID you found). To find the user after that, you just do the same steps, and so on.
I feel wrong exposing this vulnerability like this, because it would enable my readers to go and find accounts with certain passwords and compromise those accounts, but really that’s Kolink’s fault for not taking action sooner. I know that once he reads this post, he’ll patch this. And by patch this, I mean make it so the reportuser page checks the input and doesn’t allow for an SQL injection. What would be smarter is for him to start salting his hashes, though. This post was really to point out that Kolink is the real idiot here, while he implies his users are idiots for letting him “crack” their easy passwords.
Also, just wanted to mention that SQL injections alone are a very severe problem. If you’re fluent in SQL, you could force the site to execute some pretty nasty queries. You wouldn’t be able to issue a table drop or anything like that though, since PHP doesn’t allow multiple queries to be run in one call, but I’m sure you know what’s possible if you aren’t as new to it as Kolink clearly is.
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A: Link to old PF website, does not work.
Archive of the general post
Comments include a lot of Kolink (Niet) trying to defend his bad security practices and acting like he doesn’t understand the point of the Lulzyfarm owner for informing people about them. Go read ‘em.
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lulzyfarms · 5 years
Let’s be honest
A recent quote by Kolink:
Let’s be honest here. Who’s the stupid one? You are, for clicking the link.
This quote can be found here[A] (as usual, here’s a backup screenshot[1]) in a thread where users were reporting having been PMed by a user named ‘click’ with a link that, when clicked, changed their password on PokéFarm. I, personally, find this quote to be both hilarious and degrading. The reason being is that he’s placing all the blame on the users – and calling them stupid – instead of apologizing for a nasty security flaw on his own website.
Yes, users should be careful about the links they click on the internet. You never know what is waiting for you on the other side. Though, when you’re sure you have enough security (a good firewall) and enough common sense to not enter any personal information on the other side, your curiosity is going to tell you to just click it once to see what it is. Sure, curiosity killed the cat, but what happened at this specific URL definitely could have been avoided.
A little digression real quick, Kolink stated that you should “actually check where the link goes by hovering over it and reading the status bar”, though this is irrelevant anyways since the PM the users got did not have a masked URL at all. I’m sure your curious what the PM was ([YourUsername] was replaced with the user’s name):
http://lol.comeze.com/%5BYourUsername%5DOnPokefarm.jpg LOL
This obviously wasn’t just a JPEG image. The page this URL loaded took advantage of a major exploit: it changed the user’s password instantly, to whatever the attacker wanted. It seems when Kolink made the “change password” feature on the site, he did not require that the user enter their current password. This means anyone with enough basic HTML skill could put together a form on a page with the new password wanted and have it submit itself to the change password page when the user visits the attacker’s page. Even staff members would not be safe from something like this, nor would any users who actually paid money to have their account upgraded. Luckily for them, this exploit wasn’t taken advantage of by someone more malicious who could have made a mass bot script log in to the accounts and release all their Pokémon.
Now, going back to the main point of this post: let’s be honest here. Who’s the stupid one? You are, Kolink, for having such a security hole and then for calling your users stupid and not telling them what actually happened or why it happened. You placed no blame on yourself, this is why you are a despicable administrator.
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A: As usual, post is from old PF site, so link does not work.
Archive of the general post
Lots of comments once again from Kolink, mostly him fervently responding to people talking about him to defend himself. I like this one in particular though
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He still has this same attitude and it really shows. This situation reminds me of his refusal to introduce a block feature to PF to this day. Rather than accept that his website has a major flaw, he blames the users instead.
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lulzyfarms · 5 years
Zerxer and Kolink Chatlog
THE ARCHIVE LINK IS HERE: https://web.archive.org/web/20141225204459/http://www.sitexero.net/Zerxer_Kolink_Skype_08-30-2010.txt
I'm releasing a Skype chat log between Kolink and I on August 30th. I'm not going to lose any sleep if anyone discards the following as fabricated as Kolink is depending on the vast majority to do, but kudos to anyone who takes this as unaltered truth. I have no reason to lie, despite the fact that I'm one of the owners of Pokefarm's competition. I'm not scared of his site taking over ours, it will always be a copy of our site that became something a little different.
Basically, I wanted to help everyone from his community realize that this entire thing is based around how much money he can squeeze out of you, and it's disconcerting. You might see it as helping to pay for the host so that the site can stay alive but that's not really it as ads and little donations should already be enough for that. I realize he has a nice underdog story about his family and needing the money but the way he's going about everything is all wrong. You also need to genuinely be a good person in order to earn enough respect to be able to take money from your members. And frankly, trying to profit off of Pok�mon, which is not his copyright at all, by taking money from his members, is just repulsive. He may think that Nintendo cannot sue him at all, it's more like they just don't care enough, because he's not making those millions that he's hoping to.
If anyone reading this doesn't know what my site is that I'm referring to, it's GPXPlus.net I have sent this log to the owner of lulzyfarm, they may distribute it however they wish, but it must remain linked to my site at SiteXero.net to keep the credibility.
[8/30/2010 16:27:58] Nick S: anyways I don't really care what you think about our community, I have little respect for you as a person. going back to you designing the site to rip our site off because you believed we were being stupid in the way we handled things like interactions (and now you've learned what lag is really like), and the kicker now that you're having users pay for premium accounts. you can tell you're in this for the money and that's just pathetic [8/30/2010 16:29:31] Kolink: Yes, I'm in it for the money. Well noticed. Mostly because I need the money. Dad's been working without income for most of a year, and the French tax system is fucked up so we're paying taxes based on his income from two years ago. [8/30/2010 16:29:39] Nick S: and of course your general attitude towards your members in the past, buried back with rokon as if it was all centered around her [8/30/2010 16:29:59] Kolink: I'm about to go to university (again, withdrew from Oxford due to the course not being suitable) and that costs money [8/30/2010 16:31:28] Nick S: it saddens me if I see members on your site being all fangirlish towards you like WE LOVE YOU KOLINK and crap like that when you're a pretty low person when it comes to your memberbase [8/30/2010 16:32:25] Kolink: I've changed since Rokon left. I care for my users (except the downright noobs) because they're potential paying customers (or if they're too young, their parents might be). [8/30/2010 16:32:56] Nick S: rofl you don't care about them then, you care about their money [8/30/2010 16:33:45] Kolink: This is the Real World. [8/30/2010 16:34:57] Nick S: we live in the real world as well and we actually care about our members, we didn't just whip some site together to see how much money we could make. we took the time to make sure things were patched up and whatnot. I still remember pointing out security flaws to you and all you could say was "well the user shouldn't be doing it that way in the first place" [8/30/2010 16:36:07] Kolink: Funny, because I'm "whipping some site together" in an attempt to make millions within a year or two, possibly even months. [8/30/2010 16:36:41] Kolink: I estimate it to have a 4% chance of success, but I have nothing to lose. [8/30/2010 16:37:38] Kolink: (Considering I estimated PF to have a 0% chance of ever being more popular than PokeBattlers was (63 users online at the beginning, never hit 20 after that), things seem quite promising) [8/30/2010 16:37:52] Nick S: good luck with that, too bad the members don't know you're just being a slimeball [8/30/2010 16:38:09] Kolink: Thank you. [8/30/2010 16:38:42] Kolink: Sadly, nobody can tell them, because if someone tries they're labelled a troll. Funny how things work, isn't it? [8/30/2010 16:40:14] Nick S: lol [8/30/2010 16:40:28] Nick S: yes, so you get to hide behind the internet like that [8/30/2010 16:40:37] Kolink: Further, nobody can find out about this conversation unless you leak it, in which case it would probably be seen as a "feeble attempt to make me look bad" [8/30/2010 16:41:19] Kolink: What I find more amusing is that my site is unique in being the only fan-made game that Nintendo cannot sue. [8/30/2010 16:42:51] Nick S: feeble attempt to make you look bad? meaning that I could possibly have made up the logs? [8/30/2010 16:43:36] Kolink: Hey, for all you know, I could have made http://adamhaskell.net/img/convo1.png in GIMP and it never really happened. [8/30/2010 16:49:04] Kolink: Oh yeah, happy belated 21st birthday, btw
By the way, here's a screenshot (that I could have very well made in an image editor like Kolink suggests above) of the conversation window: http://www.sitexero.net/Zerxer_Kolink_Skype_08-30-2010.png
The image that Zerxer linked at the bottom no longer works and cannot be archived, but the on the Kolink linked does and I’ve reuploaded it HERE. Tumblr sucks and makes the image extremely small and difficult to read.
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lulzyfarms · 5 years
KOLINK says… PokeFarm = money!!!
Hello there, long time no talk. This should be an interesting post.
First of all, we might as well address a recent post[A] by Kolink. It seems the stress of being a site administrator is getting to him (screenshot here[1] in case of edit later). The end part is interesting, about wanting to just make the site or forums pay-only, which brings us to the second part of this post.
Zerxer, earlier today, contacted me about something he felt I would like to post on here. It is a Skype conversation log between him and Kolink dated August 30th, so basically yesterday. To not mask the link at all, so that you know this is directly from him and not me or someone else who could have altered it afterwards, I won’t mask the link at all (SiteXero.net is his personal website): http://www.sitexero.net/Zerxer_Kolink_Skype_08-30-2010.txt[B]
In it, Kolink admits to only caring about how much money he can make off of the website. The end is pretty hilarious if you ask me, trying to tell him it’s pointless to leak the logs because people will just shrug it off as him being a troll or as a “feeble attempt to make [Kolink] look bad.” I don’t know about any of you, but I trust Zerxer’s word.
Archived Images
1. 2
A: Link no longer works, old PF site topic.
B: Although the link no longer works there is an archive of it thankfully: https://web.archive.org/web/20141225204459/http://www.sitexero.net/Zerxer_Kolink_Skype_08-30-2010.txt
There are some image links mentioned in this text doc, but the one for sitexero (Zerxer’s personal website) does not work and has no archive. The one for Kolink’s personal website (Adam Heskall) does for some reason and I’ve archived it above as number [2].
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lulzyfarms · 5 years
A useless update
By that I mean this post. This place is pretty dead, the only thing worth pointing out anymore on Pokéfarm is its design itself.
Anyways, felt like posting something, so I thought it’d be funny to point out that Pokéfarm now has a “countdown”, similar to GPXPlus’s mystery counter (except it counts down, but still the same general idea). Don’t really know or care what happens when it hits 0, though.
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Comments have a lot of Kolink (Niet) but nothing too out there. The biggest thing is Kolink (Niet) linking a video that Rokon apparently uploaded back on May 14th, 2010.
What’s interesting to me about this video is that Rokon claims to have created several characters that Pokefarm still uses today. The biggest ones are Professor Holly and Laurel who are identical to what is shown in the video, down to the Pokemon that they are accompanied by. I’m unsure if Rokon and Kolink (Niet) ever rectified their differences and she allowed the characters to be used again, but I guess Kolink is lucky Rokon never threw a bigger fuss about them using her characters. Same goes for any sprites that the site still uses to this day.
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lulzyfarms · 5 years
A fresh start on the farm?
I’ll be honest. I’ve been working on a post here and there the past few days about some of the recent things Rokon has been doing but in light of her demotion and banning I decided to scrap the entire post since it’s fairly pointless to attack the staff for things that have now been dealt with.
There doesn’t really seem to be any negatives about what’s happened or things that Kolink is hiding so there’s no need for me to try and post ‘the other side of the story’ so I will instead just link you to Kolink’s thread about it[A].
All I can say is that it’s great that Kolink is starting to think about the future of his site rather than his feelings for Rokon. While Rokon really can’t, and more than likely won’t, do anything about her sprites being up there still, it would still be in the best interest to try and remove all ties between her and the site. I don’t even feel like saying “no offense” here but most of her sprites were fairly bad, as is the artwork on the lab page, so I’m sure we all look forward to seeing what the other spriters come up with.
A: Link doesn’t work, post was made on the previous pokefarm and probably didn’t transfer over.
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lulzyfarms · 5 years
Psyche-Lock Broken
Kolink has finally admitted that Manticore is not a liar and that he did send her that UmbreonxGlaceon image. His reasoning for initially denying and finally admitting it is, of course, hilarious as ever.
He claims he didn’t want to admit he did it until she admitted posting porn first (and that this is what he was waiting on the entire time). If this were true, would he not have placed blame on her in the comments at some point? No one actually asked Manticore if she did this, and if they had, she would have admitted it right away. Which just shows that a female has more balls than Kolink when Kolink, as an administrator, is the one that needs them. The reality of the situation is that Kolink realized he couldn’t run any longer, and that those members who suck up to him most likely assured him that it’s alright that he did what he did because she did it first.
You would think this means he admits to sending the same image to sportsfan, right? Nope, he’s still denying he ever did that. So let’s just look over some things and consider the possibilities, alright?
What we know:
On January 27th, Kolink sends the image to Manticore after banning her.
On February 21st, sportsfan posts a thread with links to screenshots of PMs on Photobucket. One of these has Kolink sending the same image as he sent to Manticore.
This was nearly a month’s difference in time, and a week before this blog even pops up (this blog was initially made just to laugh at Rokon’s ragequit thread, who would have guessed it’d spiral into an investigation because Kolink felt he had to deny something he did?).
What Kolink has finally confessed to:
He admits he saw the image before on some other site.
He admits he sent the image to Manticore.
He admits that he faked the text he posted for what the PM really was.
What would have to be true if Kolink is telling the truth that he didn’t send it:
Sportsfan (who, again, is 13) is masterful at Photoshop, having managed to create perfect screenshots of what PMs from Kolink would look like, with the slightly transparent bar at the bottom of the site overlaying the image perfectly, and the times all matching up (if you go through the images and see “25 minutes ago”, “22 minutes ago”, “13 minutes ago”, etc).
Sportsfan and Manticore worked together, planning the entire thing for an entire month, in order for sportsfan to know just which image to use.
Enlisted myself, who didn’t even make this site to argue any of this – it was just something I saw (from the thread sportsfan posted) and thought would be worth pointing out – to try and expose Kolink. Since, you know, neither of them tried to show off both their stories together to the Pokéfarm members before this blog.
What is more obvious:
Kolink saw the image on some site (as he already admitted) and saved it somewhere.
Enraged by Manticore trolling his site, he sent the image to her (as he already admitted).
Enraged by sportsfan disagreeing with him and not liking his precious site, he sent the image to him (as he keeps denying).
So, which is more believable? That Manticore and sportsfan are both masterminds working together and timing everything perfectly or that Kolink has some anger issues and isn’t man enough to admit his mistakes?
Oh, by the way, on March 3rd Wolfin posted a comment on this blog that said the following:
I’ve got more grounds to believe Kolink than you, since I talk to him and know enough about his personality to know that he won’t lie if asked a direct question.
I’m really curious if you still believe your own words, now that you know Kolink tried so hard to deny ever emailing the image to Manticore? Of course, I’m sure you still won’t bother to doubt him.
I’m not linking/archiving things in this post because they’re just links that have already been linked in previous ones.
Archive of the general post
There are a LOT of comments in this post. Go read ‘em. They show up fine in the archive. Zerxer talking down to Kolink (Niet) is particularly satisfying. It’s no wonder that he still gets sore when people bring up GPX.
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lulzyfarms · 5 years
Interesting update
Looks like Zerxer of GTSPlus decided to step in and investigate a bit, since he apparently talks with Kolink over Skype and tries to be friendly with him. Maybe he wanted to know himself what Kolink is really like or maybe he wanted to be able to help Kolink out if he found Kolink was right.
He got access from Manticore to her email account and checked out the emails himself after spotting another juicy header from the email headers posted on this site. Apparently Kolink’s Windows PC user account name is ‘Kaboom-PC’ (Zerxer states Kolink admitted this to him on Skype), and KaboomPC is used in those headers.
Quote Zerxer:
Manticore accepted. I opened all the emails sent from pokefarm, and checked the headers of all of them. They all had similar headers, including the one with the porn picture (had the exact same headers as the pastie).
The interesting header I spotted on my own was that they referenced KaboomPC, which Kolink admitted to me is the name of his PC user account (Kaboom-PC, the mail would strip the -). It was interesting since I remembered one of his aliases is Kaboom, so I figured that would be his Windows account name.
And as expected, the automated ban message came from the server and not his PC, and was from [email protected] instead.
Anyways, I have no doubt in my mind now that Kolink did send that, especially after reading the other emails that were sent back and forth afterwords. Pretty low. Manticore really doesn’t deserve to be called a liar.
Final verdict on this entire ordeal? Kolink did send an image to Manticore of Umbreon and Glaceon having sex, which he obviously sent to sportsfan too.
I am not trying to troll here, I’m only interested in showing the truth about the staff at Pokéfarm so the members there know who exactly they’re glorifying and praising.
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Noteable screenshots
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I’ve seen PB/Pokebattlers mentioned several times in these comments. While I was around and active on GPX during the years this blog posted, I wasn’t aware of Pokebattlers. It seems to confirm that Kolink (Niet) was the owner of the website and went by Kaboom, with another person named Akai. I can’t seem to find much information about this website, unfortunately. There is a website called “pokebattler.com” which is NOT the website in question as their about page states they started in 2016. If anyone has any information I’d be happy to post your submission about it.
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Imgur link.
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lulzyfarms · 5 years
Let’s recap
I challenge all Pokéfarm members who still believe me to be some unintelligent liar to actually read through this post and pay close attention.
Kolink sends some rather immature PM responses[A] to a member of his that didn’t agree with his attitude, including a distasteful image of a Glaceon and Umbreon having sex. This member then posts a thread[1] in every section of his forum with links to screenshots of the PMs.
Kolink claims those screenshots were fake[2], implying that sportsfan is pretty clever with Photoshop (despite believing sportsfan to be not very smart), and provides “proof” of what the poke-porn image PM really was by pasting text he says came directly from the database. Of course, he can easily edit the values in the database, and he could have just typed that himself to post it. It was obviously fake though because it had a quote in it from the member ‘matt’, who never used the site for anything other than screwing around with Kolink’s security holes. Verdict? The PM text Kolink supplied was fake as matt never sent a PM to sportsfan.
Kolink claims on his forum that he could not have sent a “rule 34” image because he did not know what rule 34 was before that point. When this is mentioned on this blog, however, he “defends himself” saying that we’re jumping to a hasty conclusion and that he had actually seen that image before on some other site. Verdict? Kolink had access to the image.
Manticore then comes forward and says that Kolink emailed her that same image after banning her and provides a screenshot[B]. There were also screenshots shown of other emails from Pokéfarm’s support address where they were harassing a member they had just banned. Kolink’s response[3] to these emails is that anyone can make a script to send an email as any address.
My response now? Well, Kolink, someone can indeed pretend to send an email from your support address, but there’s still the other headers. I’ve asked Manticore to check the full headers of the email in Yahoo, which is incredibly simple to do, as the option is in the ‘Actions’ drop-down, and she gave me this paste link[C]. These are the exact headers sent with the email she received, I have not modified them in any way, and I highly doubt Manticore would know how to or else she would have thought to point them out first.
I’m sure most of you don’t know what those headers mean, so I’ll just point out the “X-Originating-IP” header, which is “”. Now, go to a site like dnstools.com[D] and run a whois on that address, and you can see all the information from that IP. I don’t really feel like pointing out that the netname is “TSOCLUSTER” and that it’s described as “UK Webhosting Ltd” (remember, his host is tsohost.co.uk), so I’ll just have you do something else. Run a whois on his domain, pokefarm.org (making sure to use the “Whois (IP Owner)” option), and you’ll see they both originate from the same place. This of course means that the email from [email protected] did indeed come from pokefarm.org and was not spoofed by someone with a mailer script.
Verdict? The email containing the inappropriate image was sent by pokefarm (Kolink). I can already imagine one of his next excuses “The spoofer could have registered an account on tsohost in order to send it,” yeah, because they thought that far ahead and really cared that much; keep shoveling.
Note that there’s a few other juicy tidbits in the email headers, such as the organization and the X-Mailer. Since the X-Mailer is marked as Windows Live Mail (meaning that’s the program it says sent it), he sent this message himself, while the ban messages would be automated from his site and shouldn’t have that line, so he can’t say she copied the headers from her automated ban message instead of from the message in question.
This only took 5 minutes to figure out, and I’ll say once more how sad it is that he boasts being 18 now so he can sue people when he still isn’t man enough to take responsibility for his actions. Be an administrator, not a politician.
Archived images
1, 2, 3
A: As mentioned before, this is a link to an image gallery that no longer exists, it only links to one image that has been previously archived.
B: Broken link, tinypic has been taken down.
C: Pastie seems to be a defunct website now, when I attempted to find an archive of this particular one it didn’t seem to work or the particular “pastie” had since been deleted. Also possible that due to the way the website functioned it was impossible to archive particular uploads.
D: Website no longer exists/works, applies to all subsequent links regarding dnstools.
Archive of the general post
Notable screenshots
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Imgur link for visibility.
For those unaware, Zerxer is/was an admin with GPX (now GPX+), which is the website many accused Kolink (Niet) of ripping off. It’s less noticeable now but the previous iteration of Pokefarm had a nearly identical layout to GPX at the time.
Tumblr media
Imgur link for visibility.
Bidoof aka Big Bidoof is another admin/owner of GPX. Here Zerxer is also apparently confirming that sportsfan, one of the users sent NSFW images, was 13. Unsure how he confirmed this, however.
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lulzyfarms · 5 years
Strike two, initiate secondary denial sequence
It seems before Kolink ever sent that inappropriate image to sportsfan (who I am willing to bet is only 13 years old, don’t quote me on that though), he sent it to another person. Proof has been supplied by that person (thanks Manticore).
Of course, don’t click if you don’t want to see a mature image of two Pokémon having sex: http://i50.tinypic.com/23sixs2.png
Not sure what Kolink’s fascination is with this image (which he admitted to seeing on another site already in the comments to the last post, so he did have access to it) or why he enjoys sending it to members that he doesn’t like, but it sure is funny to see him deny it all.
[Above the cut note: All the images linked in this post and the comments are from tinypic and I’m unable to pull them up, unfortunately. Although I remember them being long since deleted the last time I checked on this blog.]
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