lumenoctave-blog · 11 years
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Of all the wonders of the world, those of Mother Nature reign supreme (including you) <3
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lumenoctave-blog · 12 years
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lumenoctave-blog · 12 years
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Have a beautiful, blissful weekend. Know that you are loved. 
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lumenoctave-blog · 12 years
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Whenever you can, FEEL your body!
Become aware of the physical sensations that present themselves through you. Know on a cellular level what it feels like to be you in the present moment.
Scan your body - see if it has things to tell you.
Focus on your blood; feel where it wants to take you and surrender to its flow.
This will help you shift your lens from the mind to the body, and enable you to navigate through the body based on what you feel.
Have you noticed a buzz when you do body focus?  A concentrated sensation in a specific area within your body? Maybe you will feel your throat tingle, or the top of your head – or your stomach. You will feel this sensation getting stronger throughout your entire body as you continue to work.
Just go with it; go wherever your higher self wants to go.
The sensations you experience is the concentration of light, and your higher self - consciousness - is light.
By becoming aware of this sensation, you learn what it feels like when your higher self communicates with you. It is the language of your soul; your soul's way of giving you directions.
This is your Bliss Instinct
Practice becoming aware of the sensations you experience as often as you can.
Truly feel where in your body they are and familiarize yourself with the world of sensations within you.
Before you know it, you will be surfing bigger and bigger wave of bliss. Just like you were always meant to do.
Learn more about soul communication at www.lumenoctave.com
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lumenoctave-blog · 12 years
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lumenoctave-blog · 12 years
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THE LANGUAGE OF YOUR SOUL & DNA RECODING The language of your soul is not really a language - it is a sensation. Connect with the word rainbow and tune into the emotions you feel and the images that appear in your mind. You experience a certain sensation, not because of what the word sounds like, but because of the elements within nature that get elicited within your body. 
It is the resonance of rainbow that strikes a certain sensation within your body, and you recognize the rainbow sensation on a deep soul cellular level. It has got nothing to do with the actual word.  Recoding DNA uses resonance as the conduit - as the primary tool. Not words. Although we need them, more than anything, we use the resonance behind the things that our soul already recognizes.  Instead of saying, “I am beautiful”, we tune in to the frequency of butterflies and ocean waves and rainbows and peacocks - and all things within nature we know are beautiful. We then integrate the essence of beauty directly into our bodies and into our DNA – and become beautiful.  Try the technique at home and let us know how it goes :)
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lumenoctave-blog · 12 years
The hidden astrological sign, Ophiuchus, is the Astrological Divine Feminine.This is where the birth canal to the next dimension has been hidden.The Mythological importance of the Divine Feminine, embodied in the Magdalene, Jesus’ wife, representing the Divine Feminine (also forbidden knowledge),...
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lumenoctave-blog · 12 years
Global Meditation 12.12.12! Please Join ♥
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lumenoctave-blog · 12 years
You must love in such a way that the person you love feels free.
Thich Nhat Hanh (via cordura)
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lumenoctave-blog · 12 years
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To transcend your pain, allow yourself to feel it. Go into it and sit with it to become aware of its entire spectrum of sensations. Feel them until you can't stand it - and then feel them some more.  Look at it for what it is and embrace its teachings. And then surrender to the waves of bliss that come washing over your in bigger and bigger sets.
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lumenoctave-blog · 12 years
If you're going through hardship in your life right now, you might find this Goddess Blog helpful: Meet Tara Summer, Certified LumenOctave Master, sharing her thoughts on how we choose our life experiences - both beautiful and painful: 
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lumenoctave-blog · 12 years
This is a letter I wrote to a friend who shared his thoughts and feelings of despair he experienced in the years following a car accident resulting in a lifelong handicap.
  Dear friend,
Thanks for your letter! After reading it, a slew of thoughts and feelings arose .. so many things I want to tell you. Things like 'what a battle you have fought!', ‘such brave decisions you’ve had the courage to make', but also 'thank you for your openness." I know it takes b***s to write about your experiences and look at them as they stand there glaring back at you - black on white.
However, what I feel is the most important thing to say to you (and this is probably the hardest pill to swallow), is that no matter how much it hurts and how hard it is, and no matter how black it all looks, it doesn’t change the fact that this is something your soul has chosen to experience to give you as much insight, wisdom, strength and growth as possible. A soul doesn’t care about the hardship of one lifetime, but only considers the grander scheme of things – your big kick-ass evolution, which reaches far beyond the time that you and I share on this planet in this lifetime. I know I take a risk by saying that, and I'm pretty sure that part of you feels a certain sense of frustration, anger even, and the undeniable urge to protest as you read it (gotcha, did not I ;)). Of course, you can choose not to take it in (which is perfectly OK), but if you are open to hearing my thoughts, take that non-judging perspective with you as you continue to read.
I take the liberty of making the claim of soul choice based on the things I’ve been through in my life; things that would seem impossible to accept as my own choices and creations: The death of my mom, my father's destructive alcoholism, his death as a result thereof, his persistent mental abuse of me, my grandfather's accident and brain damage immediately after my mom's death, difficult, and sometimes even impossible situations in my love life .. you get the picture. In the years after my mom died, I felt both incredibly angry and sad, felt unfairly treated by life, thought that nothing mattered anymore, that I might as well give up, that I couldn’t possibly have more shit coming my way. All possible feelings of despair, grief and defeat hit my system in large, heavy blows - for several years in a row. And best as I thought I'd cleared out … BOOM! One more time! How the hell does one come to terms with the idea that all of this it was something I myself had chosen - perhaps even created? Almost impossible.
However, I’m sharing this with you because the realization that these were my own choices has been an INCREMENTAL part of my own healing! I didn’t necessarily choose these events to look the way they did, as much as the chance to experience the emotions they left me feeling. The ultimate depth of abandonment - both my parents disappeared almost at once at a point in my life when I really needed them - the feeling of being a victim of others' actions and opinions, the need to fight for myself, the feeling of not being complete on my own right, but needing something or -one external (a certain look, a certain kind of job, a certain type of boyfriend and so on).
Processing the emotions, and understanding that I, on very deep soul level, had asked to experience them, have been crucial factors in bringing me to where I am today – in a place of light and love and deep appreciation of my life. It has given me the courage to do the things I've done. It has taught me to give myself love, attention, acceptance, encouragement, support and company. It has taught me to listen to myself and learn what I need - and definitely don’t need in my life! And so I asked for these experiences because I was weak in all of those areas of my being. Because I needed to learn their meaning on a deep cellular level. Unfortunately (because sometimes it’s just so incredibly painful) the only permanent, sustainable way to integrate that kind of learning and knowing is by going through the body.
I'm sorry - I know it may not be the most encouraging thing to hear right now, which is also why I want you to know that you have my deepest sympathy. It’s not easy to be a soul warrior, and I’m sincerely sorry to hear that you have gone through the pains you have.
However, I would also like to tell you that once open yourself up to accepting the idea that you create your reality, an amazing and almost impossibly beautiful truth unveils itself: You can create EVERYTHING! Not only difficult, heavy stuff, but everything that life has to offer.
-Gifts of dimensions the human brain has difficulties fully understanding. For me, these manifested in a job that I absolutely love that is also in alignment with my life purpose, a residence visa in a decaying economy, in a country running campaigns for the recruitment of their own - not foreigners. It was the opportunity to travel the world at a time when I never earned less money. This is not to say ‘look how easy it was' or 'see how brave I am'. I hope I have made it clear that the universe granted me these gifts because I was – and still am – willing to work with the heavy stuff as well. –And I assure you, there have been times when all I wanted to do was make everything go straight to hell. And sometimes, I almost think I succeeded. I've hurt people along the way, let them down, been self-centered, inconsiderate, arrogant and unsympathetic.. But all of these experiences have given me the opportunity to look at myself - see why I had put myself in a given situation. -Look at what I had to learn – look at the limiting part of my personality which was brought up to the surface for me to let go of. An opportunity to find forgiveness of myself for the things I fucked up, for the hurt, anger and disappointment I caused.
And so here I am, sharing my story with you to invite you to embrace the idea that we create and chose our own lives. Our higher self does not place particular emphasis on whether something hurts, is cumbersome, uncomfortable, and so on. The only thing that matters is whether it is consistent with our soul's truth.
I am unfollowing all these ‘New Age’ blogs. I am sick of pretentious, ‘you create your reality’ bullshit. They will publish endless responses to ‘spiritual inquiries’ but I will send a message asking about their posts pertaining to karma -specifically how this applies to women who have been raped,...
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lumenoctave-blog · 12 years
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What are the influences in your life?
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lumenoctave-blog · 12 years
I absolutely love your blog :D
Thank you so much
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lumenoctave-blog · 12 years
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If you’re feeling scared and lost right now, wondering if the obstacles in your life will ever turn into love, know in your heart that you’re not alone. We all go through deep, karmic clearances right now and with that comes the destruction of our old ways. It hurts and sometimes feels like there’s no light at the end of the tunnel.
Take a moment to calm your mind. Connect with your blood and feel its flow of love and devotion to giving you the gift of life. Allow yourself to feel your feelings without becoming attached to them. Trust that the destruction you are experiencing is followed by deep love and the divine space for more magic.
It may sound like a cliché, but you are experiencing just what you need in order to grow and soar. Everything is OK. And you are loved. 
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lumenoctave-blog · 12 years
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Surrender and Feel the Love
Looking at your own programming feels a little like looking at your own mistakes and publically admitting to them. It is likely to create feelings of anger, humiliation, frustration and downright discomfort.
Also, in looking at your programming and letting it go, you may also feel sensations of anxiety and fear. Essentially, what you are doing is discarding everything you were brought up to be - breaking away from conformity - and thoughts like “what will my family think” and “my friends are probably not going to understand” are completely normal.
It can be scary to imagine yourself standing out in the crowd, being alone in your beliefs with no one to back you up. However, reality is that in letting go of the something you are to embrace your everything, you gain access to unlimited resources of love, compassion, understanding, companionship and comfort - because all of that exists in the cosmos, which is made of the same material as you!
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lumenoctave-blog · 12 years
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A question I often hear is “I wonder what my life purpose is?.. - I’m longing to know and feel my true calling. I want to change my life in a way that is in alignment with my special mission, but I don’t know to what or how”.  Undeniably, this incredibly potent time we're living in asks us to look at our lives; to shift our focus to something that we love doing from something we do for the sake of routine, money, comfort – or because we feel we should. We are being asked to follow our hearts and find our individual mission. But how do we know what that is?
When you ask yourself, “What is my life's purpose?” you overlook an important piece in finding the answer – the very foundation of your quest. Ask yourself instead, “Who am I?” Tune into your essence and feel it at the very core of your being. When you answer that question, you will find that how you express your essence matters very little as long as you’re having fun.  There are millions of ways for you to express your essence – not just one which is ‘right’. When you keep coming back to who you are, that’s when you’re following your life’s purpose.
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