lumensd · 6 months
"DNI: freaks" do you realize how conservative you look
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lumensd · 6 months
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lumensd · 6 months
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the vehicular manslaughter rivals
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lumensd · 10 months
compilation of texts my mom has sent me when my cat is wailing outside my room and i haven’t opened the door for her yet
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lumensd · 10 months
makes me so mad when i see akeshu characterization in jokes where they’re So So Close to an accurate interaction but they have oversimplified their characters and made akechi The Weird Crazy One and akira The Normal One and completely overlooked that akira would be the one being comically insane in the situation
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lumensd · 10 months
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lumensd · 11 months
stumbles out of the music covered in blood
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lumensd · 11 months
last kiss
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11K notes · View notes
lumensd · 11 months
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on the agency of puppets
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lumensd · 11 months
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something something battle partners ft. my design for what if akechi got a new outfit w/ hereward as a whole character arc synthesis of conflicting parts of himself represented in his persona thing
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lumensd · 11 months
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you put a stop to that sweet, sweet fairytale kingdom
that is the distorted world where i
met you
shuake week day 1: fairtytales / reunion / secret relationship
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lumensd · 11 months
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Dreaming of could have beens
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lumensd · 11 months
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Day 4 | Bad Ending and Video Games Was inspired by a fic I read from another fandom where the character kept investing their time to one character just to get their happy ending. After a number of times, they got an achievement called "A Determined Heart" and an email where the reward is they get transported into the game. Idk if they ever got to finish or continue the fic but it was a cool idea. Heyya, there's a second part to this
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lumensd · 11 months
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Day 7 | Free day~ Decided to do a continuation of the Bad Ending & Video Games one Found the Fic that I was heavily inspired from! Hoora! I Found it!
Anddd I realized there's a lack of Akechi presence here but eh what the heck. What's done is done. Will I continue this and make it a series? idk, me is tired. May or may not do it, prob only when I feel like it. Feel free to pick this concept up or smth
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lumensd · 11 months
(to the guy whos about to kill me) do you like men
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lumensd · 1 year
some people think writers are so eloquent and good with words, but the reality is that we can sit there with our fingers on the keyboard going, “what’s the word for non-sunlight lighting? Like, fake lighting?” and for ten minutes, all our brain will supply is “unofficial”, and we know that’s not the right word, but it’s the only word we can come up with…until finally it’s like our face got smashed into a brick wall and we remember the word we want is “artificial”.
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lumensd · 1 year
shuake works because it feels like akechi's the only one who listens to akira and prompts the otherwise quiet leader to talk.
in a game about defiant teens making their voice heard, goro akechi listens to akira's voice from the get-go. out of detective-sleuthing/work duties, sure, but over time it's clear that akechi genuinely finds akira interesting.
in fact, akechi's confidant route regardless of which game is being played starts with him deeming akira the antithesis to his thesis, a "worthwhile debate partner". akechi values joker's opinions.
its always nice to see people point out that in that one 3rd sem phone call with akechi, its the most involved akira's been in a conversation in-game. i myself remember inserting a lot more input during that story-sequence which usually i can put on autoplay otherwise. akechi, in a whole different reality, still seeks out joker's opinions on it. it's like he trusts no one but him.
and imo this gives a lot of character to akira. he talks the most with akechi. the quietest people have the most on their minds, and it shows with akira. but akira never gets a say in anything, and who would listen? he's less than a nobody in reality since society dictated that. so he pointedly made himself silent, hiding his thoughts beneath an impenetrable mask. during important story moments, akira favors doing more than saying. his teammates and confidants are all directly inspired by his actions over the course of the game.
but with akechi, it's different. actions seem to take a backseat as they continue with their verbal back-and-forth. in rank 7 of royal, they play pool while talking, but it's clear to the outsider that the focus is in the layered conversation they're having. they primarily talk everytime akechi's in the coffee shop, because they dont usually see eachother in their busy schedules. it's not just "hi, hello, how are you?" with them but "i find you and everything you stand for interesting. let's talk more."
there's something to be said about how two people with vastly different and opposing views seek eachother out to further discuss things instead of antagonizing eachother. its why maruki said "despite being enemies, your relationship was never based on hatred or ill will".
their relationship was never a one-sided thing. akechi helps joker as much as joker helps him... arguably more. he eggs joker on, shows him that he can do better. otherwise, the leader would remain stagnant and unchallenged. there is no progress where there is no thesis and-- you can finish the rest.
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