Skincare Trends in 2020
New Year, a new decade new trends! Zoom on the future of the skincare industry for 2020. It is evident that this year will go even deeper into ethical, inclusivity and green philosophies and frankly, we love it! Maybe 2020 is going to be the year where we can turn a new leaf in terms of beauty and start changing/improving some habits.
Upcycling, going further than recycling
“Upcycling, also known as creative reuse, is the process of transforming by-products, waste materials, useless, or unwanted products into new materials or products of better quality and environmental value.” that’s the definition of upcycling by Wikipedia. Upcycling is basically the next step after recycling. We know that recycling needs energy and that everything that we put in the recycling bin is not necessarily recycled afterwards. The target in the UK in terms of recycling has been set to 50% in 2020 with an average rate of 45% for now. A way to help to reduce our waste is to upcycle! Why throwing away a beautiful glass jar when you can turn it into a vase, a jewellery box or even a candle. It’s a great way to combine creativity and eco-friendly behaviour.
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Non-toxic beauty: more transparency
Do you want to buy 100% non-toxic skincare products? Well, that’s good news! Non-toxic skincare products have known a huge growth since the last years and it doesn’t seem to stop! Although there was a big issue: what does non-toxic mean? The market wants harmless products, for sure, but it also needs clear and transparent statements.
This year, brands will explain why and how certain components may be good or bad for your skin and/or health. As the customers become savvier, companies will need to up their informational game as well.
Claiming that a product is natural won’t have as much impact in 2020 as it could have had a few years before. Natural doesn’t mean good and natural components are chemical. Lastly, some artificial components may be better for your skin and the environment!  In 2020, we’ll get less and less empty claims and more precise and specific information.
Beauty for men: a market in growth
Beauty brands targeting specifically men are on the up. With a mission of breaking archaic clichés, misconceptions and helping evolve the definition of masculinity. New brands appear and the most-known ones already create ranges tailor-made for the male audience.
2020 could be the year that women and men using make-up as they want will become the norm.
In terms of skincare, the same phenomenon is observed and the male market in beauty forecast announces a market size of more than $160 billion by 2022.
Ageless beauty
For a few years now, the beauty industry has been more and more inclusive. We’ve been able to observe it through body, ethnicities, gender representation. To sustain the momentum, we’re going to see more inclusivity toward age as well. Women between 35-50 and beyond are the present target of skincare giants. Products for mature skin are anything but new, most skincare products are hydrating and focusing on preventing and combating lines. But to go further, we will now see more and more products focusing on endocrine balance and more precisely the menopause. Our hormones do have a huge impact on the skin but it used to be kind of a taboo subject, but not anymore! Brands develop more and more range to target generation X women with tailored products for their needs.
SPF x Pollution-proof x Blue light protection
Skin ageing is due to many things. Among them, the sun plays a big part in it sadly. With the boom of Korean beauty, we’ve all learned the importance of wearing sunscreen protection every day of the year. Even in winter when the weather is grey, UV rays still pierce through the clouds and harm our skin.
But recent studies have shown that urban pollution could also lead to certain issues such as dark spots. Finding day creams and serums with “city-proof” screens and so on will be more and more common in 2020.  
Blue light generated by our laptop, TV and smartphone will also be taken care of. As we spend more and more time in front of multiple screens, associated issues have been discovered. With supposed negative actions on eyes and skin including inflammation, colour change and sensitivity, blue light screen skincare are very probably going to be a huge thing in the next years!
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