luminumfoil · 5 months
A Gift to be unwrapped
Part 3/3 (N/SFW)
Merry Christmas to all of you reading this! I have decided to write something special for Christmas. This will be dedicated to the three WHB Seraphims (Gabriel, Michael, and Raphael), enjoy!!
Note: I genuinely apologize about how it took so long. I went on a Christmas break and I was also struggling with writing block. I am so very sorry for the delay.
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To your surprise, you weren't really expecting anything so.. "strange" to happen this Christmas as the crowd in hell says. However, perhaps you were proven wrong the moment you encountered one of the Seraphims, Raphael.
Beel finally came back from his adventures, even going out of his way to get you a Christmas present: red devil horns, some red devil wings and tails along with a red leash and a red ball gag. You looked at the present in disbelief, but all you could do was shrug it off, since at least you had something..?
After a while, you, Beel, Naberius, Amon, and Stolas decided to take a walk around in Avisos, looking at each store and what they have to offer this time of the year. It so happens that suddenly the Seraphim, Raphael descended from the heavens. It truly did bring a surprise during this time of the season. Beel hesitated no less and tried to attack Raphael whilst Raphael did the same thing, however.. There was something strange.
Their attacks wouldn't work.
They were in disbelief — confused even, since Beel's attack wouldn't work and no matter what the three did, they couldn't hurt Raphael in any way and the same thing happened to Raphael. Beel immediately caught onto this and that it was probably because of the "Christmas Miracle" going around in town. Apparently, it's something that when somene wishes something, it will come true and that's what makes strange things to happen in Hell during this seasonal holiday.
Beel was inviting of the Seraphim and took him somewhere inside a club where the five of you met Bael, however, as you were talking to Bael, suddenly you heard devils laughing and even Beel standing near and staring in amusement. Curiosity got the best of you and you decided to just take a look at what was happening and..
Your eyes widened from what was happening. You blinked a few times to check if this was real, only to be strucked by the fact that it is real. You looked at Raphael and looked at Beel who was staring there in full amusement. Raphael was chained up with his clothes revealing many rips that revealed his skin, he looked angry — no, furious was more of the word. He was being publicly humiliated, but.. what could you say? They were devils, they practically showed no mercy.
Raphael was trying to break free from the chains as you watched him, suddenly a voice was heared as it travelled through your ears, it was Beel. “You can go have fun with him. Remember the stuff I gave you? Maybe you'll put it to great use...” he says in a low voice as if he was trying to hint something not only with his words but through his tone as well. You nodded and looked at the present you had from Beel as you began to approach the Seraphim.
You were well assured that your hands weren't that cold to the touch, but why is it that the way Raphael's body twitches the moment you touched his skin says so otherwise? The way youe fingers lingered as you began to rub in small circles somewhere near his nipples, almost as if you were teasing them. Raphael was known to be violent in all three dimensions, so why is it that with only you alone, suddenly he subs into you almost like he doesn't think it through.
But oh, how couldn't he? The way your fingers rubbed in his skin, how could he not be on his knees? The way you touched his nipples especially the way you played with its piercings only resulted to him twitching even more and more due to the sensitivity you've created upon him. Without a glint of hesitation in your eyes, you made him wear the red devil horns that Beel got you. You could see some slight marks and bruises from his skin that was caused by those chains which he tried to fought furiously.
You pressed onto his nipples with more firm causing him to twitch as he formed a sound of a moan. You saw the way he looked at you. It was so filled with rage yet it softened around you, yet you can still feel the fiery hatred he had on with you. You crawled your hands somewhere near his thighs as he started to then again try to break free from the chains, not wanting to submit to pleasure, feeling as if it was stupid and that you were someone and something that is nothing but lower to him. His bratty attitude caused a sudden stinging pain on his thigh from the slap you gave out to him for acting such a brat.
He didn't stop there, no, he continued to do so till a visible reddened skin like the shape of your hands formed on his thigh, causing a whimper from the Seraphim. Soon enough, his dick twitched as it hardened with precum spilling and staining his length. He still kept trying his best to get out of the chains before he was stopped from the sudden warmth that wrapped around his needy, twitching dick. You held his tip firmly as your thumb began to rub over the slit on his tip, this caused the rattling sounds of the chain as he moaned and twitched in pleasure.
You kept rubbing in your thumb in a slight firm way, doing it in just the right pace whilst you targetted his most sensitive spots all over. You felt him buckle his hips as he thrusted a little, feeling himself getting close, only for you to stop. You started to rub your other hand on his nipple, completely neglecting his poor, needy dick that was so in need of his touch. Only for him to whine about it and completely get even brattier. Due to his acts, it only drove your motivation to completely edge him on the spot until he starts to behave properly.
It'll be quite a fun yet long night for the both of you, that is unless he starts to behave properly just to feel the warmth of your touch pleasuring him... Give this poor bratty angel a break, won't you?
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luminumfoil · 5 months
I just tried something
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luminumfoil · 5 months
A Gift to be unwrapped
Part 2/3 (N/SFW)
Merry Christmas to all of you reading this! I have decided to write something special for Christmas. This will be dedicated to the three WHB Seraphims (Gabriel, Michael, and Raphael), enjoy!!
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It was quite the night in Tartaros. It sure was tiring but it was a lot of fun. You enjoyed the event more than you expected. You were about to go out, when you suddenly excused yourself, saying that you'll be back in a minute.
You weren't so sure where Michael went after many people bid on him. Many competed with one another and kept on bidding a higher amount. You walked somewhere close to a door when you saw a light shining brighter than the rest of the lights around the room. You guessed it was probably his halo shining and fortunately for you, you were correct.
You both made eye contact. You looked at him and he soon followed when he felt your presence. You could see his eyes and eyebrows suddenly changing almost as if he was annoyed. He tried to speak, but you could only hear a muffle and you couldn't understand a word because of the gag on his mouth. You weren't so sure if you were simply just imagining things but it looked as if Michael had been thinking about something.
You silently admired his figure; he had a ribbon tied up around him — it was tied up on the button of his clothes as it tried to keep it in place. It almost looked like he was a gift to be opened. You slowly approached him and he tried to attack, but then again, he wasn't able to because he was tied up. You still remember when your name was mentioned in the event, telling you to go and examine him, especially about the way he twitched in your touch, seeing the corner on his lips slightly move upward out of pleasure from the way your finger lingered on his skin and you were certain that he remembers it as well.
“Well, what do we have here.. Someone's excited for this season.” you teased, pointing at the obvious boner poking in his pants. Michael looked at you, his eyes looked at you with a glare, there was an obvious rosy-pinkish color that dusted his cheeks. You approached him even closer and took off the gag on his mouth. You got closer, feeling the heat from both of your breaths, both of your lips almost touched as you looked up asking for consent to which he agreed. The both of you shared a heated kiss as you pulled him even closer to deepen the kiss.
“How interesting, who would've thought a seraphim would admit in his pleasure with a human.” you glanced at him with a mischievous grin on his face, despite him looking annoyed, deep inside he was amused by how brave you were for even deciding to tease a seraphim.
You slowly started to untie the ribbon on his clothes to reveal his bare skin, the moment he felt your skin brushed against his, he twitched slightly as he looked down on your figure before you slowly rose back up. You ran your hands around his waist, slowly making its way to his face. You looked him in the eyes, asking for full consent and all he did was nod in slight amusement.
“I don't want anyone to hear the noise you'll make. Those noises should only fall into my ears...” you stated clearly before you put back the gag on his mouth as you made your way to unbuckle his pants. You weren't so sure what exactly was driving you to be so greedy, but the moment his length sprung out, you wasted no time to pump it in your hand slowly while your mouth made its way through his torso.
You firmly stroked his dick, feeling the way his body twitched every time that you do. You firmly sucked hard on his skin as it slowly started to stain a slight reddish color. You didn't stop right there after marking him just one time, no, you continued even more as you felt him coming in close to his release. The way he wets the gag with his saliva that now started to drip down his chin as he threw his head back.
After a few sweet pumps, he finally released while his eyes rolled to the back of his head out of pleasure. He was breathing heavily, he was marked in some places by you, he looked like a complete mess underneath your hands. You stood up and took off his gag and you could hear how much of a moaning mess you've turned him into. You then locked those noises up with a kiss to which he returned. It truly was quite the night in Tartaros.
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luminumfoil · 6 months
A Gift to be unwrapped
Part 1/3 (N/SFW)
Merry Christmas to all of you reading this! I have decided to write something special for Christmas. This will be dedicated to the three WHB Seraphims (Gabriel, Michael, and Raphael), enjoy!!
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It was ironic and even amusing to see Gabriel, an angel, a seraphim who is highly respected from the earth and above is just now all in your hands; tied up, while his salvia dripped down his chin from the fabric wrapped around his mouth. It truly was a sight.
“What a dirty angel you are. Let's see how long it takes for you to fully break underneath that "holy" facade of yours.” – words that echoed through the room and through his ears.. Seeing him tied up so obediently as the tears of pleasure he has been craving showed, begging to be touched by you.
It wasn't so hard to figure out — especially how his dick was throbbing underneath those red ribbons, waiting to be unwrapped by you. Taking in the sight, you walked closer to his figure as you teasingly ran your finger down the exposed skin of his waist, sending shivers down his spine.
You wrapped your hand around his dick and gave an experimental pump, causing his legs to quiver under your grasp. You rubbed in your finger firmly on the slit of his tip, causing him to roll back his head, squeezing his eyes shut.
“My, what a sensitive present I have gotten for Christmas.” you slowly started to unwrap the ribbon, revealing a full view of his dick throbbing for more whilst his precum is dripping down his length. Going on both knees, holding him in firmly as you licked up the liquid he gave out, earning a gasp from the seraphim. He buckled his hips out of impatience, wanting and craving for more..
You flicked your tongue on the slit of his tip, tasting in the sweet liquid, as he let out another gasp. The tension and coldness of the air caused him to shiver as it hit his exposed skin. You placed in soft kisses across his skin whilst you continued to firmly rub in the slit of the tip of his dick, earning a muffled moan underneath the fabric.
A rosy hue of color started to linger on his cheek as tears started to form ever so slightly, feeling the need to release yet stopped has driven him on the edge. The movements of your fingers have him throwing his head back, hearing a faint sound of moan coming underneath the fabric, rolling his eyes at the back of his head, feeling his release about to come close...
A slightly louder moan echoed in the room after he gave out his release. The stickiness wrapping around your hand as his chest rose up and down slowly yet sharply. You positioned yourself on top of his figure, removing the fabric that was covering his mouth before you clashed in your lips with his.
“Now, moan loudly for me. Don't you dare hold back.”
This was going to be a long night and it surely wasn't going to end in just one round.
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luminumfoil · 6 months
WHB!Michael x Reader
Warning: May not be very accurate to his character as I am still trying to learn and take notes of their character, personality and how they behave. Plus, English isn't my first language, so I apologize in advance.
Spending yet another time in hell, exploring the places and roaming around the streets in Gehenna, knowing that you could possibly be cornered by an angel or worse.. A seraphim.
Michael sensed your presence and your scent from afar. He took this as a chance to strike only to be stopped by you after he heard the words you muttered out your lips.
“Don't you think Michael's eyes are quite unique? In a good way, of course. His eyes are really pretty.” You said with a hint of admiration from your tone, ranting to a random devil about what you think about the seraphims. It was flattering for Michael. The way his wing fluttered softly upon hearing that with a hint of a rosy hue color painting his face showed everything how he felt.
It was quite surprising, especially coming from a human. Not that he wasn't aware of that, after all he took pride in his form since it was crafted by God Himself yet hearing that coming out of your lips and hearing the tone, pitch and the way your voice sounded after you complimented his eyes made him feel something surreal.
He did plan on to strike, but maybe he'll do it in another time.. Not because he was flattered, of course. He just didn't see the point in striking at the moment since he was outnumbered after he saw the nobles coming in to fetch you.
He flew away, still feeling the heat on his face as your voice kept echoing in his mind.
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luminumfoil · 7 months
WHB!Leraye x Archer!Reader
Warning!! I don't perform archery nor have I got any experience with it in the past, so please excuse and correct me if I ever made or said something wrong. Also, it's poorly written, since english is not my first language! Thank you!
You just got out of the gym and you were intensely sweating from all the workouts you've done for your training. As you were about to go, you suddenly heard someone call out your name. Before you could even turn around fully to see who it was, a weight was suddenly shoved onto you, almost causing you to fall over. It was Leraye. He smiled at you as he hugged you tight, not minding the fact that you were drenched with sweat.
Soon after, you pulled away. He looked at you with a smile and you never fail to visualize him as a puppy with its tail wagging around the moment it sees its owner. “What are you doing here? Are you finished with your training?” you asked; earning a response from the devil with a nod. “Yeah and then I saw you, so I thought of just greeting you! What are you up to now, I could accompany you for a bit!”. You planned on training alone, but you did remember that Leraye was also a skilled marksman — never missing his target. For you, the moment you've heard about him and about his skill, you were intrigued.
Without muttering a word, you just signalled him to follow you and so he did. After some time walking, he walked beside you happily, but he was curious as well. Where were you taking him? When you both arrived at the place where you do your training, that was when it struck him. “... You're an archer?” Leraye asked with widened eyes, looking over to you. Leraye's shocked expression soon curved into a smile. You piqued his interest from the very start, but after knowing this, he felt like he just fell even more.
You begin with a few stretches and some warm ups before starting your routine. You prepared the arrows while Leraye stood there, yet you could still feel the aura he gives off. He was filled with interest and watched carefully on how you usually train. You placed an arrow at the quiver of the bow as you got into position, pulling back the bowstring, closing one eye as you fully focused on the target. You let go of the bow string as the arrow flies towards the target, hitting bullseye.
Looking over at Leraye — whom you have wrapped around your finger; seeing him overly smitten over you just made you chuckle to your head. You were about to draw your bow again but without a warning, Leraye jumped on you, causing you to almost fall due to the lack of preparation to catch him. “Why haven't you told me this sooner??”. The day was about to end and Leraye still hasn't shut up about it. It's not a surprise if he won't stop talking about it tomorrow over and over again.
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luminumfoil · 7 months
WHB!Zagan x Reader
Reminder: I am not so experienced with writing suggestive contents and english is not my first language so please excuse the errors along the way. I am also not experienced with the workouts, the items/props in the gyms, so please excuse those errors as well. Thank you.
Warning : Suggestive?
Ever since Satan told you that you also needed to go to the gym to strengthen yourself, since.. apparently, it strengthens him and his contract formed with you, you decided to go to the gym whenever you had the time.
You'd often see Zagan and Leraye as well as the other devils there working out. You'd pass by Zagan and Leraye and greet them from time to time.
After some time working out and observing the other devils, you wanted to try out deadlifting, but you were inexperienced, so you decided to ask someone to spot you. You spotted Zagan from the crowd, so you decided to approach him.
“Zagan?” you called out. He shifted both his gaze and body towards you. He looked at you, his gaze wording out, “Yes?” answering out to your call.
“I was wondering if you'd be comfortable spotting me?” He nodded and followed you along the way.
After walking for a couple of minutes, you both got there and positioned yourself. Zagan stood behind you, due to the closure you had with Zagan from behind, the moment you bend down to start to deadlift, your ass met contact with his crotch, resulting to him blushing slightly, but came back to his senses afterwards.
You were struggling at first, but you managed to handle it; almost. You did manage to get slightly comfortable with the feeling, but it doesn't change the fact that you were definitely struggling — dropping the deadlift every so often, needing to pick it up once again after you've calmed down.
Zagan didn't mind, since you were still trying to adapt to it. Although, each time you do go back into position, bending down to start to deadlift once again, your ass would often touch his crotch, which was slightly embarrassing for him.
You carried on with your work while he was there assisting, spotting you, but it slightly turned him on as time flew by. After you slowly put the barbells back down to the floor, you suddenly felt two hands caressing your sides, feeling the breathiness of Zagan's whisper against your skin.. He was turned on. He slightly hesitated, waiting for your permission patiently. You sighed knowing this was going to be a long day for you, but you simply smiled and nodded.
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luminumfoil · 7 months
“Wear whatever you want, I..”
Warning !! — Let me just make it clear that some of these characters may not actually fit into the category I gave them, that mistake is on me since I don't quite know some of the characters and their personalities all that well. I might've missed some characters like Lucifer, Asmodeus and Belphegor since they aren't released yet. If you do think this character or that character belongs into this or that category more, feel free to tell and correct me!! :))
”Wear whatever you want, I can fight.”
Satan, Sitri, Zagan, Mammon, Glasyalabolas, Belial, Leraye, Dantalian, Astaroth, Bael, Stolas, Naberius, Gusion, Leviathan, Ronové, Barbatos, Foras, Bathin, Buer, Morax, Gabriel, Michael, Raphael
“Wear whatever you want, I wanna show you off.”
Beelzebub, Mammon, Phenix, Barbatos, Bimet, Valefor, Eligos, Paimon, Morax, Buer, Marbas
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luminumfoil · 7 months
WHB!Gabriel x Reader
A lie that revolves around you that led you through misery, yet who would've thought that it would be created by an angel just because he wanted you all to himself?
Many believed that you were the Descendant of Solomon. The devils did, including their kings. It was weird. Weird on how it all started when you were just in your childhood friend's room till all of this happened, because you were a descendant of Solomon. Or so you thought.
It was technically supposed to be an ordinary day for you, till it was interrupted by an angel – a seraphim; Gabriel. The sweet-ish look of fear plastered onto your face was what he was just after for. Gabriel had fallen in love with your soul, wishing to take it away and to make you stay with him.. In heaven.
If he took interest in you, there's no doubt the relationships you've had with other people would go unseen by him. He needed your attention as well as your soul. If he wants that, that's what he'll get; by all means, he's gonna have to kill the person that meant so much to you — your childhood friend: Minhyeok.
He loved the way your eyes widened, the way your chest rose up and down out of fear, the sweats dripping down your skin, especially the way you laid your eyes on him. Which had to get ruined by a devil – Satan who rescued you from the scene.
Up until now, you're still thinking about everything that could've happened in your life on earth. What if you weren't the Descendant of Solomon? What could've possibly happened? Many thoughts had fogged your mind and you wished to just lay down and rest your mind, but you couldn't.
Gabriel stared at you from above. The way you were so clueless.. Could you not see that he's doing this all for you and him? All he could do is just laugh from the heavens above on how dumb the devils are to think that you were the Descendant of Solomon.. You weren't. And he knows.
Gabriel wanted two things: it was to have you and to bring chaos in Hell. And you made it possible for him to acquire those two. The moment you disappeared on earth, that was when war started – a war to end and bring unconditional chaos onto hell. A distraction is what he'd call it.
Everyone was busy and distracted on the battlefield.. He raised his scythe as he looked at you with undying desires; but was soon stopped as Satan jumped on him along with his.. servant, Sitri.
He grunted his teeth, flapping his wings open in annoyance and flying away. He needs you, he may be willing to wait; but he's not stopping the war till he's got what he's wanted.
This was a request by my friend, so I apologize in advance if it isn't that good, English isn't my first language, so I apologize. With further explanation, this is a fanfic where Solomon isn't our Descendant. I apologize if the story doesn't make sense!!
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