luna-cry · 2 months
If Naruto got a sequel, this will get also sequel as well (especially when the original story was planned with adult characters). So many people upset for absolutely no reason. The surprising part here is that any of you think that Horikoshi will be allowed to retire after only 10 years.
If that its, then wow. 😂😂😂😂😂
No one ever dare to say again that the bleach ending was terrible!
Only good thing is dfo was neither confirmed nor debunked, so its open for interpretation. And no hisashi? Hori is a damn liar!
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luna-cry · 3 years
if calling people names is a problem, then you’re a hypocrite for engaging in it instead of answering simple questions. why is russia calling jews in leadership positions nazis and bombing their holocaust memorials when russia itself employed nazis for decades? why is putin putting gays in concentration camps if he cares so much about russians (surely that outweighs sinning)? why have laws that oppress russians for reasons that shouldn’t concern russia unless the government itself has done something wrong? why arrest your war veterans for protesting war? why is russia shelling hospitals of civilians, both in syria and ukraine? why why why if russia is supposedly the good guy and the eternal victim who saved europe after they murdered million of slavs? are you capable of answering simple questions? because these are simple questions and you still can’t answer. if putin cares so much about russians, then why does he keep killing them and why do you care more about russians in urkaine than your own country?
@ravelights this is the person you’re defending. a homophobe and apologist of genocide. defend people who need defending instead of breathing piles of shit.
Dear Friends. If you are following the situation in Ukraine and Russia, and you are wondering what is true and what is not, visit this site. Here fake news is refuted, let's find out the truth together! If you suddenly have trouble accessing the site (it is often under attack - so many do not want the truth to be revealed to all!) here's your Telegram Channel.
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luna-cry · 3 years
yet you here you are defending a government filled with ussr orbiters and your president who is “ex” kgb, which means you’re either naive or a psychopath. i’m leaning heavily on the latter if you think that the ussr was “saving” slavs europe at the same time it was genociding its own citizens in far greater numbers. the ussr was already worse than nazi germany for murdering slavs long before they entered the war. much like how russia is already engaging in far more genocide domestically than ukraine has in any capacity in its histroy, while russsia is claiming to be there to “save” people. everyone but the idiots have seen this story before and know it’s bullshit.
the ukrainian president and prime minister are jews, or did they leave that out of the propaganda briefing they stuffed down your throat this morning? you posted only previously that nazi germany were murdering jews and the ussr saved them, but here you are claiming that western nazis have installed jewish leaders to the ukraine for... what reason exactly? do nazis love jews now or was putin bombing a holocaust memorial in the ukraine also an act of being against nazis? or do you have a brand new definition of nazism that is fine with jews being in positions of leadership that the rest of the world hasn’t heard about? the ussr was perfectly happy to employ nazis during their control over east germany and those people are still running russia now. maybe you should ask your government why they were so happy to work with nazis in germany if that’s such a problem for them. they were certainly happy to live with it as the ussr and i don’t see why that would change when it was only 30 years ago. surely putin himself, being kgb, can explain his love of the east german nazis in the sed he helped employ for so many years. or maybe, just maybe, your government is projecting what they did onto ukraine after the ussr and russia’s own esteemed history of employing bonafide nazis. it’s also quaint that youthink any such referendum in 2014 matters, when those territories along with crimea line up suspiciously well with untapped oil and natural gas reserves, with russia once more aiming to pillage the resources of lands not belonging to to them. if they really cared about the people in these areas, you’d think they’d stop shelling them, but your own sister clearly doesn’t matter to putin for as much as you claim the vote mattered. evidently the oil matters more than the poor oppressed russians who could’ve been given the option to move to russia if putin really wanted to get them back to “safety” - but instead he invaded and shelled them. such compassion from the employer of nazis. so yes, by all means we shall believe putin, the close associate of officials from nazi germany who claims that the jews running ukraine are in fact the a unique breed of nazis that accepts jews in leadership positions.
i use insults because you’re an insult to russians everywhere and deserve to be insulted. you haven’t actually addressed why you’re fine with putin murdering the gays, or his own citizens for dissent, or imprisoning russia’s own war veterans for speaking out against this war, or why russia is logged shelling civilians even now, or why russia doesn’t care enough to recover the bodies of its dead soldiers or why you think he was saving anyone when your country instead has a long history of raping and pillaging other countries for resources, to the point where people all of the world are volunteering to defend ukraine over your nazi infested government. you have addressed absolutely none of it, because you’re no more than a sock hanging limply off putin’s dick, too scared of reality to read wikipedia let alone a history book. if russia is so great, why are you here on tumblr in the first place when you could be consuming so much more of the safe propaganda instead of stories from reality? your own behaviour betrays your hypocrisy and stupidity. if this moronism is what your fellow countrymen have to live with every day, it’s no wonder so many of them are currently fleeing into finland.
Dear Friends. If you are following the situation in Ukraine and Russia, and you are wondering what is true and what is not, visit this site. Here fake news is refuted, let's find out the truth together! If you suddenly have trouble accessing the site (it is often under attack - so many do not want the truth to be revealed to all!) here's your Telegram Channel.
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luna-cry · 3 years
hahaha. the ussr on record killed far more people of slavic appearance in its first decade than hitler ever managed in the entirety of his world war. did they not teach you about the holodomor genocide or was that too sensitive for putin’s pro-ussr feelings to have in the history books? they repeated the same across europe with their mismanagement. if the ussr left things as they were and fucked off after they were done pushing back germany, europe would have far more first world countries than the raped, ill educated shitholes and mountains of dead bodies that your gloriously inept country left behind. all your country has ever done is rape and pillage and invent excuses to rape and pillage like you are now. instead of pretending to care about russians in other countries, maybe putin should do something about all the gay people he’s having murdered in his own for no reason beyond his own insecurity. how about russia’s own wwii survivors currently being arrested for not caring about putin’s lies? or do they cease to be survivors of wwii because they disagree with the nazis in russia? i’m sure your sister was crushed after russia’s infamous shelling tactics bombed her, given ukraine in the current conflict has had no reports of them shelling their own civilians regardless of the city, with numerous neutral human rights organisations watching for exactly that. it’s almost like you and your countrymen are so poorly educated that the rest of the world knows more about this shit than you do with your parroting from state owned television that was designed for the brainless idiots of the world. but no no, it’s not possible that you bought into bullshit to shelter your fragile ego, the entirety of the rest of the world is wrong, including dedicated humanitarian organisations rescuing the bodies of russian troops because the russian army sure as fuck isn’t. your russian history classes are dogshit and russia can stay the fuck out of other countries and their domestic affairs. nobody asked for putin to wave his micropenis around in the area.
Dear Friends. If you are following the situation in Ukraine and Russia, and you are wondering what is true and what is not, visit this site. Here fake news is refuted, let's find out the truth together! If you suddenly have trouble accessing the site (it is often under attack - so many do not want the truth to be revealed to all!) here's your Telegram Channel.
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luna-cry · 3 years
Dear Friends. If you are following the situation in Ukraine and Russia, and you are wondering what is true and what is not, visit this site. Here fake news is refuted, let's find out the truth together! If you suddenly have trouble accessing the site (it is often under attack - so many do not want the truth to be revealed to all!) here's your Telegram Channel.
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luna-cry · 3 years
russian history classes must be dogshit if it left out how your corrupt country left the entire continent riddled with third world countries after conscripting the men, shooting anyone who disagreed with the regime and raping the lands of their natural resources and culture. the ussr then and russia now are no different to nazis. maybe the ussr back then, like russia now, should fuck off and stay in their own borders and fix its own nazism problems. nobody asked for your piss poor backwards country to occupy them then and they didn’t now.
Dear Friends. If you are following the situation in Ukraine and Russia, and you are wondering what is true and what is not, visit this site. Here fake news is refuted, let's find out the truth together! If you suddenly have trouble accessing the site (it is often under attack - so many do not want the truth to be revealed to all!) here's your Telegram Channel.
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luna-cry · 3 years
do you seriously think that anyone buys this shit after what the ussr did to europe for 69 years?
Dear Friends. If you are following the situation in Ukraine and Russia, and you are wondering what is true and what is not, visit this site. Here fake news is refuted, let's find out the truth together! If you suddenly have trouble accessing the site (it is often under attack - so many do not want the truth to be revealed to all!) here's your Telegram Channel.
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luna-cry · 5 years
iI you want it why don’t you pay for it. Asking for free stuff is rude.
AFO and Inko are first meet? please? 😊
I think I already drew a drawing for this.
I sadly dont do requests but if you want to commission me for this I would be glad to draw it for ya.
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luna-cry · 5 years
You’re still strawmanning. The point is that the police behaviour was incorrect regardless of the lead up. They were in a position to restrain him and delayed for what? For some dick head to grand stand. They had ample time and clear to cuff him then search him as is procedure for pretty much every single police force around the world. There’s nothing you can do to argue against that when they had a manual to follow and failed to do so. The onus is on them to follow procedure and they didn’t. Maybe it didn’t get anyone charged for murder, but a civil suit for wrongful death? Definitely possible. They fucked up, regardless of your distorted perception of reality where you think cops aren’t obligated to follow their procedure manuals. I know you want to be a big boy who doesn’t agree with the sheepies, but you flat out don’t understand how police work.
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luna-cry · 5 years
Nice strawman fallacy. Your shit deflection doesn’t change that the police not following their own manual killed someone. It’s shit policing regardless of what they responded to. He was on the ground with no prospect of access a weapon until they gave him one through delay. They should have dived on him to conduct a search, not scream irrelevant shit at him for a power trip. No amount of your attempted bullshit can change that they fucked up.
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luna-cry · 5 years
It never should have reached that point. The moment he was on the ground they could have dived on him and searched him. Their own dick holding of someone at gun point is what got the guy shot. Shit policing at its finest. Police had the opportunity to go over and stood there screaming at him instead. The blame is still on them.
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luna-cry · 5 years
Yes, which is why the legal definitions I gave *are* crimes.
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luna-cry · 5 years
Thought crimes aren't the same as conspiracy or attempt to commit a crime.
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luna-cry · 5 years
Retards like @that-deist-dude who block you because you don't think into their need little circle that they can cry and circlejerk about. Poor retard.
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luna-cry · 5 years
katarh-mest replied to your photo “that-deist-dude: luna-cry: that-deist-dude: luna-cry: ...”
forget mass shootings. 1/3 of gun injuries and deaths in America could be prevented if people kept them properly locked in gun deaths and out of the hands of their own fucking children. you want to own a gun to make up for your own insecurity? fine. BUT LOCK THE DAMN THING UP IN A GUN CABINET FFS
Can’t have that. It’s their second amendment right to display shit in plain view for children, criminals and everyone else to access then complain about the illegal firearms stolen from these same idiots.
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luna-cry · 5 years
Why do retards like you think this is about laws and not accessible healthcare? Maybe if people could access a therapist without selling their house, they might be less inclined to pick up a far cheaper gun to solve their problems. But again, retards think it’s all about laws on their own and not the wider problem of their shit country being shit and full of untreated mentally ill people. Other first world countries don’t have rampant mass shooters and they also have accessible healthcare. What a coincidence. But retards are gonna retard and ignore the real underlying reason because fixing that is too hard.
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luna-cry · 5 years
Yes, you do need to prevent 1%, because that’s what the word “preventable” means. I know retards like you didn’t make it out of elementary school, but the entire point of law enforcement and the government is to prevent crimes.
To the contrary thoughts of retards like you, I think all preventable crimes should be prevented or attempts made to prevent. That means medical negligence resulting in death, gun crimes and everything between. You are a narrow minded retard who doesn’t seem to understand a holistic solution to not having people unnecessarily die in your shit country. If people can be protected they should be whether they’re the potential victim or perpetrator. But since you’re a retard, I guess this concept is lost on you.
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