lunaalopez · 4 years
It was an exciting evening- just a very fun energy hanging in the air. Maybe everyone was just in a good mood, but Orion vastly preferred it to the usual sense of doom and gloom with his day job. It was why he kept coming here, performing every once in a while, hosting an occasional evening with some of his good friends. The drag was always fun, and people showed up for the entertainment, stayed for the boozy drinks and the dancing. At the moment, the music was pumping and a few queens were walking around, including Orion, who towered over everyone- 6′9″ in heels, carrying a cocktail. Except in drag, he was ‘Celeste’. Still finding his drag identity, but loving every minute. Coming over to a table, Orion smiled, surprised as he recognized someone and instantly sank into a chair at the table. “I didn’t know you were coming out tonight! How are you? Having a good time?” 
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Luna hadn’t been to a drag show in ages. The first one she had ever been to Tierney had taken her to a couple of years ago. She’d only been to one or two others since then and she had run into Orion a couple of days before and told her about where he preformed -- and she decided she wanted to come and support her new friend. She had been sipping a drink and watching the performers -- and almost jumped out of her skin when Orion slipped into the chair across from her. “Hey!” she said cheerfully, “Yeah I figured I needed to get out of the house a bit and what better thing to do than come see my new friend?” 
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lunaalopez · 4 years
“I love big boys too.” She couldn’t resist throwing the dirty joke out there. When she realized she didn’t know the girl standing next to her like that Rose apologized. “I’m sorry I shouldn’t have said that. But yes through dogs my friends own I’ve come to realize the bigger the dog the bigger the baby. Even if his forever home isn’t with me I’ll be happy he has one.” 
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Her face went slack and then she started to laugh, “I mean, can’t fault you  there either.” Luna said head shaking as she spoke.  “No no, its totally fine. Funny really.” She continued a large smile dancing on red lips. “Literally, all I want is a big ol’ German Shepard or Husky,” she added in a dreamy voice, the idea of a big dog being at home for her to snuggle with -- it was relaxing and something she desperately wanted. Her fingers twitched towards her phone, ready to text her roommates about getting a pup. “I’m jealous only one friend of mine has a big dog, people seem to gravitate to the little ones.”
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lunaalopez · 4 years
who do you believe would be under those titles: 'the trustworthy', 'the musician', 'the heartbreaker', 'the angel', 'the devil', 'the gamer', 'the fashionist'
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the trustworthy @augustxloverson
the musician @asherhqs
the heartbreaker @elvsprcslcy
the angel @giovannamoretti
the devil @ezra-baldwin
the gamer @hazelbasil
the fashionist @lunaalopez
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lunaalopez · 4 years
Oof. Sorry about being MIA.... with everything going on my anxiety and depression have been real bad lately. I’m doing my best to get aorund more and spend more time writing! I’d love to plot with anyone! My girls both Luna and Peyton need plots and im happy to do pretty much anything!
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lunaalopez · 4 years
( closed starter for @lunaalopez​ ! )
AFTER the … stressful turn of events that tierney’s week had taken , it was no surprise that she felt the need to just … let loose for a little bit , and who better to do that with than the one person she ALWAYS did it with ? her lu lu . she was thrilled when the other had agreed to come over after the text message that she’d sent her earlier . now , they were sitting in her room , flipping through magazines and chowing down on various snacks . “ thanks for coming over , lu . i really just appreciate it . i just … can’t handle all the shit going down right now , and just want to escape for a bit . ” the brunette admitted as she popped a hot cheeto into her mouth .
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Luna felt like she hadn’t seen Tierney or Tegan in a week or so, it felt like forever if she was honest. She was so used to spending time with the two.... okay, mostly with Tierney, that it was odd to not see her for a couple of days. So when Tier sent her a text she jumped at the chance to hang out with one of her best friends. She was more than happy to bring some wine and cake pops to cheer up her friend. Now that they were relaxing in Tier’s room she popped one of the cake pops into her mouth and moaned happily at the taste. “Of course,” she said hand covering her mouth as she spoke, still finishing up the food. “Any time” she added once she swallowed. “What... what all is happening -- I mean, don’t feel like you need to tell me if it’s gonna stress you out more, I’m happy to just be a distraction... but I’m also here for ya.” she said looking over to the other with a smile. “you seemed pretty upset in those texts earlier.”
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lunaalopez · 4 years
“i’m beautiful and you’re drunk!” the pianist’s words slurred together before a drunken giggle escaped from his lips. clearly this was a new thing for the male. “WHOOPS…i meant…you’re beautiful and i’m drunk.” hugo’s nose wrinkled as he looked at the other, “they told me a long island iced tea was JUST iced tea…i think they lied.”
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Luna chuckled, she was always amused with drunk people, and even more so when she was slightly tipsy herself. A smile spread over her lips and she shook her head. “I mean you are beautiful and I am tipsy.” she said fingers lightly grazing over his arm as she spoke. “But thank you.” she continued, cheeks ever so slightly pink at the compliment, “Oh -- yeah long island is for sure alcoholic. But it's good.” she smiled and then took a sip of her margarita. 
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lunaalopez · 4 years
 “I think that’s exactly where they should go, the bigger ones especially. I’m sure he will really like whoever decides to snatch him up. A good home is much better than this place for him. Besides if I come back and he’s still here then I know it was meant to be. That sounds like the best idea.”
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“I love the big boys. They’re just so -- snuggly,” she said with a playful pout as she looked at the dogs. She really needed to hit up her roommate and make sure he was okay with them getting a dog. “Well, it seems like either way he’s going to be getting a home -- which is all that really matters right now.” she said and leaned down to look at the pup, reaching a hand out to stroke his head. 
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lunaalopez · 4 years
“is it bad i replaced his lube with hot sauce or did i overreact a little?”
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“Yo--You what? Who -- who’s lube did you replace and why?”
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lunaalopez · 4 years
“I don’t really know.“ He said letting out a laugh, it wasn’t like he didn’t have time to figure out he wanted to do. “But definitely something I actually like.” That was the only thing he knew for sure. Benji couldn’t help but smile at her reaction to the dessert “Oh yeah I’ve pretty much had ever dessert they got here. When you close here you get to take home whatever people haven’t eaten at the end of the day. So I come home with a lot on snacks.“
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Luna tapped her bottom lip and smiled. “Then I guess you need to make a list of things you like and start working towards it. Life is to short to be stuck in jobs we hate.” she said softly. she had done that once, stayed in a job she despised. It had taught her things, sure, but it had been bad mentally too. “Oh, man, okay, that sounds like a reason to stay at the job -- at least for a little bit.” she laughed. 
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lunaalopez · 4 years
“My house. I’ll gladly offer up the space to hold all these little felons. Um.” Rose looked around at the other dogs. “I don’t know I wasn’t really looking at them. Anyway getting a dog would make my day, but there’s a lot to think about before just jumping into it. As much as I would like to leave with one. I don’t think that’s what I’ll be doing.”
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“Great place for the little felons to go. It’s the right punishment for them” she chuckled a smile growing on her lips as she looked to the other woman. “We’ll that’s to bad. Cause that one already seems to really like you. But maybe -- you can go home and think about it, get things set up for a cute little pup and come back and get one of them?”
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lunaalopez · 4 years
numbers game !
90: Have you ever trusted someone too much?
far too often . it’s a fatal flaw , i must admit .
91: Do you sleep with your window open?
hell no . one , that shit gets cold , and two , so not safe !
92: Do you get along with girls?
well i’m a lesbian for a reason , darling .
93: Are you keeping a secret from someone who needs to know the truth?
oh no , i’m not the secret keeping twin , apparently .
94: Does sex mean love?
for me ? not really . at least , it hasn’t for a while .
95: You’re locked in a room with the last person you kissed, is that a problem?
of course not , i love my luna !
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@teaganalma . @lunaalopez .
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lunaalopez · 4 years
”I get that, but it should be illegal for them to be that cute.” Rosalie commented. “I didn’t come in here for a dog. Honestly wasn’t even on my mind and now being in here for a few minutes its making me think maybe I need a furry friend.” She reached her hand into the cage to pet the animal in front of her. Rosalie knew taking care of an animal was a lot of work and being an owner came with great responsibility
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“But where do we put them when they break the law for being so cute? They’re already in a little jail,” she said and pouted and looked to the dogs again. “Well, you may not have come in here for a dog -- but you might wanna leave with one.” Luna teased with a large smile on her lips. “That one your favorite though?”
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lunaalopez · 4 years
“I’m pretty sure you’re the only person who thinks that but thanks for the support.“ Benji laughed appreciating her words of encouragement. “I guess it’ll be fine until I find something I’m actually good at.” He said still looking at the desserts before looking back at her, he wasn’t sure if he’d get in trouble but it’s not like either of them would tell. “It’ll be our secret.” Winking at her before grabbing the best dessert they had and handed it to her.
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Luna just shrugged, she liked to be positive, liked to look on the brighter side of things and sure -- she had been startled, and sure it seemed like Benji was having a hard time, but she realized that meant he’d learn faster. “What is it you want to do?” she asked with a cock of her head. But at the mention of the secret she winked right back, in fact she’d be more than likely to give him a glowing review than anything else. Seeing the desert her mouth started to water, “Oh hells yes.”  she said once she had it in her fingers. She ripped off a bit of it and popped it into her mouth. “So good.” she moaned out, “You’ve had it before right?”
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lunaalopez · 4 years
“See, you’d think that would help. However. This dog? He’s pure evil. It doesn’t matter what I do. I walk the other direction? He gives no fucks and just lays there chewing away. I’m telling you. E.V.I.L. Rotten to the core. budumtiss  I had to bring him into work the other day to induce vomiting because he swallowed part of the fabric of a slipper. I swear, after this pair, I’m just wearing socks from now on. He leaves those alone, knock on wood.” Kip placed Ella on the ground and managed to grab the slipper from Copley as he tried to run back into the house. “This dog has ten million toys, but only wants to build an empire of slippers. Right Ella?” The toddler looked up at the woman leaning on the fence and smiled widely, holding her little fist up in the air and waved, babbling away. “Didn’t your mother ever teach you not to talk to strangers? No? …lesson for next week.” She teased.
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“Maybe a dog trainer will help then,” Luna said with a little chuckle. “Because that’s the only thing that I can think of, but, a dog trainer would have other ideas. Either way -- it seems like your dog really loves feet.” she smiled and glanced over to the pup shaking her head as she watched the woman get the slipper back from the dog. “I had a dog once that only wanted the soles of shoes and always would rip the right sole out but not the left -- so maybe its just a dog thing, or they’re working together to build the empire.” she chuckled then looked to the toddler who she found to be looking up at her. She leaned over the fence just a bit more and waved back -- the made a silly face hoping to get the toddler to laugh. “But we’re not strangers anymore! I’m now the fun neighbor who walks by and says hi.” she said and looked up to Kip, “Luna by the way. A pleasure to meet you and your little one -- and the dog of course.”
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lunaalopez · 4 years
“Yeah I’m sorry about that.“ He laughed before throwing away the burnt up towels. “My brother got me this job, it’s my first week here and it hasn’t been going great.“ He trailed off before moving to the counter where they had all the decent desserts. “How about a piece offering? Don’t worry I have no hand in making them.” Assuring her that they weren’t messed up in anyway.  
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She raised her hand and waved off the apology and instead just smiled at the man. “It’s fine.” she giggled. “Well, for your first week, especially if its your first week ever doing stuff like this,  then you’re doing good. I’m sure I would have hurt myself five times over by now in your position.” she grinned. When he motioned to the desserts her eyes lit up, “Oh!” she said and licked her lips without thinking. “I would love one -- as long as you don’t get in trouble for it,”
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lunaalopez · 4 years
Walking up to the Roberts residents sent a sinking filling to her stomach. She had just gotten off of a plane from Chicago. Maybe she wasn’t ready to do this? The house in front of her had remained empty for three years. After Elijah’s funeral her parents never returned to Spring Hill, not that they were there much anyway and soon after Rosalie left town too. As she put in the last digit for the front door to be unlocked she quickly spun around some would even call her The Flash. Going inside could wait there was one person Rosalie wanted to see first. 
Looking in town for a man with a camera was harder then she thought it was going to be. Yes she had Moonie’s number, but that would ruin the surprise of her being back in town. There was one more place Rosalie wanted to check before heading over to his home. Opening the door to the animal shelter Rosalie walked around to see if she could spot her best friend. That’s when her eyes connected with a golden retriever that was in a crate. “Don’t look at me like that.” The way the dog was looking at her was something Rose couldn’t shake. She thought it was inspiring how dogs could be so full of love  even going through a matter that ended them in the shelter “I swear that dog is smiling at me.” 
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Luna had dog sat for a friend the week before -- and in doing so realized just how badly she missed having a four-legged buddy running around. Of course, she’d have to pass the idea by her roommates before she could adopt any sort of animal, but there was no harm in hanging out and looking at and playing with them... right? Well, no harm other than falling for one and not being able to take it home right that instant. 
So she braced herself every time she came in, readied herself for love and played with whatever animal needed attention. Which is what she was doing when she heard someone speak to one of the dogs. Leaning over she looked to the woman and smiled. “I wouldn’t be surprised.... they’re all pretty friendly dogs here... they just want you to love on them,” she said as she picked up the older, but smaller, the dog that she had been playing with a moment before. She placed a kiss on the dog’s head before setting them back down.
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lunaalopez · 4 years
“That. Is not. A toy!” Kipley swore, if she took a shot for every time those words came out of her mouth lately, she would be more drunk than the night Ella was conceived. Normally, the mentioned toddler was the culprit of the reasoning behind the statement, but not today. Today, the black and white mutt running towards the front door was the cause of Kip’s gray hair. “No - no! Copley! Give me back that damn bear!” Why had she gotten a dog? She could barely manage being a mom to a human, let alone adding in a four legged child. And now, of course, the dog managed to leap against the front door and slam it open, taking off down the driveway. “Oh, for fucks sake - COPLEY!” Luckily the front gate was closed so he didn’t get out of the yard, but she probably looked like a crazy person to someone walking by, toddler in arms, chasing the dog around trying to get him to drop the slipper. “Why can’t something be easy for once?!” @shstarters
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Luna was walking down the street, a stroll to clear a clogged mind. She wasn’t even really sure what was weighing on it, but she knew there was a weight, pain and confusion there that was blocking her creatively. And she hoped that maybe a walk in the fresh air around the town would help her. Maybe some sights or people would inspire new ideas and new clothing. If nothing else, it was a break from sewing and a break from staring at fabric. She glanced over to the shouting that now slammed into her ears and chuckled. “If you’re having a hard time,” she said softly as she neared the gate. “In getting the slipper back at least, don’t chase and don’t encourage the behavior by making it a game. Excitedly walk the other direction -- usually, that gets dogs to follow, then you can get them to drop what they’re holding by showing them a different toy or at least, that’s what I used to do with my pup” She lazily leaned on the edge of the fence a small, sweet smile on her lips. 
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