lunar-ellipses · 9 years
I saw your submission on this is thin privilege and from pure curiosity, what is having narcolepsy like? if you don't want to answer, that's fine too.
Hay - I’m sorry that I missed this.  I didn’t get my notifications for some reason. I’m going to have to look into that :/  I don’t mind trying to help explain Narcolepsy.  I’ve seen it said by many - and I would have to agree - that living with Narcolepsy sets your average awake time to how it would feel for a “normal” person to stay up 48 hours.  It includes not just nightmares, but hallucinatory nightmares.  If you can give me some more specific questions I will try to give better information. It’s also important to mention that Narcolpesy is very much a spectrum, with people all over the place.
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lunar-ellipses · 9 years
Try not to take offense to people in medical fields telling you to lose weight to lighten the burden of your health issues. I used to take offense to it. I took up losing weight to prove them wrong & I ended up proving myself wrong. 6 years later the weight is still off, my back aches FAR less & far less severe, my diabetes is hardly an issue anymore & I deal much better with my depression. It's hard work, but anything with great rewards dont come with ease. I learned that too. Give it a go.
I’m not sure how long this has been here - I never got the notice :/  However, I do want to say that the whole weight-loss issue is problematic for people with chronic illness.  They tell me to lose weight, but they don’t provide me with any viable ways to do so.  Cooking?  I don’t have the energy thanks to the Narcolepsy.  Physical exercise?  I am currently investing in a shower chair because simply getting showers is becoming too hard.  So what is the solution?  I should just magic my weight off?  And what about for my partner, who has both a bad back and a faulty thyroid.  He’s already on an insanely high amount of thyroid medication?  Sometimes it simply isn’t possible to lose weight, and when I’m told constantly by doctors that that is the “solution,” it doesn’t do me any good.
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lunar-ellipses · 9 years
When you’re talking globally, rather than locally, White Privilege starts to become a bit more layered.  It’s possible that a white person may experience privilege on a certain level - say, in the business area - but not so much in a social manner.  And then it’s going to matter if you are American and White, or South African and White, or Australian and White, or English and White.. as each country is going to have it’s own cliche attached to it.  
LOL @ M give me ONE example of ANY country in the world where a white person doesnt have privilege. and i dont mean "well china because barely anyone is white." i mean that if a white person went there they wouldnt be treated with reverence, or thought of to be wealthy/of status just because of their skin colour. GO AHEAD, I'LL WAIT.
No. Go fuck yourself. You don’t get to come here demanding shit from me. Absolutely not. You can go search yourself since you have so much time to wait. This is a blog about THIN privilege. Redirect your entitlement elsewhere.
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lunar-ellipses · 9 years
I’m still not sure how adulthood works.  I’m 30?  Really?  What does that even mean?
My struggle is real.
Half being a responsible adult with a partner, a tot-child and bills to pay and the other half just constantly internally screaming about cartoons. 
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lunar-ellipses · 9 years
o.O  Good lord.  Socialism.  Just terrible, isn’t it?  We already have socialized programs in the form of K-12 education, the police force, certain fire stations, libraries, and healthcare (in the form of medicaid and medicare).  Socialism in certain doses is terrible because, why?  Because communism?  Because Nazis?  Because you don’t like it?  That’s why there is a political process, so that people can vote for what they like.  We’re not all going to agree.
I’m pretty impressed that he likes the Nordic model, frankly.  Norway is pretty spectacular in a number of ways.  
I still don’t understand how so many people thought that George W was a good idea, but, you know.... He pretty much sums up the opposite of my beliefs.  If people are interested in the political process, I count that as a plus.  Hopefully they will continue to do their own research.
I can’t believe how many tumblr idiots believe Bernie Sanders is a good choice for president just because mic dot com makes a few gifsets with flashy campaign slogans for him…
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lunar-ellipses · 9 years
There is never a perfect choice for president.  That doesn’t mean that someone shouldn’t pick the person they feel is best out of what’s available.  God forbid people actually get interested in the election process. For shame.
I can’t believe how many tumblr idiots believe Bernie Sanders is a good choice for president just because mic dot com makes a few gifsets with flashy campaign slogans for him…
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lunar-ellipses · 9 years
HAHAHAHA Hummingbird?  I have Narcolepsy, I would be DEAD if I were a humming bird.  I’m taking sloth.
The signs as cute animals
Aries: puppy Taurus: sloth Gemini: you Cancer: hummingbird Leo: bumblebee Virgo: owl Libra: death eater Scorpio: kitten Sagittarius: oompa loompa Capricorn: goat Aquarius: totoro Pisces: fish penis
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lunar-ellipses · 9 years
Oh yes.  God yes.  But what can be so much more frustrating is when you feel that way and you lay down, but sleep doesn’t come.  You’re starving for sleep, but instead you lay there, wanting to cry because, dammit, sleep just won’t come.
Imagine you are hungry. I don’t mean bored and eating. I mean really hungry. You haven’t been around food or eaten all day and when the smell of your favourite warm meal hits your nose, your mouth starts watering. The first bite, the delicious taste of that very first bite, is exactly what you needed.
Like we all do for food, I constantly hunger for sleep. I want this to help you to understand how relived I am, as a Narcoleptic, to finally crawl into bed. The desire that I have sustained from when I have constantly needed it. The relief I feel to just lay down. PWN.
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lunar-ellipses · 9 years
Can someone send me a how-to guide on that last bit?  
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And that’s how I became a skeleton.
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lunar-ellipses · 9 years
Holy crap.
So I got my new binder
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This is me in my usual bra, note the 34D/32DD boobs.
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And here is the binder, almost completely flat.
This thing is awesome.  It is remarkably comfortable, too.  Feels a bit like wearing a sports bra. I got it from Love Boat(lesloveboat.com, the super strength velcro short binder )
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lunar-ellipses · 9 years
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lunar-ellipses · 9 years
Though they hate one another, ICP (Insane Clown Posse) is in a similar boat.  They write/rap/sing horror-based lyrics, but when you get down to what they truly believe in it’s acceptance and hope.
Good example is ‘Homies.’  They often rap about child-abuse, spousal-abuse, systemic abuse, etc.  Like Eminem, it’s easy to cherry-pick lyrics that put them in a negative light, but they use the shock value to get people interested.  It’s the fluff around their core values.
And yet, Juggalos are now labeled a “gang.”
Wrote the song “Kill you” about violently killing women
Kill You: “Slut, you think I won’t choke no whore/‘til the vocal cords don’t work in her throat no more?!”
Kill You: “Shut up slut,...
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lunar-ellipses · 9 years
JNCO Jeans Are About To Make A Comeback (Seriously)
I’m ready.
What is gonna happen if skinny jeans go out of style? Go back to boot cut jeans and act like we didn’t think they were disgusting for 6+ years?
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lunar-ellipses · 9 years
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This Is How Is See Instagram
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lunar-ellipses · 9 years
:O  If cows looked like this all the time O.O  
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Perfectly Fluffy Cows
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lunar-ellipses · 9 years
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Deadliest Foe In Video Games
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lunar-ellipses · 9 years
Devastating :(
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Need Some Money
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