lunarfell · 4 years
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bokuto koutarou // pastel
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lunarfell · 4 years
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lunarfell · 4 years
just wanna rp a ship where one of the muses doesn’t realize they’re in love and gets seemingly inexplicably jealous when the other muse either has a crush someone else or when someone else happens to have feelings for said other muse. i do i do i dooooooo
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lunarfell · 4 years
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(▽•̀(oo)•́ ▽)
commission for @Feral_Boi on twitter!
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lunarfell · 4 years
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first time cheering from bleachers miyuki
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lunarfell · 4 years
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Music insperation:
I see stars - break
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lunarfell · 4 years
listen, there is absolutely nothing that gets me going like mutual seemingly unrequited pining like? i live for both people losing their minds over the other person in bitter silence. savoring every single accidental brush of their fingers, elbows, thighs, every stray glance, memorizing every gesture or expression they catch while the other isn’t looking, all while being absolutely convinced that it’s one-sided only to finally!! finally find out it wasn’t in a triumphant moment of bliss after years and years of delicious, soul-rending, torturous, heart-wrenching pining. i literally don’t care about the fact that this trope is predictable af and always plays out the same way i will still go wild over it every single time like they’ll be doing the same reveal scene i have seen a million times and i’m still on the edge of my seat gasping “are they gonna kiss???”
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lunarfell · 4 years
Soulmate au where when you write something on your skin with pen/marker/whatever the hell you want, it will show up on your soul mates skin as well. 
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lunarfell · 4 years
number neighbor / wrong number threads are so delicious
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lunarfell · 4 years
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lunarfell · 4 years
modern verse inosuke is technologically challenged and there is nothing that you can say that can or will change my mind.
his cell? ancient. everyone’s out here in 2019  ( soon to be 2020 )  keeping up to date with their freshly released iphones and samsungs, and here’s inosuke out here with his old school nokia 3310, circa the early 2000s, receiving squares instead of actual emojis and wandering why the fuck people keep sending him shapes.
somehow, inexplicably, he’s gotten his phone stuck on all caps and he can’t for the life of him figure out how or why this has happened and has thus, for pride’s sake, decided to say this was his intention all along. why? because capital letters are strong, they have presence, whereas lowercase letters are weak. they are for losers. duh.
when the day comes that he’s finally forced to bite the bullet and update his phone, autocorrect becomes his arch nemesis, the bane of his existence. he doesn’t understand how or why his  ( misspelled )  words keep changing into words that he doesn’t fucking want. he doesn’t know how to turn this function off; he doesn’t even realize that it’s a function built into his phone. as a result, over half of the messages that he sends are borderline, if not entirely, nonsensical and it’s up to the recipient to decipher his meaning because if you think for a second that he’s about to continuously waste his time correcting each and every last godforsaken autocorrected word that he sends, you are sorely mistaken. 
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lunarfell · 4 years
a few quick inosuke hcs
while we know that he’s bad with people’s names  ( as, generally, he doesn’t often care enough to bother remembering them ),  in truth, he’s bad with names in general and often gets the names of other things wrong, too— animals, inanimate objects, etc. that said, he does occasionally get people’s name right when he deeply respects or cares about them and, oddly enough, when in high stress / dangerous situations. 
his vocabulary is somewhat limited in comparison to that of most of the people that he meets  ( and understandably so given his upbringing ),  and so certain words and phrases will be entirely lost on him. as a result, he also tends to misunderstand what people are trying to say and will misuse words, phrases, and idioms himself.
he’s technologically challenged regardless of verse or time period. i spoke a bit about what this means to a degree in regard to his modern verse here, but in canon he’s unfamiliar with many  ( if not all )  inventions of that time period  ( trains, cars, boats / ships, anything whatsoever that may be deemed as being technologically advanced )  and so has no idea what they are, what they do, whether they’re living creatures or happen to be man-made. he’s never seen them before, he’s never even heard of these sorts of things before. and he will always try to fight them.
though he has altered with the eyes of his mask so that he can see when wearing it, his vision whilst the mask is on isn’t perfect; it isn’t as clear as it otherwise could be  ( as when it’s off )  and his peripheral vision isn’t great. however, many of his other senses make up well enough for his lack of visual clarity that this doesn’t impede him even in combat. both his hearing and sense of touch are heightened— he can hear before he sees and is capable of sensing the vibrations in the earth beneath his feet, in whatever he happens to be touching, in the air itself. furthermore, he has something of a sixth sense and can feel when people are watching him, namely when they’re doing so with a more malicious, harmful, or murderous intent.
he’s easily influenced by the words and the actions of others, he’s impressionable; especially by those he’s particularly come to admire or respect. 
he really doesn’t explain things well— not events that have taken place, not people that he’s met, not his own thoughts and / or feelings. he might want to, he may even try to, but ultimately he’s just… bad at it.
he chips his swords for a reason. he doesn’t like the clean cuts, the straight and precise slicing, of a sword as it’s made, as it’s meant to be. he likes the jagged slashes, the rough cuts left by his swords; the way that they rip and they tear through the flesh of his enemies. in fact, jagged blades are made for just that, for ripping and tearing, they’re made to make their enemies bleed, to do max damage— perhaps not necessarily ideal against demons  ( though they certainly do the job well enough all the same ),  but for someone brought up in the wild, forced to fight nature itself to survive, they’re fitting. also, they look cool. and he is cool.
sometimes he’ll remember the oddest and most abstract facts about the people that he’s come to care about. for example, he might not remember their birthday, or exactly how old they are, and he’ll still get their name wrong like 50% of the time, but he’ll remember their favorite snack or their favorite flower or the fact that they hate this one sweater specifically because it’s itchy even though it came up in conversation once like five years ago.
 he’s capable of falling asleep in a matter of seconds and is an incredibly heavy sleeper but with a twist— while he does sleep like the dead, it’s as if he’s attuned to react to and to ignore specific sounds while he’s asleep. for example, he can sleep through the loudest of conversations, through the heaviest of storms, but might shoot up, fully alert, at the slightest noise that may indicate any inkling of danger. 
he finds overly sweet tasting foods as well as overly sweet scents to be overwhelming. he doesn’t like them and will react viscerally to them every time.
he isn’t used to more affectionate gestures, to intimacy, but the more that he does become used to it, the more that he genuinely enjoys it, thrives on it even. not that he’ll admit it because pride. that said, until he does become used to it, he’ll likely be an ever-varying array of flustered, confused, and loud in fits of misplaced  ( or startled )  anger.
he takes things incredibly literally. as he lacks social experience  ( yanno, being raised by boars and all ),  things such as sarcasm, jokes, slang, innuendos  ( abbreviations in text messages in his modern verse )— it all tends to go right over his head. he just doesn’t understand it and takes it all so literally.
in addition to the above, certain phrasing and figures of speech will be very quickly and easily misinterpreted when used on him. he’s exactly the sort of person who will hear ‘i beg your pardon’ and respond with ‘then beg’.
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lunarfell · 4 years
just a bit of an infodump for my bnha oc !
Keep reading
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lunarfell · 4 years
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happy birthday kuramochi <3
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lunarfell · 4 years
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“Bokuto-san, why?” - Akaashi Keiji
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lunarfell · 4 years
a list of plots & aus that i yearn for, 
time travel thread—- imagine a muse seeing everyone around them die, just utter devastation, they themselves are dying, do die… and then they wake up weeks / months in the past with the opportunity to rewrite the future, to keep everyone alive as best they can
alternatively, one muse begins having visions / dreams of future events and is able to alter the future, prevent certain events from happening, based on things that they’ve seen / dreamt
enemies / rivals to friends and / or lovers
that trope where one muse wakes up in a hospital bed and sees another muse either asleep in the chair at their bedside or lingering about within the room as if keeping an eye on them or waiting for them to wake up—- bonus points if it’s someone they never would’ve expected to be waiting for them
someone getting severely injured / nearly killed saving or protecting someone else—- again, bonus points if up until that point the muse being saved had thought the muse getting injured on their behalf hated them
end of the world / end of life as they know it au
romantic feeling revelation threads—- where one muse gradually begins to realize their feelings for another
one muse waking up in another dimension / reality where everyone that they know exists but just isn’t quite the same
a muse received a prophecy when they were very young warning them that the moment they first kiss their true love, that person is fated to die soon thereafter, thus leaving that muse afraid to kiss anyone or to fall in love
mutual, seemingly unrequited pining & thus a delicious slow burn
memory lost and regained threads, in which one muse loses their recent memories due to an accident or injury or spell / quirk / ability, etc and thus must work to slowly regain it  ( and possibly learning new things about the people closest to them / discovering new feelings along the way )
that grounding agent trope where one muse is somehow always inexplicably able to calm the other  ( their anxiousness, nerves, anger, whatever may have you )  with nothing more than a look or light touch—- bonus points if neither one realizes / notices that this happens
sparring threads  ( mayhaps sexy sparring threads even, sparring with tension, etc )
ancient, immortal being and time traveler running into one another throughout various points in history
reincarnation aus always
two people who have met online / via accidentally texting the wrong number and becoming very close  ( best friends? maybe they’re crushing on one another? etc )  albeit the fact that they’ve never met in person
and as always, fake / secret dating, soulmate aus, and so on and so forth
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