lunaseongs · 3 years
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“ ah, do i? ” he blushes a little, palms touching his cheeks. “ did you know her fanbase is called the beyhive? because they call her queen bey. i thought that was clever. ” wait until he hears about midzy.
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“a little, but i think that just means you have good taste.” luna did not know that actually. “that’s very clever! are there any other groups or singers that have clever fanbase names that you know of?”
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lunaseongs · 3 years
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“I guess it makes sense that you two found each other, then,” Cole says, holding in a larger smile, because it does make perfect sense to him, even if she and Frank are two separate melodies, they belong to the same song. He’s glad once again that she has him, that someone as kind as her has an equal, and someone to lean on when she needs it. He shakes his head with a small sigh. “I’m probably the worst person to ask right now, I’m not really a good resource for knowing where to go from here,” he chuckles, an answer to both of her questions. “Are you going to be able to see your mother?”
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“yes, i think so too.” luna hadn’t quite meant it like that, but cole’s answer makes her smile fade just a bit, because it does feel very tragic. she doesn’t think cole shouldn’t have to face consequences for his actions, but she also thinks that nothing about any of this has been very black and white, and she hopes he doesn’t feel like he deserves for his life to go nowhere. that’s simply untrue. “i meant more places you’ve visited that you would recommend to me,” she says with a smile. “yes, i am. i guess i’ll be living with her again.”
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lunaseongs · 3 years
            “don’t get too excited? how can i be not excited over a gift?” and if he was being honest, he was close to tearing up. it was unexpected, especially on a night like this. “thank you, really. i might honestly need it where i’m going.” the east gets colder than the west, the last time he checked.
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“not everyone likes gifts,” luna points out without any real convincing to it, but she’s glad he seems so appreciative. it’s just something simple but it felt strange not to get her friends anything for graduation. “where are you going next, if you’re able to say?”
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lunaseongs · 3 years
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      “Oh, yeah, me and Yonce are tight.” Aidan drawls, voice practically dripping with sarcasm, though he’s smiling ever-so-slightly still. “Yeah, I’m alright. Honest. Mostly just pissed at how inconvenient it is — no skating, so smoking… I mean, what even is life beyond that?”
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“i thought you would be,” luna says with a giggle. she doesn’t know beyonce’s music very well, but she does know the most popular songs, and thinks she’s a very talented artist. “i could teach you how to knit,” she offers, lips twitching with the ghost of a smile at her own joke. “very productive use of time.”
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lunaseongs · 3 years
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“this is great news as i would love to see more luna selfies!” jas is almost certain she won’t have to get rid of her social media presence, she might just need to protect her accounts so she can better monitor her following. “i think this is the definition of practice makes perfect.” they look very cute, even in the questionable lighting, and she starts looking through the burst to pick out the best photos. “personally i say take all the advantage you can.” jas had certainly tried! “maybe it’s a little of both,” she concedes, blushing at the compliment and the fact that she’ll feel lucky no matter what. “i’ve always felt…fundamentally inscrutable, like nobody would ever fully get me, but louis just…does. even though we’re so different in a lot of ways. i can’t help thinking i’m lucky to have that.”
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“i’ll do my best, just for you.” luna isn’t even fully joking, she’s definitely establishing herself on social media more to keep up with her friends than any desire to actually be active. “i like these, we look so nice.” she’ll happily let jas pick the best, she won’t notice any difference between them. “you think so?” she’ll feel bad that frank can’t go with her, but at the same time, she’s spent a very long time missing her mom. “i think it’s fair to feel lucky, because i do think there’s some luck involved in finding the right person for you.” she’d certainly gotten lucky to move in next to her soulmate as a baby. “but i also just believe in good people deserving good things. like you.”
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lunaseongs · 3 years
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“got it!” i don’t think she has that case that lights you but it’s possible. she resumes grabbing her phone, effortlessly sliding up to the camera and holding it up. “are you ready?” she’s already said as much, but she’s gonna take 1000 photos and choose the best two or three to post. “people are gonna be so jealous i only date super pretty people.” it’s a joke but it’s true though. “i’ll visit! probably without louis half the time, but also yay, you can leave campus more next year!” she smiles appreciatively, especially since she feels the same way about luna. “thanks. i’m just constantly and consistently amazed by my own luck.”
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“yes, i’ve been practicing my selfie taking,” luna says with a nod and that’s only slightly untrue. at the very least she’s now taken more than one, even posted them to instagram, which is an improvement. she leans in for the photo, smiling as confidently as she can, though jas is the type to make others feel like her beauty extends to them, not overshadows them. “i can, yes! i’ll try not to take advantage of that too often.” she’ll want to see her mom a lot, surely, but she does have to focus on classes. “it’s not luck, it’s just a good thing happening for a good person.”
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lunaseongs · 3 years
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“Not at all,” he answers her truthfully, more serenity in his features than usual. “Breaks I can understand all too well. It’s nice that they’ve remained friends, too,” Cole notes, looking around the ballroom in hopes of catching a sight of the boys, and the unspoken words lay between them, that she and him have thankfully remained friends, as well. “How will you spend your summer, if you don’t mind me asking?” Only under a year ago they’d been in Germany together, and he’d happily followed her lead through the unfamiliar streets of Berlin, somehow trusting her before truly knowing her.
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“well, i’m glad.” luna’s not sure how to properly convey just how glad she is, so she trusts him to understand on his own. “oh, yeah, i would be surprised if frank gave up a friendship like that.” he loves so deeply, it’s one of her favorite things about him. “i’m not sure yet, honestly. it’s a bit of a jump, going from homeless to essentially having the world available to me. do you have any suggestions?” she assumes frank will be up for going anywhere she wants to go, though of course she’ll want to follow his lead as well. “what about you?”
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lunaseongs · 3 years
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                           they’d both rather take pictures of one another, but it seems sort of evil to so much as shirk at the request from her mom. plus he’ll take any chance to prolong the memory of tonight, not just because the sight of her in black was enough for heat to immediately prick the back of his neck, he thinks his jaw might have actually, physically dropped when he saw her. ‘   i heard there’s a photo booth around here somewhere. also an aylin.   ’
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“let’s try the photo booth first, we can ask the aylin later.” luna knows aylin wouldn’t mind being bothered but she’d rather seek her out for photos of all of them, as friends, not just to ask her to be photographer. and she’s still feeling a bit selfish with frank’s time for now. there’s plenty of evening left to socialize with their other friends. “i enrolled for next year,” luna tells him as she takes his hand to start toward the photo booth. “but... i also put in some applications for schools to start in the spring semester.”
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lunaseongs · 3 years
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He sits down at her behest, feeling relief in his knee as soon as he’s off his feet. It’s not terrible, but it’s definitely nice when he can take breaks, and Cole appreciates the excuse to take one and also be comfortably sat by a friend. “You’re welcome, and thank you as well,” he chuckles, feeling relief as well to be able to talk happily with her. “It’s… Well, I feel a little awkward, but it could be a lot worse, I think. And yourself? Where’s Frank?”
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“well i hope you don’t feel awkward here with me.” luna means that, likes to think maybe she provides a sense of normalcy for cole. she still can’t exactly guarantee she would have felt the same had his book leaked while her mother was still technically in danger, but that’s not what happened, so she sees no need to dwell on it. “i’m having a nice time. frank is talking to carmichael at the moment, i believe. i needed a break.”
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lunaseongs · 3 years
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“Is this seat taken?” Cole asks when he, thankfully, spots an empty chair next to her. The soft smile he wears is genuine, something he doesn’t take for granted in the fact that he can feel much more at ease around Luna than a lot of the other students. “You look lovely, by the way.”
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“oh, no, please help yourself,” luna insists, pulling it out for him, imagining being on his feet for too long is probably painful at the moment. and perhaps for a very long time after this. “thank you very much. you look very handsome, of course.” she studies him for a moment. “how is your night going? how are you feeling overall?”
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lunaseongs · 3 years
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‘   lots of it.   ’ sometimes it still doesn’t feel like enough, but that’s greediness at play, making a futile effort to compensate for lost time, even though he knows, deep down that even with forever granted, it won’t bring back those five years. it’s useless to dwell, insane even when she’s right in front of him, but he thinks they probably could’ve really used each other in those years apart. then again, maybe they wouldn’t have each other now if they had each other then, he could run in circles like a cat after it’s own tail, doting on what if’s. it’s a privileged problem to have, getting to regret over lost time and not lost people. it brings him back to her, here. alive. in love. ‘   yeah me neither. for me, i mean.   ’ which is perhaps more obvious. luna’s perhaps one of the most adaptable people he knows and she could easily make a career out of this is she had to. frank’s not so pragmatic, privileged enough to let want lead his decisions, a byproduct of enough money and parents who cared so little he mistook it for freedom. ‘   just a hunch, but i think you’d really like college. i think you’d do really well.   ’ and he wants her to be at ease with wanting, he thinks that if nothing else that’s what he can give her. he’s seen her write in the spare time she has here, it would be doable, but the diploma it’s — - gallagher’s always felt vaguely like an in between, a half-haven and half-limbo, and he doesn’t quite know where she’s been in the time he’s spent without her, but he knows she has her mother now, fully, and the world beyond gallagher would be lucky to have her in it. ‘   oh, a porch swing sounds great.    ’ he agrees emphatically, nearly piercing the hush of the library with his excitement. ‘   oh man, there’s so many places. it can be a travelling porch swing. is your mom still living in connecticut ?   ’
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“and yet i’ll always be greedy for more,” luna says with a resolved sort of nod, accepting that she’s probably always going to want to be selfish with his time, despite her selfless nature. she won’t, of course, but she’ll want to. “i think we could probably do whatever we wanted if we really tried, i just don’t want to do this.” that’s the only part of it she’s truly certain of, that while she’s good at what she’s learned here, her heart isn’t in it. but she’s come this far, it’s hard to imagine just giving up one year before she gets the diploma. “i think so too. it’d be nice to do something so normal for once.” it’s a leftover belief from the privilege she used to have to find college to be normal. “i just think it might be easier for gallagher to help me get into a school if i finish my degree here.” she sighs, wanting nothing more than to do just that, but feeling impatient for the first time in a long time. she has almost everything she wants: frank, her mother, her own safety. it feels wrong to want something more, but she does anyway. “i can’t rock them while i read though, it makes me motion sick.” she’d discovered her motion sickness on a road trip with frank and her family once, trying to read aloud to him in the backseat, before her father had promptly had to pull over so she could get sick on the side of the road. “no, she’s here in virginia, working remotely. i’m not entirely sure where we’ll end up, she works online. but i can go... anywhere,” luna pauses before saying the last word, like it’s just sinking in, which it kind of is. “i guess i was so excited to get my mom back, i forgot about what this means for me, too.”
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lunaseongs · 3 years
        “i don’t think so, no.” drew’s eyes widened slightly as he looked at the bag before reaching out to take it, with slight hesitance. “wait, really? for..for me?”
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“then in that case, congratulations,” luna says brightly. she probably shouldn’t have brought the gift to a party, but it’s okay. “yes, don’t get too excited. it’s just a hat i knitted, figured something practical would be nice.”
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lunaseongs · 3 years
“Hey, thanks. They belong to my brother.” By tomorrow, he’ll either pack up the accessories elsewhere or sell them. “You look amazing too. Frank’s a lucky guy.”
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“well you make them your own,” luna tells him, not really comprehending the situation with carmichael’s brother. she won’t ask frank, doesn’t feel entitled to her boyfriend’s friend’s business. “oh, that is sweet of you to say. predictably, i’m going to say i’m the lucky one. will you be returning next year?”
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lunaseongs · 3 years
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      “Christ, alright, coming through — watch the ribs.” Aidan grimaces as he tries to navigate through the crowd of people dancing, wincing as one of them bumps into his chest rather harshly. “I think booking Beyonce was a bad decision, they’ve turned manic.” He comments, dark eyes sweeping over the dance floor. “I get it’s the final party of the year, but still.” // @gallagherstart​​
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“i would have thought you would be beyonce’s biggest fan, aidan,” luna teases lightly, because he bought her an entire laptop, so she feels like they’re at that level of comfort with each other. her brows furrow with concern though. “how are you feeling? healing okay?”
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lunaseongs · 3 years
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      Asher has absolutely NO idea what he’s going to do with his life in the upcoming days, months, years — and he’s loving it. He knows he isn’t entirely in the clear yet, and has a lot to sort out soon, but the sense of overwhelming freedom in his future has him in an outrageously good mood. As such, the on-his-way-to-getting-buzzed Floridian is making the rounds, trying to simply enjoy the evening as much as possible. 
      “So weird to think this is the last time I’ll do one of these things.” He muses out loud, eyes scanning over all the fancy outfits and decked out venue. // @gallagherstart​
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“good weird, i’m hoping,” luna says with a lift of her eyebrows and a soft smile, taking a sip from her glass. she’s been pacing herself, has never actually been drunk before, but she does feel a little more tipsy than she might usually. “you don’t think you’ll come back for any future events given the opportunity?”
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lunaseongs · 3 years
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                           she notes luna’s presence, easy to recognize even though her hair colour’s changed since the last time she saw her. ‘   how’d your exams go ?    ’ despite zero indication whatsoever, she means this in a caring way. 
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“oh, hi thalia,” luna says with pleasant surprise in her voice. “they went well, thank you. how did yours go?” she doesn’t even feel like she really has to ask, is sure thalia did great, but she’s curious.
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lunaseongs · 3 years
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       “  𝚊𝚠𝚠  𝚝𝚑𝚊𝚗𝚔  𝚢𝚘𝚞  !  i  love  your  dress  ,  ”  she  beams  at  luna  .  “  oh  it’s  fine  .  i  was  just  thinking  out  loud  .  are  you  enjoying  yourself  ?  ”  it’s  only  her  third  event  as  a  member  of  the  ppc  so  she  really  can’t  help  but  let  her  inner  hostess  slip  out  a  little  bit  .
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“thank you, i’ll give my mom the bulk of the credit.” her mom had been almost feral picking out a dress, making up for all the opportunities she’d missed. “i am, yes! the atmosphere feels very nice, a very appropriate end of the year sort of feel to it. you all did a really nice job.”
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