lunastarjae · 6 years
Maoh Sakura | Yumi H. | Part 3
Twitch: twitch.tv/maohsakura Twitter: maohsakura Instagram: yumi_h219
[PERSONAL]: We know that you recently moved to Japan. Which city are you in right now and when did you move? I am in Kyoto and I moved in August of 2018.
Why did you move to Kyoto? I wanted to experience living in a foreign country, and I’ve always wanted to move to Japan when I was a kid. I thought that the culture was very... unique. I also wanted to learn Japanese.
It’s been four months since you’ve moved. How do you like it there so far? I haven’t started school yet so I haven’t been out much, but from the little experiences of going to things like the grocery store, it’s been very neat. Everyone’s very polite and all the buildings are very beautiful.
Is there a reason why you went to Kyoto and not anywhere else? It’s because my brother lives there. Or else I might have chosen someplace else like Tokyo, because Kyoto is a very old and historical city.
What do you miss the most about Vancouver? Well... my friends. Also being able to dress the way I want without people starting because the styles are very different in Kyoto vs. Vancouver. I also miss my dog, the sushi in Vancouver, and being able to speak in English.
Last time, I asked if you sang/danced/played music. Have any of those hobbies improved or have you had a new hobby since moving to Kyoto? No? None of them have improved at all. And no. I have not gotten any new hobbies.
From what I know, you’re not in Japan right now. Where are you, and what are you doing? This is a little bit long. Right now, I’m in Thailand because of winter vacation--my dad wanted to come here for New Years’ countdown, but I’m currently living in Taiwan because I have to organize my Japanese student visa first before I go back. But I want to be in Japan.
[DATING | RELATIONSHIPS]: Have you gone on any dates since moving to Japan? No, I haven’t. I don’t go out much (*sobs in background*).
Has your ideal type changed since moving? I guess so, but not because of my move, but because I’ve gotten older.
Oh? What is it now? I don’t really have an ideal type--but there are some things that make a guy more attractive, especially manly features. Things like maturity... beards are nice... and muscles. (someone help Luna)
Do you feel ready to date again? Hmm... not really. I’m taking a break from relationships and focusing on myself for now.
[GAMING]: From my experience playing with you, you seem to often have high ping. Do you still play League often alone, or attempting to climb? Or do you think you’ll take a break from ranking for Season 9? I’ve never been much of a ranker, so I won’t do it unless I play with someone. I usually only play with friends.
You’ve played League of Legends since the end of Season 2. What do you anticipate the most for Season 9 as a League veteran? Nothing. League is toxic.
What is your favourite role and who are your favourite champions? I don’t really have a favourite role, so I normally go fill. But depending on what my friends play, I will play mostly jungle. My favourite champions--I’d still say Elise--who is one of my top picks, and Janna’s beautiful (kappa).
Is there a game you’re planning on streaming or getting into? I’ve been wanting to stream more Final Fantasy XIV online, but I also want to get Monster Hunter Ultimate and try that out.
[TWITCH | STREAMING]: What new goals do you have as a streamer who’s been on Twitch for a little over a year now? Don’t say that (*sobs in background*) because I don’t feel like I’m a streamer who’s been on Twitch for a year. (Why?) I haven’t hit many milestones since I’ve started due to many reasons... like moving and travelling. I would like to get partnered in 2019.
What do you normally stream these days? Well... I haven’t been streaming consistently, but whatever I stream has been me eating dinner in Thailand. I’d like to stream more games instead.
The interview was cut short as Yumi had to leave for dinner--however, there will be a Part 4 soon. If you would like to ask Yumi a question, please send it through ‘ask’ with a brief, non-personal, non-invasive question. 
Yumi streams whenever she can as there is no set schedule at the moment.
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lunastarjae · 7 years
Maoh Sakura | Yumi H. | Part 2
Twitch: twitch.tv/maohsakura Twitter: maohsakura Instagram: yumi_h219
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[PERSONAL]: What's your favourite subject in school? What are (or were) you good at? *starts sobbing uncontrollably* uh, my favourite subject was math, and I was good at pretty much everything. But now I'm a lazy bum who doesn't use her brain.
Do you want to stay in Vancouver? To live… maybe not for the rest of my life, but maybe for a good majority. I want to see if I can travel and live in other places, but Vancouver has a special place in my heart. I'd like to try living in Japan or California though. 
What's your favourite make-up brand? What's your favourite area to glam up? Any make-up inspos? I don't really have one but I like Benefit and Tarte. And anything else that Sephora offers. I like putting make-up on my eyes because there's a lot of different things that I can do, such as the type of eyeliner. I like PONY makeup, Wengie, and Tati. 
Do you sing/dance/play music? All three (kappa). But not well.I enjoy singing a lot though. Music is the key to my heart!
 [DATING | RELATIONSHIPS]: What was your worst dating experience? *starts sobbing uncontrollably* Probably something like the guy telling me he can't date and then starts dating someone immediately after… 
What made you start dating vAnals? HE's aCTuallY oNe oF the SWEetesT gUyS I'Ve EVEr mEt (rip Luna) He was there for me when I was having a lot of problems in my personal life and he stayed up a lot of late nights to keep me company. 
What is vAnals really like? HE's aCTuallY oNe oF the SWEetesT gUyS I'Ve EVEr mEt (omg STAAAAAHP) He seems like an ideal boyfriend (pukes) 
What's your ideal date? It'll be in the summer, watching fireworks together with doing things before like eating, taking a walk, playing games, chilling on the beach… but the fireworks are the most important part. 
[GAMING]: What's your favourite and least favourite part about League? My favourite part is that there's so many ways to play it, it's a versatile game--you can outplay someone in a million ways (or get outplayed (kappa)). My least favourite part is the fact that 99.9% of the players are toxic trash (kappa).
Is there a game you're planning on streaming or getting into? Yes, PUBG. And I'm really open to any other games… possibly horror. 
[TWITCH | STREAMING]: What areas are your streams focused on? Hanging out with my viewers (to make it a more comfy and closer environment) for anybody to join and drop by. I mostly stream League, IRL, and I sometimes draw and play smaller games. 
How did you find out about Twitch/streaming? Did you ever think you were going to be a streamer? I found out about Twitch through Lilypichu's videos on YouTube, and I never thought I would stream but I admired how much fun Lily had, and a lot of people started suggesting it to me. One day when Luna started, it pushed me to start as well. 
You were able to get your affiliate in under two weeks, something that normally takes months or even years for others to do. What do you think contributed to your quick growth? I would say that the Twitch community is very welcoming. I met a lot of people who helped me to improve my stream and I feel like my outgoing personality drew in a lot of viewers. *laughs nervously* 
What do you think is the most important aspect as a starting streamer? Make sure to not look trashy (yourself and your stream (as in panels and layout)), have social media, and be willing to have people help you. And be nice! Greet and thank everyone who dropped by and watched you. Acknowledge your viewers because they're important! 
What do you have that is unique in comparison to other streamers? My expressive and approachable attitude and I say things that people don't expect out of this innocent-looking face! 
Is your platform exclusive to Twitch or are you thinking of expanding it to other platforms (i.e: YouTube)? When I get proper equipment, I'm thinking of expanding to other platforms. And maybe once in a while I'll do an Instagram Live. 
I know you've been streaming for a short time, but do you have a favourite memory that you'd like to share? I have a couple. When trolls come to my stream, my viewers have my back. I liked meeting all these new people (like vAnals) and becoming everyone's Rap God (kappa).
Do you have any upcoming projects or something that your viewers should look forward to? I'm planning on an all-Yumi-can-eat IRL/Q&A stream, and for my subscribers, my emotes are coming! 
[OTHERS]: You sometimes draw on stream. What do you like drawing the most? Did you learn art from anywhere? What's your favourite kind of art? Who's your art inspiration? I actually like to do things that interact with my viewers so I like to play games as I draw and I like to draw anything popular, anime-related, and easily guessable. I didn't learn art from anywhere, I just like to draw whatever I see and whatever is pretty but sometimes if I don't know how to draw a certain thing, I watch YouTube videos of random artists. I like shojou-styled manga/art, and I don't really have an art inspiration. 
Do you prefer to watch anime or read manga? What's a series you recommend? I mostly read manga but I occasionally watch anime. My favourite series is Kaze Hikaru which isn't animated but I like historically-set, romantic-comedy stories.
Yumi streams periodically every week from 8:00 p.m to 2:00 a.m PST.
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lunastarjae · 7 years
Maoh Sakura | Yumi H. | Part 1
Twitch: twitch.tv/maohsakura Twitter: maohsakura Instagram: yumi_h219
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Tell us a little bit about yourself. I was born in Japan, my parents are Taiwanese, but I moved to Canada when I was five so I’m a Canadian citizen. I like eating food and I own a shih-tzu named Didi (means ‘little brother’ in Chinese). I’m also studying business right now in university.
Why did you start streaming? I wanted to meet new people and I need love :’( (it also seemed fun)
What are your favourite games to play? League of Legends. I also like playing Overwatch, Runescape, Hearthstone, and many more!
What’s your favourite part about Twitch? It’s an easy way to meet new people no matter where they’re from and how popular they are.
So... I know you’re dating vAnals... what do you like the most about him? He’s funny *laughs nervously* a-and nice(?) (are you sure you’re dating him??)
What is your ideal type? Long hair, glasses, blonde *laughs nervously* ha ha jkjk smart, funny, nice (sounds like any generic anime dude)
Would you date a viewer? *laughs nervously* why not, we’re all human
What do you like/disliike about Vancouver? I like that it’s not dangerous (usually) and I like how lush and green it is. I dislike how everything closes at 6 p.m. and how it never snows.
Where did you like travelling to the most? Japan.
What’s your favourite food to eat? Sushi.
O...kay well thank you for giving me your precious 2 minutes to do this interview that you gave me 1-word answers with :)
Part 2 will be coming up next time!
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