lunnilost · 4 months
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lunnilost · 4 months
music: suno ai https://suno.com/song/e70c3dec-1221-4c91-b51b-efe51a8795f7
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lunnilost · 4 months
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lunnilost · 5 months
craziest thing about gaining significant weight is that people in your life will comment on it totally uninvited & they say they’re just a little concerned for your health
but they’re like, the same people who went partying with you every weekend ages 19-21 & apparently the binge drinking & no sleep & doing lines in bathrooms with strangers or whatever weren’t health concerns bc you were thin 😍
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lunnilost · 7 years
Snake Sibling
[For @aivelin‘s extra spicy Thorki naga art]
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Thor returned to his chamber - if the ship’s auxiliary engine room could be called such - only to find the door partially ajar. “Loki,” he muttered. Who else possessed such complete disregard for personal boundaries? “Come to bed, brother,” Loki’s voice echoed from within. “You’ve had a long day.” Thor’s long day had consisted of meeting Asgard’s survivors, reassuring each homeless family, describing again and again the site Odin had chosen for them. They needed hope, so Thor had spent his day creating it as best he could. He was prince and uncrowned king; already the weariness of it went deeper than the bone. He was in no mood for Loki’s games. “Loki, this is no-” His voice cut off as he opened the door. Most of the lights had been dampened and what remained cast a sultry glow across Loki’s dark locks and the naked contours of his torso. Loki’s bottom half remained in shadow. Thor knew instantly that Loki wanted something - and with those eyes, he knew exactly what. Usually, Loki got what he wanted. It was simply a matter of how many steps ahead Thor could be, and if that was enough. “This game?” Thor asked. “When did we play last?” “Before you –” Thor silenced himself. He wouldn’t think of it. “What do you want?” Loki smiled.  “Your story reminded me…” With a shift, he emerged from the shadows. The darkness had hidden his new form: his torso faded into the dense, muscular trunk of a naga. Almost at once the room came alive, gleaming scales sliding against the floor as Loki’s massive form roiled. The door slammed shut behind Thor, blockaded by Loki’s serpentine body. The very tip of Loki’s tail flicked against Thor’s ankle, his thigh. “Is this your request for forgiveness, brother?” Thor said, stepping between the logs of scaly muscle. “I offered you safety here. Sanctuary.” “And I merely offer you some… relaxation,” Loki toyed. His snake form slithered closer. Loki’s fingertips twitched, drawing Thor’s eyes to the crux of his hips, where the sinful V of human flesh faded to anaconda skin. Loki’s thumb riveted there, slowly roving in the subtle indentation. Thor couldn’t help watching, transfixed as the scales parted under Loki’s touch. Two pinkish points slipped between Loki’s fingers, growing and extending outward like erotic mockeries of Loki’s helmet. “Two?” Thor balked as the serpentine cocks reached their full length. “Did you not know that about snakes?” Loki asked, his slippery smile looking so much more appropriate on a naga. “This is all well and fun, but you know –” “Yes. I know you, brother,” Loki interrupted. He lifted the twin cocks, revealing a glistening slit beneath them. “Always so eager to be on top. I made myself to suit you.” The coils behind Thor arched upward and pressured him into Loki’s reach. Loki abandoned touching himself and instead moved for Thor’s armor. The metallic knots looked molten in the light, discarded like balls of mercury. Thor caught his brother’s wrist. “Loki,” Thor warned. “Relax,” Loki soothed, slipping from Thor’s grip. His fingers wrote dexterous designs against Thor’s mail until it, too, fell away. “You can touch, if you like,” he murmured to his brother, and before Thor could agree he felt Loki’s coils around his legs, pulling him to the floor. Just when he began to fall another coil was at his back, catching him, and Loki simply watched as his naga form cradled Thor while his red cloak spread beneath them like bedsheets on the floor. Thor grunted as he found himself held prone. One of the coils spiraled up his body, wrapping tight around his waist. “Relax,” Loki said again. “You used to love this game. Remember all the times you came to me when everyone else refused you?” Thor struggled, grabbing onto the closest curve of naga body, but Loki just pinned his arm in retribution. “You think they all refused me?” Thor asked instead, relaxing into the coils as Loki moved over him. He felt more than saw Loki’s hands working, discarding the last of Thor’s uniform. “You think I never once came to you because I wanted you?” Loki looked up through his dark curled locks. As Thor watched, Loki’s eyes fluttered, his Jotun horns emerging, the tattoos glowing faint beneath his skin. “You needn’t flatter me,” he whispered. “I’ll give you this anyway.” Thor could never read Loki - or if he thought he could, he always doubted. Playing with Loki was a matter of thinking three, ten, a hundred steps ahead. It was ironic, really. Both brothers spent so much of their lives thinking they were playing catch-up with the other. When Loki slipped between his legs, Thor didn’t resist him. He allowed the naga between his thighs, was expecting a foul from his brother, a sudden double-headed thrust just to mock him. But instead Loki dragged his fingers up his twin cocks, lifting them, and gave Thor access to his slit. Thor thrust - or he tried - but those coils tightened. He couldn’t move, couldn’t buck his hips, couldn’t drive into the wet haven Loki offered. “I told you to relax,” Loki murmured. “Such a long day you had. My turn to take care of you, brother.” With that, Loki lowered himself, dense musculature parting around Thor’s cock. Thor groaned as Loki engulfed him. Again, he tried to thrust, and again he found himself utterly immobilized, a concrete statue for all he could escape Loki’s coils. Loki rode him, long and slow, gazing into his eyes. His cocks left wet trails on Thor’s abdomen, the skin and scales between them growing loud with slick suction sounds. Loki’s breath stayed calm, controlled, almost normal, except for the faintest hitch at the end: his own pleasure come out to play. “You didn’t have to change to suit me,” Thor said. He lifted his one free hand, tangling it in Loki’s hair. Loki was naga, frost giant, human, all at once. “For all your shifting, you never really change anyway.” He tried to lift his hips again, to drive himself into his brother like perhaps that could prove his emotion, but Loki kept him restrained, unable to do anything but grip pleadingly at Loki’s hair for more.The heat between them was growing, the snaking grip pulsing as if every time Loki sank down onto Thor it sent a bolt of pleasure down his twisting spine. “Loki,” Thor groaned, legs held open for his brother. Loki wasn’t smiling - he always looked more vulnerable without his smile. They were both at each other’s mercy, weren’t they? Loki never came to Thor unless he needed something, and tonight he needed – Thor’s hand lifted to Loki’s horns, gripped it, stroked, and then ran down Loki’s chest, to the twin cocks. He took them both in his palm, forefinger separating the two lengths, and skimmed his hand up and down to return the pleasure Loki reaped between his legs. He had a moment’s warning, a near silent gasp, and then he felt the cocks tense and shoot their release. The ripples cascaded through Loki’s body, making those coils squeeze. Thor felt it all around him and gave in, emptying into the desperate clutch of his brother’s body. Tonight Loki needed acceptance, and Thor laid his arm around his brother’s shoulders, offering it as best he could. “You won’t run off with my seed and come back with a child, will you?” he teased while Loki panted on his chest, spent and exhausted, coils receding. “And taint my line with such inferior blood?” Loki managed. Thor laughed, deep and booming as thunder under Loki’s cheek.
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