lupinebitten-blog · 8 years
i’m going to delve into photoshop & make some icons for ian & kyle o’shea from the host, & then try to decide which o’shea brother i want to give a blog to.
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lupinebitten-blog · 8 years
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❛    i’m not looking, i’m not looking!     ❜ hand firmly shielding his eyes, remus barges into the room, blinding waving his free hand around in an attempt to not bump into anything ( or anyone ). he takes four steps in, promptly bumps into a dresser, & stops short, cheeks reddening ever so slightly. one would think his wolf instincts would help him in a situation such as this. ❛    i think i left my fantastic beasts book in here & i need it for this essay,     ❜ he explains, gaze still shielded & fixed firmly on the floor at his feet. ❛    have you seen it? &, better question – are you decent so i can drop my hand at all?     ❜ // ☽ ┆━ ❪ open ❫
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lupinebitten-blog · 8 years
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❛    i’m not looking, i’m not looking!     ❜ hand firmly shielding his eyes, remus barges into the room, blinding waving his free hand around in an attempt to not bump into anything ( or anyone ). he takes four steps in, promptly bumps into a dresser, & stops short, cheeks reddening ever so slightly. one would think his wolf instincts would help him in a situation such as this. ❛    i think i left my fantastic beasts book in here & i need it for this essay,     ❜ he explains, gaze still shielded & fixed firmly on the floor at his feet. ❛    have you seen it? &, better question – are you decent so i can drop my hand at all?     ❜ // ☽ ┆━ ❪ open ❫
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lupinebitten-blog · 8 years
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lupinebitten-blog · 8 years
                                          I  JUST  WANT  TO  MAKE  THINGS  RIGHT.
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lupinebitten-blog · 8 years
just clicked on a blog & one of the first posts on it is basically a callout post for dorian gray & i am just yes good @ universe call that hedonist out for what he did to my son basil
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lupinebitten-blog · 8 years
westworld, part 1. s1e1 - the original.
i’m sorry. i’m not quite feeling myself.
do you know where you are?
i’m in a dream.
would you like to wake up from this dream.
i’m terrified.
there’s nothing to be afraid of, ____, as long as you answer my questions correctly.
have you ever questioned the nature of your reality?
tell us what you think of your world.
some people choose to see the ugliness in this world. the disarray. i choose to see the beauty. to believe there is an order to our days, a purpose.
you’re new. not got much of a rind on you.
i’d rather earn a woman’s affection than pay for it.
don’t mind me — just trying to look chivalrous.
you saying i’m predictable?
there’s a path for everyone. your path leads you back to me.
you still don’t remember me, do you? after all we’ve been through.
winning doesn’t mean anything unless someone else loses. which means you’re here to be the loser.
i’ll do whatever you say!
every new person i meet reminds me how lucky i am to be alive, and how beautiful this world can be.
perfect’s boring.
we should be cautious.
i’ll take care of it myself.
they don’t make that like they used to.
i’m not a child anymore.
it’s beautiful. your brow. when you’re angry but trying to control it, the fine muscles pull into a little arc. it’s elegant.
this place is fucking wild.
there’s bandits in these hills.
the guy’s gonna chase his demons right over the deep end.
i’m beginning to think you’re getting sweet on me.
‘mistakes’ is the word you’re too embarrassed to use. you ought not to be. you’re a product of a trillion of them.
evolution forged the entirety of sentient life on this planet using only one tool. the mistake.
about three litres. that’s how much blood i left in you. lose more than that, you die.
i don’t play. i only deal.
you should go. leave. don’t you see? hell is empty and all the devils are here.
i can barely contain myself.
you’re all here indulging your particular vices, and so i’ve come to indulge mine.
no matter how dirty the business, do it well.
problem with the righteous? they can’t shoot for shit.
it didn’t look like anything to me.
what do you want to say to your maker?
the things i will do… what they are, yet i know not, but they will be the terrors of the earth.
you’re in a prison of your own sins.
no cause for alarm, ____. simply our old work coming back to haunt us.
come on, sweetheart.
i know things will work out the way they’re meant to.
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lupinebitten-blog · 8 years
‘my transformations in those days were – were terrible. it is very painful to turn into a werewolf. i was separated from humans to bite, so i bit and scratched myself instead …’ // written by ink.
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lupinebitten-blog · 8 years
☽ ┆━ ❪ mckiiinnon ❫
@lupinebitten gets a tiny thing !!
   “Whatever it is – I’ve been framed !!”
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❛     is sirius black’s echo in here, marlene, or are the two you of awfully more alike than anyone realises?     ❜
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lupinebitten-blog · 8 years
’ Are you.. happy? ’
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there’s a simple answer to the question, & it’s one he supplies readily & with much confidence : ❛     yes.     ❜ his formative years had been meagre & bleak – deprived of any friends, he’d found comfort in paper & ink, but comfort was never to be mistaken for happiness. it was only after he’d come to hogwarts, struck up a camaraderie ( & later, a very solid friendship ), with peter, james, & sirius, had remus begun to learn what happiness really is. he still hungers for it : no matter how happy he is, the starving child within him greedily wants more. still - it doesn’t negate that this truly is the happiest he has ever been in his life ( & he will go on to recount these years as just that, to harry potter & his friends towards the end of harry’s third year : ‘i was happier than i had ever been in my life’. ). ❛     — why?     ❜ // ☽ ┆━ ❪ meme ⇢ accepting! ❫
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lupinebitten-blog · 8 years
’ Why are you all wet? ‘ 
’ Aloha! ’
’ You’re vile. You’re foul. You’re flawed. ' 
’ Ohana means family. Family means no one gets left behind or forgotten. ’
’ If you want to leave, you can. I’ll remember you, though. ’
’ I remember everyone that leaves. ’
’ You! You’re the cause of all this. ’
’ This is my family. I found it all on my own. Is little, and broken, but still good. Ya. Still good. ’
’ Oh, good! My dog found the chainsaw. ’
’ No more caffeine for you. ’
’ Did you lose your job because of me? ' 
’ The managers a vampire. He wanted me to join his legion of the undead. ’
’ Trust me, this isn’t gonna end well. ’
’ I’m sorry I bit you. And pulled your hair. And punched you in the face. ’
’ GIve us a sign you understand any of this. ’
’ Show us that there is something inside you that is good. ’
’ I didn’t teach him that. ’
’ Come on, what’s the big deal? ’
’ Leave my mother out of this. ’
’ You are such a pain. ’
’ Then why don’t you sell me and buy me a rabbit instead? ’
’ I hate it when you use Ohana against me. ’
’ I’m lost. ’
’ Don’t interact with her. ’
’ Oh, we can’t do that. Uh-uh. That would be a misuse of resources. ’
’ Why do you act so weird? ’
’ You look familiar. ’
’ We’re a broken family, aren’t we? ’
’ I shouldn’t have yelled at you. ’
’ You are built to destroy. You can never belong. ’
’ We need something that can defend itself. Something that won’t die. ’
’ I hear you cry at night. ’
’ Do you dream about them? ’
’ You came back. ’
’ Nobody gets left behind. ’
’ I need someone to be my friend. Someone who won’t run away. ' 
’ His destructive programming is taking effect. ’
’ Did you ever kill anyone? ’
’ Are you.. happy? ’
’ I am the one they call when things go wrong and things have, indeed, gone wrong. ’
’ Our family’s little now, and we don’t have many toys. ’
‘ If you want, you could be a part of our family. ’
’ We’d raise you to be good. ’
’ She likes your butt and fancy hair. ’
’ I read her diary. ’
’ Not guilty! My experiments are only theoretical, and completely within legal boundaries. ’
’ He was designed to be a monster, but now he has nothing to destroy. ’
’ I never gave him a greater purpose. ’
’ What must it be like to have nothing, not even memories to look back on in the middle of the night? ’
’ If you promise not to fight anymore, I promise not to yell at you, except on special occasions. ’
’ Stupid head. ’
’ Did you catch fire again? ’
’ This is your badness level. It’s unusually high for someone your size. We have to fix that. ’
’ Don’t leave me, okay? ’
’ Do you want to be taken away? ’
’ You’re just jealous 'cause I’m pretty! ’
’ My friends need to be punished. ’
’ Heard you lost your job. ’
’ Thus far you have been adrift in the sheltered harbor of my patience. ' 
‘ After all you’ve put me through, you expect me to help you just like that? ’
’ He’s very persuasive. ' 
’ I know you had something to do with this. ’
’ Oh, good! I was hoping to add theft, endangerment and insanity to my list of things I did today. ’
’ I prefer to be called evil genius. ’
’ You smell like a lawn mower. ’
’ I have just determined the situation to be far too hazardous! ’
’ Don’t worry. I won’t hit her. ’
’ This is low even for you! ’
’ You are all mine. ’
’ You know I have no choice. ’
‘  Please don’t do this. ’
’ You’re making this harder than it needs to be. ’
’ She needs me. ’
’ Leave me alone to die. ’
’ What is that monstrosity? ’
’ Does this look infected to you? ’
’ You’d better not have rabies. ’
’ Hiding behind your little friend won’t work anymore. ’
’ Didn’t I tell you? We got fired this morning. ’
’ That is the ugliest thing I have ever saw! ’
’ It has no place among us. ’
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lupinebitten-blog · 8 years
text message starters, part 1/?
[MSG]: If you come home and see an ambulance outside, don’t worry. I’ve got it all under control.
[MSG:] One time I thought I was heterosexual.
[MSG:] Just get in the fucking blanket fort.
[MSG:] I think the only option is to smoke so much weed I pass out for 3 days.
[MSG:] I am going places. Maybe not college, but places…
[MSG:] I don’t think meeting his drug dealers counts as a relationship landmark.
[MSG:] We’re making a scrapbook of dick pics, you want in or what?
[MSG:] Can you pick me up? The threeway turned into a twoway while I sit here alone in the corner…
[MSG:] Every time you mention the threesome around him I will high five you. Do what you will with this information.
[MSG:] You know, my friends think I make these stories up…
[MSG:] I’m bonding with your girlfriend. I like her. We’re plotting your demise.
[MSG:] My cute new neighbor has a cast on his leg. How sad is it that my first thought was, “Hey! This one can’t run away!”.
[MSG:] OMG he dropped his pants for me. Granted it was to show me where he got stabbed but still…
[MSG:] I started the day with dreams of getting laid and ended it with the reality of eating Taco Bell in my bed with my dog.
[MSG:] I just walked into the room at this party and someone shouted “dibs!”
[MSG:] He held my hand in public and I nearly came. Like he needs to be inside of me yesterday.
[MSG:] Uh, I almost got the bride to go down on me. I’m the smoothest maid of honor ever.
[MSG:] Somehow a ride to Walgreens turned into a threesome.
[MSG:] Yeah, don’t like to call her my roommate. Too cordial. I prefer to call her “the whore that was assigned to live with me.”
[MSG:] Why does every bad decision I make end up with at least 100 likes on YouTube?
[MSG:] I feel like I don’t show you my boobs enough. And you deserve to see them like all the time.
[MSG:] I told you not to buy lube from a tourist shop!
[MSG:] He must be a special kind of stupid to cheat on a women who works at a funeral home. Does he not understand you can get rid of dead bodies easier than most Americans?
[MSG:] There were containers of weed in the piñata.
[MSG:] So far today I’ve had six shots of tequila, one joint, I’ve hit three parties, made out with two people and been chased by security. It is spring break.
[MSG:] I understand why animals eat their young in the wild after watching your kid this afternoon.
[MSG:] Uh, I think that pic was for someone else. At least, I hope so…
[MSG:] My gaydar is infallible. Trust me.
[MSG:] I’m actually kind of scared about the prospect of us living together. We’re just going to eat pizza and drink wine before retiring to our rooms with vibrators.
[MSG:] See, remember when you wanted to get an Ashley Madison account and I told you not to and you hated me? You. Are. Welcome.
[MSG:] Would you accept a fantastic blowjob as payment?
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lupinebitten-blog · 8 years
prcphvcies replied to your post: me: goes to do a reply tumblr: lmao we’re not...
going to html seems to fix it?? i put mine into blockquotes & now its showing up for me idk
i went into html but it hadn’t even finished uploading the icon at all so i called it quits & that’s when i wrote the post bc wtf tumblr. i also noticed that they’ve changed their mobile search function ( i think my apps automatically update ? ), so i’m assuming they’re doing changes & we’ve been affected in this way, briefly.
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lupinebitten-blog · 8 years
me: goes to do a reply tumblr: lmao we’re not loading icons & now we’re not letting you reply to things w/o being a pain in the ass me: ................... @ god why
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lupinebitten-blog · 8 years
i want modern day remus things ... but modern day adult remus things. modern day remus lupin who doesn’t own a mobile phone because he can’t afford one ( the cost of being unable to hold a job for more than a month or so at a time ) ; remus lupin whose friends accept this & say it’s okay, we’ll just message you on facebook --- only to remember remus doesn’t have a facebook because he doesn’t own a computer, & would really rather not check into social media using a public library computer. remus lupin, who uses his lack of financial wealth & gadgets as an excuse to slowly pull himself away from his friends so that they can get on with their lives. remus lupin who, at heart, is still that scared child certain he’d never make friends -- & certain that any he did would be far better off without him.
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lupinebitten-blog · 8 years
i don’t have anything to do on here & that kind of Makes Me Want To Cry.
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lupinebitten-blog · 8 years
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‘my transformations in those days were – were terrible. it is very painful to turn into a werewolf. i was separated from humans to bite, so i bit and scratched myself instead …’ // written by ink.
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