angel-in-a-blue-box · 2 months
i just hope i will live to see the day when a new episode of supernatural airs and i will be able to watch dean and cas again on my screen livestreaming it at 3 am with a bunch of strangers online and that we all get to see them interact again. that's all i ask. and until then i will remain clowning and having fun online so help me god
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angel-in-a-blue-box · 2 months
opening up the jenmish panel with a 15x18 recap and the whole hall erupting into cheers is something that's so personal to me
from @drulalovescas [x]
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angel-in-a-blue-box · 2 months
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angel-in-a-blue-box · 2 months
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basically what happened on stage today 🙂
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angel-in-a-blue-box · 2 months
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how are we all feeling after today ???
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angel-in-a-blue-box · 2 months
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angel-in-a-blue-box · 2 months
Mark Sheppard does not carry around a 13 year old photo of him kissing Jim Beaver for y’all to forget about his little gay character
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angel-in-a-blue-box · 2 months
Just going to leave this one right here
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angel-in-a-blue-box · 2 months
the bear id rather meet in the woods 😳
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angel-in-a-blue-box · 2 months
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Blurry photos I took of JenMish yesterday 🌚
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angel-in-a-blue-box · 2 months
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bonus :
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angel-in-a-blue-box · 2 months
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angel-in-a-blue-box · 2 months
Haven't been on this account in a hot minute but I'm going to meet Jensen and Jared in two days at PurCon and I think I'm going to pass out, I wish 2015-Me who just started this Tumblr could see me now
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angel-in-a-blue-box · 2 months
The year is 2026. The Supernatural reboot airs. Jared Padalecki has put on his best party city wig and is making out with a blurry figure on screen. Because of the person being blurry, he demands that this is a potentially queer act and frames himself as a warrior for gay rights. Meanwhile, Jensen is standing in a corner, eyes full of tears, lips trembling, while he squishes two hairy coconuts together in a colliding manner. On one of them is a handprint. Misha Collins is nowhere to be seen because of alleged scheduling issues. This is not true. He accidentally sank the cruise con ship in an attempt to re-enact Destiel by setting it on fire and has been stranded on a lonely island since then.
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angel-in-a-blue-box · 2 months
DJ: [...] and then Ty and I were- became, like, inseparable at the very beginning. Like, just immediately. And over the last 10 years our relationship evolved to what it is today. And now we're getting married. It's just so crazy. That this person who was just my friend, now I think about all the time. And he sends me the best messages and he supports me and loves me unconditionally in the right way, cause I would never abuse that [...]
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I made a new friend.
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“Got somethin’ else.”
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