lureedblg-blog 7 years
My antidepressant search
I have tried many antidepressants. None worked. I buy cymbalta online. It started working in about a month with no side effects. My mood is up along with my energy level and pain is gone. Depression runs on my mothers side of the family. I'm so glad I didn't quit my antidepressant search.
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lureedblg-blog 7 years
Tezaura - Heavenhell [OFFICIAL MUSIC VIDEO]
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lureedblg-blog 7 years
Depression and anxiety will always come and go throughout my whole life. Although I've been on prescribed medications before, what I found helped the most was being able to talk about my mental health issues. I'm conscious of not generalising mental health and am aware that not everything will work for everyone. However, I do want to stress the vital role communication has always played for me and many others.
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lureedblg-blog 7 years
In my second year of university I developed depression and anxiety, sparked by some problems at home, which resulted in me deferring university for a year. I felt like I was in a dark hole that I would never be able to get out of. I started to lose weight and also lost interest in doing everything that I previously enjoyed. I constantly got panic attacks. I spent the vast majority of my days in bed.
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lureedblg-blog 7 years
Mental health problems
By sharing our personal encounters with mental health problems, we can encourage more people to get talking about mental health, and the more people talk, the more people will understand mental health and the less mental health will be stigmatised.
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lureedblg-blog 7 years
Vicious cycle
However, in a vicious cycle, it seems as though our reluctance to talk about our own mental health issues might help to fuel this stigma. By not sharing my own experience, I sometimes feel that I may inadvertently be insinuating that having mental health problems is something embarrassing, something to be ashamed of, when it isn't at all.
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lureedblg-blog 7 years
Despite such a large number of people experiencing mental health problems there remains an undeniable stigma surrounding mental health, a stigma which I believe stems from a lack of understanding about the experiences of people with mental illness. It seems to be exactly this stigma which has prevented me (and undoubtedly many others) from sharing personal experiences with mental health problems; for fear of an intimate disclosure being met with judgment.
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