luvgods · 11 hours
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Jøshua Zerø photographed by Nicole Ngai
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luvgods · 4 days
medieval knight raising the visor on his helm just so you can see him rolling his eyes
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luvgods · 7 days
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Wip from the GQ shoot already please sedate me
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luvgods · 7 days
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luvgods · 24 days
eddie in fanfics when he hears reader hasn't cum before: and i took that personally
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luvgods · 24 days
teasingly flirting with eddie at hellfire, purposely pushing his buttons only for him to shut you up by uttering two words.
“careful sweetheart.”
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luvgods · 24 days
now all i can think of is modern eddie going to ren faire and having a fucking boner the entire time
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luvgods · 24 days
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luvgods · 24 days
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We’re all seeing it, right?
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luvgods · 24 days
I'm like if a chivalrous knight kissed a fair maiden's hand and said "my lady, I fight for you" and then walked off and immediately tripped over his own armor and fell on the ground
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luvgods · 24 days
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luvgods · 24 days
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𝐞𝐝𝐝𝐢𝐞 𝐦𝐮𝐧𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
summary; a stressful day has eddie trying out his own methods at getting you to relax.
warnings; fem reader, oral sex (eddie is a total munch), overstimulation if u squint maybe, so many terms of endearment, established relationship
word count; ~4k
an; if you've seen this on my blog for another character.. no you haven't :) If you enjoy and you want to make my day, be sure to reblog and leave a comment!! xx
𝐍𝐒𝐅𝐖 𝟏𝟖+
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It's the worst day you've had in a while.
The morning had dragged entirely too long, leaving you glancing at the clock again and again to find that only mere minutes had passed since the last time you'd checked.
Then, when you'd been heading to the grassy spot behind the library where you planned to sit in the sun and relax for your lunch break, you'd dropped your lunch. The contents of your tupperware container had created a truly heartbreaking splatter across the pavement, and then you hadn't even had enough cash left on you to buy anything else, so you'd had to settle for munching on the bruised apple hiding at the bottom of your bag.
And, after an already exhausting morning had tested the strength of your sanity, you had been called into the back office in the afternoon. Said meeting was with your boss to discuss the downfalls of the sweet new-hire whom you'd only recently finished training at the job, and the hour spent in his stuffy office had proved to be grueling and overall unproductive, which only resulted in you biking home from work sporting a decidedly bad mood to pair with your rumbling stomach and the beginnings of a stress headache.
When you finally collapse face-first onto your bed a few hours later and release a little scream into your pillow, the sound of it is muffled into no more than a quiet cry. Through the smothering cotton, you fight to pull in a steadying breath, if only so that you might have enough air in your lungs to scream in frustration again.
The sky outside is dark, crickets creating a loud symphony in the distance, and the breeze coming in through your window brings goosebumps along the backs of your thighs where the baggy tshirt you've chosen for pajamas has rucked up to settle in the curve of your spine. The cool air meets your flushed skin like a blanket of ice, your body still warm from a shower in which you'd spent a little longer than usual beneath a cloud of steam and hot water in a failed attempt at releasing some of the lingering tension from the day — But even an extra few minutes breathing in the aromatics of your body wash clinging to the steam-thickened air wasn't enough to settle you. The irritating buzz of the stress still made itself known underneath your skin, the itch of it making your body feel just a little too tight for all of the frustration building up inside.
You can't even find it in you to flinch at the sound of something scrabbling at your bedroom windowsill, nor do you lift your head at the small crash, thump, and cursing that follow a few seconds later. There's a small rustling of fabric and limbs, heavy shoes thumping against the baseboard as they're kicked off, the tinkling of chains and zippers on leather just before his jacket hits the floor with a quiet smack, all followed by what you assume is the sound of your shoulder bag being placed back where you'd thrown it on the cushioned bench beneath the window when you'd first gotten home.
There's a moment of silence as Eddie drinks in the sight of you. Hungry eyes rake across every inch of your exposed skin, trailing the length of your legs up to where they meet the supple curve of your ass, and with the way your shirt has bunched up underneath your belly, the soft skin of your backside is hidden from him only by your underwear. He spares a second to admire how the pretty fabric clings to your flesh, the cut high and revealing on the cheeks of your ass.
It takes a few slow seconds for him to reorient his thoughts to something slightly less salacious, but after an audible breath, he manages.
“Are you..? Hey.. 're you sleeping?” Eddie's voice comes out a little incredulous but still hushed, as if he's actually worried about waking you in case you truly had somehow slept through the cacophony of noise he'd caused when he climbed in through the window.
You only give a pitiful whine into your pillow in response, feet kicking a little petulantly as you finally roll to face him to reveal the lack of sleep in your eyes, “Parents aren't even home,” You tell him weakly, voice still a little smothered by your pillow, “You could'a jus' come in through the front door.”
Eddie is at the edge of the bed already, kneeling on the mattress and making to join you now that he knows you aren't asleep. He looks deliciously soft, flannel pajama pants hanging low on his hips, his jacket already stripped away in a heap on your bedroom floor to leave him in a cozy-looking tshirt, the fabric of it tattered and soft with wear.
“Where's the fun in that?” Eddie asks with a quiet laugh, urging you onto your back and crawling on top of you without warning. His weight settles atop your body and his nose nuzzles into the softness of your breasts over your shirt as he burrows his face into the space between them.
He's so warm. Body heat is quick to seep out from his clothes and through your own with the way he's settled heavily on top of you. It's all a little smothering, the way that his weight is making it a bit hard to breathe, your lungs not quite able to get a full inhale — but it's also grounding, the heavy blanket of warmth he provides managing to alleviate just a little bit of your anxiety.
“One of these days you're gonna hurt yourself, or worse, you might break something of mine with a flailing limb when you inevitably trip and come tumbling through the window,” You tease weakly, pinching your eyes shut as you try to push away that lingering tightness in your chest, “I'm serious. You're gonna break something and, personally, I really hope it isn't your face.”
Your fingers come up to tangle in his thick mane of curls and he hums in appreciation, a content grumble rising in his throat as he settles his cheek onto the plushness of your breast like it's his own personal pillow.
His hand slips down your thigh, fingers blindly drawing little patterns around the top of your knee as he scoffs, “Oh, thrilling. Yeah, next time I'll just use the front door, like some sorta common loser. As if, sweetheart.”
“You are a loser.” You say quietly, the small smile in your voice not quite managing to hide the discontented sigh that slips out as your mind wanders back to the events of the day.
Eddie pushes up onto his elbows at the edge in your voice and your hands fall from his head with the movement. He frowns as his big brown eyes flick over your face in scrutiny, “What’s’a matter?” He asks immediately, brows drawn together beneath the wisps of his bangs as his lips jut out in an exaggerated pout of concern.
Your eyes fall shut again and you give his biceps a squeeze even as your nose scrunches up, “Just.. Stressed. Had a really shitty day.”
He hums in understanding, sitting up to settle on his knees between your legs and draping your thighs over his own, big hands slipping underneath your hips to rub at the base of your spine. You let out a little noise of appreciation at the rough dig of his calloused fingers massaging the muscles there, your hips lifting up from the mattress just a little to give him more room.
“Oh, you like that?”
He's teasing, you know he is, but the way his grip on you tightens, the way his fingers press into the fat of your thighs so that he can tug you just a bit higher up on his own lap, the cool metal of his rings biting into your flesh — it makes your breath hitch. Your sleep shirt has bunched up just above your navel and it leaves your panties exposed from the way your ass has settled over him. Your body is tilted at an angle, your hips in the air with how he's propped you up on his thighs while your knees press in on either side of his waist.
One of his hands leaves your spine to give the soft dough of your thigh a squeeze before making a slow trail up, settling his palm over the thin cotton at the apex of your thighs. His thumb presses down softly against your clit through the fabric and Eddie watches intently as you let out a breathy sigh when he draws a slow circle against you.
You still haven't dignified him with an answer, opting to pinch your lips together as his thumb slips down a little further to press into the wetness that's begun to soak through the fabric, his finger dipping in and pushing cotton into your opening with it.
“You need me to make you feel better, sweetheart? 's that it?” Eddie asks. The soft grin in his voice is audible, but when you blink your eyes open to get a good look, you find him peering down at you with awe and hunger swimming in his eyes. When he catches your gaze, the corners of his lips pull up a little more and his thumb moves back to rub at your clit over your underwear, “Need me to make you a little stupid? Huh, baby? Work some of that stress outta your pretty head?”
Your jaw has gone a little slack with the way he's circling your bud with easy drags, knowing exactly how much pressure to use and what angle feels the best and- He asked you a question — What had been the question?
“Huh?” You ask quietly, the sound half a question and half lost to the moan working it's way up your throat.
The smile on Eddie's face goes soft and his hair tickles your face when he leans forward to press a kiss to your cheek, right at the corner of your mouth. Your lips purse and your chin tips up in an attempt to meet him, but he's already leaning back so that he can watch the drag of his finger over your panties.
“You're not going stupid on me already, are you babe? Barely gotten started.”
The circles he's been drawing slow further, growing unhurried and leisurely. The movement of his thumb is light and agonizingly slow and you huff in frustration and cant your hips up in a silent demand.
“Eddie.” You plead simply.
“Alright, alright,” He laughs, leaning in to press one quick kiss to your mouth before he begins to make his way further down, leaving a trail of kisses along your jaw and neck in his wake, “Settle down, princess. I got you.”
He makes a small detour at your chest to bunch your tshirt up at your collarbones, exposing your tits so that he can leave a cluster of bites to the supple flesh. You gasp at the sharper bites, keening a little, but he's already peppering kisses over the abused skin and moving farther down. His tongue dips out between his lips, the warm wetness making you squirm a bit as he moves in a slow line down your stomach. Lower, lower. When he reaches the waistband of your panties, he hooks his fingers under the fabric and pulls just a little, exposing the sliver of sensitive skin just above your patch of trimmed curls. You gasp again at the sharp sting of his teeth when they scrape harshly over your hipbones and your hips lift up again on instinct.
Eddie takes pity on you and finally eases your underwear down your thighs. The tension is broken for a brief moment as he struggles to coax the fabric past your knees and around your ankles without dislodging you from his lap, a small huff of laughter escaping you when he curses quietly.
He rids you of the article but immediately brings your ankle up to nip at your foot in reprimand, pushing your thigh up against your stomach with the movement.
“You gonna behave?” He asks while he curls his fingers around your ankle.
“Mhm.” Your hum and the small nod of your head are paired with a coy smile.
“Mmm, see.. I dunno if I believe you,” Eddie says with a small chuckle and an absentminded peck to your skin, his teeth scraping the bottom of your calf with his grin as he does so, “You've got that.. Look. In your eye.”
“What look?” You question curiously, a little lightheaded with the way his lips press a small line of kisses from the top of your foot all the way up to your shin and then back down again.
“The look that says you're feelin' a little bratty.” He tells you.
You scoff in indignation and his teeth nip at your ankle bone again, successful in cutting the sound off before you can say anything to the contrary.
“You gonna let me take care of you, or what?” He asks seriously, eyebrows raising a little as he fixes you with a stern look.
You nod and your eyes go a little wide at the tone of his voice, your cunt clenching with the flash of warmth that rushes down your spine.
“Good girl.” Eddie murmurs with a grin, already beginning to kiss a slow trail up from your ankle. His lips press into your skin in an irregular pattern of teeth and tongue, briefly broken up with gentle pecks as he makes his way up the length of your leg toward your naked cunt.
As he finally reaches his destination, he urges the bend of your knees over his shoulders, your legs framing his head nicely as he dips to press an agonizingly gentle kiss to your clit. You fight the jolt in your hips, making an effort to keep your muscles taught, but then he does it again, his lips parting just enough to nudge the little bud with the tip of his tongue, and you're lifting toward him without really meaning to.
“Sorry, sorry.” You're apologizing breathlessly before he can scold you, fingers curling into the duvet as you settle your hips against the mattress again.
“That's my girl. Relax..”
He kisses your clit gently again and you bite back a whine at the soft press of lips against you. His wide palms run up and down the outside of your thighs and he turns his head to where your legs are draped over his shoulders to suck softly at the sensitive skin on the inside of your thigh. Your brows furrow at the sting of the bruise he's leaving there but you manage to stay still and the praise he murmurs against your skin in return makes your head feel a little light.
Another small series of kisses mark his path back to where you want him most and his voice is quiet as it reaches your ears, “No more stress, sweets. You know I gotchu, right?”
“Mhm.” You agree quickly, fingers tightening around the blankets in anticipation.
“Good. 's good..”
And then his mouth is on you again and you find it a little hard to breathe. He doesn't ease into it, there are no teasing licks up the length of your folds nor are there anymore agonizingly gentle kisses. His mouth closes around your clit, sucking softly, tongue laving over the bud before he's sucking again.
A weak little cry pushes its way out of you, another coming just a moment later when Eddie scrapes his teeth against you gently as he works, his tongue quick to sooth over the sensitive nub in apology. He kisses your clit like he can't get enough, licking and leaving wet little pecks only to close his lips around it again a second later.
Minutes pass. Your mouth doesn't even close between moans anymore, lips permanently parted to let out a near-constant stream of tiny whines and breathy gasps and desperate whimpers. Your whole body feels like a live-wire. The nonstop stimulation to your most sensitive muscle leaves you teetering on the edge of something earth-shattering despite it not actually managing to peak yet.
“F-ffuck,” You manage to get out, lips trembling as you look down and catch sight of the way Eddie is devouring you, the dim lamplight creating golden patches in the dark locks of his hair, his head bobbing as he works. “Eds.. E-Eddie! 's.. 's so g-fuuck.. 's so good-”
He doesn't slow, nor does he glance up at your first real words since he started, sheer determination pushing him to continue at the same brain-melting pace.
His teeth catch against you again and you gasp sharply, the sound tearing from your dry throat as your hand shoots up to grab a fistful of his hair.
“J-jesus, nngh- God! Eddie-”
Your back arches of its own accord, hips canting toward his mouth as another choked sound drags its way out of your throat. You feel like you could come any second — have felt a little like you might come any second for the past ten minutes at least — and it's making everything a little fuzzy around the edges. Your shower-damp hair is cool against your flushed skin when you tip your head to the side against the pillows while warmth creeps along your neck and spreads down your spine. It crawls all the way to your toes as your eyes pinch shut, fighting to hide the way that they're starting to cross embarrassingly from the pleasure.
“Fuck,” You whine with a stuttered breath at the feeling of his lips closing around you again, sucking so delicately at your sensitive bud, tongue rolling against it softly within the suction of his mouth. “Fuckfuckfuuucck-”
He finally gives you a small response, a quiet, noncommittal hum that rumbles through your cunt and has your hips spasming with a thrum of pleasure. Eddie brings one hand from where it had been drawing absentminded patterns along the length of your thigh and drops it to rest over your torso instead. He firmly pushes your hips back down without ever slowing his skillful mouth and you can't hold back a quiet whimper as you're immobilized, the restless movement transferring almost immediately into a tremble in your thighs and stomach, the muscles beneath quivering and jumping under your skin.
His palm is warm and heavy where the weight of it is spread over your ribs, the cooler metal of the rings adorning his fingers a sharp contrast. The width of his hand has his fingers curling around your waist while his thumb begins to drag back and forth over your tummy in long, smooth strokes. His soothing touch is a tether in the dark and you cling to it desperately, your fingers tangling tighter in his wild curls as you grapple for something to keep you steady amidst what's beginning to feel a little like it might be a constant, never ending orgasm.
A noise rips from you so choked off that it sounds a bit like it might've been punched out of your chest and your hips jump again. The shakes in your thighs and stomach seem to spread, your whole body beginning to quake throughout stuttered breaths that might actually be sobs.
It's then that Eddie finally peers up at you, dark brown eyes meeting your own and taking in the mess you've become under his minstrations. He still doesn't pause, doesn't slow, but his eyebrows do disappear beneath his bangs when he raises his eyebrows in silent question while his fingertips dig into the doughy flesh at your waist.
You don't manage more than a garbled, “Yes! Eddie, yes-”
Your free hand grabs ahold of his forearm with an iron grip and a few tears actually break free and fall back into your hair when the warm fog creeps impossibly further across your body, clouding what little remained of the blurred edges of your mind. Any shreds of lucidity are gone as your eyes roll back with a high keening moan. Your hips stutter wildly now, thighs tightening around Eddie of their own accord as your never-ending orgasm seems to finally crest and send you hurtling over the edge that you've been dragging on for so long.
It's possible you black out. The next thing you become aware of is Eddie pressing loud, smacking kisses to your pelvis, the insides of your thighs, your belly and ribs, his lips are gentle against your skin as the soft sound of the kisses breaks through the fog in your head. By the time he settles on top of you, hands slipping beneath your sweat-slicked shoulders to rest his weight on his elbows underneath you, the heavy beat of your heart is a loud echo in your ears.
He's wiped his face off at some point, but his swollen lips still glisten lightly from the time spent between your thighs as you pant warm breaths against his mouth. Any traces of the cool smugness that Eddie had worn before are gone and now he looks at you with nothing but adoration, chocolate brown blinking down at you as if, even flushed and sticky with sweat, you might be the prettiest thing he's ever seen.
You intend to bring a hand up to fix the messy curls of his hair where your hands made a home earlier, but your arm feels entirely too heavy when you lift it and you hardly manage more than a brush of your fingers over his cheek before your hand falls limply to the pillow beneath your head. Eddie chuckles softly at your attempt and tangles his fingers with your own, dipping his head to press a few playful kisses to your cheeks and the tip of your nose until you reward him with a breathless laugh.
“You okay?” He checks quietly, thumb stroking over the side of your own, “Wasn't too much was it?”
“Okay,” You assure him, “Very, very okay.”
His pants rub soft against your naked legs when he readjusts, manhandling you onto your side so he can wrap you up in his embrace, the quilt from the end of the bed being draped over you as he settles in. His arms go around your shoulders and you curl your own around his back in return, your nose pushing into the warmth of his chest as your body continues to come down. The smell of tobacco and a lingering musk of weed mixes nicely with the spice of his body wash, the familiar scent making your arms tighten around him with a contented sigh.
“Hey,” You murmur into his shirt, craning your head back to look up at him and tangling your bare legs with his as you continue, “You're big-spooning me. 'm usually big spoon.”
“Yeah. Not tonight your not.” He says easily, wide palm dragging soft up and down in the space between your shoulder blades.
His hips unconsciously nudge forward just a little and you feel the warm stiffness of his neglected cock against your hip, erection straining against his sweats where he's pressed against you. It makes you gasp almost comically.
“Wha'bout you?” You mumble in sleepy realization, batting your eyes with heavy blinks in an attempt to keep sleep from claiming you.
“Don't worry about me, alright? Seriously, I'll just jerk off in the shower later,” He tells you, fondness in his voice, “Now shut up and lemme hold you.”
You hum, burrowing back into his chest contentedly, “Yes, sir.”
A quiet groan meets your ears as the soothing motions of his hand stutters, “Oh, none of that, come on.” Eddie huffs quietly, voice laced with self-deprecating laughter, “I know you know you're gonna get me worked up sayin' shit like that.”
You did know that.
Your lips pull into a grin, brain lax and floaty and sleepy. Your arms tighten around him for a moment before relaxing again, “Sorry.”
Eddie grumbles something to the contrary as your eyes slip closed, your body finally free of the tight-coiled tension that had followed you around like a shadow all day.
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luvgods · 24 days
𝐍𝐒𝐅𝐖 +𝟏𝟖
you're pleasure is so important to eddie. his one goal every time you fuck is to give you the most blinding, intense orgasm possible, but once he makes you cum all bets are off. that's when he really lets loose because then he's just chasing his own end. his whole weight comes down against you. crushes you beneath him and it's slick and warm with your combined sweat and his thrusts get wild, earth shatteringly hard. just plowing home in desperate search of release and it's so goddamn overstimulating, his hips slamming little ah ah ah's out of you with every frantic hump
you can practically feel his moans echoing in your skull, hardly dulled by his face buried in the pillows beneath you, his sweat-damp curls tickling at your face
and oh man.. thinking about him just pressing you so deep into the mattress. he's so sweaty. it's hard to keep ahold of him, your fingers scramble, nails biting into his slippery skin in an effort to keep him in your grasp. you can barely breathe, you're still winded from your orgasm and he's laying on top of you, he's panting and whining into your neck, POUNDING into you so so desperately because shit he's close
his thrusts get erratic but simultaneously harder and so much more powerful. his balls are slapping your ass and it's sloppy. it's loud. he's making noises into your ear that have you losing your goddamned Mind
and when he finally cums? it's borderline fucking violent
his moan is practically a shout against the curve of your throat. he slams into you so hard that it pushes you up the mattress a little. it has him gripping your shoulder and hip to keep you in place m, to force your further onto his cock until you're nearly crying at how deep he is and, god, he just KEEPS CUMMING. tightening his arms and rutting into you with these little groans that practically vibrate your skull and-
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luvgods · 25 days
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Eddie would let you boss him around
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luvgods · 25 days
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#no comment
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luvgods · 25 days
this picture. this is—when i think of eddie???? this picture.
the mischief, the smugness, the raising of a brow, the way he’s fighting a smirk (he fails to keep it off, it comes to fruition in the scene, as we all witnessed), the amount of character in this one frame, this one scene. if i had to pick one picture to convey all of eddie’s essence—it would be this picture.
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luvgods · 25 days
sorry i have to go stare at images of that guy. yeah it’s gonna be all day.
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