luvvgood · 4 years
reborn — draco malfoy
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SUMMARY: Draco Malfoy needs to kill the love of his life in order to save his family.
CONTENT WARNING: Death and angst (or an attempt at angst) GIF CREATOR HAS USER REFERENCING S/H.
EXTRA: Best read in any mode except light/white.
A/N: hi i’m juno and this is my very first fanfic i’ve ever posted! i rlly hope u guys like it because i don’t really know how to write LMFAO anyways i hope you enjoy this attempt at angst. REQUESTS ARE OPEN BY THE WAY!
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RAIN POURED AGAINST DRACO MALFOY and I’s head as we stood drenched in water, looking at each other with no emotion. All the love I had seen in Draco’s eyes were gone. It was back to nothing; the same nothingness I had saw in them when I would glance at him from across the hall in first year.
“Is this really it for us?” I managed to croak out, thunder booming in the background as my throat dried. I was starting to crumble. Years of warmth and comfort had dissolved, leaving us with tears and coldness. Draco didn’t answer, shifting uncomfortably. “Draco, please. Answer me.” I pleaded, my hand reaching up to his cheeks.
My tears merged in with the rainwater on my face. Despite them being unknown, it was obvious Draco could tell I was crying. “Love,” he began softly. I stared into his stone irises, hoping he would finally break character as I did and take me into his arms as he did before. By the way his bottom lip trembled and eyebrows furrowed, I could tell he wanted to do the same. Suddenly, the same emotionless look blocked out the sympathy.
He opened his mouth to speak, then pressed his lips together in a firm line. I shivered from the fear and cold weather around us, awaiting a sure response from the man I loved. Silently and flawlessly, his hands slithered to the back of my waist as he pulled me into a passionate kiss. Though no statements were exchanged, the kiss between us spoke a thousand words.
It was so safe yet filled with danger. It gave me adrenaline and hope, thinking that after this I’d finally get to live the life I’ve always wanted with him. Yet a pit deep down inside of me knew that this was forever going to be our last kiss exchanged; the last time I’d kiss him or anyone ever again. The beautiful sensation of anger and sadness forged with the kiss. Our relationship together played in my mind, from our first date to our latest. From the point I’d lay in his dorm room as he played in my hair to the point where we’d stay as far away as we could from each other in bed.
I pulled away at last, catching my breath as he heaved, doing the same. “Love,” he repeated from before, the same softness in his voice. “It’s always been over. We never stood a chance.” He said, voice straining and cracking in pain. Draco didn’t want to do this, but he had to. He had to take away the one person in his life that genuinely cared about him for his mother who tried her best and for his father that Draco spent his whole life to please.
He was exhausted. He always knew he was destined to fail since the beginning, but he just wished that he spent more time with his significant other before he left. He just wished he’d make a better title for himself and that when he looked in the mirror he’d se something he loved.
“I’d admire your eyes right now if I wasn’t about to die. They have always been my favorite part about you.” I confessed, feeling no more fear as I did before. There’s no other way I’d rather die than in my love’s arms, knowing that there was hope in saving him in his family. Despite how bitter the sentence sounded, I knew that he knew that I didn’t mean it like that. “Maybe in another life we’d be happy together, Draco.”
“I wish it could’ve been this life,” he whispered, pressing his forehead against mine. “You know I’ve always loved you. I always will.”
“I know. You’ll always be the light of my life even if you were the cause of my lack of.” I hummed, pulling away as the two of us stood together in front of each other once more. I watched as he pulled his wand from his pocket, pointing it at me, the carved wood shaking in his hands as he bit his lip to escape sobs from falling out his mouth.
My eyes fluttered shut before I heard a soft thud on the ground. I opened my eyes to see Draco’s wand on the floor and him rushing towards me, engulfing me in a bone crushing hug as he sobbed into my neck. “I hate you,” he cried, his grip against my skin getting tighter. “I hate when you speak, when you act, when you love. But I’d hate a life without you even more. You consume me and there’s nothing more I’d want to do than to have us stay together.”
My mind scrambled for a response, incoherent words shouting in my thoughts as I tried to reply to him. He pulled away, hands cupping my cheeks as his gaze locked with mine. “Please. In this life, maybe we could be the stars colliding. Maybe we can be forever. I don’t want to be without you.”
I trembled in his hold, my hand highering to clasp his wrist. “Draco, your family... please. You could live your life with them in happiness and prosperity, and find another love—“
“Don’t speak to me like that,” he pleaded. “I don’t want another love— not if it’s not you. You’ve bewitched my body and my soul. Every breath I take is for you and you overwhelm my thoughts. I love you. I love you so, so, so much, (Y/N).”
“And soon, another woman will feel the love you give to me.” I breathed out. In a swift motion, my hand flies to my wand as I point it against my head. I had to do it. I wanted to do it. I wanted to save Draco and his family. He’ll be killed if I don’t do it.
“(Y/N)?” He asked. I could still hear the love laced in his tone. “What— what are you doing?”
“Draco—“ I inhaled sharply, maintaining eye contact with the platinum blonde boy in front of me. “Draco. If we’re reborn, I’ll find you again. I love you.”
His eyebrows furrowed as he realized what was about to happen. He shouted my name but I heard nothing as I whispered the killing curse, taking my own life to save his.
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luvvgood · 4 years
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