luxesam · 2 years
MATCHED! 💖 Kitty ⮂ Sam
Kitty: If it isn't the guppy-lipped crooner of every teenage girl's dream.
Kitty: Probably not. It could also be used for robbing banks, or revenge on other models who took my jobs in the past.
Kitty: Also, what is it about cotton balls?
Sam: Is that meant to be an insult? Cause like I'm not 100% sure what a crooner is but it sounds like it's not a nice thing.
Sam: Wouldn't breaking the law mean you would be like a super wanted criminal and stuff?
Sam: Like why I don't like them?? They look like they're all fluffy and soft and then they feel all gross and make my skin scrawl. I dunno how people touch them casually and not have them not make their skin crawl!
Sam: Do you have any fears?
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luxesam · 2 years
MATCHED! 💖 Sam ⮂ Quinn
Quinn: That's a very sweet way to look at it.. I still stand by what I said, though.
Quinn: Okay, The Notebook is more a drama and romance, but I do like rom-coms! And on Wednesdays, we wear pink!
Quinn: (Aka, I can totally quote Mean Girls too)
Quinn: Is this you slyly asking me out? Or am I misreading signals here?
Sam: Okay, I will let you stand by it. Only cause otherwise we'd be
Sam: Right! Yeah, duh. My bad for the total mis-genre there! I have totally seen The Notebook, but I really only watched it for Rachel McAdams.
Sam: Huh? Oh! No! Not at all.
Sam: I mean I would totally ask you out, you're like gorgeous and easy to talk to which are totally things I look for in someone I would wanna date. But I totally meant just like no strings attached, no pressure just chill out. Sometimes it being all forced and stuff makes things weird and I hate when that happens. I think it's way nicer to just go with the flow, y'know?
Sam: But now I'm super curious. If I was asking would you say yes?
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luxesam · 2 years
MATCHED! 💖 Sam + Sebastian
Sebastian: Well I can certainly give you the opportunity to try.
Sebastian: I like that. Go ahead and show me.
Sebastian: Luckily, I don't need superpowers to be naked with you in this reality.
Sam: Yeah? Awesome! I love getting chances at things.
Sam: Oh I totally will! When are you free?? I'm gonna blow your mind.
Sam: That is a really good point! I love that. You really think of everything huh.
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luxesam · 2 years
MATCHED! 💖 Sam ⮂ Adam
Adam: It really is!!
Adam: Whether it is true or not it is interesting, and something I am willing to try.
Adam: And if there is nothing that comes up in your fact check, you can publish your findings if it works. :)
Sam: Let me know how it goes when you do! And spread the word! Cause like then you can get a lot more feedback and know better and stuff.
Sam: Oh you can totally take the claims if you want! I don't think I was the first one to say it. But you could totally be the first one to prove it! I'll just brag and say I totally know the guy that found it out.
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luxesam · 2 years
Sadly, no. No celebrities..yet! Hopefully yet. But! Hailee Steinfeld followed me about a month ago on Insta so that is my flex of the moment. Really, Matthew McConaughey? Are you a big fan of his work? 
Now that you know my secret I don’t think I can let you live. ..Maybe I’m confusing the FBI with CIA or like an assassin or something. 
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Well maybe I can make history for ya and be the first! Omg I wish I had Hailee follow me on insta. That’s like, a MEGA flex! Okay, so there’s like 3 things you gotta know about me. 
1. Family is everything. Like, you know how Dom Toretto is all “Ride or Die” for family?? That’s me, but like with hair. 
2. My impressions are ON POINT. Specifically my Matthew McConaughey, anything Star Wars and James Earl Jones. 
3. McConaughey IS the man, the LEGEND. There’s nothing he CAN’T do. He has the range, dude and there’s no way you can convince me he isn’t the greatest actor of ALL TIME. He can do rom-com, sci-fi, comedy. ACTION. Like, mans can do it all! 
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luxesam · 2 years
I have the severe case of writers block.... And I’ve barely even begun writing the new album. 
Anyone got any pointers on finding inspiration!?? I’ll do almost anything!
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luxesam · 2 years
MATCHED! 💖 Hunter ⮂ Sam
Hunter: I don't make friends easily. Maybe I'm just too picky. Or judgey.
Hunter: What do you mean by serial dater? I don't know that first dates count as relationship experience. But I have had a couple of solid relationships. Sometimes it takes a while to get to know the real person though. I know it's true for me-- I can be very guarded and cautious at first. So unless we're talking big turn offs, I want to give others the same benefit sometimes.
Hunter: Where do you stargaze in LA?
Hunter: Getting over exes is never easy.
Sam: There ain't nothing wrong with knowing what you want! It's kinda admirable tbh.
Sam: I kinda fall in love real easy. So I just sorta date, and then when that don't work out I cry for a week and then I kinda move on. But then I'll just fall SUPER fast again. My favorite quote is "I love to love." Cause that's the Sammy experience. I just don't know how to take things slow I guess, there's just SUCH a beauty in everyone I can't help it.
Sam: There are a couple hiking trails I take that have pretty dope views at night. Well I mean as good as you get in LA anyway. I have better spots back home away from all the lights and noise.
Sam: You're not wrong. But you just take it one day I guess.
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luxesam · 2 years
No, we don’t officially have a captain.  But the most experienced usually takes on that sort of role.  It’s both.  We compete individually but there is also a team event at the world championships (except the year after the Olympics– I’m not sure why) and the Olympics.  That is a good way to look at it.  What about you?  What does your friend group look like?
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Okay! So I kinda thought that was a thing but like I also didn't really know enough about the sport to just KNOW it. It sounds kinda confusing. How often do you have those weird ones where you are a team? Well it depends on where I am. If we’re back home in Tennessee, then it’s a lot of my highschool friends, people I’ve known since I was like 5 years old. I used to play football so a lot of them I played on the team with, some cheerleaders. But my hs bestie was in band with me so I guess we were kinda outcasts at first. My friend here in LA are a lot like me. People who are nice and don’t let all the glam get to them.
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luxesam · 2 years
Perhaps? I like to think we would make a better match than Shawn Mendes Mendes and Camilla Cabello — even though I acknowledge their talent, I still believe we are better. Haven’t you noticed that I’m a little control freak? Being in the unknown isn’t fun, and I’ve never had a good surprise; I trust you, though. Still, I can’t lie and say that I’m not scared, nor will I try not to think about what surprise you have planned. Can I at least ask for a hint? Or am I totally in the dark here?
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I think you’re totally prettier than Camilla, but I dunno if I can beat that smoothness of Shawn y’know? He just seems like such a good dude. Letting go of control can be fun sometimes too! You’ll see! I’ll surprise you and you’ll totally be like “Actually surprises ain’t so bad!” A hint?? Um.. okay. There’ll be lots of people? 
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luxesam · 2 years
What? Oh, no, I wish. I’ve seen quite a few great places, but I definitely haven’t seen the entire world. That’s a nice one for my bucket list, though - being able to say I’ve been everywhere some day. Ah, so you’re a Southern guy! LA must have been quite the change of scenery for you then. Maybe you could even get a second place there some day, so you can go back whenever you’ve got some time off. Or maybe  you could record an album in Nashville at some point! And that’s really exciting! I love your first album, so I can’t wait to hear more.
Hard work can be fun, as long as you’re doing what you love, right? Sure, I’ll DM you my number and then we can work something out!
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The southern gentleguy is what they call me! Well, at least my ma did one time when I was like 13. But it still sticks! It definitely was a change, but a super awesome one. I love waking up and being able to go for a morning run along the beach. You heard all of the album? That’s so awesome! Is there anything you’d like to hear more of? Gotta listen to the fans y’know!? At least, a tiny bit. Still gotta be mostly Sammy, but I love it when the fans love what I put out.
Sweet! I’m looking forward to making plans!
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luxesam · 2 years
MATCHED! 💖 Sam ⮂ Blaine
Blaine: ... not really to be honest?? I'm going to think about it, and then I'll get back to you!
Blaine: Ooh Avatar! How could I forget Avatar? It was one of the first movies I saw in 3D ever (what a magical experience!) and I definitely went back a few more times as well. It's so good! And it never gets old. I honestly can't wait to see part 2! I'd love to learn Na'vi some day. Star Wars is alwayas at the top of my list too, though.
Sam: Okay cool! I'll be here waiting!
Sam: Oh I am SO having a watch-a-thin when the second comes out!
Sam: Meaning I'll like, watch the first movie IMMEDIATELY before watching the second in the theatre so it's almost like it's BACK to BACK. It's gonna be AWESOME.
Sam: Also! Fun fact: I totally used to be able to speak Na'vi.
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luxesam · 2 years
MATCHED! 💖 Hunter ⮂ Sam
Hunter: It's fine. I mean, it's possible I'm too... particular about things. And people. Not as trusting as I could be.
Hunter: Good.
Hunter: I'm not exactly a casual guy, so my relationships have varied from too many "first dates" to at least a handful of months. With a mixture of people. I've done both, although when I've stayed up to see the sunrise, it's never really been with that intent.
Hunter: So what are you doing when you stay up until dawn?
Sam: What do you mean "too particular"? I don't think I understand.
Sam: That sounds like loads of experience! I'm kinda a serial dater myself. I kinda don't really see the point in stringing someone along if you're not really into them or nothing. Just kinda hurts people at the end of the day and I refuse to be that dude that played with people's feelings. That's messed up.
Sam: Usually songwriting. Or stargazing until there's no more stars. Occasionally the horizontal dance... but not in a tent. It's been a while tho, took me a while to get over my ex. But I'm totally over that now which is awesome, some people are kinda just meant to be temporary I guess.
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luxesam · 2 years
Sure that makes sense.  What goes around, comes around.  Being a more senior member of the team, I do try to give the newcomers a hand with the ins an outs of things.  But I wouldn’t exactly say I have a large group of friends.  It’s quite small in fact.  And otherwise, I can be quiet.
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That sounds really neat. Are you like a captain? Do you have captains for gymnastics? is it a team thing or kinda a solo thing? Well a small circle can be good too, they would just care a whole lot more which I think is really cool. 
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luxesam · 2 years
MATCHED! 💖 Sam ⮂ Quinn
Quinn: I mean, I try to sing all the parts of the song, but I don't think I crush it. I do, however, want to hear you crush both parts.
Quinn: Oh, I love rom-coms. The older ones-- all those 90's and early 00's ones. Anything with Katherine Heigl in it, honestly.
Quinn: I can't say I love sci-fi, or action. Sometimes I like thrillers, but not the gorey ones. LOVE musicals, and all those period dramas.
Quinn: Have you ever watched Greta Gerwigs version of Little Women?
Sam: I'm sure you do! I think anybody can crush it if they're trying their hardest to! You just gotta believe you are and then you totally will!
Sam: Like The Notebook and stuff? I don't know if it classes as a rom-com but I totally love Mean Girls. SO ICONIC! I think I could find something from that movie to quote like every single day.
Sam: I haven't! Maybe you could show me sometime.
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luxesam · 2 years
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luxesam · 2 years
MATCHED! 💖 Kitty ⮂ Sam
It's a match! Begin your private chat now-
Sam: Well if it isn't the pretty lady herself!
Sam: So tell me! Is sneaking up on people the only thing you'd use your teleportation skills for?
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luxesam · 2 years
MATCHED! 💖 Hunter ⮂ Sam
Hunter: The app is a little more discrete. I can be honest about what I'm looking for. Someone discrete and who won't be a distraction. If I find someone here on the same page as me, it should be better than rumors about teammates and competitors I might be interested in.
Hunter: Does that make a little more sense?
Hunter: That's fair... it's more a person by person case for me, man or woman, or however someone might identify. I went to military school in Colorado too. We were often up to see the sun rise- either running our miles, or doing drill practice. I love sunrise, to be honest. There is something peaceful about it.
Sam: Well it's really good that you have a place that you can do that! Everybody needs a safe space where they can just be themselves. I'm sorry you need a app to do that, but I am glad there's something! Hope them rumours stop real soon for ya!
Sam: Yeah! That makes way more sense!
Sam: Oh so like me! I kinda of don't care as long as the person is a good dude or dudette. I mean, I've kinda only dated ladies so far long term, but I've been with a few dudes. I just love to love people. I've never really woken up to see the sunrise, but I've definitely stayed up until sunrise before.
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