lydia--pereira ¡ 1 year
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lydia--pereira ¡ 1 year
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lydia--pereira ¡ 1 year
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“Right back at ya sweetheart,” he grinned then took another bite to finish off his bratwurst. Spence forgot why Lydia hated him. Did she hate him? They dated a long time ago and it was obvious neither of them was really into each other. Spence needed someone to fill the cricket size hole left inside him and she needed… entertainment? Maybe she was getting over someone too. He didn’t think to ask. “Am I supposed to hate you? I don’t not like you. When you’re bein’ nice that is.” He shrugged and motioned to the spot across from him. “You can sit with me. I don’t bite. Well unless you ask me to,” he winked without thinking then immediately back tracked. “These chompers are claimed though.”
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Lydia gave Spence a little smug shrug before she relaxed her shoulders and had to think whether or not she hated Spence. “I...don’t not like you either.” she then agreed, considering him just annoying and her own secrets being half of the reason why nothing ever went well for them. He was an easy target to get her parents off her back, knowing he was pining for a little Jiminey Cricket. If only she could have just said to him Cricket was more her type too. It would’ve made everything a lot easier. “Well, technically, I didn’t do anything wrong. I’m not sure why you’d want to hate me.” she said delicately while moving across to sit opposite him. “You on the other hand, I think I have every right to dislike you. But I don’t, which makes me...gracious? Even more of a reason to think I’m great.”
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lydia--pereira ¡ 1 year
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lydia--pereira ¡ 1 year
at: beckett & sons @xiomara-molina​
Whatever gay panic looked like was essentially Lydia every time she was around Xio. She was certain the mechanic knew, despite her never uttering a word to her. Gaydars were a thing after all. Still, Lydia kept her composure...or tried to. Just two gals hanging out, one of them totally not gay. The whispers she heard of Xio’s luck with the ladies was certainly half of the attraction and she had seen the effortless game in front of her, biting her cheek with thoughts of I wish that was me. She flourished a quick knock on the garage door, completely forgetting herself as she wolf whistled to the sight of Xio under a lifted truck. “What a hunk.” she teased, waiting to see her face before she grinned and tilted her head to the side. “Boots?” she offered with a grin. “I can get the first round, maybe kick your ass at pool?”
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lydia--pereira ¡ 1 year
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Julia Dalavia como Guta em Pantanal (2022)
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lydia--pereira ¡ 1 year
“I’m not staring.” Cricket answered even though she was, and the twins were too. Fair enough that they were in the curious staring stage but Cricket liked to think their Jonesness was coming through and they were glaring at the other woman because she sucked. If Lydia never put her grubby little paws all over Spencer, Cricket wouldn’t have ever dated Kas just to get back at him. She would’ve actually been saved from having one of the worst relationships ever. “Jett isn’t here so I don’t know why you’re trying to be nice to me.” Cricket shrugged, convinced that Lydia still held a torch for her should-be fiance. Husband by now, if he acted right. 
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“Right...you’re just...looking?” Lydia slowly dipped her head, maintaining eye contact. It’d be a lot easier if she could’ve said that Cricket was way more her type than Spence ever was. “And the boys are...watching?” she added, glancing to the two toddlers eating a snack without even blinking. Kids were fucking weird. Lydia looked back at the mention of Jett, shrugging her shoulders lightly. “I mean, I can see that Cricket. Doubt a dude built like a freaking linebacker is hiding anywhere.” she retorted, not even smiling despite barely being serious. “Think I could have coffee in peace or are we trying to see who blinks first? All four of us?” she nodded to the toddlers.
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lydia--pereira ¡ 1 year
starter for: @lydia–pereira​
location: ambrosia
Cricket loved getting away from the ranch, at least she thought she did. She’d look forward to errand days but when they rolled around, she quickly realized how hard it was to visit stores with twin toddlers in a stroller. She couldn’t wait to get back home but even a stop at Target had been too much so she decided to have a break at Ambrosia, and maybe take a few treats back for Spencer. Then again, he had snored a lot and kept her awake half the night so he probably didn’t deserve it. Also, she had a dream that he cheated on her but she had already got annoyed about that so…she had to let it go. Funnily or not funnily enough, the person who stole him from her in her dream waltzed right into the coffee shop. Fucking Lydia. “There’s no seats.” she stated, considering she was propped by the door, scowling at her.
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Lydia didn’t come face to face with Cricket often, which was a good thing because every time she saw the other woman she just wanted to shout out her sexuality to ease all the tension there ever was. Lydia never hated Spencer, not once, but she definitely never loved him but for some reason, Cricket seemed to think it was a special romance. She wasn’t surprised at the way Cricket tried to ward her away, but she needed her coffee fix and an awkward encounter was a small price to pay. “Sure there are...” Lydia responded, only slightly apprehensive as she put her bag on the next table over. This was already more relaxing than breakfast with her parents. “You don’t have to stare at me, Cricket. Jesus.” Lydia then sighed.
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lydia--pereira ¡ 1 year
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“I know, I’m hilarious,” he grinned a shit eating grin that soon turned into a slight frown as she continued on. Blue eyes rolled and he shook his head. “Does it matter? I know what I’m doing and never once had a complaint. So it must be enough and that’s all I care about.” He laughed, feeling good about himself and his response. Lucky for him he hadn’t had much to drink yet so his brain still had some functioning cells left operating. Lydia was a mistake, as were most girls besides Cricket. They had all been distractions that didn’t work and for good reason. He wouldn’t trade a single one for what he had now. “Come on Lima Bean, take that stick out of your ass for once and have some fun.”
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“To look at, yeah.” she goaded and laughed but Lydia had no polite comeback, or one she was willing to announce to the rest of the bar. That’s what always annoyed her about Spencer too, he seemed to have an answer for everything and the things she could respond with were basically like shooting herself in the foot. All she did was roll her eyes and continue to drink, muttering under her breath. “Lima Bean? Well, that’s a promotion from Lyme Disease so I’ll take it.” she held out her beer in mock toast. “Didn’t realize you liked me so much.” she teased back. 
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lydia--pereira ¡ 1 year
where: neon boots
who: @lydia-rossi​
He sat at the table examining the bratwurst wondering if it was actually a brat or if they gave him a really big hotdog. Either way he was going to eat it, the weekly barbeques at Neon Boots were one of his favorite events. Plus usually he could rope Cricket into coming with him if he convinced someone to babysit. Tonight was not one of those nights though. Probably a good thing because he noticed Rossi randomly wandering around and he didn’t know if any good would come of them in the same area. Both were unpredictable, as was any woman in his life except maybe Tammi but she wasn’t a woman she was a sister. “Stop lookin’ at me like that, Lydia. I ain’t giving you none of my sausage.” He grinned and took a bite. 
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Lydia didn’t have the luxury of her own place which meant she spent a lot of her time at Neon Boots, waiting until it was late enough to head home and not have to speak to her family. The less she saw them the better, in her opinion. But being at Neon Boots so often also meant she had to see faces like Spencer Jones, the lesser of two evils perhaps but still not a fun time. She had seen enough of it, when she would practice her best attempt at a woman who loved the feel of stubble rubbing against her chin. Only good thing about him was his long hair, she thought. “Very funny, Spence.” she retorted with a sarcastic grin, watching with a little bit of disgust at the way he ate. “Seems like a generous comparison, don’t you think?” she then grinned as he took the bite, signalling a small gap with her thumb and forefinger. “Just a bit of one, no? Just me?” 
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lydia--pereira ¡ 1 year
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Credits: ŠCheekeyfire
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lydia--pereira ¡ 1 year
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Name: Lydia Pereira Age: 30 years old Birthdate: Sept. 20th, 1992                                       ☼ Virgo                                       ☾ Scorpio                                       ↗ Sagittarius  Born: Lockwood Springs, CO Occupation: Staff @ Mile High Aesthetics: PINTEREST. Likes: Anything women do, good tips, nice customers, two days off in a row, running marathons, rock climbing, to-do lists, unplanned parties Dislikes: Anything men do, rude customers, spencer jones’ face, her parents, bigotry, being called sweetheart or honey Good Qualities: Athletic, Forthright, Gallant Bad Qualities: Prankster, Reckless, Callous Orientation: Lesbian
diving deeper:
Lydia was born and raised in Southside, Lockwood Springs and she had fairly strict parents while she was growing up. Many of her school friends will remember Lydia arriving in school in one set of clothes and quickly running to the bathrooms to change into something more stylish. Her mother and father were religious and usually dragged her to church every Sunday against her will.
Lydia excelled more in sports than her academics, but she was a bright student too. She wasn't often a troublemaker but she was known to play a few pranks on teachers which got out of hand on a few occasions.
She always knew that she was different while she was growing up, when all her friends had crushes on boys in their school, she couldn't see the appeal. She figured it was just because they were stupid, but she later fell into a secret relationship with one of her close friends. Lydia knew she'd never be able to come out to her parents, and eventually broke the relationship off completely.
Lydia tried to bury this side of herself and ignore that it was there, figuring it was just a phase or she was being rebellious for the sake of it. She never dated another woman again, mostly out of fear of admitting to herself that she was gay.
After graduating, Lydia floated around from job to job. She's waited on tables, worked at the motel and the bed and breakfest. She's been behind Flanagan's bar and showed her face at laundromats and the like. Nothing has ever been the right fit as she grows bored easily.
In an attempt to cover up her sexuality, Lydia dated Spencer Jones. She was convinced that she'd be able to prove to herself and the world that she was straight but the relationship was a disaster. Not only was Spencer hung up on Cricket, Lydia was trying to build the perfect relationship just for the sake of her parents.
Eventually the two split which wasn't a surprise and the complete clash of their personalities means they weren't even able to remain friends. Lydia to this day doesn't much care for any of the Joneses either.
Lydia still isn't out of the closet but she knows she won't be able to keep the facade up for long. She's accepted herself but still has the fear of her family's reaction. She now works at Mile High and picks up bartend work during the off season. She's affiliated to the keepers simply because of the places she's worked and how close she was to a lot of the bikers growing up.
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