lynnwoodstudios · 7 years
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Another marker practice/piece, another lineart that is technically 3 yrs old that I transferred to marker paper. Gajeel and Levy this time. This is the first done with my new light 'box'. I put box in quotes because the damn thing is thinner than an ipad and so bright it'll burn your retinas lol.
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lynnwoodstudios · 7 years
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Inked and colored a chibi Gray and Juvia sketch from 3 yrs ago, basically for fun/marker practice. Colored in Art-n-Fly markers and Prismacolor pencils. Crappy phone pic (hopefully getting a new flat-bed scanner soon). Tried something a little different with this one, gave it a thicker outline to make the characters pop more. Haven't decided if I like it or not yet.
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lynnwoodstudios · 7 years
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Oh hey, still not dead. *fist pump* First real practice with my Art-N-Fly markers (with detail work in Prismacolor colored pencils). It's been brightened up/contrasted a touch in Photoshop because crappy phone pic (hence the slight blurriness). Overall, not too mad at this. There are definitely mistakes/areas I'm not happy with and I could probably do more with it (line weight/more shading/etc) but for a glorified practice it's not terrible.  Surprisingly ok with how the Dragon Ball came out at least. For those curious as to what Veggie is blushing at, this is actually one of a set of illustrations. Perhaps I'll manage to finish the companion piece so you all can find out.
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lynnwoodstudios · 8 years
everyone has that one thing they were obsessed with learning about as a kid that never goes away like it could have been years since you last looked something up related to it but the passion is still there man
do me a favour and reblog with what your childhood obsession was like I am so curious about everyone else’s because it can be the most specific thing and it’s amazing
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lynnwoodstudios · 8 years
Cmooooon Shenron, don’t leave me hangin!
you have been visited by the seven magic dragon balls your biggest wish will be granted but only if you reblog
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lynnwoodstudios · 8 years
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I saw this post on my dash (with commentary, dw) and there was one thing that I didn’t see addressed in the comment chain that I really feel needs to be
Once an artist creates a work, they own the copyright
None of this “I paid for the art. It is mine.” bullshit, unless the artist actually sells you the copyright (something which has to be stated and never assumed, and something you would have to pay extra for) you can not claim ownership over the piece, even if you paid for it.
And yes, this means you can not alter the work in any way, you can not use it for banners/advertisements/etc., you can not print it, you can not sell copies unless agreed upon with the artist
and artists are also protected under moral rights
meaning that the artist has the right of attribution (the right to be identified and named as the creator of their work), the right against false attribution, and the right of integrity. (Source)
so fuck off with your “I paid for the art. It is mine.” crap, it doesn’t stick legally
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lynnwoodstudios · 8 years
when your life is falling apart but you don’t give a fuck anymore
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lynnwoodstudios · 8 years
OMG. I died laughing. I’m actually dead right now. For realsies.
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lynnwoodstudios · 9 years
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Han - Original Trilogy Vs The Force Awakens
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lynnwoodstudios · 9 years
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The Force Awakens by Adam Relf
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lynnwoodstudios · 9 years
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Levy’s selfies collection ♥
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lynnwoodstudios · 9 years
*is run over by the FEELS TRAIN*
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Ben Organa Solo
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lynnwoodstudios · 9 years
LAWL Poor Emo Kylo. <3
Adam Driver is life.
When your mommy won’t talk to you because you killed your father
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lynnwoodstudios · 9 years
The world has lost a goddamned TREASURE. T^T
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“If people want to know who I am, it is all in the work.”
— Alan Rickman: February 21, 1946 - January 14, 2016
You will be greatly missed.
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lynnwoodstudios · 9 years
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R.I.P Alan Rickman 1946-2016 Always
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lynnwoodstudios · 9 years
Reblog if you're a self-taught artist.
Wanna see how many there are.
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lynnwoodstudios · 9 years
OMG!!! Poor Ani. Sand is hate.
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the force awakens + the elements
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