weathrs · 1 year
        with  a  carton  of  pistachio  ice  cream  in  hand,    gale  is  enjoying  the  first  summer  afternoon  on  the  front  porch  of  their  home.    it  seemed  surreal,    unbelievable  even,    that  gale  weathers    (  now  riley,     a  fact  that  makes  her  heart  leap  in  the  best  way  )    had  decided  to  settle  in  the  little  town  of  woodsboro,    california.    but  she  did,    and  as  his  voice  carries  through  the  summer  air,    she's  reminded  just  how  right  that  decision  was.
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    "    what?    "    gale  turns,    eyes  squinting  as  the  sun  hits  her  face.    the  warmth  of  the  sun  on  her  bare  arms  accompanied  by  the  warmth  of  his  presence  was  enough  to  keep  the  smile  on  her  face  despite  the  temporary  blindness  by  the  sun's  rays.    "    i  can't,    actually.    "    she  raises  a  hand  to  shield  her  eyes,    fingers  wiggling  in  a  wave  once  she  can  see  him  properly.    "    much  better    -    and  looks  like  three  to  me.    "    a  gentle  laugh  many  would  consider  a  giggle    -    one  that's  reserved  for  him  only    -    fills  the  air  as  she  offers  him  the  carton  and  the  extra  spoon  she  brought  with  her  just  in  case.    "    share?    i  got  your  favorite.    "
" can you see how many fingers i’m holding up ? "  @dewyriley
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weathrs · 1 year
        "    how's    that    for    nostalgia,      𝐟𝐮𝐜𝐤𝐞𝐫?    "      a    highly    private    and    plot    driven    writing    blog    for    𝒈𝒂𝒍𝒆    𝒘𝒆𝒂𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒔,    an    original    final    girl    of    the    scream    franchise.    heavily    headcanon     based.      by    lisa,     she/her.    ©  ¹ / ‘²².
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weathrs · 2 years
sid and gale being each others emergency contact
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weathrs · 2 years
live footage of randy trying to deny he cares about gale:
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weathrs · 2 years
        "    sorry,    i'm  still  stuck  on  the  fact  that  you  actually  spent  money  on  a  burner  phone  for  this.    "    home  phone  is  placed  on  the  arm  of  the  couch,    speaker  phone  on  as  she  pinches  the  bridge  of  her  nose.    randy's  voice  echoes  in  her  high  rise  apartment  and  gale  can  feel  the  headache  coming  on.    she's  tempted  to  hang  up,    but  she  is  fully  aware  she  can  only  ignore  so  many  of  his  calls  before  he  decides  to  @  her  on  twitter.    so  instead,    she  sits  in  silence  and  lets  him  rant,    the nickname  drawing  an  immediate  eye  roll  out  of  her.    "    fine! i'll  admit that i  need  to  get  my  number  out  of  the  goddamn phonebook, but  i  also  need to  emphasize  how  badly  you  make  me  want  to  throw  this  phone  off  my  fucking  balcony.    "    she  snatches  the  phone  off  the  arm  of  the  couch  and  holds  it  to  her  ear,    a  smirk  growing  as  she  enters  her  kitchen  to  grab  a  glass  of  water.    "    wait  a  minute    -    are  you being  openly  concerned  for  me?    "
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"  SEE  ,  GALE  ?  see  what  i'm  trying  to  say  ?  "  had  gale  been  in  the  room  with  him  ,  she'd  probably  see  the  flourish  of  his  hand  as  he  emphasized  his  words  ,  features  drawn  on  his  face  as  if  making  a  grand  gesture  ,  even  though  he's  only  talking  into  the  burner  phone  he  got  earlier  .  "  this  is  why  you  can't  have  your  landline  number  in  the  damn  phonebook  .  i  didn't  even  need  to  go  through  my  phone  to  find  your  number  .  anyone  can  call  you  from  any  phone  ,  anywhere  .  seriously  ,  you  rugrat  ,  did  the  hairdresser  use  too  many  chemicals  and  get  them  in  your  brain  ?  "
@weathrs i'm thinking abt her landline a lot rn (ft. the return of rugrat and making fun of her hair <3)
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weathrs · 2 years
        gale  is  sitting  on  the  edge  of  their  bed,    hot  tears  burning  in  her  eyes  as  his  gentle  voice  flutters  into  her  ears.    god,    he  was  so  patient  with  her.    she  didn't  deserve  it.    all  of  her  suppressed  feelings  were  manifesting  themselves  in  a  verbal  bite  that  would  turn  anyone  else  away  without  a  second  thought.    yet  he  doesn't  budge.   she  sighs,    blue  eyes  lifting  to  meet  the  warm  brown  of  his.    "    i'm  sorry.    "    it's  a  genuine  apology  and  shows  in  the  way  she  intertwines  their  fingers  together  when  she  reaches  for  his hand. a gentle pull acts as her  wordless  way  of  asking  him  to  come  sit  next  to  her.    gale  thought  she'd  have  gotten  used  to  the  aftermath  of  these  attacks  by  now,    but  the  spree  fifteen  years  since  the  original  still managed to  send  her  on  an  emotionally draining  journey she wasn't prepared for.
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        "     i  don't  actually  want  you  to  leave  me  alone.    "    there's a soft, watery smile as she  releases  her  legs  from  underneath  the  t-shirt  she'd  snagged  from  dewey's  drawer  and  pulled  over  her  knees.    "    remember  when  you  said  i  bottle  things  up  too  much?    "    a  truth,    and  a  fact  anyone  who  knows  her  even  slightly  has  come  to  realize.    and  dewey,    well,    he  knows  her  better  than  anyone  else  ever  has.    "    i'm  pretty sure  that's  what's  happening  right  now.    "
where  is  all  this  coming  from  ?  @dewyriley
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weathrs · 2 years
        heart  is  in  her  throat  almost  immediately  and  jaw  tightens  as  a  reflex.    mrs.  riley.    something  about  the  way  it  started to roll  so  freely  off  his  tongue  when  she  knows  chad  and  mindy  only  ever  introduced  her  as  gale  and  all  media  interactions  have  been  under  the  name  gale  weathers  leaves  her  unsettled.    when  he  turns  to  face  her  again,    her  arms  are  folded  across  her  chest  to  indicate  her  distrust.    "    nobody  else  is  dying  except  the  pathetic  fuckers  doing  this.    "    she lets a beat pass before her  head  tilts  and  eyes  narrow.    "    i  never  asked  you    -    how  did  you  end  up  rooming  with  chad?    "
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          ❝   i   don’t   know,   mrs.   ri   —   weathers.   ❞   he   ducks   his   head   and   turns,   face   out   of   view,   teeth   digging   into   his   bottom   lip   to   stop   an   incipient   smile   in   its   place.   when   he   looks   at   her   again,   he’s   frowning.   ❝   i’m   just   scared.   what   if   the   plan   doesn’t   work?   i   don’t   want   to   die.   ❞
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@weathrs​:   what   is   THAT   supposed   to   mean?
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weathrs · 2 years
        gale's  been  here  before    -    so  many  times  over  the decades.    whether  she  was  the  one  in  the  hospital  bed,    the  one  bringing  flowers,    or  the  one  who  was  left  alone  in  a  waiting  room  wishing  to  hold  the  hand  of  the  one  person  she  would  never  be  able  to  again. when  she  sees  sidney  though,    she's  filled  with  a  comfort  her  1996  -  self  could  not  have  even fathomed.   
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        "    puncture  wounds,    holes,    stab  wounds   . . .    you  get  the  idea.    "    as  arms  wrap  around  sidney,    gale's  eyes  immediately   roll    -    the  obvious  pot  calling  the  kettle  black  situation  almost  too  much  for  her  to  handle.    as  she  pulls  away,    her  eyes  narrow.    "    says  the  girl  who  has  almost  died  five  times. besides, i  am  fine.    the  doctors  cleared  me  to  go.    "    there's a pause before the energy shifts as she reaches for sidney's  hand, a warmth radiating from her that many never see.    "    i'm  glad  you  were  safe  this  time,    sid.    "
sidney prescott: [ who sits side by side with the angel of death. ] in constant state of battle with this very angel and mocks it as each time she avoids its clutches. it is coded into her dna to fight and not run, to prove why time and time again why not to fuck with the final girl. each ghost face goes up against her with the belief they will be different than the one prior with the results the same: [ a bullet to the head and going six feet under. ]
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there was no preparing for the tough decision to leave; this one was too close to home. too close to where sid's happiness and livelihood existed and could not jeopardize their safety in the name of pride. stuck to her phone like glue, seeing updates on death count, injuries and who the killers were ... it never got easier. especially when it was your own who was attacked. " a couple of holes? seriously? " scoffing as she releases from the hug, " you almost died, gale. " there was no hiding her anger and concern. " i don't think that qualifies as being fine. "
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weathrs · 2 years
        gale  feels  dizzy,    like  her  vision  is  zoning  in  and  out    -    but  it's  ella's  voice  that  brings  clarity.    "    funny.    "    pushing  herself  up  from  the  floor,    she  leans  against  the  wall  before  moving  closer  towards  her  daughter.    "    come  here,    let  me  see.    "    her  own  blood  coats  her  hands,    but  it  goes  ignored.    "    yeah,    i'm  alright.    like  your  dad  said    -    i  can  take  a  direct  hit. more importantly, are you okay?    "    
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" if one more person tries to kill me, i'm joining a fucking convent in europe. " holding pressure to the wound as she wipes blood away from her mouth. it's unfortunate fate had a high likelihood of reoccurring. " are you ok? "
@weathrs duh!
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weathrs · 2 years
        despite  having  no  clue  where  the  fuck  she  was  going  to  go,    gale  has  been  counting  down  the  seconds  until  she  could  leave.    hospitals  have  never  been  a  place  she  enjoyed,    and  it  only  got  worse  after  the  legacy  killings  the  year  prior.    after  what  feels  like  an  hour  of  contemplating  what  address  to  give  her  assistant  as  her  drop  off  location,    she  finally  lifts  her  eyes  from her phone and  is  greeted  with  an  unexpected,    but  familiar  face.    "    sidney?    what  are  you  doing  here?    "    she's  up  in  an  instant,    nose  scrunching  at  the  tug  of  her  stitches.    arms  wrap  around  the  other  in  a  hug,    grateful  sidney  had  been  safe  this  time    . . .    for  once,    no  one  had  harmed  her.    as  she  pulls  away,    smile  creeps  up  on  her  lips  as  she  sighs.    "  like  i  said,    they  didn't  get  me.    poked  a  couple  holes,    sure    -    but  i'm  fine.    "
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weathrs · 2 years
        she's  leaning  against  the  wall  of  the  rickety  old  theater,    the  weight  of  the  day  heavy  on  her  shoulders  as  she  catches  a  glimpse  of  the  artifacts  from  the  numerous  ghostface  killings  over  the  years  out  of  the  corner  of  her  eye.    silence  is  interrupted  by  a  creaking  floorboard,    but  gale  knows  who  is  approaching  without  needing to look.    a  dry  laugh  falls  from  her  lips  as  she  turns  to  look  at  randy.    "    not  sure  that  was  worth  taking  the  red  eye  for.    that  fucking  sucked.    "    she  looks  away,    disturbingly  real  sketch  of  dewey's  bloody  body  burned  into  her  memory.    "    you  okay?    " 
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weathrs · 2 years
↪     ᵗʰᵉ 𝑫𝑼𝑺𝑻𝒀 𝑻𝑶𝒀𝑩𝑶𝑿 .    (  a  collection  of  various unsorted sentence starters .  adjust  phrasing  as  necessary .   no longer updating .  )
why are you here ?
drive .  drive fast .
i think we should make an informed decision .
are you coming or not ?
you’ve been avoiding me .
[ name ] ,  what were you thinking ?
this should be your priority .
let me hold you for a minute .
get out of my way .  i won’t tell you again .
that wasn’t supposed to happen .
can you keep a secret ?
i don’t know what i did to deserve you .
you seriously think i could’ve done something like that ?
you’re safe with me .
sorry isn’t good enough .
where is all this coming from ?
who told you about that ?
sorry i’m late ,  i got caught up .
you’re being paranoid .
why are you looking at me like that ?
you’re the single most important thing to me .
all i’m asking is that you hear me out .
whatever they told you ,  it’s a lie .
we shouldn’t stick around here .
hold my hand ,  i don’t want to lose track of you .
[ name ]  …  truth or dare ?
i love you .  nothing’s gonna change that .
can you tell me what happened ?
you can’t come around here anymore .
back off ,  okay ?
what ,  you don’t have time for me anymore ?
you’re asking for too much .
i’m trying to start a new life .
what do you mean ,  you aren’t coming back ?
sometimes i think you must hate me .
why can’t we just talk about this ?
i know i fucked up ,  you can stop rubbing it in .
you’ve got quite a reputation .
i’m not usually like this ,  i’m sorry .
please ,  just let me explain myself .
i love watching you work .
we’re on the same team .
did you ever tell anyone ?
you’ve got a lot of explaining to do .
really funny ,  you’re very mature .
you call THAT a PLAN ?
can we get out of here ?
i thought things would be different .
this is not up for debate !
do whatever you have to do .
karma’s going to get you for that .
it could’ve been a lot worse .
i asked you to leave me out of this .
maybe it’s time to take a leap of faith .
i never want to see you again .
can you see how many fingers i’m holding up ?
i’m gonna be there when you get what’s coming to you .
you’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me .
i’ve been waiting all night for this .
i told you not to contact me .
sometimes i really think you have a death wish .
what do you need ?  —  what can i do ?
i would do literally anything to keep you safe .
that was supposed to be a secret .
you haven’t called me that in years .
stop telling me to calm down !
we make a pretty good team .
i have so much i want to say to you .
i’m not going to let anyone hurt you .
can we please not do this right now ? 
wait ,  wait  …  just breathe for a second .
how are you holding up ?
why don’t you stay the night ?  i’ll take the couch .
i don’t need your protection !
you’re not making this easier on yourself .
are you going to let me in ?
i’m supposed to be protecting you .
i will kill you if i have to .
do whatever you have to do .
this is going to hurt ,  i’m sorry .
what happened to you ,  where have you been ?!
there was nothing you could’ve done .
you’re all i need right now .
i don’t believe in love at first sight .
have you been following me ?
i need you to believe me .
what do you remember ?
i’m not a good person .
what the hell’s going on with you ?
you’re being followed .
just when i thought my day couldn’t be any worse .
i’ve been having weird dreams .
so you’ve been lying to me this whole time ?
are you trying to get us killed ?
this is the worst thing that’s ever happened to me .
i never asked for your help .
you’re being followed ,  pretend you know me .
why has it started to feel different with you ?
don’t worry ,  i have a plan .
i heard everything .
do you need to sit down ?
i have the right to know what’s going on .
i’ve just gotta catch my breath .
stay out of my business .
what did you think was going to happen ?!
don’t cause a scene .
tell me something about you that i don’t know .
can i buy you a drink ?
what if  …  we played spin the bottle ?
this was never a problem until  [ name ]  came around .
you can’t ask me to make that choice .
are you seeing anyone right now ?
i need you to listen to me ,  we don’t have long .
you’re lying ,  that doesn’t make any sense .
you look  …  stunning .
what are you trying to prove ?
who died and made you the boss of me ?
you can’t just show up here like this .
let me make it up to you .
there’s no way i’m leaving you like this .
can we stay like this ?  just for a little longer .
i don’t need you to fight for me .
so  …  you lied to me ?
you’re the only one that can help me .
i can’t help you if you won’t let me .
i never introduced myself ,  i’m [ name ] .
i expected more from you .
you have no idea who i am ,  do you ?
are you real ?  is this real ?
can i stay with you ?  just for the night .
you’re going to get yourself killed .
why did you help me ?
tell me what i can do to help .
pick a card ,  any card .
i never wanted any of this .
i love you .   you don’t have to say it back .
do you wanna get out of here ?
what the hell are you talking about ?
i should have trusted you .
get your head out of the clouds .
how is any of this MY fault ?!
what aren’t you telling me ?
i can’t help you if you won’t let me .
it’s never just one with you ,  is it ?
you’re not supposed to know about that .
shut your mouth .
i haven’t kissed you yet ,  today .
where is this coming from ?
come over here and make me ,  then .
keep lying to yourself ,  see where it gets you .
i’m not a bad person .
is that what you wanted to hear ?
we can’t be seen together .
i can’t give you what you want .
i need you to leave .
are you drunk ?
i’m here ,  i’m here .  i’m not going anywhere .
you might want to take a seat for this .
have you been listening to anything i’ve said ?
i haven’t heard from you in weeks .
you’re jealous ,  aren’t you ?
who do you think you’re talking to ?
what are you reading ?
you could’ve killed me !
come on ,  we don’t have time for this .
i just need ten minutes of silence .
really ?  that’s all you have to say ?
we could leave ,  you know .  go far away .
you don’t look too good .
i never want to see you again .
why can’t you just leave me alone ?
i thought you died .
you’ll do anything for attention .
give me another chance .
how’s the weather up there ?
all you do is hurt people !
i’m sorry ,  none of this makes sense .
you need to get out of here before anyone sees you .
i told you i didn’t want you around here .
is that supposed to be a threat ?
you’ve changed .
don’t look at me like that .
it’s a beautiful day ,  don’t you think ?
i did what i had to do .
you never know when to stop .
i’ve got to get home ,  it’s getting late .
i have nothing to prove to you .
stop LYING to me  …  all you do is lie .
you don’t have to be nice to everybody .
don’t tell me what to do .
pull your head out of the past .
nobody can help me .  i can’t even help me .
we are not talking about that right now .
are you new around here ?
you have no idea what you’re starting .
i’m gonna get us out of here .
whatever you came here to say ,  i don’t want to hear it .
everyone’s staring at us .
is there anything i can do to help ?
i won’t cause you any more trouble .
– just follow my instructions for once !
do you want to come in ?
i just didn’t know what to do .
you need rest ,  lie down .
i’m not who you think i am .
i don’t know what you want me to say .
you’re not like anyone else i’ve ever met .
i feel like i’m going insane .
stop asking ,  you’re not going to like my answer .
i didn’t want you to see me any differently .
i wish i knew what to say to you .
don’t give me that look ,  you know what i mean .
you should be afraid .
do you still love me ?
i never thought i’d get this far .
the world doesn’t revolve around you .
i need you to give me some space .
i know what you’re doing ,  don’t play games .
you left me to die .
i’m beyond repentance .
when are you going to get it through your head ?
i missed you more than i thought i would .
i’m in love with you .
what do you need from me ?
i’ll kill them ,   just say the word .
[ name ] ,   what are you doing here ?
how can i help ?
you’re pathetic .
i need you to come pick me up .
where have you been ?  it’s eleven o’clock .
i couldn’t live with myself if i let you get hurt .
i can’t just pretend it didn’t happen .
you’re a real piece of work .
do you remember how we first met ?
when did all of this fall apart ?
that’s not what i came here for .
i would do anything for you .
i don’t need you to hold my hand through this .
are you sure this is the right thing to do ?
can’t we try to pretend things are okay ?
what is THAT supposed to mean ?
you’re always late ,  what am i supposed to think ?
there’s nothing you can do to fix this .
you’re far too kind to me .
can we go now ?  like ,  right now ?
i have to do this alone .
where’s your common sense ?
we aren’t supposed to be in here .
can you feel my heartbeat ?
i think i’ve seen you around before .
why are you acting weird ?
i have a really bad feeling .
i hate seeing you like this .
how am i supposed to react to that ?
what do you want most in the world ?
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weathrs · 2 years
i've been waiting to post my updated pinned post bc i had to use a quote from scream vi. THAT BEING SAID, i will be tagging all future posts with any kind of content from scream vi as scream vi spoilers :)
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