lyricalrose · 2 years
 @vegaprose​  sent:  “I hope I’m not the only one in the world that knows what an incredible person you are.”
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“sometimes  it  feels  that  way.”  redhead  finally  speaks  after  a  long  moment.  he’s  been  going  through  it...  the  phone  call  he  had  with  his  mother  that  he’s  been  putting  off  for  good  reasoning  triggered  something  inside  his  head  to  become  really  manic  so  sudden.  he’s  been  going  through  an  episode  since  yesterday  evening.  he  barely  knows  what’s  wrong  with  himself,  so  having  to  explain  it  to  his  significant  other  is  really  hard.  in  fact,  he  can’t  explain  it  to  her.  she  kind  of  is  forced  to  take  in  his  rash  mood  swings  and  unusual  behavior  as  if  it’s  just  normal.  especially  since  yesterday  morning  he  was  in  an  upbeat  mood,  an  extreme  upbeat  mood--  then  it  came  crashing  down  quick  like  a  car  wreck.  today,  he’s  been  locking  himself  inside  this  bathroom  he  sits  in  the  floor  at.  back  pressed  against  the  door,  emeralds  staring  at  the  tile,  back  in  thought  again.  “but  i  guess  it  shouldn’t  matter...  as  long  as  you  think  that  of  me.  why  do  you  anyway?”
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lyricalrose · 2 years
@vegaprose​   /   xxx
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“yeah,  i  guess  so  huh.”  it  doesn’t  exactly  make  him  feel  great  inside,  but  he’s  trying  to  act  like  it  doesn’t  get  to  him.  just  because--  he  hates  fighting  with  her.  of  course  it  naturally  makes  him  feel  like  shit,  gnawed  alive  with  guilt  and  everything  else  but  it  also  stirs  up  dark  memories  of  his  childhood.  having  to  hear  and  see  the  way  his  parents  fought  in  front  of  him  and  his  siblings.  it  was  never  just  a  disagreement  of  sorts--  it  could  get  dangerous  and  scary.  real  violent.  a  lot  of  the  times  it  was  like  a  tornado  had  ripped  through,  the  human  wrath  was  his  sick  -  in  -  the  -  head  stepdad.  “everything  doesn’t  have  to  be  perfect,  you  know?”  leaning  forward,  picking  up  the  glass  of  ice  water  in  front  of  him  so  he  can  press  the  rim  to  his  lips  and  tilt  it  back  to  catch  some  of  the  ice  he  wants  to  chew  on.  “but  i  guess  i  ain’t  one  to  talk.  the  guys  always  call  me  a  control  freak.”  snorting,  making  a  joke  at  himself  since  he’s  not  trying  to  be  a  hypocrite.
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lyricalrose · 2 years
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feel free to change any pronouns, etc. || may contain some nsfw!
“Here, I want you to drink this.”
“What would I do without you nagging me all the time?”
“When was the last time I told you how beautiful you are?”
“Where’d you get your clothes, five and dime store?”
“You know, I’ve liked you for four years and you treat me like shit, you know?”
“I cook for you, I do your laundry, I sleep with you, now you want a ride to work? Grow up!”
“Every time you go to the john, you lose IQ points!”
“Would you ever consider going out with somebody that had money?”
“My girlfriend is in there and I’m out here.”
“If he offended you I would gladly clean up this parking lot with his butt.”
“Can I, like, put my head in your lap?”
“Hey, you want beauty look in the mirror.”
“They just don’t write love songs like they used to.”
“I’m off like a dirty shirt.”
“Can I propose something to you without you getting upset or angry?”
“You run yourself down, why do you do that?”
“That’s called a sense of humor. You should get one, they’re nice.”
“I hope I’m not the only one in the world that knows what an incredible person you are.”
“Oh my God… I love this woman. I love this woman and I have to tell her.”
“You study so much it makes me ill.”
“Sometimes I get a little upset and I lose my temper.”
“I just don’t like to see my friends getting dumped on and punished for defending themselves.”
“Well, uh, we’ll just forget about this whole thing, okay?”
“If you put out signals that you don’t want to belong, people are going to make sure that you don’t.”
“I heard what happened and I came as fast as I could.”
“This woman is suffering inside, that’s all there is to it.”
“He’s gonna use your ass and throw you away.”
“You can’t do this and respect yourself.”
“It doesn’t change the way I feel about you.”
“I’m not particularly concerned with whether or not you like me.”
“When you get your heart splattered all over hell and you’re feeling really low and dirty, don’t look to me to help pump you back up, ‘cause maybe for the first time in your life, I won’t be there!”
“I can’t believe you’re actually saying this.”
“I can’t believe I actually associate with those people.”
“I didn’t come here to get you off, okay? That was not my idea.”
“Some day that girl’s gonna realize just what she missed.”
“I was with you. I had a great time.”
“I’m not really sure they’re gonna accept me.”
“You like him, he likes you. What his friends think shouldn’t make a difference.”
“I’m just overreacting, aren’t I?”
“I hate to disappoint you, but nothing happened.”
“Can you just hold me ‘til the song’s over?”
“Why can’t we start old and get younger?”
“He’s nursing some really serious wounds.”
“Nobody appreciates your sense of humor, you know.”
“Why don’t you just nail her and get it over with?”
“I’m getting really bored with this conversation.”
“Two weeks ago, if somebody told me that I’d be going out with you, I never would have believed them.”
“I think they still believe in arranged marriages.”
“Somebody doesn’t believe in me, I can’t believe in them.”
“This is gonna happen. I really want this to happen.”
“Never fall in love, you won’t like it.”
“She looked so beautiful…”
“I just want you to know I really appreciate this.”
“Where’d you get the money to pay for this?”
“You, you didn’t have to lie to me.”
“Why can’t you just forget her?”
“Why can’t you just realize that she’s gone and she’s not gonna come back?”
“She’s never coming back!”
“Why can’t you just accept it?”
“I loved her, too, y’know… She just didn’t love us back.”
“You know you can’t go on living every day in the past.”
“She left us, we didn’t leave her.”
“There was nothing we could do about it.”
“I’ve just been a blind fool.”
“I saw you and I thought you saw me.”
“I’m having a bad day, can we talk later?”
“Just say it! I wanna hear you say it.”
“You’re a filthy, fucking, no-good liar!”
“You don’t have the guts to tell me the truth!”
“You’re ashamed to be seen with me!”
“Just tell me the truth!”
“You don’t understand it; it has nothing at all to do with you.”
“It’s not worth getting worked up over it, y’know?”
“You got a problem, friend?”
“I could have killed him, I swear!”
“Oh, love is awful, isn’t it?”
“I just want to let them know that they didn’t break me.”
“I don’t give a shit what you do.”
“Oh, wow, you look great!”
“You, uh, you look stunning.”
“Should we dance?”
“She thinks you’re shit, and deep down, you know she’s right.”
“Always believed in you, you just didn’t believe in me.”
“I love you, always.”
“I mean, this is an incredibly romantic moment, and you’re ruining it for me.”
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lyricalrose · 3 years
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pov: you’re axl rose’s girlfriend
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lyricalrose · 3 years
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lyricalrose · 3 years
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lyricalrose · 3 years
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lyricalrose · 3 years
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Happy Birthday Axl Rose!!! 🤘🏻
My Instagram: Sleoncrazy
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lyricalrose · 3 years
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lyricalrose · 3 years
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Cinnamon girl - Lana Del Rey
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lyricalrose · 3 years
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lyricalrose · 3 years
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birthday  boy  !!
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lyricalrose · 3 years
& .˚      flirting  /  oblivious  prompts.   (   some of these may be cheesy, some are wholesome and some are about realizing the situation and/or confessing with some pining.  )
 “   you look great today .   ”
 “   you always look good .   ”
 “   i really enjoy spending time with you .   ”
 “   what else do i need to do for you to understand that i like you ?   ”
 “   am i that bad at flirting or does everything go over your head ?    ”
 “   i don’t act like this with everyone .   ”
 “   you’re my favorite person to be around .   ”
 “   i can’t believe you didn’t realize it. i thought you just weren’t interested in me .   ”
 “   wait- are you… did you just flirt with me ?   ”
 “   what are you doing ?   ”
 “   how long have you been doing this ?   ”
 “   you’re such a good friend .   ”
 “   you’re always so nice to everyone .   ”
 “   uh… thanks ?   ”
 “   have you been flirting with me this entire time ?   ”
 “   you seriously haven’t realised that he/she/they have been flirting you all this time ?   ”
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lyricalrose · 3 years
& .˚      other ways to say goodbye.    (   this was a fun request because i am always down for angsty stuff !  basically it’s several words / action that say goodbye without actually saying the word.  sender’s muse is the muse of the blog sending the meme, receiver’s muse is the one receiving it. pretty straightforward. send reverse  along with the word of the action to reverse the sender/receiver. have fun !!   )
 “   i’m not ready .   ”
 “   don’t- don’t say it .   ”
 “   don’t make this harder than it already is .   ”
 “   i love you .   ”
 “   i’ll always love you .   ”
 “   this isn’t fair .   ”
 “   so… this is it .   ”
 “   you got this .   ”
 “   i’ll find my way back to you .   ”
 “   this isn’t a goodbye because i know we’ll find each other again.   ”
 “   i wish we didn’t have to do this .   ”
 “   come back to me .   ”
 “   you’re gonna be okay .   ”
 “   you know where to find me .   ”
 “   there’s still time to change your mind .   ”
 “   we both knew this was coming .   ”
 “   you’ll always have a place with me .   ”
 “   you don’t have to do this .   ”
 “   sometimes things don’t turn out as we want them .   ”
 “   you know i wouldn’t do this if i had a choice .   ”
 “   i hope you find what you’re looking for .   ”
 “   i hope you find happiness .   ”
 “   i have to do this .   ”
( embrace )  -  for the sender’s muse to hug the receiver’s muse for a  long time as a goodbye .
( kiss )  -  for the sender’s muse to kiss the receiver’s muse for one last time .
( peck )  -  for the sender’s muse to briely kiss the receiver’s muse as an everyday goodbye .
( hold )  -  for our muses to hold hands for a long period before they seperate .
( tears )  -  for our muses to have a teaful goodbye .  bonus: without saying any words at all .
( craddle )  -  for the sender’s muse to hold the receiver’s muse at their last moments .
( sleep )  -  for our muses to have sex as a goodbye .
( wait )  -  for the sender’s muse to stop the receiver’s muse from leaving because they have something they want to say to them . 
( day )  -  for our muses to spent a last day together before going their seperate ways .
( go )  -  for the sender’s muse to walk away from the receiver’s muse without saying anything. 
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lyricalrose · 3 years
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lyricalrose · 3 years
& .˚      found  family  prompts.      (   it is a very loved dynamic so here are some memes to go wild with it.  these are mainly fluff, supportive and some emotional ones.  to reverse the action prompts,  send ( prompt ) +  )
“   you’re not alone,  not anymore .   ”
“   i didn’t really have anyone before you guys .   ”
“   thank you for everything you’ve done for me .   ”
“   you’re my family .   ”
“   you’re my family,  screw what everyone else says .   ”
“   i now have a life i like living because of your support .   ”
“   you’re the best thing that ever happened to me .   ”
“   hey, i got you .   ”
“   let us take care of you .   ”
“   a fight doesn’t change anything between us .   ”
“   we still care about you .   ”
“   you know you can talk to me about anything, right ?   ”
“   if you need anything i’ll be there for you .   ”
“   you’ll always have a place with us .   ”
“   i’ve got your back .   ”
“   i love you .   ”
“   do you want a hug ?   ”
“   i’m here,  i promise .   ”
“   i’m not going anywhere .   ”
“   are you okay ?   ”
“   hey, [name].  tell me what’s wrong .   ”
“   i’m going to prank [name],  do you want to help me ?   ”
“   you’re one of us now .   ”
( hug )  -  for the sender’s muse to hug the receiver’s muse after an emotional moment .
( kiss )  -  for the sender’s muse to kiss the receiver’s muse on the forehead, head, cheek, [insert where you want ] .
( bed )  -  for the sender’s muse to join the receiver’s muse on their bed and cuddle after a long day .
( food )  -  for our muses to cook together .
( tears ) - for the sender’s muse to wipe the receiver’s muse tears .
( blanket )  -  for the sender’s muse to place a blanket on top of the receiver’s muse after a hard day / after they’ve fallen asleep somewhere .
( help )  -  for the sender’s muse to patch the receiver’s muse up .
( reconciliation )  -  for our muse to make up after a fight .
( fun )  -  for our muses to spent the day doing fun activities together .
( protect )  -  for the sender’s muse to step between the receiver’s muse and a threat to protect them .
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lyricalrose · 3 years
happy  birthday  to  axl  <3
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