lysanderjaybyrne · 10 years
Jay's eyes are sharp as they watch Mason's lips close over his fingers. His lip twitched slightly as he had to stop himself from forcing his fingers deep into that hot wet mouth. The pad of his thumb rubbed over the other man's chin, moving down and pressing into the hollow of the underside of his jaw. He could really hurt him. It wouldn't take much. Would the man bite down on him? would he draw blood? How hard would he fight to get away?
He took a deep shuddering breath and licked his lips before finally moving away. Removing his fingers from Mason's mouth. Jay's smirk widened as he caught the other man shifting his hand over the front of his trousers. Deft fingers unfastened Mason's shirt the rest of the way and pulled it open to expose his chest. 
The light was hitting him just right; pale skin looking almost like marble, full lips rose like. If he were a sweeter man, Jay thought perhaps he could write the prettiest poetry about Mason Verger. But he was not sweet. And the only poetry he wanted to write was in blood and viscera.
Fingers dipped into the little bag again and he took a tab of his own. Breathing deeply as the paper dissolved under his tongue. It was good stuff, so reality would be slipping away soon. He'd have to be alert.
A few quick snaps of his camera before he unfastened his own shirt further. Eyes boring into the other man's, wondering about his reaction to his biggest scar. More ragged and badly healed than the other. All the way down the side of his torso. From ribs to hip. Twisted and ugly. But Jay loved it. Andrew had given it to him.
"Do you want to touch me?"
Saliva floods Mason’s mouth at the sight of Charlie’s throat and he swallows thickly, feeling warm and thrumming with pleasure under the man’s attention. The scar is big, then, he wants to taste it, wants to rub against it, feel the texture against the smooth skin of his cheek, of his belly, against the head of his cock. He wants to rut against the curve of Charlie’s throat.
He lets himself be positioned, arranged, eyes dark with want, almost purring at beautiful. Heat floods him, pools in his belly, Mason’s cock twitches and he shivers at the nails running down his chest, his eyes flutter closed for a moment and he inhales sharply, leaning into the touch.
He closes his lips over Charlie’s fingertips, moves the blotting paper under his tongue and sucks him for a moment before he draws back, “I have a feeling you’re right about that,” he shifts his hand briefly over the front of his trousers.
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lysanderjaybyrne · 10 years
I'd have to say a blood kink and a biting kink. Does cannibalism count as a kink or more of a lifestyle?
What kinks can you see my character having?
"Yes to all of the above."
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lysanderjaybyrne · 10 years
Jay loved London.
At first he thought he'd hate it. Cold, rainy and the people cold and unfamiliar. But this was his chance to be anonymous. His chance for him to not be Lysander's boy. Nobody knew him here and from what he could gather, nobody gave a shit about how rich his parents were.
It hadn't taken his parents long to fall asleep in their luxurious hotel room. And it only took a few minutes for Jay to be fully dressed and out of the door, his pocket full of foreign notes and his eyes wide to the lights of the city. London was not as beautiful as New Orleans, but it certainly had its charm.
He was a slender boy, but finally beginning to show strength in his body. Shoulders broadening and arms toned. Long golden hair framed his face like a halo. Jay knew he was attractive, beautiful even. And more often than not he used that to his advantage. There were not many who could refuse him. Most didn't. 
Soho lured him with the promise of the beautiful and debauched and Jay wasn't disappointed. He was like a kid in a candy store as he wandered the crowded streets. It didn't matter to him that he looked like a tourist in his expensive clothes and angelic appearance. Let these beautiful creatures be drawn to him like a moth to a flame. He wanted to embrace them all.
Young Blood||Andrew and Jay||AU
Sneaking out of his bedroom window late at night, climbing carefully down the trellis and out the little garden was becoming an easy routine for Andrew. Though he was an adult now, his eighteenth birthday had long passed. He could walk out the door and his mum couldn’t do a damn thing about it. Except throw him out of her house, which she probably would do if she knew where he was going and why he was sneaking out at midnight. 
The urge that had drove him to commit his first murder was driving him to go back for a second, and if he didn’t get out of that house he was going to rip it apart. He was sure he could get away with it again. 
Out in the streets he began walking, towards the parts of town where he knew the dregs of society would be gathered on  a Saturday night. He wanted a gorgeous boy, someone his own age that he could overpower even though he was small and gangly.
He double-checked his pocket for the little bag of pills he had put there as he walked into the night, his heart beating quicker with nervous excitement. 
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lysanderjaybyrne · 10 years
What kinks can you see my character having?
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lysanderjaybyrne · 10 years
Andrew Compton, actual child.
In a verse where Andrew didn’t make the stupidass decision to kill Tran I would imagine that one of his major kinks would be being a dick to Tran and telling him to buzz off and quit making gooey eyes at Jay. 
That’s not even an actual kink it’s just something he takes immense satisfaction in. 
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lysanderjaybyrne · 10 years
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tag fix
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lysanderjaybyrne · 10 years
Andrew and Jay meet as teenagers when Jay's family is on holiday in London. Years later, Andrew fears being caught for murder and relocates to New Orleans where they coincidentally meet again
[Hello Yes Gimmie]
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lysanderjaybyrne · 10 years
Age 18: Has eating human flesh occurred to you? Do you think you'd ever be interested in it?
pick an age or point on the character’s timeline, and ask a question. the character will respond as the age.
He sucked his teeth and gave a lazy shrug. Eyes bright and lined with kohl took in the man before him.
"Been a curiosity for sure. Why? You offerin’?"
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lysanderjaybyrne · 10 years
Age 15: Have you killed anyone?
pick an age or point on the character’s timeline, and ask a question. the character will respond as the age.
Jay chewed at the skin around his fingernails and looked anywhere but at the man’s face. But once he remembered that people think you’re lying if you don’t make eye contact, he stared unwavering at the stranger’s eyes.
"Nuthin’ but cats, mistah. They git mighty fractious in th’night. Mekkin’ a nu’sence of themselves. I bury em deep though… I kin show ya… Ti veux aller avec moi?”
0 notes
lysanderjaybyrne · 10 years
pick an age or point on the character's timeline, and ask a question. the character will respond as the age.
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lysanderjaybyrne · 10 years
His eyebrows raise ever so slightly as Mason's fingertips catch the scarf and more of his scar is on show. The man does not seem disgusted, nor fearful. In fact he seems to enjoy it. A wry little smile played on Jay's lips as he tugged the scarf completely off and dropped it to the ground. The ragged scar moved down over his jawline and across his throat. 
"Here, just stand a little..."
Long fingered hands press gently beneath Mason's chin and tilted his head slightly so that the light caught his profile. He had a beautiful face, full lips and high cheekbones. A strong jaw that stopped him from looking too feminine. And eyes that had something going on there that was not entirely innocent. and never really had been.
"Beautiful... Hold that pose."
Jay reached for his camera and took a few shots before moving closer and unbuttoning the top few buttons of Mason's shirt, his fingertips trailed down the other man's throat and grazed his nails lightly down his chest. A smile quirked at his lips as his hand slipped into his pocket and took out a little plastic baggie. He took one of the many tiny pieces of blotter paper from the bag and held it up to Mason's mouth.
"I have a feeling our party is going to be much better than the one we left." 
Ragged scar tissue catches Mason’s eye and he stares for a moment, his tongue wetting his lips. He wonders how far under Charlie’s clothes that torn and re-knit skin goes, he wants to lick it, taste the scar tissue, feel it coarse and warm against his mouth and cheek.
Mason smiles slowly, shrugs his jacket off and tosses it over the back of a nearby chair, reaches out again to smooth the front of Charlie’s shirt, his fingertips catch the very edge of the scarf and pull it down a couple more inches, Mason inhales sharply as more broken flesh is revealed.
"Hmm," he hums in agreement, and takes half a step back toward the window.
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lysanderjaybyrne · 10 years
"Jay, my darling" his tone was firm."i would do anything to see your eyes light up like that, to have your scars on my body. All I ask is that you let me live to see them."
"You’ll live, my love. You’ll live a long damn time. I will make sure of it. The scars will be in a place that can be hidden, but you’ll feel them. Every minute of every day of your life, you’ll feel them. And you’ll know it was me that gave them to you."
Jay pressed his lips to Andrew’s jaw, pushing the shorter man up against the wall. He knew who was in charge in this relationship, but he was grabbing at this slip of power with both hands.
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lysanderjaybyrne · 10 years
It was a tempting idea. He couldn't resist, not if he tried. "I'll play, Jay. I'll bloom for you on that cold table. You can make good on your promise to eat a part of me."//can we continue through ask? Im on my phone.
Jay’s eyes widened slightly, pupils dilating and his breath came in sharp. His tongue ran across his lower lip as he looked Andrew up and down.
"You’ll let me take my blade to you, Andrew? Let me taste you?"
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lysanderjaybyrne · 10 years
"You are mine, but you're hardly a boy, Andrew. Wouldn't dare insinuate."
He licked his lips and lowered his his head. Mouth pressed gently against his lover's ear. A soft smirk quirking the corners of his mouth.
"We could play a game... Want me to make you one of my boys, Andrew? Want me to cut you open and press inside? You'd bloom so pretty for me."
Do you still think about killing me? Like you did the night we met? Making me one of your boys?
Ask my muse personal questions, if they lie, the mun will answer it truthfully in the tags
"All the time. It’s the only way to make you completely mine. But I’ll never do it. It’s the one thing I’ll never allow myself."
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lysanderjaybyrne · 10 years
Andy has such big blue eyes. Theyd look nice in a jar, wouldn't they?
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"And his eyes stay where they are."
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lysanderjaybyrne · 10 years
Did the Goodbye Horses scene in Silence of the Lambs give you a boner the first time you watched it?
Ask my muse personal questions, if they lie, the mun will answer it truthfully in the tags
"Not really… There was beauty in it, no denying that. But I’m very particular in my vices."
0 notes
lysanderjaybyrne · 10 years
"And what exactly did I get wrong, sir?"
Do you still think about killing me? Like you did the night we met? Making me one of your boys?
Ask my muse personal questions, if they lie, the mun will answer it truthfully in the tags
"All the time. It’s the only way to make you completely mine. But I’ll never do it. It’s the one thing I’ll never allow myself."
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