mysticwhump ¡ 4 months
Warning: lady whump, sadistic Whumper. Hogtie, chains, starvation and dehydration mentioned. Electrocution and whipping mentioned. Lady whumper
Whumpee winces as the chains bite into their wrists, trailing up their arms. Her legs are tied together, and she tries to wriggle out of them. She stops, panting, as it does nothing, and tears start falling.
Footsteps echo around her, and Whumpee struggles again. A laugh sounds, and Whumpee stops.
"Oh, darling! You shouldn't have stopped, watching you wriggle like a worm is hilarious!" Whumper bends down, grabbing Whumpees' chin to look them in the eyes. "You're almost broken, then we can start on the fun. And I can't wait."
"Please, please, let me go, I w..won't tell anyone, please." Whumpee begs. Whumper smirks.
"As much as I love you begging, I don't want that yet. Let's get this done properly." Whumper says.
She drops the bag she's holding, and starts rooting around in it. The first thing she grabs is more chains and Whumpee whimpers, sighing as they're set to the side. A large foam sponge and a big ball gag is pulled out next.
"Here we go. Now, this might hurt a little."
Whumper shoves the sponge into Whumpees mouth. It expands quickly as Whumpee tries to shove it out, earning a slap from Whumper. The ball gag pushes the foam deeper, and Whumpee gags as Whumper latches the gag on so tightly the skin around the band turns red.
"Oh dear. Darling, does it hurt?" Whumper asks, watching as Whumpee starts crying more. Whumpee tries to speak, and muffled noises come out. "Well, I don't hear you complaining. And don't worry, it's going to get much much worse, darling! This is just the start! Oh, I can just see you blubbering as I electrocute you, as the whip digs into your skin. But we're not there yet, darling." Whumper pats Whumpees face.
"Now, those restraints seem too loose, don't you think?" Whimper asks, looking at the restraints on the legs. "Look at this, it's not even digging in properly, your skin is barely red. This is a reminder that I should've just done it myself, but I was busy. We can fix this."
Whumper hums as she undoes the chains. Whumpee tries to kick out, earning another slap and Whumper grabs her legs, the chains winding around her ankles, twice, biting into the skin. Whumper moves up and does the same thing halfway between ankles and knees, again at the knees, and on the thighs, each time winding the chains tight. At the end, Whumper smiles and moves back.
"Oh yes, that looks so much better, doesn't it darling? Does it hurt more? I hope so." Whumper asks. "Now, for the arms! If you try to attack me again, you will regret it, understand?"
Whumpee nods. She can't escape with her legs bound anyway, and maybe being compliant will bring mercy.
Whumper unties the arm chains, tying them again tightly. The chains wind around Whumpees' wrists, between the wrists and elbows, the elbows, and the forearms. Whumpee whines at the last one, as it pulls her shoulders back in an agonizing motion. Whumper grins and tugs on it again, making her whine again.
"Oh, you are making the most amazing sounds! It's too bad that I have to wait a few days before playing with you again."
Whumper starts pulling Whumpees' legs backwards to her wrists, tying them together once Whumpee is in a hogtie position. She walks around to stare Whumpee in the eye.
"Oh yes, you look like you're in agonizing pain." Whumper says softly. Whumpee whines. "One last touch."
The chain wraps loosely around Whumpees' neck, tightening as her head is forced back, the chain being tied to her wrists.
Whumpee cries softly. Her shoulders ache from being pulled back, her body is already throbbing from the chains, her jaw aches from the ball gag, and her breathing is becoming laboured from the chain and the gag.
"I wonder how it'll feel after a day of this. Will it be worse? Will you go numb?" Whumper muses. "Of course, you'll find out, and you'll tell me when I come back in a few days. Oh, yes. I probably should have asked you, but it doesn't matter much! I hope you can go awhile without food and water."
Whumpee whines and moans.
"Well, see. I have plans. I'm off to go have dinner. But you? You're going to stay here, in this position, until I decide to return. And even if I decide to untie you, you're going to have to earn the right to beg to eat and drink. I'm thinking...well, the longest time a human can go without eating is 7 days, and 3 days with no water." Whumper smirks as she makes her way to the door. "But I think you could beat that record, don't you? Have fun!" Whumper leaves, the footsteps getting quieter.
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mysticwhump ¡ 4 months
A’s shoulders ached and shook with the effort to pull, but their arms wouldn’t move. The skin on their wrists was breaking against the restraints tying their hands behind their back. They bucked and pushed but nothing they did would make the punishing heavy weight over them ease up. The hand in their hair holding them down, twisting with their every move so hard they could feel some of it being pulled out by the roots.
And none of it mattered because A’s lungs were on fire. Their heart pounding with a deafening beat, competing with their panicked thoughts; don’t breathe, can’t breathe, I have to breathe, I have to get out, I need air, I can’t breathe!
Suddenly the water was pulled away from them, or them pulled from the tub filled with water, A couldn’t tell, couldn’t care. All they could care about was the air they desperately gulped down and sputtered on, coughing when half of the water still dripping down from their face followed the air down their lungs.
It hurt so much. Their throat, their lungs, their shoulders and wrists, everything hurt like they’d been rubbed raw. Like their skin had been sanded off and left them a bleeding, pulsating sore mess. The cold air against their bare skin felt like burning.
They shuddered and felt their whole body shaking against someone else. Belatedly A realized they’d fallen back against B, who was holding them tight to their chest and rubbing soothing circles on their back. A shuddered again but they couldn’t move.
“There you go.” B was murmuring. “If only you could be this sweet all the time, hm?”
A didn’t answer. Their throat didn’t work and they couldn’t breathe right.
If B liked them like this, maybe they would stop? A closed their eyes at the thought, something like nausea roiling deep down in their stomach. But they couldn’t push away anyway, their hands were tied and their muscles shaking.
It wouldn’t be like giving up. Not really.
A choked. It wasn’t a sob. Their face was wet from the water. Their eyes and throat was burning because they had been drowning. They weren’t giving up.
They pressed their face against B’s solid shoulder, soaking up the little warmth they could. B made a deep ‘hmm’ sound, making their chest vibrate against A, sounding pleased and A couldn’t help but relax a little.
“Let’s go one more time.”
A went rigid, their tired muscles locking up and struggling to move. But B was already moving, had already maneuvered A’s body back to kneeling over the tub.
There was white cloudy panic at the corners of A’s vision, their body too tired and shaky to really push away. They couldn’t breathe. It was like their lungs thought they were already under the water.
“Nhh-” there wasn’t enough air for them to make words, not even to beg.
B’s hand was iron in their hair again, forcing them closer to the surface of the dark water. B chuckled with their mouth so close to A’s ear they could feel a last hot puff of air.
“Take a deep breath, A.”
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mysticwhump ¡ 5 months
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mysticwhump ¡ 5 months
Tw: Lady whump, minor whump (as in whumping of a child), touch starved a bit.
Candace watches as Phineas and Ferb mingle with the Firestorm girls...the other kids. She tenses, breathing deep as Isabella places a hand on Phineas' arm, then pulls him over to...Dr. Baljeet and Buford. Buford slaps Phineas on the back, and Candace grips her bo staff tighter, eyes narrowing.
Something brushes her elbow, and Candace whirls around, staff pointing at...
"Sorry, Candace. Didn't mean to scare you." Johnson, Jeremy says.
"I don't get scared." Candace denies, looking back at Phineas and Ferb. Ferb is holding hands with Isabella, and Buford and Baljeet each have one of Phineas' hands. "That's not safe." She murmurs.
"They're fine. They're safe." John...Jeremy says. She glares at him. "No, really. They're smart kids. The Firestorm girls are there. And no one wants to face your anger, they'll be fine." Jeremy holds his hand out. "Let's leave them to it."
Candace eyes his hand, then him, then looks back at her brothers, then back to John...Jeremy. She turns towards him, ignoring the hand. "Fine. What did you have in mind?"
"Oh. Uh. I didn't think I'd get this far." John...Jeremy says, rubbing the back of his neck. Candace raises an eyebrow. "How about a walk around the park?"
"Sure." Candace glances back one more time, before focusing on Jeremy. "Let's go."
Jeremy and Candace start to wander the park. Candace glances down as Johnson's hand twitches for the 3rd time. "Ok. What's going on?"
"Of course you noticed." John...Jeremy chuckles. "I want to hold your hand. But I don't want to scare you off, I know how you are about touch."
"How I am about touch?" Candace repeats. She stops, staring at John... Jeremy. "What do you mean."
"You don't let anyone close. You panicked when I touched your elbow earlier." Jeremy says.
Candace growls. She reached out, grabbing John..Jeremy's hand. "C'mon." She tugs him forward.
John... Jeremys' hand feels weird in hers. She's not sure if she's holding too tight or not tight enough. His hand feels warm in hers, and she wonders if hers is warm in his.
"This isn't working." John... Jeremy says, pulling her to a stop. "Candace, I don't want you to force yourself to do something you don't want to."
"I grabbed your hand!" Candace says.
"Yes, and your other hand is gripping your bo staff so tightly I'm surprised it's not breaking in half." Jeremy points. Candace looks at her hand, recognizing the tingling in her hand now. "I'll wait, Candace." He slips his hand out of hers.
Candace watches Jeremy leave. They had finished the walk, and she flexes her hand. She glances down as Phineas walks up.
"Candace, are you okay?"
"Fine. Why? What happened?" She looks Phineas over, glancing at Ferb. They don't look hurt, there's no obvious bleeding and they're not crying.
"Nothing! Dr. Baljeet was telling us about hugs, and how they help people relax! Did you hug Jeremy?" Phineas asks.
"No." Candace says. She studies Phineas, watching him bounce, and sighs. "Do you two want a hug?"
Ferb nods, running towards her, and Phineas smiles, wrapping his arms around her. Candace shifts a bit to accommodate Ferb, ignoring the shiver down her spine.
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mysticwhump ¡ 5 months
I finally finished my thesis film!!! it's about a (cat) kid making breakfast for his (dog) dad. 🐾
featuring original music by the incredible @planetnapcast!! (I love their music so I'm still freaking out about this. you should freak out too. and listen to their music.)
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mysticwhump ¡ 5 months
Tw: Lady whump, minor whump (as in whumping of a child), touch starved a bit.
Candace watches as Phineas and Ferb mingle with the Firestorm girls...the other kids. She tenses, breathing deep as Isabella places a hand on Phineas' arm, then pulls him over to...Dr. Baljeet and Buford. Buford slaps Phineas on the back, and Candace grips her bo staff tighter, eyes narrowing.
Something brushes her elbow, and Candace whirls around, staff pointing at...
"Sorry, Candace. Didn't mean to scare you." Johnson, Jeremy says.
"I don't get scared." Candace denies, looking back at Phineas and Ferb. Ferb is holding hands with Isabella, and Buford and Baljeet each have one of Phineas' hands. "That's not safe." She murmurs.
"They're fine. They're safe." John...Jeremy says. She glares at him. "No, really. They're smart kids. The Firestorm girls are there. And no one wants to face your anger, they'll be fine." Jeremy holds his hand out. "Let's leave them to it."
Candace eyes his hand, then him, then looks back at her brothers, then back to John...Jeremy. She turns towards him, ignoring the hand. "Fine. What did you have in mind?"
"Oh. Uh. I didn't think I'd get this far." John...Jeremy says, rubbing the back of his neck. Candace raises an eyebrow. "How about a walk around the park?"
"Sure." Candace glances back one more time, before focusing on Jeremy. "Let's go."
Jeremy and Candace start to wander the park. Candace glances down as Johnson's hand twitches for the 3rd time. "Ok. What's going on?"
"Of course you noticed." John...Jeremy chuckles. "I want to hold your hand. But I don't want to scare you off, I know how you are about touch."
"How I am about touch?" Candace repeats. She stops, staring at John... Jeremy. "What do you mean."
"You don't let anyone close. You panicked when I touched your elbow earlier." Jeremy says.
Candace growls. She reached out, grabbing John..Jeremy's hand. "C'mon." She tugs him forward.
John... Jeremys' hand feels weird in hers. She's not sure if she's holding too tight or not tight enough. His hand feels warm in hers, and she wonders if hers is warm in his.
"This isn't working." John... Jeremy says, pulling her to a stop. "Candace, I don't want you to force yourself to do something you don't want to."
"I grabbed your hand!" Candace says.
"Yes, and your other hand is gripping your bo staff so tightly I'm surprised it's not breaking in half." Jeremy points. Candace looks at her hand, recognizing the tingling in her hand now. "I'll wait, Candace." He slips his hand out of hers.
Candace watches Jeremy leave. They had finished the walk, and she flexes her hand. She glances down as Phineas walks up.
"Candace, are you okay?"
"Fine. Why? What happened?" She looks Phineas over, glancing at Ferb. They don't look hurt, there's no obvious bleeding and they're not crying.
"Nothing! Dr. Baljeet was telling us about hugs, and how they help people relax! Did you hug Jeremy?" Phineas asks.
"No." Candace says. She studies Phineas, watching him bounce, and sighs. "Do you two want a hug?"
Ferb nods, running towards her, and Phineas smiles, wrapping his arms around her. Candace shifts a bit to accommodate Ferb, ignoring the shiver down her spine.
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mysticwhump ¡ 10 months
Vampire Week
Creatures from Slavic mythology, raised from the dead to feed on the blood of the living. The myths soon spread to the American colonies, and later made a strong foothold in Hollywood. Writers of novels and television changed them beyond most recognition, making them into a truly versatile species.
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Sunday: Silver piercings - Garlic - "Look, I never killed anyone if that's what you're implying."
Monday: Sunshine - Hawthorn Stake - "Allergic to a little sunshine, leech?"
Tuesday: Wild Roses - Defanging - "We need to keep it muzzled so it won't tear our throats out."
Wednesday: Hallowed Ground - Force Feeding - "Being forsaken by God was hard enough. I couldn't walk in the church I've attended my whole life. But then I realized my family wouldn't even look at me."
Thursday: Buried Alive - Outlived Family - "Not growing old was fun at first, but then everyone around me started dying."
Friday: Starvation - Botched Shapeshifting - "Not all vampires get to be rich, you know? Some of us are poor and starving. Just like humans."
Saturday: Silver Restraints - Consumption - "Legend blamed the spread of tuberculosis on vampires. Now we know better."
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Have fun ♡♡♡
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mysticwhump ¡ 11 months
TW: Sadistic Whumper, Lady Whump, restraints, stress position, references to starvation.
Nami growls as she's moved. Hope had unhooked her, letting her drop to the floor as her legs struggled to hold her up, weak after days of stuck in the same position. Hope smirks, bending Namis' legs and tying her lower legs to her thighs, the rope sinking into her skin and Nami whimpers.
Hope tangles a hand in her hair, pulling at it, laughing as Nami tries to struggle, her neck arching backwards. She considers Nami, watching her strain to breathe, then uses the rope to connect the collar to Namis' ankles. Nami gasps, the collar pressing on her throat, her bowed back throbbing in pain.
Hope leaves her in the painful hogtie, as she leaves the room to grab something. Nami tries to flex her wrists, tries to struggle, stopping quickly as she realizes that puts more pressure on her throat. Pain shoots through her stomach as it growls, and Nami whines.
"Oh, dear. You can't be hungry yet, it's barely been a week since you last ate!" Hope says, a loud thump shaking the ground as she drops what she was carrying.
Part of a new One Piece Whump fic I'll be writing soon. Warnings: restraints, female whumpee, sadistic female whumper. Stress position. Kidnapping/Captivity.
Her arms are twisted up behind her, chained together, in a reverse prayer, hands even with her shoulders. The golden chains are cold, pinching against her skin. A chain connects her wrists to the collar locked snugly around her throat. The collar is attached to a hook on the wall, tilting her head back and up, orange hair falling in waves, and pulling her onto her tiptoes. Another hook is at stomach level, another chain hooked around her stomach, pulled tight, skin turning red. Two chains circle her legs- one on her thighs, another on her ankles.
Nami tries to shift, her large ball gag muffling her pained grunt. She's not sure what hurts the most - her shoulders pulled back sending sharp pains, her neck from being forced into an unnatural position, her stomach being crushed, and being empty, or her toes from her weight. Her head pounds, and Nami searches her memory, trying to recall how she ended up here, in this position.
Before she can remember, she hears footsteps coming, and she blinks back the tears - whoever they are won't see her cry.
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mysticwhump ¡ 11 months
Part of a new One Piece Whump fic I'll be writing soon. Warnings: restraints, female whumpee, sadistic female whumper. Stress position. Kidnapping/Captivity.
Her arms are twisted up behind her, chained together, in a reverse prayer, hands even with her shoulders. The golden chains are cold, pinching against her skin. A chain connects her wrists to the collar locked snugly around her throat. The collar is attached to a hook on the wall, tilting her head back and up, orange hair falling in waves, and pulling her onto her tiptoes. Another hook is at stomach level, another chain hooked around her stomach, pulled tight, skin turning red. Two chains circle her legs- one on her thighs, another on her ankles.
Nami tries to shift, her large ball gag muffling her pained grunt. She's not sure what hurts the most - her shoulders pulled back sending sharp pains, her neck from being forced into an unnatural position, her stomach being crushed, and being empty, or her toes from her weight. Her head pounds, and Nami searches her memory, trying to recall how she ended up here, in this position.
Before she can remember, she hears footsteps coming, and she blinks back the tears - whoever they are won't see her cry.
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mysticwhump ¡ 1 year
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edwin my eel merprince has been captured and being help hostage by the dreaded mershark mob
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mysticwhump ¡ 1 year
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Artfight 2023, anyone?? Especially from the whump community? This is my second year, and I added some new OCs! Can’t wait to join, and the majority of my OCs are military, historical, and fantasy themed
My account: https://artfight.net/~rizzoto
About Artfight: https://artfight.net/info/about
Tag my artist mutuals (sorry if I skip u/u don’t want to be tagged): @whumpy-arts-and-crafts , @crimson-wrld, @evilwriter37 , @demondamage , @burntcoffeewhump , @whumpcomica , @emcscared-whumps​ , and everyone!
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mysticwhump ¡ 1 year
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Captured 🏴‍☠️ ☠️
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mysticwhump ¡ 1 year
Content Warnings: Lady whump, strangulation/breath control, collars, sadistic Whumper, creepy Whumper, referenced starvation and dehydration,
"Who controls you?" Whumper asks. Whumpee gets ready to answer and her collar pulls tight, cutting off any air. She looks at him, anger and fear in her eyes and he smirks.
She can't believe this. He asks a question, then cuts off her air? She glares at him, seeing him smirk. She decides to wait, she's not going to play his game, whatever it is. He kidnapped her, he has to want her alive, he'll let her breathe again.
Her lungs start to burn, quickly, and she has to force her arms still- they're still tied, and pulling against the restraints would just hurt her already raw wrists. A deliberate breath above her draws her attention.
"All you have to do, Darling." Whumper takes another loud breath. "Is say who owns you. Then I'll let you breathe."
Whumpee shakes her head, closing her eyes. She opens them quickly when she feels a tug on her collar. Whumper leans over her, and she realizes he's studying her eyes.
"Ah." He breathes. "I see. You are willful. Willing to gamble your life on the chance I might let you breathe again."
Her lungs are aching, and there's a ringing in her ears that is getting louder and louder, almost drowning out his words.
"But you're forgetting something. Maybe I will let you breathe again, before you admit I own you. But who's to say I'll let you breathe before you pass out? Who's to say I will let you breathe again? I can always find someone a little less willful, someone easier to break."
He watches as she pulls against her restraints at those words, ropes rubbing her reddened wrists, her mouth opening in search of air just out of reach. Her face is deepening into a beautiful dark red, a hint of purple-blue appearing. Her eyes are fluttering shut, barely opening before closing again.
"Maybe I'll just keep you like this. Barely enough air to live, barely conscious. What do you think, Darling? Or I can let you breathe, cut your air off again and again and again, until you're begging me to stop."
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mysticwhump ¡ 1 year
i made a whump wheel
want to beat up a character but don't know how you wanna do it? same here, friend. behold, the whump wheel! it currently has 60 different prompts/tropes on it and is ready for use! 🎉 i...love this thing. it is wonderful for writing exercises. (if you wanna know what's on it before using it, take a peak at the screenshot below)
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12K notes ¡ View notes
mysticwhump ¡ 1 year
Content Warnings: Lady whump, strangulation/breath control, collars, sadistic Whumper, creepy Whumper, referenced starvation and dehydration,
"Who controls you?" Whumper asks. Whumpee gets ready to answer and her collar pulls tight, cutting off any air. She looks at him, anger and fear in her eyes and he smirks.
She can't believe this. He asks a question, then cuts off her air? She glares at him, seeing him smirk. She decides to wait, she's not going to play his game, whatever it is. He kidnapped her, he has to want her alive, he'll let her breathe again.
Her lungs start to burn, quickly, and she has to force her arms still- they're still tied, and pulling against the restraints would just hurt her already raw wrists. A deliberate breath above her draws her attention.
"All you have to do, Darling." Whumper takes another loud breath. "Is say who owns you. Then I'll let you breathe."
Whumpee shakes her head, closing her eyes. She opens them quickly when she feels a tug on her collar. Whumper leans over her, and she realizes he's studying her eyes.
"Ah." He breathes. "I see. You are willful. Willing to gamble your life on the chance I might let you breathe again."
Her lungs are aching, and there's a ringing in her ears that is getting louder and louder, almost drowning out his words.
"But you're forgetting something. Maybe I will let you breathe again, before you admit I own you. But who's to say I'll let you breathe before you pass out? Who's to say I will let you breathe again? I can always find someone a little less willful, someone easier to break."
He watches as she pulls against her restraints at those words, ropes rubbing her reddened wrists, her mouth opening in search of air just out of reach. Her face is deepening into a beautiful dark red, a hint of purple-blue appearing. Her eyes are fluttering shut, barely opening before closing again.
"Maybe I'll just keep you like this. Barely enough air to live, barely conscious. What do you think, Darling? Or I can let you breathe, cut your air off again and again and again, until you're begging me to stop."
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mysticwhump ¡ 1 year
Wicked cool
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@velociraptrix Here she is! I didn’t do a full body one because she’s hard to draw, but I’m happy with how this turned out.
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mysticwhump ¡ 1 year
Polls exist now. Not exactly the same as a roulette wheel, buuuuttttt... could be close enough.
i'm literally about to put all my ocs on one of those spinny wheel things and go alright who am i torturing today? and the wheel just goes clunk clunk clunk and whoever it lands on is who it'll be.
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