lysavillanueva · 2 years
Book Review
| A guide for potential readers | 
Published by: Lysa Karylle U. Villanueva and Karylle Kenjie Magnifico
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What is Book Review?
Book review is a description, critical analysis and an evaluation on the quality, meaning and significance of a book that focuses on the book's purpose and content. It's highly personal and reflects the opinions of the reviewer. A review can be as short as 50-100 words, or as long as 1500 words, depending on the purpose of the review. 
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The standard procedures for writing book reviews:
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Write a statement giving essential information about the book: title, author, first copyright date, type of book, general subject matter, special features (maps, color plates, etc.). 
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State the author’s purpose in writing the book. Sometimes authors state their purpose in the preface or the first chapter. When they do not, you may arrive at an understanding of the book’s purpose. 
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Theme: The theme is the subject or topic. It is not necessarily the title, and it is usually not expressed in a complete sentence. It expresses a specific phase of the general subject matter.Thesis: The thesis is an author’s generalization about the theme, the author’s beliefs about something important, the book’s philosophical conclusion, or the proposition the author means to prove.
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Explain the method of development-the way the author supports the thesis. Illustrate your remarks with specific references and quotations. In general, authors tend to use the following methods, exclusively or in combination.
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Evaluate the book for interest, accuracy, objectivity, importance, thoroughness, and usefulness to its intended audience.Show whether the author's main arguments are true.Respond to the author's opinions. What do you agree or disagree with? And why?
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Try to find further information about the author - reputation, qualifications, influences, biographical, any information that is relevant to the book being reviewed and that would help to establish the author's authority.If relevant, make note of the book's format - layout, binding, typography, etc.=If relevant, make note of the book's format - layout, binding, typography, etc.
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If relevant, make note of the book's format - layout, binding, typography, etc.
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Check the back matter. This allows you - as reader to be informed about the objective and content of the book you are reviewing. 
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Summarize (briefly), analyze, and comment on the book’s content. State your general conclusions. Pay particular attention to the author's concluding chapter. Is the summary convincing? List the principal topics, and briefly summarize the author’s ideas about these topics, main points, and conclusions. Use specific references and quotations to support your statements. If your thesis has been well argued, the conclusion should follow naturally. It can include a final assessment or simply restate your thesis. Do not introduce new material at this point..
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lysavillanueva · 4 years
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            This chapter thought us a variety of things from the class as well as it refreshes my memory on things that I already knew or just needed a reminder about.
           In this lesson, I have learned about the various philosophical perspectives from several philosophers like Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, St Augustine, Rene Descartes, John Locke, David Hume, Immanuel Kant, Sigmund Freud, Gilbert Ryle, Paul Churchland, and Maurice Merleu. Among these philosophers the one that describes and relates me the most is Socrates.
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        Socrates made me realized a lot of things in life like it is better for us to know who really we are, who we should be, and who we will become. As an individual it will, it enable us to understand our true nature when we examine and reflect on the life we are living. I have realized that as a human being we need to exercise our introspection and to attempt to learn more about their fundamental nature and essence.
           In conclusion, self-reflection is the key to achieve self-awareness: it allows us to look neutrally at our thoughts, feelings, emotions, and actions. Through this practice, we are able to look at ourselves with interest and curiosity, and just like what Socrates suggests to achieve a meaningful and happy life only through knowing our purpose and value  and knowing the knowledge of ourselves that can be achieved thru incessant soul-searching.
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        As student, this chapter helps me in various ways which will result in mastering the self since it will provide knowledge which will help me make wiser decisions in life. Among the several philosophers that this lesson thought us the philosopher that I can coincide myself is Charles Horton Cooley.
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        Charles Horton Cooley  is the philosopher that coincides with my personality because of his work on “looking glass self-theory”. He states “People shape themselves based on what other people perceive and confirm other people's opinion on themselves”, which is completely accurate. This has become new normal to society, individuals base their sense of self by the perception of others, some people base their whole persona on others’ perception about them, I  chose this philosopher because that’s how we feel sometimes, we tend to imagine others’ judgment about our appearance, we tend to live by their perception and not our own. Moreover, we chose Charles because of his astounding and relatable work. His work is more relatable since we’re in the 21st century where social media has taken the world by storm, and each year we tend to be more addicted.
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        Our teacher Sir Raul Dadis, Jr. stated “we tend to imagine the outcome of something before we do it”. For example, before we post something on social media, we think what the outcome will be, “how many likes would it get?” “would like it or would they not?”. I think of that because we use those very judgments, that I receive from others to measure our self-worth, confidence, values and etc. In conclusion I chose Charles Horton Cooley because of his work on “Looking Glass Self” which is extremely accurate, relatable and if we fully understand his work, we can improve and “understand the self” better.
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        In this chapter, I have learned about the concept of the self. I have also discovered that self concept can be viewed in two ways which are the egocentric and sociocentric.
        In the egocentric view, the self is seen as an autonomous and distinct individuals while in the sociocentric on the other hand, the self is considered as contigent on a situation or social setting. I have also discovered that self identification may be attained by overcomming traditional practices or through internalizing divergent cultural models and suppressing any conflict on self representatio. Sometimes we individual also encountered identity struggle between assume identity and the identity that the society has set for us, that sometimes it make us confused.
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        In conclusion, with this different views both are applicable and helpful for us to identify our self concept and also as an individual we tend to experience identity struggles when there is a discrepency between a person's assumed identity and the identity imposed by other and the society, we should not be over affected by it as long as we knew ourselves there's nothing to worry about and prove them who really we are.
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       This chapter helps me define and describe the different psychological concepts of the self. I have also distinguished the various concepts of the self and identify their relationships.
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      I have learned and realized in Carl Roger’s Self Theory that self concept is one of the important aspects of the self understanding which refers to the image of our self. We all know as a human being we are always striving for self fulfillment or self actualization and sometimes when the need of self are denied we often experienced severe anxiety. I have also observed this days that most of the teenagers are experiencing depression and stress because of lack of moral support or self affirmation, it is very important that us adolescents are supported in our effort for us to create a consistent, coherence or unified understanding of our psychological self.  Creating vision for our self  is also good for us to know where we are now and how far we need to go.
     In conclusion, as an adolescent  I should also take good care of my psychological heath. I should learn to cope up anxiety attacks and convert it into positive mindset. I have also realized that it is good for us to create a vision for ourselves on where we are now and how far we still need to go for us to become more motivated to pursue our life and our dreams.
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        In this chapter, I have learned about the differences of the western concept and eastern concept of the self
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       I have realized that as an individual it is good for us to deeply aware of our self, our sense of direction, our purpose and volition. I have also discovered the different concept of the self in the Western and Eastern. For the western, people tend to think like Norah, people are separate and unique from each other. However, in eastern philosophy the self is often treated as an illusion. That is the idea that people are separate entities from each other and the world is not considered a reality in eastern thought. In simple terms from western people they tend to think of the self as an entity separate from other while in eastern the self is often treated as a illusion.
       In conclusion, even there are a lot of concept about the self it is best for us to be still aware of our self and what concept and direction that we follow as long as it would help us grow and what’s best for us either we think ourselves separate of illusion. 
                         CHAPTER 6: THE PHYSICAL SELF
       In this chapter, I have learned the process of physical growth and development. It deepens more my understanding of the physical self.
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      This chapter helps me discover more about the physical self, the stages of life span, the two factors that affect physical growth and development, it's theories, the body image, and the importance of beauty. I have realized that as human beings e should know how to acknowledge ourselves, our beauty, and the whole aspects that we have. Although it is also good when we try to improve yourself to boast out self-esteem but most importantly we should always know how to be contented and accept who we are.
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           In conclusion, our body has shaped by the inheritance that we possess from our parents, everything we have now is the product of where we came from. We should know how to be contented of our beauty. Some of us tend to judge others based on physical appearance. However, physical appearance alone is not enough to know a person's true character. It is important to see a person's inner thoughts and feelings. Above all things physical it is more important to be beautiful on the inside.
                          CHAPTER 7: THE SEXUAL SELF
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        In this chapter, I have able to learn about the development of sex characteristics and the human reproductive system. I have distinguished attraction, love, and attachment, and I have also identified the cause and consequences of sexually transmitted infection, early pregnancy, and the importance of contraception and reproductive health law.
       Throughout this chapter, it helps me to know and discover more about the human reproductive system and its functions that before I have never known about. I have also learned the differences between primary sex and secondary sex. As an adolescent, I have learned and realized within this topic that all of us undergo a process wherein attraction, love and attachment have been present. When we talk about attraction it is the process to evoke interest, pleasure, or liking for someone or something. Love is complex it composes of mixed emotions, behavior, beliefs associated with a strong feeling of affection and respect for one another. Attachment on the other hand is being emotionally close to someone. This chapter also discusses the different sexual orientation and it also helps us distinguish the sexually transmitted infection (STID), early pregnancy, and the ways to avoid these diseases.
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        In conclusion, we are the one who is liable for our own self we should try to know and discover ourselves like knowing the orientation that we belong to, we should know how to become a responsible individual towards sex activities for us to avoid this deadly diseases because at the end of the day we will be the one who will suffer if we underestimated this thing. 
                          CHAPTER 8: THE MATERIAL SELF
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     In this chapter, I have developed my understanding of the material self, it also helps me describe the basic components of the material self and I have also developed the qualities of a wise buyer.
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       Throughout this chapter have learned that for some material possessions are usually a reflection of a person's success or failure. We all know that self is composed of material self which is the manifestation of one's identity through material possessions. We have also tackled the basic components of the material self which are the body, clothes, one's car, pet, and other things that consider as his or her possessions. As an individual, this chapter helps me awaken and become more responsible for buying my possessions, we all know that possession made us feel satisfied and it describes the wholeness of us but sometimes it can only lead us to become an irresponsible individual because of its bad effect which could lead in compulsive buying disorder that we might possess.
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        In conclusion as adolescents, we need to accept and appreciate the physical characteristics of our own body, we need to become more contented on the possession that we have today, and also we need to become a responsible consumer individual towards our possessions in order to achieve a balanced, happy and well-being life.
                            CHAPTER 9: SPIRITUAL SELF
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      This chapter enables me to experience a feeling of oneness with a higher being and the universe. It also gives a deeper purpose or meaning of one's life and helps me developed the interaction, observation, and imitation in my family, school, and the church which also plays a very important role in developing my spiritual development.
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          Spirituality is the quality of being concerned with the human spirit or soul as opposed to the material or physical self. This lesson enables me to realize the recognition of a feeling or sense of belief that there is something greater than myself, something more to being human than sensory experience, and that the greater whole of which we are part is cosmic or divine in nature. I have also learned and realized that no matter what the religion we have as long as it helps us to connect our connection to the divine almighty it is definitely alright.
       In conclusion, spirituality enables us to search for the meaning of our life as a whole really means, the more we search for the meaning of our life the more motivated we are to explore and discover the meaning, significance, and purpose of our life. Any spiritual beliefs are well accepted, should be recognized and accepted as long as it helps us develop more our spiritual connection to our divine almighty.
                        CHAPTER 10: THE POLITICAL SELF
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           This chapter begins with defining politics it includes concepts on political community socialization, social interaction, and citizenship. It also helps me to defines the influence of family, school, church peers, and media on the development of the political self.
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        In this lesson, I have distinguished the function of the government, the system that our country belongs and also I have discovered and distinguished the rights, freedom, and obligation of an individual ad a citizen of his or her own country. I have realized that through socialization there is a political self every group that I belong, whatever my beliefs are it is also connected to the identity that I have possesses. My peers also play an important role in influencing our political self, the interaction that we have in our peers emphasizes the equal distribution of power, rights, and privileges among the member of the group that I belong to.
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   In conclusion, as an individual, we should know or learn to discover who we are, our rights, and our obligation as a citizen of our country. I have realized that as a citizen I am obliged to follow the laws, rules, and regulations that our government has implemented, pay taxes honestly and on time, and to defend the nation if the need will arise. We should learn how to follow and do this for us to become a good influence individual for the betterment of our own self and for the country.
                                CHAPTER 11: DIGITAL SELF
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     This chapter enables me to know the roles of mobile phones, the internet, and social networking in developing the digital self. It also explains the role of the government, school, and church in the prevention of identity theft, false information, and fake news. It also identifies the Filipino values of social networking.
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        In my own understanding of the lesson, the digital self refers to ourselves that engage in the modern changes specifically the rapidly increasing development of technology advancement. As we have observed in our generation this day most of the youth are very exposed to the modern world and technology and we can really say that these changes brought both advantages and disadvantages. Some advantages are easy access information, entertainment, communication, etc and we can't deny that these things make our life easier. However, technology has a negative impact such as addiction or obsession that would lead us to trouble like the risk of our health and lacking time for family bonding.
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         In conclusion, as a youth of this modern generation, we should always be aware of the priorities that we should settle first and we should know how to control ourselves towards overusing technology. It is alright to use these things because we all know that these things are also important, useful, and helpful but we should learn to use it moderately to avoid negative consequences that would only put us in a problem or danger.
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          Completing the term in Understanding the self class, I was able to benefit from a variety of new ghings from the class, as well as refreshes my memory on things that I already knew or just needed a reminder about.
         This subject helps me expands my understanding about who I am, what my values are and why I think and act the way I do. It was like a form of personal analysis that allows me to being my life into alignment of who I wish to become. I have also learned a lot of things physically, sexually, mentally and psychologically that really boast my self even more. I have realized that I should appreciate the beauty that I possesses inside and out and avoid unnecessary things that would just put me in danger. The various assignments and activities in this class really helped me understand and realuzed where I stand, what I need to excel, and what I need to work on. The biggest hurdle in the class for me was time management and slow internet connection. I am a procrastinator and always has been, so completing assignments on time was still a challenge for me the same with the internet connection as well.
       This subject thought me how to self-reflect, through self reflection it allows me to build emotional self awareness, like what we have discussed and learned that we should gain self affirmation and appreciate everything about us. We should allow ourselves to reflect and ask our self about some important question to gain a better understanding of our emotion, strength, weaknesses, and other factors. I have also discovered potentials about myself, I've never thought of myself as a leader but because of the class and group discussion I found that I am a good leader. I communicate my idea to ghe group while trying to balance the ideas of others so the group can come agreed upon decision.
       To sum it up, Understanding The Self really helps us students to deepen more about our understanding in our self, it also gives us a sense of awakening about the things that we should posses and avoid. I also like to thank Sir Raul Dadis Jr, for his excellence teaching performance to us, we know that it was also very hard for you teaching online but you also did a very great job. It was indeed a wonderful term full of learning, realization and joy.
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