lysenixdragon · 4 days
She cried into her fathers arms for a while, feeling all pain and suffering she’s endured in that moments. Even if the next day, they went back to their usual personalities and never spoke of this night again, at least Myella could let go for once in her life. She was emotionally exhausted by the time she finished crying, but still held onto her father. “Can Maester Orwyell see my wounds tomorrow? I don’t want to see the him tonight. I don’t want to see anyone.”
Myella held back a sob as her tears started to flow more. Hearing her father's words caused her usual hardened exterior to drop. She closed the space between them and wrapped her arms around Daemon, weeping into his chest as she gripped onto his cloak. For once, she finally felt her emotions come to the light. Normally, Myella being the oldest of her cousins and siblings, she had to be the strong one, the responsible one. But, right now she was just a girl who was hurt and needed her father.
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lysenixdragon · 4 days
She nodded and gave another small curtesy, before returning to fixing the linen. Her time working at the castle had been a fairly joyous experience. Sure, there were days of hard work, but then there were times when the King would allow her to join him in the libraries and show her more histories and stories. Or, even had her help him with his model of Old Valyria. His Grace had even taught her a few words in his native tongue. It’s why she wasn’t as nervous around Prince Daemon as some of the other servants. They saw him as his previous title, ‘The Rogue Prince,’ but Myella was told stories of a simpler time by the king. “I hope your travels were well, my Prince,” she said as she finished making the bed.
Myella stepped back and looked towards him, “Would you like some water or wine before dinner? I can bring some from the kitchen.”
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@lysenixdragon sent: She had been tucking in the corners of the sheets when she heard the large wooden door swing open, surprised to see Prince Daemon there. She wasn’t the one originally supposed to ready his room for his arrival, but the other servant had asked Myella in exchanged for washing the dirty sheets. “My Prince,” she stood up straight and gave a small bow, “Apologies, my Prince, I wasn’t expecting you so soon. I was just finishing making the bed, but I can come back later to finish.”
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If there was one thing he hadn't expected when he'd come home was at least the reception wasn't terrible. So he'd been surprised to wonder into his rooms was to find someone in his rooms. "You're fine you can finish." He said. He had heard that his brother had a soft spot for one of them, but it certainly wasn't any of his business. "I'll stay out of the way. Thank you."
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lysenixdragon · 7 days
“Apologies, my Prince, but I was asked by your mother to make her some tea and cakes,” she explained as she crouched down next to him.
Myella looked over and saw the caskets of wine, already raided by the Prince himself. Unsurprisingly. Along with everyone else in the Red Keep, she knew how much the prince drank, and it wasn’t surprising to see him passed out in random places here and there. She also know his penchant for being…familiar with some lucky handmaidens or ladies in waiting. She made sure he hadn’t fell and hit his head, before standing back up to continue her duties. “Would you like some yourself? The lemons were harvested fresh this morning,” she offered.
starter call reply for @lysenixdragon -- Aegon Targaryen
He lay strewn across the kitchen floor, tucked away the a corner that may as well have been shaped around him. A shipment of Dornish wine had arrived, and Aegon had indulged with gusto. Sweeter, smoother, and with much more a kick than his usual fare, he had fled to a space where nobody would bother him. At least, he hoped nobody would bother him. "Get away, girl. I've no interest in entertaining servants in this moment."
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lysenixdragon · 13 days
We love shipping in this house. 😍 Reblog if it's okay for partners to ask for a pre-established ship with your muse(s)!
Doesn't mean you have to accept, but you're totally down to discuss it!
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lysenixdragon · 14 days
Open to: M/F/NB
Plot: Your muse is a highborn (one of the Targaryens/Velaryons/etc.) and Myella is serving them.
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"Apologies if I'm interrupting, your grace/my lord/my lady. But, I brought your dinner."
0 notes
lysenixdragon · 14 days
Open to: M/F/NB
Plot: From Myella's servant!verse. Your muse is questioning her background.
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"There isn't much to say, I suppose. I never knew my father My mother was a servant as well, died when I was young, then I took her place."
0 notes
lysenixdragon · 14 days
Myella nearly snorted, "Suitors? Me? I appreciate your optimism, sweet sister, but that's your specialty. Even if I wanted one, there aren't any half decent suitors for miles. Besides, legitimate or not, I'm still the 'lyseni bastard.' Half of the suitors look down upon me, the other half only want to bed me. And those who do have good intentions are scared of father. Not that I blame them."
She had grown content as a spinster, as long as her siblings found their matches, Myella would be alright. She simply chuckled at her sister's threats, but respected any and all secrets her siblings told her. "That's unsurprising, the Brackens are much like the stallions they mount. All bucking and stomping, with little grace. Though, I can't say the Blackwoods are any better. They're rather quiet and seem to care most about their weirwoods and ravens," she remarked as she focused in on the joust against, "Well struck on Aemond's part, who do you think is next?"
“At least I’m a shiny pot,” Dany replied, not in the least perturbed by the gentle barb. “Have you ever had a suitor, Myella?” she asked. “Or at least a lad you’re sweet on?”
Out in the yard, Aemond scored a clean hit against his opponent, unseating him easily. Dany winced as the poor man tumbled heavily to the ground, but her attention was immediately drawn by Aemond wheeling around to come claim his second lance. “I saw him just once when I was little. Aemond looks just like him, but if you tell him I said that I’ll never speak to you again.” An idle threat, and they both knew it. Dany chattered like she breathed. “Do you know, Robert Bracken once wrote me a poem? It was terrible and when I said so he called me all sorts of foul names and went off. I hope Lord Blackwood smacks him good.”
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lysenixdragon · 14 days
The glimmer of a smile appeared on her lips when he relented. She knew things would never be the same as they were, but some things still persisted. Aegon's personality being one of them. But, Myella has grown to accept her cousin's faults-and there were a lot of them-and still have love in her heart for him as family.
She moved to sit next to him, saying nothing at first, but relishing in the silence. "You know, I never thought you would ever be the silent, brooding type. I thought your brother took that title," she teased.
Aegon had hardly expected her to give up so easily, and at once he felt bad - but what else was new? It seemed as if his life was nothing but him regretting things he’d said immediately after saying them. 
“Oh, fine!” he exclaimed before she could actually leave. “Sit down, then, but I’m not telling you anything, and I was not crying!”
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lysenixdragon · 15 days
another meme inspired by devotedecay’s format !     tw  for  violence, blood, mature themes. send  in  one  of  these  for  my  muse’s  reaction  to  … (  add  ❝  reverse  ❞   if  you’d  like  to  see  how  my  muse  would  preform  the  action  !  )
[ deck ]   your muse decking mine in the face.
[ punch ]   your muse punching mine anywhere / or specify.
[ pin ]   your muse forcibly pinning my muse beneath them.
[ straddle ]   your muse forcing mine to the ground and straddling them.
[ scratch ]   your muse raking mine with their nails / claws.
[ bite ]   your muse biting mine.
[ turn ]   your muse rolling from beneath to atop my muse.
[ wall ]   your muse pinning mine against a wall.
[ snarl ]   your muse snarling / growling at mine.
[ curse ]   your muse cursing at / cursing mine out.
[ tug ]   your muse gripping mine’s hair.
[ kick ]   your muse kicking mine anywhere / or specify.
[ point + gun ]   your muse holding mine at gun point.
[ point + knife ]   your muse holding mine at knife point.
[ mock ]   your muse mocking mine.
[ sweep ]   your muse knocking mine off their feet.
[ grab ]   your muse grabbing mine forcibly.
[ shoot ]   your muse shooting my muse anywhere / or specify.
[ stab ]   your muse stabbing my muse anywhere / or specify.
[ break ]   your muse breaking any of mine’s bones / or specify.
[ strangle ]   your muse choking mine out.
[ shove ]   your muse shoving mine forcibly.
[ bruise ]   your muse making mine bruise.
[ under ]   your muse shoving mine underwater.
[ attempt ]   your muse attempting to kill mine.
[ bare ]   your muse baring their teeth at mine.
[ threaten ]   your muse threatening mine.
[ spit ]   your muse making mine spit blood.
[ bleed ]   your muse making mine bleed.
[ burn ]   your muse burning mine.
[ corner ]   your muse cornering mine.
[ throat ]   your muse wrapping a hand around mine’s throat.
[ challenge ]   your muse challenging mine.
[ cut ]   your muse cutting mine.
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lysenixdragon · 17 days
Myella would be lying if she said she wasn’t shocked by his words. The Aegon she knew was what she knew in her memories. Their games and tiff, running about the castle and causing mischief and mayhem in their wake. The Aegon she knew would never tell on her, to their parents or guards, even when she would swat him on the head, or shoved him a little too hard when they fought. The Aegon she knew could always handle her harsh words, and would often reply with his own wit and jests to make her laugh, causing her serious barrier to lower every so often.
But, that Aegon was dead. Nothing more than a ghost of the past. The Aegon standing before her today wasn’t the one she had grown close to in her youth and cared for, he was just a drunken usurper. A man better fitted as a fool rather than a king.
She struggled against the knights’ grip, but ultimately knew she was outmatched. But, her gaze held strong when facing her cousin. Despite his attempt at humiliating her, she had her head held high while the wine dripped down her head. Even when they dragged her off to the dungeon, Myella simply went without a word. She had nothing to say to him anymore.
Her time in the cells were definitely less comfortable than her chambers, but at least she still had her head. However, unlike her chambers, she was forced to be bombarded by her aunt Alicent on one occasion and Lord Otto. Both urged her to pledge allegiance to Aegon, and to write to her father to do the same. While her words were harsher with Otto, Myella essentially told them both to piss off. And if Aegon was going to have her killed, that he’d better hurry and do it himself.
On the flip side, Alicent had been in her son’s ear as well. Urging him to give Myella a chance to pledge her fealty to the crown and have her father do the same. Once word gets to Daemon that his daughter rots in a cell there is no stopping him. Pleading with him to at least have Myella moved to her chambers and confined there, suggesting if he insists on her arrest at least if would look better if he granted the girl some mercy.
He was the king.
As such it was all his now, at long last he had everything that anyone could have ever wanted for themselves, and now it was all placed within his hands to do with it as he wished, to become the king he was meant to be from the moment he was born, the first born son of his father that lived, an entire dynasty upon his shoulders as well, all of it there, for himself and how it was the truth that he didn’t even want it, it had taken everyone to try and force him there to claim it for himself.
Now that he had it, he didn’t want to let it go.
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“Arrest her.”
He breathed out as his kingsguard moved and would take her, knocking the jug of wine out of her hand to smash it onto the ground as she was taken, one arm each and pulled back from the king as he takes his time to look at the golden cup within his hand, before stepping forward and pouring it over her head to soak her before he chuckled lightly, yes this was going to be a promising reign, giving power to someone who did not deserve it at all, but he understands now that devotion and loyalty, where the most important things.
“I do hope your tongue remains as sharp as this with some time within the cells.”
As he smirked, could she not see that all around the golden city, lords, ladies, anyone that was not with him, on his side to lend support, had been taken, there heads either removed, or themselves strung up for one and all to see what happens when you side with his worthless sister as he tossed the remaining wine from his glass into her face before he turned his back on her, having her dragged out of the chamber, kicking, screaming, cursing and insulting his name if she wished, it would hardly matter, but for her words and actions.
It was the cells for someone like her, family and blood, mean little to him and his allies now, it was all about the kingdoms, the throne and the power, if you are not with him you are against him and he will show everyone what kind of king he wished to become.
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lysenixdragon · 17 days
Bruises and Bruising
“Where did you get those?”
“Is that…. somebody’s hand?”
“Is that… a bootprint?”
“It’ll look worse before it looks better.”
“Come on. Let’s get it wrapped up.”
“Do you want some painkillers?”
“Let me guess, I should ‘see the other guy’?”
“How’d you get a black eye?”
“I know you don’t do it on purpose, but I wish you’d stop coming home bruised.”
“I like the new look. It suits you.”
“Ouch, that looks like it hurts.”
“Talk to me.”
“You shouldn’t end up with bruises because you disagree with them. You know that, right?”
“Will you tell me how it happened?”
“Come and sit with me.”
(send ‘+reverse’ to reverse the roles, or specify which muse is which!)
[sit] – sender comes and sits next to a bruised receiver. no words, just warmth.
[care] – sender provides physical care for receiver’s bruises (ice pack, wrapping them up, etc)
[shower] – sender takes one look at a bruised and bloody receiver, and goes to run them a shower. hot showers fix everything.
[offer] – sender has something they know receiver will want, and because receiver has had a bad enough day as it is, sender gives it to them. it’s the little things.
[stay] – sender offers receiver a place to stay, so that – wherever they got these bruises – they don’t have to go back.
[concussion] – sender checks receiver for a concussion, because it’s very possible receiver has one.
[home] – sender has no physical way of helping receiver out of this situation, but they offer out their hand anyway. just to hold onto (and to not let go).
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lysenixdragon · 17 days
high pain tolerance starters
“[Name], you’re bleeding.”
“How long has it been like that?”
“Did you dislocate a finger?”
“You’re slurring.”
“They say you almost died. You left it that late.”
“You’re snapping. Headache again?”
“You’re in a bad mood. Are you in pain?”
“Why didn’t you say anything?”
“Hey, why are you walking like that?”
“That’s a lot of swelling.”
“Where did you get that bruise?”
“Whose blood is that?”
“When you say your pain’s ‘4 out of 10′, that’s a normal person’s ‘8 out of 10′. We’re going to the hospital.”
“How did you not notice?!”
“If it hurts, it hurts.”
“I know you can manage it, you just don’t *have* to.”
“Holy shit, how long have you had this?!”
“[Name]? [Name]! Hey!”
“We’re a team. You need to tell me about this sort of thing.”
“That’s … a lot of blood, is that - oh, fuck.”
“Hey! Hey! Stay awake, okay? Stay awake.”
“It would have been a lot easier to treat if you’d mentioned it sooner.”
“You can’t keep hiding this stuff.”
“I need to be able to trust you to tell me when you’re hurt.”
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lysenixdragon · 17 days
She just chuckled, trying not to let her sister see her grin over Dany’s huffing. It was no secret that Dany often was affectionate and flirtatious with everyone, but she understood Jace didn’t want to upset his betrothed any further. But, she didn’t hid the laughter when Dany called her brother immature. “Pot meet kettle,” she remarked before turning her attention back to the jousters, “But mother’s right. It might give the wrong idea to a suitor, and they might expect more from you in return.”
Myella had to admit, Aemond certainly seemed better fit at this kind of thing. He was tall and strong, yet slight which made him a smaller target. Harder for others to strike him. “He’s lucky father isn’t joining these kind of things anymore. Your mother told me how nearly paralyzed Ser Gwayne back when she was around your age,” she commented as she looked at the other line up of knights, “I’m surprised Lord Blackwood is here. The Blackwoods never join in things like this often, but maybe it’s because Lord Bracken’s son is as well.”
Continued from here x
She just smiled and laughed along with her sister. Myella wondered who exactly her sister had eyes for, but she wouldn’t press the matter, at least not now. After all, as the older sister, she had to make sure this so-called knight was worthy of Dany. For now, she would simply focus on cheering on Jace, knowing her brother was probably nervous for his first tourney. “Of course I will, besides the view is much better down there,” she said as she gave her sister’s hand a small squeeze.
Myella admittedly gave some thought to who she would like to give her favor to, but no one in particular came to mind. It was a nice idea though, a brave knight approaching to ask for her favor for all to see. But, that was that. Just an idea, a fantasy. Despite the years, she was still the outcast of the family. If there was no chance of someone asking her favor, there was definitely no way in all seven hells someone would crown her ‘The Queen of Love and Beauty.’ She was certain that title belonged to her sister. “So, this mysterious knight…do I know him?”
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lysenixdragon · 17 days
Myella laughed, her sister was too easy to read. She didn’t fault her though, despite his callous nature, Aemond would’ve been a viable suitor for her sister. He was strong and well-read, plus he seemed decent enough to not roam the streets of silk drunkenly. Though, perhaps she only felt that way after seeing how Aegon was with Dany. She would make sure to give Aegon a good swat on the head the next time she saw him trying to seduce her sister. “And you wouldn’t give your favor to your own brother? How scandalous,” she teased.
No matter, she would let Dany go on with her flirting. She had only hoped she wouldn’t get hurt from the outcomes. Myella looked down at their cousin’s opponent and smirked, “Horace Tyrell, Lyonel’s son. A pretty rider indeed, but I doubt he can beat Aemond.”
Continued from here x
She just smiled and laughed along with her sister. Myella wondered who exactly her sister had eyes for, but she wouldn’t press the matter, at least not now. After all, as the older sister, she had to make sure this so-called knight was worthy of Dany. For now, she would simply focus on cheering on Jace, knowing her brother was probably nervous for his first tourney. “Of course I will, besides the view is much better down there,” she said as she gave her sister’s hand a small squeeze.
Myella admittedly gave some thought to who she would like to give her favor to, but no one in particular came to mind. It was a nice idea though, a brave knight approaching to ask for her favor for all to see. But, that was that. Just an idea, a fantasy. Despite the years, she was still the outcast of the family. If there was no chance of someone asking her favor, there was definitely no way in all seven hells someone would crown her ‘The Queen of Love and Beauty.’ She was certain that title belonged to her sister. “So, this mysterious knight…do I know him?”
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lysenixdragon · 17 days
She rolled her eyes, but laughed at her sisters antics. Despite her being the complete opposite, she grew to have a fondness for Dany’s lighthearted nature. While, she did find it annoying when suitors thought that meant they could treat Dany without respect, she held no malice against her sister. It was nice to see her like this, with her teasing and flirting. “Right, and we’re certain he doesn’t have certain silver colored hair or purple eyes?” she remarked.
Myella looked towards the field when her cousin road up to Rhaenyra. “Hmm, I suppose second sons are more used to armor than firstborns,” she remarked.
She was less enamored by their cousins than her sisters. Perhaps she did, back when Myella daydreamed about handsome princes and princess marrying and riding off into the sunset, but those dreams were gone now. “You think he’ll pick Jace as his first competitor?”
Continued from here x
She just smiled and laughed along with her sister. Myella wondered who exactly her sister had eyes for, but she wouldn’t press the matter, at least not now. After all, as the older sister, she had to make sure this so-called knight was worthy of Dany. For now, she would simply focus on cheering on Jace, knowing her brother was probably nervous for his first tourney. “Of course I will, besides the view is much better down there,” she said as she gave her sister’s hand a small squeeze.
Myella admittedly gave some thought to who she would like to give her favor to, but no one in particular came to mind. It was a nice idea though, a brave knight approaching to ask for her favor for all to see. But, that was that. Just an idea, a fantasy. Despite the years, she was still the outcast of the family. If there was no chance of someone asking her favor, there was definitely no way in all seven hells someone would crown her ‘The Queen of Love and Beauty.’ She was certain that title belonged to her sister. “So, this mysterious knight…do I know him?”
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lysenixdragon · 17 days
Continued from here x
She just smiled and laughed along with her sister. Myella wondered who exactly her sister had eyes for, but she wouldn’t press the matter, at least not now. After all, as the older sister, she had to make sure this so-called knight was worthy of Dany. For now, she would simply focus on cheering on Jace, knowing her brother was probably nervous for his first tourney. “Of course I will, besides the view is much better down there,” she said as she gave her sister’s hand a small squeeze.
Myella admittedly gave some thought to who she would like to give her favor to, but no one in particular came to mind. It was a nice idea though, a brave knight approaching to ask for her favor for all to see. But, that was that. Just an idea, a fantasy. Despite the years, she was still the outcast of the family. If there was no chance of someone asking her favor, there was definitely no way in all seven hells someone would crown her ‘The Queen of Love and Beauty.’ She was certain that title belonged to her sister. “So, this mysterious knight…do I know him?”
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lysenixdragon · 17 days
She didn’t hid her eye roll, if Aegon wanted her out he would’ve done so by now. As the two were the same age, Myella knew her cousin well—at least she liked to think she did. She knew he didn’t have a penchant for violence like his brother. “Fine, fine. Have it your way, like always. Here I thought you might enjoy my company like before,” she muttered.
While she would never admit it, Myella longed for his presence. The older she got, the less and less friends she had. With her siblings and father gone, she found herself alone most of the time. It hurt to see her once friend want nothing to do with her anymore.
Continued from here x
Myella's unphased by her cousin's little fit. She'd like to say it's the worst she'd seen him, then again she's known him her whole life. She didn't make a move to leave, nor did her expression change. Instead, she stood her ground and wanted to see how things would unfold. "I'm not going to judge you for crying, if that's what you think," she remarked as she folded her arms, "What's wrong?
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