Bad weather is filling out our tent :)
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Talkshow time at Ungdommens Folkemøde 2017 in Søndermarken. The debate is about 'How do we get more girls to do sports?'
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Rain won't slow us down
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Tricks Workshop
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Representing at ''Ungdommens Folkemøde''!
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I’ve got a few... 1. Tumblr functionality
I very much agree with Dawn’s frustration at this point.  It seems like Metropol has not really thought through their advice of telling us to create our module 13 blog as a sub-blog to the module 7 blog. I like the idea that you have the two blogs linked - it provides an nice overview of what the student has done in the two internships, and does in theory simplify things for both student and supervisor. In reality, however, the functionality Tumblr.com is on such a low level that the idea creates much more trouble than anything else.  I hope Metropol will change this part of their guideline, so that future students will not meet the same issues in the future. 2. Why the lack of introduction?
I’m affraid this second frustration is guided towards Metropol. 
I do not understand why we did not receive an introductory class regarding our blog this time around, as we did for module 7? 
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The class was planned in our schedule, but when we showed up, the teacher had not prepared anything regarding the blog and was, to be honest, not able to answer any of our questions. The only answer we could get was ���You already did a blog for module 7, it’s the same now”.       If you ask me, that answer could have been ok if we had been on module 8 and everything was in clear memory. Unfortunately we are not. We are in module 13, and most of us have not entered the tumblr website for a year.       It is a little like saying “The exam for module 8 is almost the same setup as the exam for module 4, so we will not introduce you to it.”      It is not serious, and I believe our lack of (re-)introduction to blogging is part of the reason why some of the blogs for M-13 have been less active than their M-7 counterparts.
The blog is (apart from the internship supervisors evaluation) the only way Metropol has to asses our performance during the internship.  In my opinion this should either be reconsidered, or more initial focus should be put on the importance of creating a blog that is representative of what the student is during throughout the 12-week internship.
Those are my thoughts on the matter...
Now with regards to frustrations within my internship. - I honestly do not have any at this point. The only thing I have to say is that I at times have been more busy than I would like to; but given the short timeframe of the internship, it is nothing I worry about.  All in all it has been an extremely giving process, and I have tried so many different things throughout the period.  KH Asger
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This post is not about finding my internship frustrating, or the usual I think blogging my internship to be xyz,  but rather finding Tumblr to be frustrating. I found that opening a secondary blog (the M13) to my primary blog (the M7) was not such a good idea. The problem is that the primary blog in my case my M7-dawnspindler is the only one that can comment on other blogs, reblog other people’s posts and all of the other fun functions that are available to interact with other bloggers. I recently realized that during my M13 internship all of this interaction can only be done by my M7 account. I have search the net to resolve the problem, followed instructions on YouTube and still cannot change my M13 to be my primary blog. So even though it might appear that I am not socializing with my fellow students on my M13 account, it will be seen that I am very active on my M7. I’ve just accepted this frustration as much as I have accepted the current POTUS.
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A picture says a thousand words! - Here are a range of pictures from the StreetGame tour I went on in the first part of my internship If you would like to see all the pictures from each one of the Street Games, you can do so in the following links: JYLLAND Aarhus: https://www.facebook.com/pg/gamedenmark/photos/?tab=album&album_id=1949301838635449  Aalborg: https://www.facebook.com/pg/gamedenmark/photos/?tab=album&album_id=1949802148585418 Viborg: https://www.facebook.com/pg/gamedenmark/photos/?tab=album&album_id=1950305441868422 Varde: https://www.facebook.com/pg/gamedenmark/photos/?tab=album&album_id=1950682521830714 Esbjerg: https://www.facebook.com/pg/gamedenmark/photos/?tab=album&album_id=1951203301778636 Kolding: https://www.facebook.com/pg/gamedenmark/photos/?tab=album&album_id=1951666975065602 Sønderborg: https://www.facebook.com/pg/gamedenmark/photos/?tab=album&album_id=1952185591680407 SJÆLLAND/FYN Mjølnerparken: https://www.facebook.com/pg/streetmekka/photos/?tab=album&album_id=1331481083555302 Slagelse: https://www.facebook.com/pg/gamedenmark/photos/?tab=album&album_id=1955396538025979 Ballerup: https://www.facebook.com/pg/gamedenmark/photos/?tab=album&album_id=1955882451310721 Holbæk: https://www.facebook.com/pg/gamedenmark/photos/?tab=album&album_id=1956415151257451 Odense: https://www.facebook.com/pg/gamedenmark/photos/?tab=album&album_id=1957456594486640 Næstved: N.A. Grantoften: N.A. Ishøj: N.A. Roskilde: N.A. Brøndby N: N.A.
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Frederiksberg Street Party!
>Today is the 2. day of Game’s 2day street festival in Frederiksberg. Yesterday's we were in a housing area called Stjernen and we had performances from danish artists such as Icekiid and Fouli. Today we are in Lindevangsparken where we will have tournaments in basketball and football, parkour and slack line workshops and dance battles. Furthermore, the biggest name of the two days will perform tonight, a danish rapper called Gilli. His show starts at 19.00, drop by :) I will upload videos and pictures throughout the day, so you can get a view in what’s going on :) MuchLoveAsger
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½ of the crew from the 1.part of my internship!
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Welcome back
Bonjorno, como estas?
Today I am starting up the 2. half of my internship with GAME Denmark. As I mentioned, I did 6 weeks before summer holiday, and I will do 6 weeks after.
On a sidenote, summer was great! I went to Canada with the guys from my team, and we had a hell of a trip. It was almost too good. So good that I didn’t manage to catch up with my delayed blog posts! I was hoping to get that done over the summer, so I could start up fresh with a weekly blog post for the 2. internship part... 
But as we say in Denmark, don’t cry over spilled milk my friends! 
- Actually; you might as well make that milk work in your favour. Use it as motivation. ‘Cus what happens when you clean milk off a floor? I will tell you. You don’t just clean the milk off the floor. You also clean the floor, the milk has landed on. Really, it is almost impossible not to end up with a floor that is cleaner and more shiny than it was before the milk landed on it. 
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- So that will be my focus. The future of the floor. The future of this blog. The milk is on the floor, but it is getting cleaned up. And hopefully the result will be spotless. You will have to wait and see... We all will. Intense
My promise is... I have a few promises... One is that I will update this blog weekly from now on. Real time, when possible. At least on the execution dates on the various events I will be a part of.  Another promise I make today is that I will do at least one beautiful post about everything I did in the first half of my internship. On top of that I will make a few post with pictures and videos about what happened in that time. It was truly 6 great weeks, and I wouldn’t want to cheat you from sneaking a peak on the experience!
Now, for the rest of this post... The actual content for today. I want to tell you a little about what I will be doing for the next 6 weeks. Here goes nothing:
Game Street Party in Frederiksberg!
I will join in the planning of Game’s annual streetparty.  The streetparty will be held on friday/saturday the 18. and 19. of August. 
In short, the streetparty is a 2 day event where all the different sports of Game will be represented (street basketball, street soccer, parkour, dancing, etc.). The sports will be accompanied by some of the biggest names in danish hip hop music. It’s a big event, and it should be fun to take part in both the planning and execution of it.  If you are interested in joining or learning more about it, here is the Facebook-event for the days: https://www.facebook.com/events/809844495855499/?acontext=%7B%22ref%22%3A%224%22%2C%22feed_story_type%22%3A%22308%22%2C%22action_history%22%3A%22null%22%7D 
Game Finals!
Game Finals is Game’s biggest event of the year. Last year more than 2000 people participated in the event in one way or the other!
The main setup of the event is that it is a basketball and football tournament. The football tournament is by normal sign up, and the prices are similar to those you can win at our monthly Friday Jam Tournaments.  The basketball tournament however is the Official Danish Championship in Streetbasketball. The prize for the winning team is 10.000DKK, and the tournament draws in some very strong teams. The idea is that teams can qualify for the tournament on the Street Games that I helped set up in the 1. part of my internship. There are a range of different levels in both of the tournaments, and the biggest prizes are in the senior tournaments.
The planning of Game Finals will intensify once we are done with the Street Party in a few weeks.  Oh and here is the facebook event for the Game Finals, should you be interested in learning more: https://www.facebook.com/events/1842405849348385/ 
I will make sure to upload some live feeds from both events, to help you feel the vibe and see how things are going down :)
Now to finish this post, and as a teaser for the next one, I will show you a picture of the crew I worked with on the Street Game Tour before my summer holiday!.  (In reality I will post it afterwards, beacuse my tumblr abilities do not suffice to adding a picture to a post - what can you do)
Have a good one. KH Asger
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First Blog Post - Intro to internship place and learning goals
Hi Hello Bonjour Salut Halløj This blog post something close to 7 weeks late. But never late than never, right. I am half way through my internship. 6 weeks gone - 6 weeks left. But before the 2.half starts, I have 5 beautiful weeks of holiday to look forward to. This means I finally have some time on my hands to write my first blog post for my second internship during my bachelor education in Global Nutrition and Health. 
Internship place:
I am doing my internship in an NGO called GAME Denmark. GAME started in 2002, and a working to create social change through a focus on urban sports in vulnerable communities. The goal is to offer healthy leasure time options for kids and young people, mainly 1. and 2. generation immigrants.  They use different approaches to catching their target group. The main one is their Playmaker Program. Here they educate young people (playmakers) from the neighborhoods they work in, how to set up different activities and practices like dancing, basketball, street football, parkour, etc. These playmakers are then instructed in setting up practices in the neighborhood (GAME Zone) they are affiliated to. This will most often be the neighborhood they themselves have grown up in or live in. This provides a lot of benefits in making the kids show up for and wanting to participate at practices, because they already might know or have seen the playmaker coming to set up the practice.  GAME holds 4 playmaker camps a year where the volunteer playmakers are trained in their specific sport or in “organizing”. 
Apart from the Playmaker Program, GAME are working in an array of different ways and from different places. The main office is located on Enghavevej 82D in CPH, where the streetgame house StreetMekka also is situated. New divisions are in the process of being opened all over Denmark in Aalborg and Viborg and a new one already opened in Esbjerg. At the same time, GAME Lebanon is in the process of starting up, and the CEO of the organization has moved there to help the start-up process. 
In short, GAME is an organization in progress. Things are happening both in a national and international perspective. My work with them will mainly concern the danish aspects.
My internship - Learning goals
My internship is divided into 2-part that will be more or less different in content.  The two parts are 6 weeks each, part 1 before summer holiday (month of July) and part 2 after summer, starting in the first week of August. 
In my next post, I will provide descriptions of the two parts of my internship! - For now you get to look at my learning goals below. How I specifically already have achieved and plan to achieve them? I will let you know 
Kh A 
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