m1lkshakes · 2 years
i love rebecca wheeler
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m1lkshakes · 2 years
emotionally intense prompts.
idk my dudes i started listening to the etern.als theme music and now i have these things. bon appetit!
“ i’d follow you to the ends of the universe, if you asked me to. ”
“ how bad is it this time? ”
“ we’re the only thing standing between this world and its destruction. ”
“ we could stop all of this… with just a thought/flick of my wrist. “
“ fair?! how is any of this fair?! “
“ do you truly believe that anything so little as a rule, or a law, might have stopped me from protecting you? “
“ we have to fight. ”
“ we’re not giving up. ”
“ you. i’ll always and endlessly fight for you. “
“ i can wait a thousand lifetimes for you. “
“ we’ve had a pretty good life. but maybe normalcy is a thing we’re meant to protect, rather than enjoy. ”
“ i don’t know if i can protect you any longer. “
“ we’ve seen what they’re capable of. now we need to retaliate. “
“ if only the world knew what we do for them… ”
“ i’m sick and tired of being the one who has to make the sacrifices! ”
“ haven’t we lost enough? ”
“ i’m tired. beyond tired… i am exhausted from the endless fighting. ”
“ things must be catastrophic if you’re calling me at this hour. ”
“ this is what we’ve been waiting for. ”
“ i’d follow you to the bitter end; as i always have. ”
“ the time has come. ”
“ this is what we’ve been waiting for. ”
“ i thought we had more time.  i regret to confess… it appears that i was wrong. ”
“ don’t let them control you, eh? ”
“ you’re better than this. ”
“ everything’s about to change… ”
“ do you truly think so little of me? ”
“ careful… you’ve never had to fight me before. ”
“ we need to leave. ”
“ we’re a good team, you know. “
“ look around you. do you still truly see no reason for us to fight? “
“ we’re family. we don’t turn our backs on each other. “
“ it’s too late! let’s go! ”
“ it wasn’t your fault… ”
“ why are you doing this?! ”
“ i’m sorry… “
“ perhaps i don’t say it enough, but… i’d like you to know that i’m always here, if you ever wanted to talk. ”
“ you/they will always be worth fighting for. ”
“ don’t pretend like you understand. “
“ tell me how i can fix this… ”
“ don’t say it. ”
“ they’re not worth saving. ”
“ i am a god. you… you’re nothing. “
“ well. for whatever it’s worth, it’s been a pleasure fighting alongside you. ”
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m1lkshakes · 2 years
becks has been baking so much this last week and it’s all because she’s happyyyyy 🥺 she genuinely ONLY bakes when she’s happy? so you know that when she’s baking she’s happy about something it’s basically a mood ring lol
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m1lkshakes · 2 years
[  ASLEEP  ]:     sender, having climbed into bed to cuddle the receiver (who they believe to be asleep), tells them that they love them. from @m1lkshakes
exhaustion had crept into her bones, hollowed out what was left of her strength and filling the gaps between her ribs with its weight. she’s burrowed under the comforter with her eyes screwed shut, mind attempting to consolidate itself with the weariness of her body. her muscles should’ve been screaming, but even they felt too tired to do more than weep. nancy could feel her irritability grow as curled ringlets fell into her face, desperate pleas to just fall asleep already lost somewhere between the ceiling of her childhood bedroom and the ears of the god she’d stopped believing in before she graduated sunday school. there was a huff of exasperation as she decided to give up on the endeavor entirely, resigning herself to another sleepless night spent reading over the same book with the same cracked - spine she’s read a million times before. she was already trying to escape the confines of her blanket feet first until she heard the knob on her door begin to twist. whoever it was, the last thing she wanted was a lecture in how sleep was vital to her health. it was a speech she was well - versed in herself, especially when it came to lecturing her siblings when they pestered her past midnight. nancy hid slightly further under the cover, hoping to at least pass as attempting to sleep – just long enough to hear the door close again. only, it creaked open and there was a hesitation instead. a small pause, a moment nancy recognized as one of contemplation, before the sound of light footsteps carried inside and the door thudded shut. the intruder  closed themselves inside. she was fighting a smile at the sound of their movements, more recognizable to her than wind in the trees or water moving in a stream. rebecca. even trying to be as quiet as humanly possible, it was becks. nancy was sure of it. although curiosity had been enough to make her want to open her eyes and catch her sister in the act of whatever she was doing, nancy knew she had to wait for the right moment. she was still waiting for that moment when the bed compressed behind her.  brows knitted together in surprise, a faint smile finally breaking across her expression as she assumed her sister had simply decided to sleep in her bed. it wasn’t an abnormal occurrence – for either of them. she realized belatedly that this meant reading until daylight was now officially out of the question, but she didn’t mind nearly as much as she thought she would. she really would’ve assumed that was the end of it, but the moment she felt the side of becca’s face against her shoulder paired with the arm now resting atop her own, nancy melted. love you, nance, came from behind her and it’s enough to well tears in her eyes. when she blinked them open, she was fighting to clear her vision without letting them fall. she brought a hand up to rest gently over her sister’s, grasp tightening to a light squeeze and falling to a rest again. “love you, too, becks.” nancy struck up some useless late night conversation she wouldn’t remember in the morning, though she’s still unsure how far it actually got. they were both asleep before she had the thought to ask what time it was.
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m1lkshakes · 2 years
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#M1LKSHAKES :       an independent,    highly selective,     and mutually exclusive   REBECCA  ‘BECKS’  WHEELER   as written into the duffer brother’s  stranger things.     i won’t interact with  b*lly hargr*ve writers nor will i write with those below the age of eighteen.   exploring various themes,     including but not limited to :    the attention seeker,     insecurity hidden behind snark,   searching for connection,  always the last to know,    etcetera.      by florence,     23 years old,   she / they.  affiliated with   ro11erskate   and   nat2wenty.      
LINKS :      carrd,     aesthetic sideblog,     pinterest,     twitter,     wire.
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