macchistrauss · 10 months
"We read books and highlight the lines that speak to us, we listen to music and tattoo the lyrics that touch us, we turn to poetry and learn the lines that becomes us; we're all hopelessly inept people, struggling in vain to coherently express ourselves. We know what we want to say but we don't really know how"
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macchistrauss · 10 months
I have both an iPhone and a Galaxy S22, and I keep switching between both. Why? Because the iPhone is so damn stylish and well designed, but the S22 is way more useful. It’s like comparing a nice car and a tractor: one is better to run around, but when you need to do real, heavy work the other is way more adequate.
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macchistrauss · 10 months
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Prayer by wulonglizi
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macchistrauss · 10 months
Is there a way to post on both tumblr and mastodon? Wordpress can do it, would be nice to be able to do that here.
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macchistrauss · 11 months
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macchistrauss · 1 year
So nobody knows what to call tweets after the name change to X.
My suggestion is to call Twitter as Xitter (as in shitter) and tweets as xits (as in shits).
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macchistrauss · 1 year
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macchistrauss · 2 years
Tumblr, I love you.
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Hi! We're introducing Important Blue Internet Checkmarks here on Tumblr. They're a steal at $7.99—that's cheaper than some other places, when you consider that you get not one but TWO checkmarks for your blog on web only (for now). Why, you ask? Why not? Nothing matters! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Get yours here!
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macchistrauss · 9 years
Summertime is Road Trip Time. But where's the goddamn sun? #motorcycles #roadtrip #america #bikes #riding
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macchistrauss · 10 years
Merry Christmas, Commanders!
I'm storing my ship for the holidays, coming back after the new year. Fly safe!
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macchistrauss · 10 years
Shouldn’t have done that. Should not have done that.
Another day, another dime gone in repair for forgetting to throttle down after jumping near a star, taking damage for overheating the ship. At least the fuel scoop filled the tanks pretty quickly.
Landed in the nearest station,  I check my wallet to see the credits running low. Yeah, should get a mission. Or maybe I shouldn’t have bought that fancy engine and the fuel scoop just to save a little money. Where’s the bulletin board… Huh… What’s that, 150k? For one guy? I’ll do it! This must be easy, like my first mission where I traded some slaves for 40k. Poor bastards. Okay, let’s buy another gun first.
So I fitted my mighty Sidewinder with two class E pulse lasers and a rear gatling gun to counter missiles for good measure. Ha! Invincible. Launch, target next system, let’s rock his world.
Arriving in the system and he’s… not there. Ok, what about the second one? Nope. The third. Nada. Back to the first. Nope. This went for about an hour, checking the systems and visiting any unidentified sources I could find only to meet lots of canisters with leather and chemicals.
You know what, nevermind. I’ll park my ship in the nearest station, it’s time to sleep. Station locked,  I’m cruising and goddammit, another unidentified source pops in my radar.
Sure, what the heck. It’s right on my way, just one more stop, and I go to bed. There’s a ship. Damn, not the guy. WHAT? He said the target is in LTS 540! Thank you fellow citizen! I jump seeing dollar signs for stars, then another unidentified source.
Jackpot! He’s there! Arm lasers! Full power to guns and shields! Full throttle ahead! Arrrr! Pew Pew Pew Pew! No shield damage. He’s turning, slowly. No problem, let’s give another round of las-
Warning!  Eject! Eject! Eject!
Eject? Bu-
Black screen.
Yeah… I guess there was a reason the bounty was 150k. At least the insurance covered the lost ship and gear, but now my cash is even lower. So here I am again in Chandler Station, three systems away from my route and nowhere to go. Could this BE any more annoying?
Systems off, I’m going to bed. The journey to Sol will continue some other day.
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macchistrauss · 10 years
I bought Elite: Dangerous because…
I was a fan of the original Elite and space sims in general, but I was one of the assholes who thought hey, this is pretty expensive, nah I’ll pass. But ended buying it a week later in the name of nostalgia.
So I fired it up, made some control adjustments and went to fly the tutorials. The good ol’ sidewinder was there, as the cube station. Wait, I can actually fly inside it? OK, let’s get clos… wait, this thing is HUGE! What, I have a landing pad designed for me?!
So I fooled around, picked up my jaw and started the proper game. I began at a smaller station, so where do I go from here? Well, there’s a couple of stations in this system… What is that, a Galaxy Map?
it’s full of stars.
This game has a full galaxy inside.
zooms out
zooms around
Hey, I can see my house!
And so it began, and now I’m on a journey to Sol while thinking about the HOTAS and head trackers and VR sets I could buy, all between planning trade routes and fighting missions that’ll allow me to go home.
To the Elite Team, thanks for making gaming an experience of discovery and exploration again.
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