macmorrighan · 3 days
Knot Spell to Hex an Unfaithful Lover
Taking a length of black (for Saturn or Pluto) or red (for Mars) macrame cord, concentrate on the object of your anger with the thread of fate knotting him or her as you recite or think each line to yourself. As you tie a physical knot, strongly imagine the knot binding your adversary in turn. 🪢 By knot of one, this spell's begun
🪢 By knot of two, your fears come true
🪢 By knot of three, you think endlessly of me
🪢 By knot of four, I even the score
🪢 By knot of five, your personal Hell will thrive
🪢 By knot of six, the curse of Venus I affix
🪢 By knot of seven, pannic and despair is given
🪢 By knot of eight, your heart I break
🪢 By knot of nine, only sorrow do you find
🪢 By knot of ten, suffer without end
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macmorrighan · 16 days
Basic Incense and Their Uses
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Types of Incense:
• Sandalwood: Protection, healing, purification, pleasing the spirits, consecration
• Cherry: Attracts and stimulates love, new beginnings
• Vanilla: Luck, love, happiness, stimulates memory
• Jasmine: Luck; especially in love, peace, intuition, moon magick
• Coconut: Purification and protection, fertility, love and chastity
• Frankincense: Spirituality, protection, love, prosperity, growth, confidence, an offering to the gods
• Cinnamon: Wealth/money, prosperity, success, focus, amplifies any ritual or spell, third eye
• Myrrh: Protection, exorcism, consecration, purification, peace, meditation, spirituality, offering to the gods
• Patchouli: Money, abundance, attraction, passion, romance, lust
• Rose: Love, self love, safety, calm, healing, purification, connection to maternal ancestors
• Strawberry: Passion, love, luck, friendship, romance, opens/connects root and sacral chakras, goddess offering
• Dragon's Blood: Increases personal power, manifestation, attraction, sensuality, love, favored by many entities as an offering
• Sage: Cleansing, banishing, protection, clearing the air, nullifying negativity, promoting a more peaceful environment, longevity
• Lavender: Psychic abilities, divination, dream magick, protection, purification, beauty, intuition, peace, calming
• Nag Champa: Amplifies a ritual, great for meditation
• Clove: Protection (especially for children), love, money, purification, exorcism, shielding/warding
• Juniper: Exorcism, protection, healing, love
• Allspice: Attracts luck and money, provides extra physical energy
• Copal: Protection, cleansing, purification, connection, spirituality, ideal for cleansing crystals and stones
• Bay: Good luck, manifestation, success, purification, protection, healing, sharpens psychic abilities
• Rosemary: Protection, exorcism, purification, promotes sleep, restores and/or mantains youth, draws love, increases intellect
• Thyme: Health, vitality, healing, cleansing
• Pine: Money, strength, patience, shielding, purification, offer to nature spirits/deities
• Fern: Burn indoors to drive out malevolent spirits, burn outdoors to bring rain
• Benzoin: Purification, prosperity, amplifies mental abilities
• Arabic Gum: Purification and protection of the home
• Blueberry: Keeps unwanted influences away
• Passionflower: Peace, anxiety soothing, promotes sleep, friendship, joy, openness
• Mullein: Courage, protection, health, divination, offering to the dead
• Rowan: Psychic ability, self reflection, healing, protection, power, spirits more likely to obey demands/requests
• Star Anise: Psychic power, manifestation, luck
• Mugwort: Strength, psychic power, spirit communication, protection, astral travel, dream work, visions/premonitions
• Rue: Healing, mental health, comfort, exorcism, love, bonding
• Saffron: Health, wealth, happiness, success, wind raising, manifestation, lust, strength, third eye
• Palo Santo: Clears stagnant/negative energy
• Eucalyptus: Healing, cleansing, physical health, clears tense energy, invigorating, empowerment
• Wormwood: Magick, astral travel, spirit work, dream work, divination, third eye, protection from magick, curses and unwelcome energies, spiritual love, opens spiritual doorways, return to sender
• Lotus: Inner peace and outer harmony, third eye, meditation ascension, recovery, offering to Lilith
• Chamomile: Love, peace, comfort, stress reduction, luck in gambling
• Amber: Manifestation, good luck, success, love, romance, patience, protection, balance, sensuality, pain relief
• Damiana: Sensuality, sexuality, astral travel, love/sex magick, baneful witchcraft, attraction, drawing spells, shadow work, healing trauma, speaking your truth
• Skull Cap: Balance, calm, recovery, anchor to bring consciousness back to the body after astral projection
• Albizzia: Opens you up to oneness, attunes the heart, brings happiness
• Lemongrass: Calming, balance, love, depression relief
• Ginger: Strength, power, prosperity, relationship success
• Oregano: Joy, travel, creativity, love, hand fasting
• Cardamom: Love, lust, charm, mental clarity
• Sweet Grass: Removes malevolent energies, draws prosperity
• Marshmallow: Spirit pulling, protection, cleansing, stimulates psychic power, self-understanding, nurturing, healing, fertility, love, sexuality
• Orris: Love, protection, divination, spirit work, intuition
• Storax: Courage, healing, moon magick, meditation, divination, encourages restful sleep, offering to Hekate
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Incense Smoke Divination:
Smoke direction- Up/down:
• Up: Positive spiritual journey
• Down: Challenges, deviation from the path
Smoke direction- Right/left:
• Right: Desires will be fulfilled
• Left: Blocks and turbulent energy
Smoke direction- Towards/away:
• Towards: Reciprocal affection
• Away: Neglect or indifference
Smoke forms a circle:
• Clear circle: Strong vibes, manifestation is near
• Hazey circle: Weak vibes, uncertain manifestation
Smoke forms a Ladder:
• Multiple steps: Elevated spiritual path
• One step: Need to enhance spirituality
Spiral shape:
• Clear spiral: Big, new change
• No distinct shape: Chaos, uncertainty
Smoke splits in two:
• Important life decisions
• Trust your instincts
Many broken corners:
• Confusion, need clarity
Infinity symbol:
• Very auspicious omen
Thick and dense smoke:
• Negative energy
• Change is needed
Abrupt lighting and smoke:
• Smooth/even flame: Clear path
• Choppy flame: Hurdles on path
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724 notes · View notes
macmorrighan · 18 days
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macmorrighan · 18 days
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macmorrighan · 18 days
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The secret of happiness lies in taking a genuine interest in all the details of daily life‪ ⋆☕️*:・
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macmorrighan · 18 days
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The River Witch
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macmorrighan · 18 days
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macmorrighan · 18 days
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witch with his stang
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macmorrighan · 18 days
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macmorrighan · 1 month
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In from the Side (2022) dir. Matt Carter
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macmorrighan · 2 months
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Concept Art for Disney's The Little Mermaid (2023)
By Karl Simon
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macmorrighan · 2 months
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My love for you is a deep as the sea.
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macmorrighan · 2 months
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Illustration from Edmund Spenser’s The Faerie Queene by Walter Crane (1895)
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macmorrighan · 2 months
Little things I've done as a witch who's still in school!
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♡ Putting sigils EVERYWHERE. And by everywhere, I mean in my books and notebooks, inside of pens, and hidden in my calculator. I've found that using sigils helps me with my studies.
♡ Lighting a white candle and burning some incense before stressful events (exams, competitions, etc.) to calm me down and help with focus.
♡ Wearing enchanted jewellery to help with how people view me and also to help with my confidence!
♡ Since I can't wear polish on my finger nails, I put nail polish on my toes with colours that correspond with my intention!
♡ Attaching a protective charm on my bag!
♡ A 3-5 minute meditation either before leaving or after coming home from school.
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macmorrighan · 2 months
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macmorrighan · 2 months
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Terracotta figurines of Silens found among the grave goods in the tombs of ancient Greeks buried in Sicily between 525 and 480 BCE. 
Photos by Charles Reeza at the Paolo Orsi Archaeological Museum, Syracuse, Sicily
In Greek mythology, Silens, or Seilenoi, were the sons of Silenus, the rustic god of winemaking and drunkenness who became the foster-father of the god Dionysos (Bacchus). The Silens, in turn, were the fathers of Satyrs and the nymphs of trees, groves, forests and mountains. 
Silens are often depicted as fat elderly bearded men with the horns, ears and tails of animals. These three seem to be in better shape - especially the first one with his six-pack abs. The pose they all share represents the dance done by those who trample grapes in the wine-trough. Their prominent phalluses symbolize the generative power of nature as well as the unrestrained sexual activity that was believed to promote fertility. 
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macmorrighan · 2 months
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Mermaid by Japanese artist Akia ~ https://akiyakoiguchi.artstation.com/projects/WKkgmN
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