macrojuice · 9 months
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Getting rid of the ex :)
Well, who knows, maybe he’ll be alive in there for a little bit.
At least until his current boyfriend “finishes”
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macrojuice · 2 years
Love your content
Thanks 😎
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macrojuice · 2 years
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You really should be careful who you decide to meet up with. Unfortunately, Ethan here learned this lesson the hard, humiliating, and permanent way when he was shrunken and turned into a permanent ass slave for the guy he’d decided to meet up with.
Even as Ethan reaches out desperately to be free from the hairy, rank prison he’s been sealed inside for the past week, he knows it’s only a matter of second before his now gigantic, god-like captor reaches back, feeling his attempt to free himself, and pulls his underwear back up, re-imprisoning Ethan.
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macrojuice · 2 years
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The idea of a beach wedding on Hawai’i had sounded absolutely perfect to both Natasha and Steven during their planning. She’d loved the idea of finally tying the knot in an open-backed dress, and Steven loved the idea of “doing it on the beach”. Natasha would ask, “Doing ‘it’, as in ‘doing’ the wedding right..?”, to which Steven would joke “Sure, babe.. The wedding..Right..” Winking.
In all this planning, what the two of them hadn’t quite accounted for was just how intense the heat and humidity would be in their chosen venue that day. Though it was early October, the humidity in Hawai’i was nearly eighty-percent, and the temperature was rounding the corner towards ninety. The two, however, decided to make the most of their big day, laughing at each other as the sweat shone on their brows through the ceremony.
After hours and hours of ceremony, followed by a lengthy reception, Natasha and Steven were more than ready to retire to their room and begin their honeymoon.
But the heat wasn’t the only thing they hadn’t accounted for. Flicking on the hotel room TV as he peeled off his slacks, Steven heard bits and pieces of the ‘breaking’ incident occurring across the island’s military base, and the neighborhoods surrounding it. Various chemicals had been leaking into the military residents’ water supplies for months for the second time, but this time with a much more dire effect than before.
It was just the right mixture of specific chemicals and radioactivity to create an effect on biological materials that had never been recorded in all of human history: the immediate, and irreversible declination in size of every organic cell.
While this news was shocking and horrifying, Steven barely heard every other word. All he’d gathered was that it was something concerning the military water supply, and was completely ignorant to the fact that though their suite was over five miles from the military base, the newlyweds’ water supply was contaminated enough to be deemed undrinkable, though Steven flicked the TV back off in annoyance before the guidelines were read. If he’d left it on for just nine or ten more seconds, he would’ve heard the anchor begging residents within twenty miles of the base not to drink the water, touch the water, or to let anyone else.
Unfortunately, it was too late. Natasha had been splashing her face in it for five minutes, attempting to clear off the day’s sitting makeup and sweat. She dried herself off, and walked towards the bed, sitting on its edge. Steven approached her, smiling amorously, before kissing her gently. “You’ve gotta shower, babe.” He rolled his eyes, “Tomorrow, I can’t wait another second to be with you.” She waved her hand, “Fine, but I’m going to.” Steven groaned and turned around, changing into some more comfortable clothes, and eventually passing out while Natasha showered.
The next morning, Steven awoke to find Natasha wasn’t beside him. She wasn’t in the bathroom either. He shrugged, sending her a text. Maybe she was getting them coffee or something. He got up, and started undressing, then thought he didn’t want to be in the shower when she came back. He sat, his now naked lower body pushing deep into the bed.
Unbeknownst to Steven, Natasha had been tossing and turning all night long, feeling sicker than she ever had. Finally, she sat on the edge of the bed, as the sickness peaked, before quickly, and painfully zipping down to only an inch or two in height. Horrified, she tried desperately to get her now gigantic husband’s attention, but to no avail. Praying it was all a bad dream, she lied down at the edge of the bed in tears, and waited for morning to come. Woken by her husband walking through the room, she opened, her eyes.
Looking up, she saw the gigantic forest of Steven’s ass spreading before her, lowering too quickly to escape. She let out a blood-curdling scream for about half a second before her tiny body was smashed into her husband’s rank ass as his weight sunk into the bed. All around her was hair, grime, and sweat. Humiliated and terrified, Natasha tried her best to move free, but nothing worked. She could barely move her limbs at all, and Steven didn’t seem to notice her body. Her screams were completely muffled, and her senses were overtaken by his smell and sweat.
Steven stood, encasing his shrunken wife deep in his ass. He was frustrated, and starting to worry. He walked to the dresser, smashing Natasha’s form between his cheeks as his ass moved with his steps. Pulling up his shorts, and walking down the hotel’s hallway, Natasha screamed to no avail as she was slowly suffocated in his stench, and her body mangled in his sweaty ass. After an hour of fighting for her life, Natasha was no more. Her broken form only smeared against Steven’s right ass cheek, stuck with grime and sweat to its surface.
Returning to the room, Steven was in a panic. He’d now heard the news of the shrinking chemicals in their water, and thought the worst had come, and when she wasn’t in the room, he panicked. He searched high and low through the room, calling for her, but she was nowhere to be seen. Finally, he went to the bathroom, defeated, and heartbroken.
He sat on the toilet before hearing a small splash. He recoiled upwards, not wanting to touch the toxic waters. Looking down, he saw his tiny wife, broken and shrunken, and smeared with his ass grime.
Steven was horrified. He had killed his wife in the most humiliating and disgusting way possible. Thinking of her last moments trapped in his putrid ass, and now her tiny body dropped into the toilet was too much for his mind to handle.
He thought about what he would say. How could he explain this? He swallowed. Maybe it was best that ie be left unexplained.
With one last look, Steven flushed.
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macrojuice · 3 years
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Tyler had often scrolled through Grindr casually, not really looking to hook-up with anyone, but just to surf around and see what guys were in the area. Especially if you wrote on your profile that you were a tiny, most guys didn't want to have anything to do with you.
That all changed when Tyler met Jose. Jose was notably older than Tyler, who was just barely eighteen. Jose was thirty-five, and initially had some apprehension about talking to someone so young. Tyler was worried himself about it, since human trafficking was wildly more common in tinies than with regularly-sized people.
Once Tyler built up the courage to actually meet Jose in-person, he found that Jose was an incredibly gentle and caring man, and he grew to trust him more than anyone else in his life over the six months they spent going out together.
Jose was gentle especially with Tyler, who stood at only about an inch tall. Whenever they were intimate, Tyler could feel the huge man's caution in his movements, and his gentle kisses, which engulfed Tyler's whole face in warmth, made his heart beat out of his chest with enamoration.
The two thrived on being physically close together at all times. Once they'd gotten comfortable with each other, Tyler would climb into and around Jose's huge, hairy body while he would lie on the couch watching t.v., squirming into and out of his warm underwear and armpits, making Jose chuckle above. Jose even specially wore and bought shirts with an insulated breast pocket for Tyler to sit and sleep in, since Tyler wanted to be close to Jose, and smell him, whenever they were out together.
As more time passed, the two became more comfortable with sharing all of what they were interested in, and Jose shared with Tyler that he'd always wanted to try BDSM, and loved the idea of being a dom, but that he wasn't sure how they could do it safely with Tyler at such a size. Tyler wanted to please his boyfriend, so he said he was willing to try anything. Jose smiled, but told Tyler that he could say no at any point.
That night, Jose wrapped Tyler's tiny body up in a small piece of cellophane, leaving only his head exposed. Sitting naked on the side of his bed, Jose held the tiny boy in his hand at waist level, and looked down with a worried expression on his face. "You sure you're ok with this..?" Jose asked down to Tyler, lying helpless in his palm. Tyler looked up at his huge boyfriend's unsure face, and nearly reconsidered. But Tyler looked across from him, at Jose's huge, hairy body that had become like a home to him. He noticed that Jose's dick was hard as a rock, and dripping onto the edge of his sheets. Even if Jose was worried for Tyler, it was undeniable that this got him going more than anything else.
Tyler took a deep breath, "Of course. Let's do it." Jose grinned down at him, and set him on the bed, lifting his balls and setting Tyler's tiny body under them. He started to stroke his dick, bouncing his huge, hair crotch onto Tyler slowly at first. He gradually increased his speed until Tyler was being violently smashed into the sheets by Jose's now sweaty balls. Above him, Jose's huge body groaned with pleasure. All Tyler could breathe was Jose's musk, and all he could taste was the sweat of his taint as he was bashed into his crotch over and over. "Babe, please.." He cried up to him, hoping to get him to cool down a little.
"Unh, yeah.. You scared of this big dick little boy..?" Jose moaned as he jammed Tyler's tiny body into the bed with his sweaty balls. Tyler groaned in realization that whatever he said would just get Jose off more. He was in for whatever else he wanted.
Hours passed of Jose pressing Tyler's tiny body into his body, letting his wriggling and begging for it to end get him off. After being rubbed into Jose's huge armpits, dick, and forced to lick his huge, musky taint, Jose finally finished.
"Phew.. That was amazing.." Tyler heaved with exhaustion, and started to speak, "We shoul--" Jose interrupted him, "I think, for all your hard work, you deserve a night in." Tyler looked up at his now exhausted, sweaty boyfriend in confusion.
Jose turned around in bed, and flipped over, "You know it's nice warm... And a 'lil ripe... in there for you lil man.." He pulled down his underwear, pulling back one of his hairy ass cheeks. Tyler could feel the intense heat and smell already.
"Babe, please do--" Jose laughed, "So 'in character', hahah, don't worry babe I gotcha." And with that, he shoved the tiny, screaming boy into his swamp ass, letting go of his ass cheek so that Tyler was deep into his sweaty, musky cheeks, completely stuck in place.
Still being tied up from the neck down, Tyler could do nothing but pass out in his giant boyfriend's ass, hoping that he would figure out the confusion the next day and let him out.
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macrojuice · 3 years
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Pedro was always intensely excited for his chemistry class at the end of the day. The class had three-person lab groups assigned at the beginning of the year, and with Pedro, Josh was assigned. Pedro had had a pretty robust crush on Josh since high school had began, and Josh had grown into himself. Even though Josh was pretty adamant about the face that he was straight, Pedro had guessed that he liked the attention that he got from anyone, regardless of their gender.
Pedro would often jokingly tell him things like "Nice ass, bro." or smack him on the cheeks during soccer practice. Josh loved this kind of attention. Especially once Pedro came out, Josh layed it on pretty thick. They'd be working out with the team in the weight room, and Josh would approach Pedro, "how's my ass looking, P? Pretty tight huh?", and would turn to show him, spanking himself. During class, Josh would suddenly sit on Pedro's lap, grinding his ass into his crotch, "Just gonna take a nice... Seat here..". When Pedro would push him off, he'd be beaming, "Definitely copped some feels down there bro. Guess my ass is your weakness, huh?"
Because of this, Pedro would find himself jittery before class with him, knowing that an hour of flirting and Josh's butt was up for him.
This changed when Pedro's genes revealed that he would likely contract a cellular shrinking virus in his teens. He could lose anywhere from a few inches, to a foot, to everything but a few inches.
As it turned out, Pedro's case of the virus was one of the worst that medicine had ever witnessed, and he was left with only a few centimeters of height left.
He stayed out of school for months as he dealt with the mental and physical ramifications of what a change like this would mean for his life. When he returned, slight adjustments had been made for him so that he could safely attend school like the other students.
For the first half of the day, the principal personally escorted him to each of his classes to explain exactly what alterations had been made so that Pedro could continue to participate. When they got to the ladder half of the day, Pedro's heart sank in recollection. Josh. He couldn't let Josh see him like this. There would be no more flirting, no more interest. He would just look down at Pedro's tiny, pathetic body in disinterest and indifference, maybe slight pity, before moving on with his life.
As he and the principal approached the chemistry lab, he was set onto the table across from Josh's gigantic form.
"Okay, Mr. Torres, as I mentioned before, your friend here will be responsible for escorting you to and from your classes in my place from now on." Pedro froze. He had completely tuned out the principal in his anxiety over Josh. Now Josh was going to have to carry him around all day? This day was becoming more and more of a nightmare.
Josh glanced down with a slight, amused smirk at Pedro for a milisecond, before looking back up to the principal seriously, "Don't worry, I'll make sure he safely gets where he needs to go. Thank you for letting me be responsible for this." Pedro looked up at him. He chose this? Why???
The principal nodded to Josh, then awkardly down at Pedro, said a few words of encouragement, then left the classroom. "Well, that's set then I guess." Josh said, not even looking down to Pedro. The teacher started his lecture, and Josh moved to the side of the table Josh had been set on, blocking Pedro's view of the class and the teacher. All Pedro could see was Josh's gigantic butt cheeks through his blue shorts, with his underwear peeking up from the waistband.
"Josh.. I can't--" Josh interrupted him, leaning his ass dangerously back onto his tiny friend, "Shhh.. This is more important." Pedro's vision was now entirely consumed by Josh's gigantic ass cheeks, and their immense heat washed over Pedro's tiny body. Beneath it, the smell of Pedro's slightly musky ass at the end of the day enveloped Pedro, and he felt his cheeks warm with arousal from the intimate experience.
Josh glanced slightly over his shoulder at him, and chuckled, bouncing his ass so that the crack lightly pressed against Pedro's miniscule form, "Knew you'd like this arrangement.."
Once the class had ended, Pedro immediately, and without the notice of anyone, slipped open the back of his waistband and dropped Pedro's flailing, surprised body into his ass cheeks, letting the waistband snap back into place, and giving his crack a gentle pat before picking up his things and leaving the classroom.
Through the rest of the school year, Pedro would spend most of his class time giving Josh's gigantic ass attention, and would wriggle around deep in his ass as he walked the halls, grinding Pedro's tiny body into his musky cheeks. During lunch and free periods, Josh would often hold tiny Pedro's tiny body in his fist, holding his arms down, and instruct him to lick in his sweaty hole.
Pedro was ecstatic, and thought for sure that Josh liked him back, and actually was gay. But, Josh wasn't gay, and really didn't care too much about tiny Pedro. He just liked the feeling and attention of an obsessed little guy servicing his ass. Pedro didn't know that while Josh was walking the halls, with his body being grinded into his cheeks, or while he was at practice, with Pedro jammed deep inside his sweaty ass, that Josh actually had a girlfriend. Pedro would have no idea, while Josh was sitting down at the bleacher at lunch, that he was actually flirting and making out with his girlfiend. Pedro couldn't hear any of it. He was too deep into Josh's ass, against his throbbing hole, to know that he was aroused because of his girlfriend, and not his ass captive.
When Josh's girlfriend would ask "Why did you offer to help that tiny kid out if you're just gonna shove him up your ass all day?", Josh would shrug, "It's just where he belongs."
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macrojuice · 3 years
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Chloe had promised herself that she would never have such a lapse in willpower over her husband. She told herself that no matter how she felt, she wouldn't check up on her ex-husband. Michael, who was once her husband of twenty years, and the father of their two children, had left Chloe five years ago. When he told her why he wanted to leave, she laughed out loud, thinking there was no possible way he could've been serious. But he was. Michael wanted to willingly be shrunk down.
This immense lifestyle change Michael proposed wasn't all he wanted, however. Michael also expressed a long held desire to join a specialty adult-film studio. He'd researched it heavily in the months leading up to his confession to his wife. He had explained to Chloe that this "speciality" studio recruited those who wanted to be permanently shrunken down and "employed in the development of adult films under the oversight of their assigned 'supervisor'".
This "supervisor" would not only be the shrunken person's partner in the films, but would be entirely responsible for the livelihood of this person as well.
"So, what, you want to be shrunken into some girl's tits for the rest of your life Michael?" Chloe had said when Michael first told her, though she was still laughing, thinking he was joking. "Hon, no.. I'm being serious. And it would be a uh.. A guy." Chloe looked up at him then, suddenly stone-faced, and realizing that he was completely serious. The gravity that her husband was not only leaving her and their family, was gay, and might as well be dead hit her all at once. In the following months, Michael didn't even grab any of his things from their house, just left one night in a sweatshirt to begin the shrinking process and start his new life.
Though it had been years, and Chloe and her kids had done their best to move on from Michael's disappearance, which Chloe had told the kids was a "foreign job that would mean dad's gone for a long time", she still found herself thinking about Michael. Deep inside her, she wanted to know what the reality of his new lifestyle really looked like. She had promised herself countless times she wouldn't look into it. She didn't want to do that to herself. But one evening, after a couple glasses of wine, she couldn't stop herself.
She dug and dug through the company's "actors" page that Michael had mentioned to her before she left, noticing that the shrunken men's names weren't even included. Just the "supervisors'" names were listed, with their shrunken men pictured alongside them, in their hand, or even tucked into their waistband. She realized that she was just going to have to zoom into the faces of each of the shrunken men in order to find Michael.
Eventually, she did find him, and found too that his partnered "supervisor" was a nineteen-year old kid named Angel. She recoiled. This kid was half her husband's age, barely even an adult yet. She clicked into the actor's page, opening screen upon screen of Michael's miniscule body shoved into the kid's ass in every conceivable way. It seemed like he spent his entire existence now jammed up in this nineteen-year-old's hairy cheeks. Her stomach turned as she put an image to what her husband had said. Michael was now living his entire life in the dingy room of some teenage boy, and his only purpose was to be smushed around this kid's ass as he pleased. She sent herself to bed, reeling.
The next afternoon, their oldest son hopped onto the computer to start his homework. The second the screen lit, he was immediately bombarded with the image of some teenager's hairy, sweaty butt across the screen. He pulled back, definitely not expecting that to come up on his mom's computer, but then paused for a second, doing a double-take. He squinted, moving back to look at the screen. "Is that.. dad..?"
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macrojuice · 3 years
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macrojuice · 3 years
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“Bro, look.. I told you Tanner couldn’t share a bed with a tiny.. especially when he’s wasted.. Poor little guy’s probably been under his ass all night, must be rank.”
“Fucking hell, was that a fart? That’s gotta be powerful for that little man, haah.”
“Should we help him out? I think I can hear him yelling..”
“Probably, poor guy’s probably spent more time smushed against Tanner’s junk and ass than his girlfriend at this point.”
“Yeah, haha, I’m gonna snag him real qui-“
“He.. Rolled over..”
“Should I wake Tanner up? What if the lil dude suffocates?”
“Nah, I can hear him screaming, he won’t suffocate, probably just smells down there. Let him sleep, they’ll figure it out when Tanner wakes up.”
“Yeah, ok.”
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macrojuice · 3 years
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“Ok, I’ll be gone until Monday morning at the earliest, so you boys keep things tidy, ‘Kay?” Declan’s mom said to the two, shoving papers and a pack of gum into her purse. “Yeah mom, it’s alllll good. We’ll see you then.” Declan smiled to his mom, then looked down at Remy who was perched on the countertop, “Besides, Remy’s only like 3 inches tall, what mess could he even make?” Remy sneered up at his giant friend. “Declan, be nice.” His mom said, before quickly kissing him on the cheek and then turning to the door, “Okay, I’ve got to go, you guys have fun ok.” The door shut behind her.
Remy looked up at Declan once he was sure his mom had left, “How long has it been bro?” Declan smirked, “Four days since my last shower. It’s rank as fuck in there.” Remy’s dick sprung up. Declan reached down and scooped up his tiny friend. It was around 7, and the boys went upstairs into Declan’s room.
“You wanna start in the front or the back man?” Declan asked, as he leaned over to grab his Nintendo Switch on his bed. “Back.” Remy said with a smile.
“Man I been craving this for so long..” Declan said to his tiny friend as he pulled down his waistband, and set his tiny friend in between his musky, hairy ass crack. Remy dove into Declan’s huge, warm ass, and Declan pulled up his waistband.
The two had an agreement, or a kind of ritual. Declan wasn’t gay, but the feeling of a tiny dude hanging around in his pants for the weekend I’m his growing musk felt good, he loved the attention, and it was like a never ending massage in his most sensitive areas. He could feel the little man slip around in his swampy ass cheeks, and get tangled and untangled in his thick hair, and he loved every second of it. And Remy was obsessed with being dominated by his huge friends swampy, musky, and hairy nether regions. He loved being smeared around by his huge friend’s dick, balls, and ass as he went about his day, ignoring his little friend, though knowing completely what he was doing.
Declan turned on his Switch, leaning forward onto his bed, feeling his sweaty ass cheeks open on his tiny friend, knowing it would be a great weekend.
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macrojuice · 3 years
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“Okay little fucker, you can have some fresh air for a sec. After I get directions though you’re going back in.”
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macrojuice · 3 years
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The second Sam turned 18, he made his OnlyFans. He had the most intense sexuality of anyone he knew, and had a constant desire to express it through any way he could. Whether he was going commando with thin shorts on, flirting with classmates and teachers, or even just intentionally giving people something to stare at while at the gym, Sam thrived on the attention and gratification of expressing his sexuality, especially when he found himself in a position of dominance over another person, and even more so when it was done unwillingly. He’d even joined the wrestling team initially in no small part because he knew that it would allow him to ‘unintentionally’ rub his ass and crotch on the kids he could pummel, and when he made his OnlyFans, his singlet videos were definitely his most popular. What he wanted though, was someone to act out his fiery sexual intentions onto, especially if they were unwilling, or could at least act the part for his gratification.
One day, he got that chance. As he and some other boys were stretching before wrestling practice one late afternoon, the assistant coach came into the gym to ‘talk’ to the boys. The coach explained that at some point, the head coach, who was a tiny, only about 2-3” tall, had been found in the laundry hamper, and that whether or not foul play was involved in the incident, the boys had to be more careful in dealing with the school’s “differently sized” staff.
Upon hearing this, Sam’s dick sprung into an erection. The thought of his tiny, helpless coach writhing around, tied up in some kid’s musky sock or the front of their jock sent his mind soaring with the possibilities of sexual domination.
After practice, Sam went into the head assistant coach’s office, where he was sitting at his desk speaking to the tiny head coach, who’d perched himself on the edge. He waited for the two to finish their conversation. “Alright, I’m gonna head out for the night, lock up my office before you go, ‘kay?” The assistant coach said, turning and jingling around in his pocket for his car keys. “See you Monday.” The head coach said from the desk, before turning his gaze to Sam.
“What can I help you with Sam?” Sam smiled, reveling in watching the coach’s last minutes of authority he would have over Sam until his life would forever change. “Oh man, this is gonna suck for you..” Sam said down to his coach, who laughed awkwardly, “Wha-?”
Before he could finish, Sam grabbed the tiny man in his huge fist, enclosing him tightly to prevent his yells from escaping. His dick rose as he thought about the feeling of his tiny coach writhing in the smell of his huge ass after practice. He pulled back the waistband of his shorts with his free hand, pulled open his right cheek and pushed the tiny man into his swampy ass, hearing only a fraction of a second of his screams before he closed his cheek, trapping the man in his sweaty crevice, writhing around in his golden ass hair.
The second Sam got home, he took off all of his clothes, clenching his cheeks to prevent his tiny coach from escaping. He changed quickly into his singlet, and then fished his coach out from his ass crack. He could hear him screaming up at him, but was too aroused and excited to make out what the little man was yelling.
He placed the man on the floor of his room, positioning his phone camera between his legs, and slowly began to bring his crotch closer to his tiny coach, who screamed and began to run in a horrified panic from the massive, singlet-clad bulge. As his former athlete’s huge, musky crotch approached, the coach fell into the carpet fibers, reaching out towards the camera, only noticing it now, looking right into the lens as Sam brought his ass up, and descended onto the tiny coach, trapping him in his weight and smell.
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macrojuice · 4 years
Your stories are amazing. Please write more.
That’s the plan 🥸
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macrojuice · 4 years
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The vast majority of tourism services had been split long ago between the giant and tiny facets of society. Though some extremists pushed for the desegregation of the normal and tiny people, most agreed that keeping the two separate would ensure the safety of both groups. Some of these extremists, however, such as the owner of the Wild Delights Hotel and Spa, believed that some unique opportunities could arise from the reunification of normal and tiny sects of society. To most, Wild Delights was just a middle-of-the-road hotel with average reviews, that could be booked extremely cheaply, but to those in the know, it was a place for escorts to entertain their guests, giant or tiny, in the safety and privacy of their suites.
Tom Gomez was only aware of the former. Though he knew the hotel progressively offered rooms to both normal-sized and tiny guests, he was not privy to its inner workings, and was unaware to the fact that a room away from his own, a giant was scheduled to be “entertaining” a tiny guest. When Tom finally arrived, he was surprised to find that the rooms were not specified to be either miniature, for the tiny guests, or standard size, for the regular sized patrons. Instead, each of the rooms were normal-sized, but fitted with fixtures so that tinies would be able to navigate and use the room as they needed. A miniature faucet was installed next to the standard sized one, a stair case made it possible to ascend into and out of the bed ; the room functioned as if it were made for the cohabitation of giants and tinies alike.
Tom set his bags down once he had arrived, and picked up the pamphlet that was placed near the room’s dresser. “Tomas Jones..” he read aloud, and gazed further down the pamphlet, “Premium escort package.” Tom rubbed his chin, confused at what the pamphlet could even mean. The 30-year-old graphic designer knew that he wasn’t the most organized man himself, and he thought he’d cut whoever had made the mistake some slack, and ignore the discrepancy, assuming the “premium escort service” was some sort of guided spa treatment.
Later that night, Tom had settled into the huge bed, watching the equally huge television. The room was cheap-looking, and was especially noticeable from such a small size. The bed frame didn’t match anything in the room, and the floral wallpaper was dated. He reclined into the massive pillow, wondering how he was supposed to get comfy in such huge bedding, when he heard the sound of a key card enter his room door. “No housekeeping now, please!” He wailed towards the door. The door swung open anyways, blowing forth a gust of warm, sweaty-smelling air, and a normal-sized kid walked through the door. He didn’t look older that nineteen, and he was drenched in sweat, obviously coming straight from the hotel’s gym. “Ok Mr. Jones, hope you’re ready for me, ‘cause I’m rank.” He said, sitting on the edge of the bed, pulling off his sweat-stained workout tee, heating the room with his warmth. Tom was appalled, “you’ve got the wrong room, kid. I didn’t sign up for anything like this.. I-“ The huge kid chuckled, “Oh, I gotcha, you like it ‘like that’ huh? That’s cool, I can play it like that..” He abruptly stood, pulling off his mesh shorts to reveal only a jock strap underneath.
Tom looked up at his huge ass cheeks, glistening with sweat, and he could see wisps of his dark ass hair between them. He turned towards the bed, smiling mischievously at Tom from above before dragging him by the legs towards the center of the bed. “Alright little man, enjoy.” He said with a smirk, before pulling himself onto the bed, and lowering his backside over Tom’s tiny body, and spreading his sweaty cheeks above him. Tom looked up in horror. He could smell his musky ass, a mix of sweat, his cologne, and dirty ass. This can’t really be happening, Tom thought, this kid can’t seriously be about to shove me into his huge, sweaty ass. “Kid, stop! What the fuck are you doing?” Tom screamed, though it transitioned from an imperative tone to a more frightened one near the end. The huge kid just laughed, “aight, Mr. Jones. I didn’t know you had this unwilling humiliation kink. It’s cute.” He chuckled to himself, “Its time for my ass now, though.” He smirked to himself, and Tom’s stomach dropped as he lowered himself onto his tiny form, rubbing his rank ass all over the poor man. Tom wriggled around aimlessly and violently, trying desperately to free himself, but to no avail. The kids sweaty ass was a smelly, humid prison.
After a while, he stopped rubbing his ass onto Tom’s helpless tiny body, and Tom felt his huge ass hairs brush against his face, as his hole flexed, and he let out a blast of a fart that almost knocked him out. He felt the kid’s body bounce on top of him as he laughed, “sorry little man.” He said, before lifting one of his legs, and swiftly bringing Tom up to his smirking face, “Alright, it’s time for bed, ok Mr. Jones? Sorry in advance for the smell.” He smiled, before lifting both his legs, and spreading his cheeks, revealing his hole, surrounded by his dark hair. “Please, you can’t be serious!” Tom pleaded. The kid just laughed again, “I can’t believe you little shits are into this stuff.” Tom looked at his huge hole in horror, “Please tell me you at least.. You know, cleaned in there..” The kid looked down at him, smirking, “I mean, kinda.” Tom wanted to bawl, but the kid just chuckled, and started pushing Tom’s helpless form headfirst into his hole. Though he struggled, he was up to his waist in a matter of minutes, and soon, he passed out in the huge kid’s rank hole. He played on his phone for a few hours before going to bed, excited to go to the gym the next morning with his new unwilling “guest” in his hole.
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macrojuice · 4 years
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Tanner’s friend would always stare at his ass whenever he came over. They’d be playing video games, and he’d sneak looks so often that Tanner couldn’t help but notice them. What Tanner didn’t know was that his friend has planned to sneak into his house, and shrink Tanner down, so that he could have his tiny body all to himself. He crept into Tanner’s room through his window one day, while he was playing video games on his bed. Luckily, Tanner was wearing a headset, and definitely wouldn’t be able to hear a thing through them. He smirked at Tanners exposed ass, only covered by his tight boxers. He readied his firing ray to expose Tanner to his prototype shrinking toxin, and felt his dick harden as Tanner aired out his boxers, lowering and lifting the hem. However, things went very wrong for Tanner’s poor friend, and his prototype shrinking toxin had malfunctioned, shrinking himself instead as he watched the device crumble into itself. He plummeted down towards his now huge friend’s body, slipping unluckily between his butt cheeks. He screamed for help, and wriggled around, not knowing how he would explain his situation, but aware that he needed to alert his huge friend to his existence in his ass before he could get seriously hurt. Unfortunately, Tanner wouldn’t be able to hear him through his headphones, and he’d pull the hem of his boxers back up, sealing his poor tiny friend between his cheeks for the majority of the day.
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macrojuice · 4 years
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Nate had always been extremely sadistic, and he’d had a kind of morbid curiosity that would usually get the better of him. Once littles became integrated into regula society in some states, Nate had always contemplated ways he could torture the poor souls, but hadn’t ever acted on anything. Except for today. He’d gone to the beach with his friends, on an extremely hot and humid day, and he knew his swamp ass was rank. On the way back to his car, he noticed a particularly tiny little business man walking on the “littles only” portion of the sidewalk, talking inaudible on his tiny phone. Nate lifted him jerkily and suddenly to his face, scaring the poor little man near to death. He screamed as he was raised to Nate’s smirking face, and his fear grew as he recognized the huge man’s morbid curiosity. Nate bit his bottom lip, unsure of what he wanted to do to the little man. He considered tons of options, chewing him up, swallowing him whole to feel him struggle and dissolve inside him, putting him into his rancid armpits, shoving him into his car’s cigarette lighter, and more, but then he felt the slight itch in his ass of sweat, and he knew what he wanted to do on that 97 degree afternoon. He opened up his car door, and threw the struggling little onto the warm leather seat, then slowly oriented half of his ass over the little man. “You like the smell?” The poor little wept, “please, no. I’ll do anything.” Nate just laughed, and slowly lowered his ass onto the struggling little, who fit perfectly between his rank, sweaty ass cheeks. In truth, the tiny man had hoped for death, but he wasn’t crushed. Nate wiggled side to side, the little man becoming more jammed into his musky and sweaty crack with every movement. “I think it’s time for a nice, long, drive, yeah?” Nate smirked and leaned forward, shutting his car door and putting it into gear, as the little man let out a scream for help that nobody would hear.
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macrojuice · 4 years
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~ How can you afford a little for your Onlyfans wtf
~ Nah man I literally found this little fucker on the street
~ You're joking
~ Nah fr.
~ Are you paying him? How did you get him to do that?
~ He's tangled in there, he fuckin hates it lmao. must stink at that size.
~ Fuck you're twisted
~ idc videos  with tinies make bank. Especially when the 'lil guy is struggling. This is perfect.
~ Isn't that like, illegal or something?
~ Nah man, he's so tiny you can barely see his face, and it's just some dude I found on the street. He's gonna be my lil armpit bitch. Nobody's gonna know I didn't hire him to act disgusted at my rank pits.
~ Jesus..
~ Man stfu, he's just a fucking bug. He's lucky I'm letting him live. I could've stepped on his tiny ass.
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