macroversion · 7 years
“I’m their every nightmare they ever had, I’m their worst dream come true. I’m everything they’re ever afraid of.”
He’ll drive them crazy, and then, he’ll kill them all.
       ❖┋ DISCLAIMER: I do not claim this whole idea of Cujo’s origin and development(s) as mine. Full credit is legally owned by Mr. Stephen Edwin King who owns the whole magnificent universe, which I heavily based on.
Confirmed Tier: UNKNOWN.
Cujo can immediately transform himself to any kind of being, taking the frightful image directly from the victim’s mind, regardless the size or nature of the mental image. He took the form of a giant plastic statue, several small life entities ー flying leeches ー or several human-sized entities.
Between shapeshifting, Cujo is an orange amorphous goo, which is somewhat close to his true form. Some may disagree, however, saying that the spider is the closest to Cujo’s true form. Others may argue that the caucasian man is Cujo’s true form. This is untrue, however, the caucasian human is only Cujo’s most favoured form.
Confirmed Tier: 7-C TOWN LEVEL.
Cujo can create many different illusions, which are realistic enough to harm his victims. These illusions include moving photographs, blood gushing, small but shocking entities such as cricket, mutant fly, teeth, and an eyeball, different noises and music (including human speech), and various smells (popcorn, cotton candy, rotten cadavers).
The partial invisibility fully applies on all of these illusions, as only the chosen victims can actually see and sense them.
After a short period of time, or when the victim actually sees through the illusion, these illusions will cease to exist. It is imperative, however, to see through the illusion perfectly.
Only those who actually believe or have knowledge about Cujo’s existence are able to see Cujo although Cujo can become fully visible to anybody when it’s necessary or wishes to do so.
While Cujo is clearly not invulnerable, and in fact can be wounded and damaged in lesser to greater degrees, Cujo can almost spontaneously regenerate.
This ability of Cujo appears to be untrustworthy; it is unclear how Cujo utilises his quick regeneration abilities, but it might be a necessarily-corporeal ability. Opinions differ about whether or not Cujo could be killed merely with heavy firepower and weapons in physical form.
Confirmed Tier: 6-A CONTINENT LEVEL.
Cujo can read minds ー this ability is the one Cujo most exploits, usually when taking on a form, but in several cases, Cujo can clearly read other people’s thoughts and exploit them to Cujo’s own advantage.
He can also communicate telepathically.
Brainwashing/Mind Control.
Cujo has  the power of brainwashing several minds simultaneously. This also suggests that he has the ability to erase particular things from a person’s memory or knowledge. This hugely affects the minds of the locals who live within Maine ー making them indifferent about the terrible events and massacres that are taking place. Generally, it appears that the weaker willed citizens and visitors succumb to Cujo’s powerful mind control.
This ability presumably has no effect on people outside the American continent’s boundary.
Cujo can teleport himself and limited numbers of people by disappearing without a trace and reappearing somewhere else a bit later. Although this is a very useful and effective ability, Cujo doesn’t seem to exploit this too often.
With a touch, Cujo can instantly cause plants to die.
Confirmed Tier: 7-B CITY LEVEL.
Cujo can manipulate inanimate objects; making them fall, float around, and behave supernaturally. This includes locking doors and electronic devices.
Confirmed Tier: UNKNOWN.
Cujo may be able to effect the weather to a limited region. On more than one occasion when he faced Carrie, the weather changes into a thunderstorm; most notably at the final confrontation, which actually results in the devastation of Connecticut’s downtown region.
As suggested by Cujo’s true form, the Deadlights, in addition to be able to create illusions.
Cujo possesses a dimension of infinite possibilities within himself, from which he can summon any kind of object or entity, with any traits and abilities of any level.
They have a will of their own; their minds usually connected to better serve them. All summons share an ABSOLUTE and UNBREAKABLE loyalty towards the user, being fundamentally incapable of disobeying their orders or turning against them.
Any injuries Cujo suffers will heal ー although not always immediately ー even if Cujo’s body is disintegrated or blown up or completely deleted, even if Cujo is completely destroyed to the sub-atomic level, he will still return to life.
Confirmed Tier: 2-B MULTIVERSE LEVEL
Cujo is able to surpass and ignore the laws of reality, logic, common sense, etc., making him able to cause anything to happen or not happen.
Confirmed Tier: 1-B HYPERVERSE LEVEL
Cujo can destroy everything without limits, from concepts, power, feelings, boundaries and causation, to studies like metaphysics and science, even irrational “concepts” like the fabric of nothingness or the totality itself.
**!! NOTICE !!**: The writer shall provide you further information in case you’re getting curious.
The Ritual of Chüd is a battle of wills with advice that is given by Maturin ー the Turtle and one of the twelve Guardians of the Beams that hold up the Dark Tower ー and is the only way to defeat the creatures of Macroverse; as well as Cujo.
The ritual is a psychic battle in which the two forces duel with their wits. People commonly believe that metal silvers have supernatural abilities, as seen in numerous monster movies. Because many people believe in it, it becomes real and they are the chief weapon used in the ritual.
Damage inflicted by Irreversible Destruction cannot be regenerated.
Some targets may be immune to his illusion, mainly those who either have the ability of creating an equally strong illusion or other mental ability.
People with Danger Sense may be able to distinguish a fake illusion by telling which one is really a threat.
Cujo cannot summon an Omnipotent being.
Without proper precautions before summoning, Cujo may remain vulnerable.
While using Ultimate Erasure, Cujo can neither create nor manipulate anything.
The effects of Ultimate Erasure may be reversed by an equally strong Absolute Recreation.
Ultimate Erasure may be undone by Absolute Restoration/Flawless Restoration.
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macroversion · 7 years
“It would perhaps not be amiss to point out that Cujo had always tried to be a good boy. He would have died for King, if that had been required. He had never wanted to kill anybody. He had been struck by something, possibly destiny, or fate.”
Free will was never a factor.
        ❖┋ DISCLAIMER: I do not claim this whole idea of Cujo’s origin and development(s) as mine. Full credit is legally owned by Mr. Stephen Edwin King who owns the whole magnificent universe, which I heavily based on.
Barlow, Cujo. (formally registered)
Innocence, purity, monochrome (black and white), photography and other recreational arts, nature, writing, long walks, coffee, Beethoven, Mozart, soft jazz, Spring time, Red Wine, ETC.
Being interrupted, reckless behaviours, backhanded compliments, excuses, tattoos, judgemental people, tardiness, having his choices questioned, gender norms, authority, scantily clad women, basically the objectification of women’s bodies in general, having to raise his voice, ETC.
       Cujo was born to a middle class family in Maine, United States. He grew up with a mother who was distant because of academic endeavours, and in 1985, Cujo lost his mother to a group he called “The Losers Club,” through the Ritual of Chüd. Kurt Barlow had gained full custody of Cujo since then, and thus, the pair were on their own. “Inheriting” a large sum of money, Kurt and Cujo moved south to escape Cujo’s past trauma 2 years later.
       He transferred into a school near East Rock Park, New Haven where he met his best friend, Los’Ram Abbalah. The duo were practically inseparable, which is why when Abbalah asked Cujo to attend Yale University with him, rather than graduate early to attend Harvard University, Cujo simply couldn’t refuse.
       Within the first week of school, Cujo had developed a crush on Carrie White, but his heart was crushed when he found out Abbalah had asked out Carrie. The two dated for a while and Cujo began to realise that he was jealous of both of them, rather than just Abbalah, finally catching on to how he really felt about his best friend. Cujo still, however, seems to pine after Carrie, ー evident in how he interacts with Carrie’s crush, Eddie Dean ー partially because he thinks confronting Abbalah with his feelings would conflict their friendship and chase his best friend away.
       Meanwhile, Cujo’s current relations with his guardian Kurt seem to be getting worse, since Kurt thinks Cujo is “abandoning his legacy” as The Eater of Worlds, on a mortal education.
       ❖┋ Look for the CASE FILE NO. 001 ◈ HISTORY post for the details of Cujo’s origin and life records.
Race/Ethnicity: Caucasian. (presumably)
Height: 6′2”
Weight: 210 lbs.
Eye Colour: Emerald.
Hair Colour: Buttermilk blonde.
       Quiet, geeky, and slightly self-conscious boy; particularly when it comes to photography, but makes genuine efforts to show kindness to all of Yale’s students and Catastrophe members, regardless of social standing, or previous history. He’s considerably sweet to those who know him and has befriended Abbalah, Carrie, and Avko. Cujo is a clear, deductive thinker, smart and sneaky, sometimes clumsy, but practical, reasonable, and mature.
       He was raised in a family with strict beliefs in what was moral and immoral, so he is often open with his beliefs, although when the video of his inhuman mother became viral, he seems to have his faith shaken, becoming even more reclusive and falls into a state of deep depression due to the ridicule and curse from peers and disappointment from Kurt.
       Cujo keeps mostly to himself afterwards, lost in his studies of photography and art, science, and math. Cujo appears to involve himself with people he regards as intelligent and intriguing, especially on the word of friends; he is especially harsh to uninformed individuals who assume or question why he is constantly engulfed in art and technology. This passive-aggressive shell was developed mainly because of the harsh people and environments Cujo has been exposed to.
       He seems especially cold to Eddie, partially out of a general disregard of the man based on previous judgement of intellect and partially out of jealousy towards Eddie’s relations with Carrie. Cujo supposedly is overprotective of Abbalah, but that has yet to be determined.
       Cujo Barlow has been noted to seem aloof and pretentious by some of his schoolmates and teachers, and often smug when being heavily opinionated.
       Cujo is often a bitter person, but softens up around those he cares about, showing compassion only when he feels comfortable in his environment. He is very sensitive and requires a bit of delicacy when being interacted with, or he will get very defensive.
       Cujo is demi-sexual, but lithromantic. Unable to have any sort of relationship with anyone without a deep, emotional connection. He doesn’t desire any relationship, intimate or romantic, but rather admires from afar. However, in some rare and specific occasions, he may find himself reciprocating attraction and emotions for others.
       Cujo can solve a Rubix cube in under 50 seconds on full brain capacity. He actually enjoys brain puzzles and can sometimes be found doing them obsessively as a form of relaxation/recreation.
       Cujo loves his bunny more than he likes most things and will often prefer his company over most of the people, partially because of his introverted nature.
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