macuilsung · 2 years
{ ooc } Ho-kay, crisis averted! Support wrote back, Javascript’s enabled, so we’re just about ready to be in business!
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Of note since I wrote last!
The muse directory is finalized!
The rules have been updated! Added a few additional tidbits in reference to how the multimuse works as well as a list of icon credits.
New pen name! Maybe a moot point after several years on here, buuuut I’m gonna go by “Zeph” from hereon - fits the theme!
And with that, I’m moving all activity from my other blogs (being @macuilsung​, @windstormwielding​, and the latter’s sideblogs @bellringerbrawler​, @starlariat​, and @sharkfallen​​) to here! That means asks, threads, drafts, and so on will be done through here from this point on!
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So to my mutuals from the blogs listed above, consider this post an unofficial promo of sorts until I get a proper one put together for galeforged. I’ll get started on writing again proper come tomorrow after work or on the weekend! My Discord is also available to those who would like to keep touch off Tumblr, so do ask if you wish for it!
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macuilsung · 2 years
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   but that was the future on the phone ; he said it’s up to me
armatization - a video game multimuse featuring the Tales of series, Fire Emblem, Persona 5 and the Horizon games
                     ( promo by @mercyburned)
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macuilsung · 2 years
{ ooc } So my activity’s gonna dip for a little while all week because...
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...I’m doing the thing™
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macuilsung · 2 years
rp admins,
please be aware that tumblr is deactivating group rp MAIN accounts left and right without warning for violating community guidelines of “using your blog with the primary purpose of affiliate marketing and deceptive means to generate traffic/revenue.” (this is language taken directly from the email you get if you inquire about why your account was deleted).
to be clear: this is not just your promo sideblog. your ACCOUNT IS BEING DELETED without warning. this INCLUDES YOUR MAIN and all the information stored on it. several roleplays have already been the victim of this.
back up the things you keep on your main.
if you have time, please email support expressing your concern for this action. below is a draft of the email i sent if you would like to use it. it is extremely important we express to them that this is causing a huge problem within the roleplay community which has lived on tumblr for a great number of years on this model.
if you run a rph blog, please consider reblogging this. thank you.
please also consider joining the findrps discord server ( link in source ), which allows you to promote your rp to over 500 people ( and growing !! ).
Keep reading
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macuilsung · 2 years
{ ooc } Lord help me I might make a multimuse after all…
What started as a “Should I consider making a carrd or something?” went and spiralled into a whole “Well while I’m at it…”, and now I’m here deliberating amalgamating this and my other blogs (being the Bleach-oriented @windstormwielding, @bellringerbrawler, @starlariat, and @sharkfallen) all into one place?
Upside, it means I can just as easily trial and add new muses and fandoms—AUs not withstanding—without creating new blogs to go with them from scratch. I did introduce a couple of guest muses before on windstormwielding, and I also actually considered making Raphael at one point before going all-in on Forwin. Plus, there was that other Ashen Wolf OC I drafted… In short, the end result would have me still have my faves without neglecting them entirely, just by virtue of not bothering to log in and then whining about it to myself either. Basically, big points for convenience!
Downside, it also means I could be indulging in fandoms not all mutuals would care about at best and actively dislike at worst. I would still have muses I favour over others, like Forwin and Kōtarō being primaries (goal being not to outright forget all of them and let them gather dust). This would also require a whole new tagging system for people to block said posts, but even minimised, these would take up dash space… but I’m not always active as is with my sporadic activity, so would that be a big problem anyway? I might need tips on tags tho from more experienced blogs on that front-
What do you guys think? Should I just bite the bullet and get it done with?
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macuilsung · 2 years
Her eyebrows rose in amusement. For him to ask such a question so fast into her coming up to him impressed her a bit. Most people would just smile and pretend to be a part of the tight knit group of Hoshidan royals and retainers. Or just be too intimidated and just continue on their merry way.
“Well, we are very suspicious of strangers, especially after that other Nohrian. The tiny mage who looked like a salamander. What was his name…?” Orochi couldn’t be too bothered to remember Zola’s name all of the time. Giving him a name gave him power.
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“If Corrin trusts you, then I trust you. And the spirits have not told me anything otherwise about you, so that helps in your favor in my book.” Orochi told him, sitting down next to the bard. “Also, if we really didn’t trust you, you would be imprisoned.” 
“True, I should count myself lucky!” Forwin conceded with a nod towards her while relief tickled a chuckle up from his throat. Corrin’s personal entourage notwithstanding, it only takes one rotten apple to spoil the whole barrel. He wouldn’t have blamed the Hoshidans for jailing him if that were the outcome, but whatever the case, it still had working for Garon beat by a mile.
With Orochi bringing up said “tiny mage” herself, it took little time for the once reassured bard’s mood to turn pensive, if not outright melancholic. That gruesome scene from the Opera House would then replay in his mind, try as he might to forget it: Zola unexpectedly pleading for leniency on Corrin’s behalf as part of some bargain, Garon bringing his axe down on him in spite of it, Princess Elise witnessing such horrors herself... All Forwin could do was to try and brush it off, albeit to no avail, but he pressed on for conversation nevertheless.
“I... I am sorry for his deception back in Cyrkensia though. In the time I’ve known him, Zola was always eager to please those above his station: sometimes Iago, maybe the King’s children on occasion, but always His Maj—...sorry, always Garon.” Force of habit in his slip of the tongue aside, it was a kinder way for the verbose songster to deftly paint over the spineless yes-man’s lack of personal pride and abundance in cowardice, if nothing else. “I just never could have foreseen him of all people openly begging Garon for anything, let alone pardoning an enemy.”
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With curiousity in wanting to know how she felt about this whole mess, given Zola betrayed their camp first, he turned to Orochi and asked with a tentative tone: “...do you feel he deserved it, to go out the way he did? Or was that really just cruelty for cruelty’s sake?”
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macuilsung · 2 years
Where does your anger lurk?
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in your eyes.
rage in silence, in wordless defiance. cheeks dampened, clenched fists tremble, yet cannot move, cannot rise. wronged, your heart demands justice and aches at its absence. you can do nothing but weep, tears flooding the space fury hollows out.
tagged: swiped from @magicaes​​! also OOF
tagging: @aeipathcy, @blaschoice, @mercyburned​, and @forfodlan​ – any muse of your choice!
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macuilsung · 2 years
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macuilsung · 2 years
{ ooc } Thought I should mention this now given recent new mutuals and interactions, both fresh and returning!
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I be a busy man through the week, so my activity on the dash will fluctuate depending on my workload and whether I’m working from home. That said, I do keep my D.iscord open most of the time! If you want, feel free to add me and we can plot, talk dynamics and potential ships, or just chat as is. 
ID be under the cut - you’ll know it’s me from the Forwin avatar, so just let me know who you are in turn. With that said, g’night!
Sir Jeffers#1601
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macuilsung · 2 years
𝒕𝒆𝒄𝒉𝒏𝒊𝒄𝒂𝒍 𝒎𝒂𝒄𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒆 𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒓𝒂𝒄𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒅𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒍𝒐𝒑𝒎𝒆𝒏𝒕 𝒒𝒖𝒆𝒔𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒔
using the tms from pokémon red, blue, green, and yellow, here are some character development questions! content warning for: violence
mega punch — has your muse ever punched something/someone? did they break anything (ie a wall, a nose) or just hurt their hand?
razor wind — are there any types of weather that your muse is afraid of/dislikes?
swords dance — has your muse ever practiced any kind of swordsmanship? are they any good at it?
whirlwind — what’s one thing that makes your muse really confused?
mega kick — is your muse a good dancer? what kind of dances are they particularly good at or enjoy?
toxic — does your muse have any unhealthy coping mechanisms? what are they? do they know that they’re unhealthy or not?
horn drill — are there any personality traits that would stop your muse from pursuing a relationship with someone?
body slam — is your muse prone to getting into physical fights? what are the usual outcomes of these fights?
take down — is your muse competitive? is this competitive nature specific to one activity (ie sports) or to everything they do?
double-edge — does your muse have any personality traits that are a double-edged sword?
bubble beam — what’s a fond memory your muse has from their childhood?
water gun — does your muse know how to swim? are they good at it?
ice beam — is your muse usually cold to others? if so, what does it take for them to warm up? if not, what could make them turn cold?
blizzard — does your muse enjoy cold or warm weather?
hyper beam — does your muse have any paralyzing fears?
pay day — if your muse had unlimited funds, what’s the first thing that they would buy?
submission — are there situations where your muse is more passive than others (ie talking to strangers, with their boss, etc)?
counter — is your muse capable of coming up with quick comebacks in an argument?
seismic toss — has your muse ever learned something that turned their world upside down?
rage — what’s one thing that makes your muse inconsolably angry?
mega drain — what wears your muse out the most (ie work, socialization, etc)?
solar beam — does your muse have any plants that they care for? do they have a green thumb or are they prone to killing plants?
dragon rage — does your muse believe in any myths?
thunderbolt — are there things that your muse would find shocking (ie a random factoid, that someone liked them, etc)?
thunder — describe your muse’s voice: is it soft, loud, grating, soothing, etc?
earthquake — does your muse know any secrets that could ruin someone’s life?
fissure — does your muse have any relationships that they’d like to fix?
dig — when your muse makes a mistake, are they quick to own up to it or will they ignore that they’ve done any wrong?
psychic — does your muse have any intrusive thoughts? if so, what are they?
teleport — if your muse could go to one place right now, where would it be?
mimic — what are some mannerisms that your muse has picked up from others? do they recognize that this is the case or not?
double team — does your muse act differently when they’re around people vs when they’re around others? is this intentional or subconscious?
reflect — is your muse able to self-reflect? do they use this reflection to improve or not?
bide — is your muse more patient with some things than others?
metronome — what kind of music does your muse listen to? does it change depending on their mood or what they’re doing?
self-destruct — what does your muse look like when they’re angry? do they explode, are they quiet, do they bottle it up, etc?
egg bomb — what kind of foods would your muse never be caught dead eating?
fire blast — is your muse a good cook? what would they consider their “specialty”?
swift — is there something your muse will never miss (ie an ex friend, a place, etc)?
skull bash — what does your muse do to focus?
soft-boiled — does your muse have a soft spot for anything? if so, is there a reason?
dream eater — does your muse have any recurring dreams/nightmares?
sky attack — is there something your muse finds attractive about themselves? does this extend to other people?
rest — how much sleep does your muse get?
thunder wave — does your muse like to take things slowly, or do they tend to rush?
psywave — is there an important memory your muse has that they wouldn’t like to forget?
explosion — has your muse ever been in an accident? were they injured?
rock slide —  does your muse prefer outdoor or indoor activities?
tri attack — does your muse work well in groups, or do they prefer to work alone? does this change depending on who they’re working with?
substitute — if your muse could be someone else, who would they be?
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macuilsung · 2 years
“Hmph.” Nikolette crossed her arms over her chest and frowned at Forwin. The two situations were hardly comparable. The lives of common people were boring and uncomplex, while the lives of nobles were filled with intrigue, strong personalities, and other such notable things. There was a reason books had been written about the life and times of nobles and their families, and that few cared to speak with poor carrot farmers about whether they preferred to till their fields starting from the North or the South. At least the point about his origin not mattering rang true. Abyssians were from nowhere.
That he had an answer was surprising, and that it was that one brought a light lifting of her eyebrows. Admittedly, given that he’d recognized the overture at all meant he must have had some familiarity, but Nikolette never would have guessed that it would be a less-popular work. Still, a comedy? The appeal was plain when one considered his station. The common people lacked the nuance and emotional depth to appreciate a proper tragedy.
“I’ve heard of it.” In the same way she’d heard of Sigrun and Heinrich, and indeed, every Mittlefrank opera - from the pages of her books, each note and syllable lovingly transcribed upon the pages. “Silly and lighthearted are good descriptors of such a frivolous work, yes.” Her words lacked her usual venom, as while Nikolette had little positive to say about a piece so flippant and cheery, neither could she truly condemn any work of that fabled opera house, especially having never had the opportunity to sit in its seats herself.
And what wonderful seats they must have been, especially if, as Forwin said, a legend of the theater like Manuela had been performing. “Yes, well, lucky are we to attend the same academy in which she teaches.” Of course, that made it seem like Nikolette had actually spoken to her, which was… not the case. She had a reputation to uphold, and while Manuela was among the few commoners who she’d undoubtedly lose no face through interacting with, she couldn’t trust herself to keep her wits about her in the face of a living legend. It wouldn’t do for someone to see her so flustered and excited.
With a shrug, Nikolette stood up from the piano, delicately moving the bench back into its original position. “I wouldn’t have expected you to be a fan of the opera, Forwin. I suppose you’re ever so slightly more cultured than I gave you credit for.” Though, with how low her expectations were, to clear them meant little. “And for an Abyssian, no less. You’re not keeping secrets, are you?” What an amusing thought - Nikolette couldn’t keep herself from covering her mouth as a light laugh escaped her throat. No, Forwin was a simple commoner, perhaps with an ear for excellence, but hardly anything more.
He kept quiet as Nikolette rose from her seat and slid the chair back under the piano proper. In catching the noblewoman off-guard earlier, Forwin didn’t anticipate the same to happen to him in turn. The surprise in it all was brief, sure, but that the pair actually held a normal conversation for a change—one without a transaction over either of their heads or even the usual amount of animosity held toward one another—felt... strange to him.
Because it was almost as though they acted like friends ought to. They bonded over common ground, even if only for a short while.
Granted, it took little time for Nikolette to settle back into her role in antagonizing him as she usually would, at least offhandedly. The laughter she held back did not go unnoticed to the Abyssian, like she would not believe someone like him held any secrets that made him much more than some conniving sewer rat in her eyes; someone not worth her time if not for their little arrangement, as a stereotypical noble would.
But Forwin did not bite back, not this time. No sly remarks were made at the expense of her character, and no returning comment came to prick at her upper class sensitivities. Perhaps it was because they were genuinely friendly with one another for once, or maybe it was his own sense of loneliness, but with compulsion guiding him now...
“Surely you’re aware by now, as to what sort of place Abyss truly is? And what sort of people live down there?”
...he would pull off his mask and bare himself to her. Just a little, just this once, he could let her peek into the truth.
“Constance von Nuvelle. Balthus von Albrecht. Yuri Leclerc, of House Rowe. Those three of the Ashen Wolves weren’t commoners—just like you, they were once of noble stock—yet they still chose Abyss over the surface. Why?” Forwin let the rhetorical question hang so that Nikolette would pause and treat the gravity of his words seriously. If there were only one time she would truly listen to him, Sothis please let this be it.
“It is because not one of them feel safe stepping outside of the monastery on their own. There is no other safe haven in Fódlan than here. Former nobles, commoners, even once prolific merchants and accomplished tradesmen. Abyss collects all sorts who not only have nowhere left to go, but have every reason to fear for their own lives whether in Adrestia, Faerghus, or Leicester. Whatever their stories, whether they share them or not, Abyss won’t judge them for it. It may not be the best or most elegant of solutions the Church of Seiros could provide, but since it is all we have, we simply make do.
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“The secrets they keep are what separates them from surface dwellers, Nikolette. The same applies for me.”
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macuilsung · 2 years
Xenoblade Chronicles - Unfinished Battle
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macuilsung · 2 years
Send a character to my ask box and my Muse will talk about their relationship with them.
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macuilsung · 2 years
Forwin’s chuckle almost brings a smile to Dorothea’s face, the reassuring motion of his chest as he laughs making her heart ache. She’d missed his sense of humour, the light he brought to any conversation. His jokes would put even Alois to shame at times, and would leave his fellow students either laughing along with him or groaning in agony. His easygoing smile, the way he gelled with all the eagles, regardless of wealth or status… what a life Forwin had led, a life that, up until five minutes ago, they’d all feared had been cut short.
“Outrealms?” Dorothea asks in confusion. Reluctantly, she peels herself away from Forwin, trying to put a professional distance between them. “What does that mean?” Was that where Forwin disappeared off to for the last five years? Was that his excuse for leaving them behind, some far-away land without a name?
But before any of that can sink in, Forwin mentions his father, and Dorothea returns to embrace him - this time with her arms around his shoulders. Gently, she cups his face in her palms, staring up into blue eyes just as confused as her own. An imposter would have heard the news, for rumour travels fast in Enbarr and beyond. Yes, it was war, but the death of someone as important as the duke made waves across Fodlan, whether it affected the common people or not.
Already she can feel the sadness creeping into her expression, no matter how hard she tries to push it down.
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“We’re all fine - Edie, Hubie, Petra, Ferdie, Bern, Caspar, Lin. We’re alright. But…” She trails off. There’s no easy way to break the news, but she can’t let him live in ignorance. Dorothea knows the heartbreak of losing a parent, and it never truly heals. “But your father - it’s been five years since you left, Forwin, and things change. I’m sorry.”
This time, Dorothea holds Forwin as his world is turned upside down.
An ache tugged at his chest when the songstress predictably pulled away from him, leaving him without the warmth of their prior embrace, and it showed as his expression fell. Forwin chewed on his inner lip, finding himself at a loss in how to properly explain his prolonged disappearance from the very world they live in, yet he dared not look away from her, lest she thought of him not taking this matter seriously.
“...like I said before, it is a long story. Long and surreal,” he ruefully repeated with a light shake of his head, as if he could still barely trust the fact he made it back to Dorothea at all. “I will explain myself properly with not one stone unturned—the places I’ve seen, the... battles I’ve fought, everything—once I’ve rested from my trek. To you and everyone else. I promise.”
Little did he realize that this time would come sooner than he anticipated. Before long, word of Forwin’s seeming return from the dead roused the soldiery, with hurried, thudded footsteps rushing to intercept the reunited lovers in the middle of their catching up, although the bard paid little heed to anything outside of immediate earshot once the conversation turned grim at the mere mention of his father.
At first, he nonetheless felt great reassurance in hearing that the Black Eagles all survived the conflict from so long ago, but that peace would not last. The far-flung traveler could feel a pit forming in his stomach simply from how Dorothea followed on her own words. Every passing moment of anxious silence on his part only made that same pit threaten to weigh him down further, and his mouth would go dry as a chill crawled up his back. Here he stood unknowingly closer to tragedy, and though he did not realize it consciously, Forwin felt that nameless fear creeping into his heart all the same and scrambled to either identify it... or deny it.
Why was she apologizing to him all of a sudden?
What exactly did she mean by ‘things change’?
...what happened to Roland von Gerth?
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“Dot, w-what are you saying?”
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macuilsung · 2 years
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macuilsung · 2 years
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macuilsung · 2 years
“…the sun, Corrin’s nii-san, Elise, and Corrin’s nii-san’s son, E’s, Corrin’s nii-san’s knees, and Corrin’s nee-san’s niece!
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