macychow-blog · 10 years
full soundtrack
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macychow-blog · 10 years
Visual Realization /14 Publication
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macychow-blog · 10 years
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3. http://taintedspine.tumblr.com/
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macychow-blog · 11 years
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macychow-blog · 11 years
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Photoseries 2 Full series http://iamalienrevolution.tumblr.com/
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macychow-blog · 11 years
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Photoseries 1 Full series http://iamalienrevolution.tumblr.com/
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macychow-blog · 11 years
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http://iamalienrevolution.tumblr.com/ POST YOUR OWN
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macychow-blog · 11 years
8-Fingered Kenbo & His Yakuza Tunes "there are people who see me in a prejudiced way. They'd see me and think "this guy's a little strange...". Listen, I'm more than a little strange"
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macychow-blog · 11 years
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macychow-blog · 11 years
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macychow-blog · 11 years
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#iamalien #be a freak
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macychow-blog · 11 years
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macychow-blog · 11 years
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Manifesto feedback- I focused on the concept of how social constructivism can warp and distort the identity of individuals, rendering people "aliens". After constructing several versions, I feel the barcoding (code for "ALIEN SOCIETY") was more graphic as it captured the notion of an alien language but also the loss of a sense of genuine identity. The response pointed to the effectiveness of simplicity and attention it attracted. There were also comments on the other hand, of how the idea of barcoding is cliché. I feel I can progress and develop the concept by further experimenting with different fonts, scales, and layout--but in particular different paper textures and surfaces.
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macychow-blog · 11 years
Thelma Golden: How art gives shape to cultural change ARTISTS AS CATALYSTS: what does it mean today to start a cultural movement, to re-define culture? Through discussing "post black" artists' work, Thelma explores how art can be utilized as a means of dialogue, to communicate complex ideas. The talk really highlights how influential and stirring powerful images can be, regardless of time. Even in today's society, it is evident the idea of race can provoke forceful emotion, even discomfort. Artists and the powerful imagery they can produce acts as dialogue in the sense that it provokes the audience to think how and why, to question--but more importantly to reflect on their identity and their identity within society. Art and similarly fashion have the ability to provoke a new dialogue and culture today-asking people to question their identities and immediate issues that are routinely ignored or that we have rehearsed to disregard.
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macychow-blog · 11 years
Flashed face distortion effect: Grotesque faces from relative spaces The warping and distortion of the faces in the illusion draw me in, as from the point of social constructivism, it seems that individuals are dealing with warped identity and alienation-which is portrayed by this illusion. When viewed as individual flashing faces there is no deformation, the illusion if reliant on two sets of flashing faces. This notion seems to be reflected in the way that individuals are reliant on each other, but the effects of social constructivism warps and deforms identities.
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macychow-blog · 11 years
Talk discussing identity, and achieving happiness based on the concept of "flow". The experience is described as a temporarily suspended existence, an ecstatic state, "like opening a door that floats up in the sky". Csikszentmihalyi in an interview with successful business men discovers that these people define success by means of their ability to help other people and feel a sense of happiness and satisfaction from this themselves. He describes that having "flow" whilst working and achieving this kind of success is to "be aware of their mission to society". The talk highlights the importance of social interconnectedness which in today's society is subdued by a greater sense of social apathy and hindered by social constructivism. Success can't be achieved by wealth or singlehandedly, but by considering the society and the individuals in it, since we are intrinsically interconnected.
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macychow-blog · 11 years
Made by public transport authority in Melbourne, Australia, aimed at raising awareness about railway safety.
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