macylate-blog · 5 years
Behind the Picture Frame
I’m downstairs. Lola and I are eating paborita. We just talking to each other, sharing our thoughts. Then suddenly she remembered about the past in their old house. That house was built in wood, coconut tree, and surrounded by the fence. It was midnight that time, they are still awake with his husband, daughter and son. But suddenly they heard a noise, a sound like there’s a earthquake in their neighbours but it was not.
“Where’s the sound came from?” I ask.
“Guess,” she replies then continued the story
It was the picture frame beside the clock, after they heard the shaky sound they became silent. No one is talking, moving and they are just waiting for what will happen next. They don’t have idea what is happening behind the picture frame, they though it was just a little rat that was playing in the back of the picture but there’s no animals or something in the back of the picture frame. It’s empty. Yes, it’s scary and they are afraid. So my grandfather tried to talk that picture or who is behind that. He say, sorry for disturbing them, and excuse because it was midnight but they are still noisy. But the frame is still moving and shaking. And after a minutes, it stop. That makes them goose bum. They have so many question why that happened and who is behind that.
I was 12 years old back then when my grandmother tells that story that they experience and they will never forget. And also because of that story I became afraid every time Im alone in our house so I always go outside.
It was a great story, I really felt the feeling that they felt in the past and also I had that question who is behind the picture frame.
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macylate-blog · 5 years
Super Dad
This man is my first love. He is strong, courageous, determined, and a man who is very unique and different. I always feel lucky anytime I call him “papa”. He is the person that I admire the most in my life. I’ll never forget all the childhood memories that I have with him. I can say that I am the person who I am today and the person that I am growing to be, is all because of the influence he has had and is having on me. He always makes time to play with me and catch up on all the happenings in my life even after the hard work of the day. Papa is my hero, he is the one I look upon whenever I found myself in chaos. He has been my mentor when it comes in decision making. In fact, I have never regretted adhering to his advice as it has always worked for me. Papa is a hardworking and passionate person. Papa is my role model for many reasons. First and foremost I admire his passion for work. That is why he is so respected in his work as well. Moreover, my papa is a simple man. He is a kind of person who does not like expensive things, he never shouts on anyone of us. Sometimes I wonder if he ever gets angry on anything as he takes everything so calmly and takes his time to decide upon things.
Papa is a person who takes care of my family and loves each one of us dearly. My father acts as the pillar of support and strength for my family. If anyone of us is facing a particular problem, my father is usually the first person we go to for advice and help. Papa is doing all his best to ensure that I grow up to become a very successful person that has good character and behaviour and I can boldly say that he is my best friend and my hero. He is a great papa.
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